How To Use essential condition In A Sentence
- We are far enough, in this case, from that mendicity which is understood as a means of existence and the essential condition of a life of idleness. Life of St. Francis of Assisi
- Among our people one of the twelve essential conditions for a parley is the presence of a bard. A TIME OF WAR
- Among our people one of the twelve essential conditions for a parley is the presence of a bard. A TIME OF WAR
- This is the essential condition for all forms of extemporisation, as exemplified in jazz music.
- If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate .
- Memory is a complicated mental process, it is the essential condition of intelligence development.
- It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratioprecision ratio.
- The high-tech industries, in particular, make English ability an essential condition of employment.
- It induces nausea and thereby inaction, since nothing can be done to affect the essential condition: action requires illusion.
- _average_ novel of the third quarter of the century -- in a more than average but not of an extraordinary, transcendental, or quintessential condition -- Anthony Trollope is about as good a representative as can be found. The English Novel