How To Use Essayist In A Sentence

  • Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Arguing that FDR provoked the attack was Gore Vidal, novelist, provocateur, T. V. icon, and one of the greatest English-language essayists alive.
  • She is at her most urgent and evocative when she assumes the first person; otherwise the work's essayistic quality obtrudes upon the immediacy and music of the poetry.
  • Consistent with the tape's essayistic structure and tone, these clips serve a purpose more akin to quotation than to the recontextualizing, deconstructive gestures that are characteristic of many such video art tapes.
  • The praises of the toy theatre have been a common theme for essayists, the planning of the scenes, the painting and cutting out of the caste, penny plain twopence coloured, the stink and glory of the performance and the final conflagration. Archive 2010-04-01
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  • He was an inveterate essayist and letter writer, renowned for the forceful expression of his opinions (on everything from compost to marching girls) and the ebullience of his wit.
  • The epistolary art is said to be especially feminine, and the novelists and essayists are full of compliments to the sex, which is alternately praised and objurgated, as man feels well or ill. Manners and Social Usages
  • He was a fine essayist; an educationist who founded a university; an opponent of the terrorism that then plagued Bengal; a secularist amid religious divisions; an agricultural improver and ecologist; a critical nationalist. Rabindranath Tagore was a global phenomenon, so why is he so neglected? | Ian Jack
  • The New Yorker essayist George Plimpton also remembered that invasion of the Harlem peacocks in their enormous purple Cadillacs: "I'd never seen crowds as fancy, especially the men – felt hatbands and feathered capes, and the stilted shoes, the heels like polished ebony, and many smoking stuff in odd meerschaum pipes. The night Muhammad Ali's legend was reborn – and the party that followed
  • You'll meet authors and artists, mothers and fathers, cops and lawyers, gamers and hackers, cooks and waitresses, humorists and essayists.
  • 2 The essayist is not identified in Jackson, Contributors and Notes on 'Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music'
  • There also is usually a diverse mix of essayists and letter writers on our op-ed page.
  • In similar fashion, the book-love of the minor Romantics (a kind of mimic or miniaturized bibliomania) allowed for a certain truancy to the high Romantic notions of authorship and the literary imagination that those same essayists were devoted to promulgating. Introduction
  • Part history, part science, part memoir, the book is a weaving, wandering thing, personal and essayistic.
  • The essayists are not all British but all of their expositions are measured, well stated summations of a middling to moderately conservative treatment of Paul.
  • Last summer, Nicholson Baker, novelist and literary essayist, struck again at America's libraries.
  • Aldous Huxley was an essayist and novelist whose reputation reached its peak in the 1920's.
  • Some chapters are straightforward and matter-of-fact, while others are essayistic.
  • (Some of Rosen's own prose owes much of its own perdurability to its essayistic qualities, that is, to its partisanship and unfairness: one example might be Rosen's dislike of Mahler.) Adoring Adorno
  • Novelist and literary essayist Nicholson Baker once again has caused a stir in the library world, this time attacking the sale and/or destruction of original newspapers once they have been microfilmed.
  • The essayist is a kind of poet in prose, and if questioned harshly as to his uses, he might be unable to render a better apology for his existence than a flower might. Dreamthorp A Book of Essays Written in the Country
  • I want to think it is possible to make a personal, sceptical, essayistic film which does not present history as a simple tale of good people and bad, of beginnings, middles and ends.
  • One of three brothers renowned for their abilities as essayists and Confucian literati, he earned the highest degree in the examination system in 1592.
  • The prodigious essayist was pushing deadline on a script for a movie that actor Bill Murray may do.
  • French news columns are often more essayistic than American ones, and likewise Arabic news.
  • An eclectic essayist is necessarily a dilettante, which is not in itself a bad thing. Memoirs on a rainy day
  • It was also to be a vehicle for Dickens as an essayist, both as a fanciful observer and as an earnestly satiric social critic.
  • More than anyone, he's broadened the art of documentary, adding impassioned, essayistic advocacy to its repertoire of styles.
  • Macaulay was a prolific poet, essayist, novelist, biographer and correspondent, whose life was a complex mixture of public and private.
  • That's the trick of the current wave of documentaries, even essayistic ones like ‘The Fog of War’.
  • Plutarch wrote in his native Greek and was a prolific essayist, philosopher, biographer, and historian.
  • As an essayist, he conveys similar purpose, putting across his thoughts in a lively, questioning, allusive and often self-deprecatory way.
  • However, it is mostly as an essayist and letter writer that she excelled and put to effective use her fiery spirit as a rebel, social activist and reformer.
  • The narrative style is essayistic in parts, underlining this similarity; it is also the novel's most original quality. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Dundes is to be congratulated on his choice of essayists and on his clear exposition of their key ideas placed in an illuminating historical and autobiographical context.
  • The essayist is a gentleman who chats to a world of gentlemen, and whose chat is shaped and coloured by a sense of what he owes to his company. History of the English People, Volume VII (of 8) The Revolution, 1683-1760; Modern England, 1760-1767
  • Finally, Bill Thompson , technology critic and essayist, discussed china dialogue's innovative bilingual web architecture.
  • Liu Chenweng is a famous scholar, poet , essayist andand Yuan Dynasty.
  • But while most demonstrate the proper essayistic spirit, some also have proper journalistic backbone. The Times Literary Supplement
  • How the early riser (or all-night essayist? The Times Literary Supplement
  • The esteemed poet and ecological essayist has lived here with his family for 25 years.
  • Yet it is true that the essayist is the most sensitive of all writers to public opinion. The Common Reader
  • The esteemed poet and ecological essayist has lived here with his family for 25 years.
  • Like Deni said - blogs ain't for the faint of heart - at least for anyone who isn't an 'essayist' - and I'll go to the head of the line on that. QUIBBLES & BITS
  • A particularly concise and elegant passage of descriptive work comes from a fellow essayist.
  • (Pick any male essayist from the 19th or 20th century, for that matter.) Guest Posts Are Better Than Ice Packs And Percocet: Meet Petite Anglaise | Her Bad Mother
  • David Mamet is perhaps most famous for his Pulitzer Prize–winning plays, but the author, playwright and essayist was also an Oscar nominee for screenwriting ( The Verdict and Wag the Dog ).
  • He was also a respected poet, essayist and teacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • What most readers (my few; my treasured), who know me as an essayist, a writer of non-fiction, may not know is that I also write poetry, that I began writing as a poet . . . and that I then wrote (and published) jazz lyrics to tunes written by such composers as Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Kenny Dorham and Hank Mobley. Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: Alas for the Egg That Is Greece
  • Bard Cole is an essayist and short-story writer living in Tuscaloosa.
  • African American essayists, historians, novelists, playwrights, and poets have found in John Brown both a symbol of sacrifice and a touchstone of commitment to the cause of black freedom.
  • A well-known Italian essayist, Enrico Necioni, published an essay “Barrochismo” in La Vita italiana nel seicento BAROQUE IN LITERATURE
  • Seamus Heaney and Derek Walcott, to take the two most obvious examples, are brilliant critics and essayists, with prose voices as original and as pleasing as their poetic ones.
  • Nevertheless, it is the essayistic elements that impress most. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ultimately, few readers will be swayed by talk of the stylistic devices, the literary control, and the voice that switches from scientific to poetic to demotic and essayistic with astonishing ease and confidence.
  • The essayists are not all British but all of their expositions are measured, well stated summations of a middling to moderately conservative treatment of Paul.
  • He has written a novel in the shadow of Jorge Luis Borges, a ‘novel in essayistic form about the search for the ideal language’.
  • Lopate has spent nearly six decades living in that vortex and grappling with its contradictions by cultivating an essayistic style that's lyrical and historical, elegiac and pragmatic, steely and serene, affable and brash.
  • Those who decry the Freudian technique as far as our interior mental landscapes go would do well to remember that, whatever his flaws as a scientist, he was a first-rate essayist.
  • And Verlyn Klinkenborg, an accomplished poet-essayist of the rural, is the steady voice on the page to all that is green within us. Verlyn klinkenborg | sow those seeds! « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • But in context, it appears to me that the essayist was a little carried away by enthusiasm. PRO-File Jack Bludis; Fred Blosser; Ed Lynskey
  • Like those of all good essayists, these pieces are also self-revealing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are poets, playwrights, essayists and those who can write articles on various topics among them.
  • An ironic exception to these nineteenth-century writers who were emphasizing the mysterious, irrational, and overwhelming forces that gave rise to genius was the essayist Charles Lamb; confined at one time to a private asylum for what now would almost certainly be called manic-depressive illness, he was also the close companion to a sister intermittently insane with manic-depressive psychosis. Touched with Fire
  • As an essayist, he's often contradictory and more than a bit muddled.
  • The first effect of looking at a good photograph through the stereoscope is a surprise such as no painting ever produced," the essayist Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in 1859. Gizmodo
  • The essayist and physician Havelock Ellis once suggested that thieves might be recognised by their low-lying ears and small heads.
  • By the late 1960s she had acquired a strong reputation as an essayist and a novelist.
  • There are prominent modern literary authors, essayists, poets, and painters.
  • Ange admits to disliking discursive, essayistic language in poetry (and I totally agree that such anecdotal reportage is almost always tiresome), but I am not so sure that the cited poets, whom she dislikes, actually make a habit of indulging in such asensual, abstract writing at all. Writing and Failure (Part 7) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • What avenues are now open to young filmmakers who are interested in getting into the type of personal, essayistic documentary filmmaking that your work has come to typify?
  • Many poets, novelists, historians, essayists, and writers flooded the market with their literary works.
  • Jack London, the brilliant young author and essayist, is receiving congratulations upon the advent of a daughter. PROLOGUE AND A MEETING
  • It is more essayistic, concerned largely with relational arrangements of incidents, as in a plot summary. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Daum is an essayist and novelist living in Los Angeles.
  • Poets, essayists, dramatists, novelists, and artists of the 1920s became increasingly concerned with depicting the lives of African Americans.
  • The presentism of many essayists also creates conflicting interpretations.
  • Hoffman interrupts biographical chapters with essayistic meditations on the difficulty of living ‘between’ two languages and her struggle to achieve fluency in English.
  • He was a prolific essayist and widely syndicated newspaper columnist.
  • Essayist and explicator, author of the bestselling "A Walk in the Woods" (about hiking the Appalachian Trail, back when that had an innocent connotation) and a host of books on language and science and travel. Book review: 'At Home' by Bill Bryson
  • If there's a literary precursor, it's the English 17th century essayist Sir Thomas Browne.
  • There's nothing more "audaciously personal" than a book as a gift, wrote an essayist in the "Unpopular Review" in 1917. Giving Books for the Holidays
  • To a large extent this is due to its highly cerebral, abstract, almost essayistic quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in the end, this essayistic method is powerfully convincing. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Reborn, Journals & Notebooks 1947 – 1963, the first of three planned volumes, contains the earliest expository efforts yet published from the late essayist laureate of the American cosmopolis. Sontag on Sontag
  • Chapters range from heavy biology to essayistic prose.
  • The second view, that globalisation is about to end, has been propounded by John Ralston Saul, a Canadian essayist and novelist.
  • He was quick to point out that though he was a great essayist, Azorín was a poor novelist.
  • Besides the greatest of English essayists, there were among the new "demies," a future archbishop, a future bishop, and the high Tory, Henry Sacheverell, whose fiery but unbalanced eloquence overthrew the great Whig Ministry, which had been the patron of his college contemporary. The Charm of Oxford
  • He recalled the quotation from the English essayist Walter Bagehot: “We must not let daylight in upon the magic.” Why Has Obama Become Boring TV?
  • He opens avenues of commentary with essayistic asides on politics and history and mulls over the plot choices he makes and the nuances of the theme of shame.
  • The noted essayist Dr. Robert Coles wrote an essay about our book, so they were calling to check facts with me.
  • Some 39 poets, essayists, authors and playwrights will participate in it.
  • Perhaps the most important encounter in the stormy life of Ivan Jirous, the prolific poet, essayist and leader of the Czech cultural opposition, who managed the psychedelic rock band the Plastic People of the Universe, was a conspiratorial meeting with the future Czech president Václav Havel. Ivan Jirous obituary
  • Susan Sontag is one of America's best known and respected essayists and novelists.
  • It's just that Orwell is the greatest of all such essayists - few writers have ever become so much the conscience of their time.
  • The novelist and essayist Thomas Mann was one of Nazism's most penetrating critics.
  • He was a poet, essayist, novelist, and playwright, the son of a secularist tailor.
  • Some segments employ fictionalized dialogue delivered by actors; others consist of essayistic voice-overs accompanying aleatory images.
  • John Updike is a novelist, poet, short-story writer, and essayist.
  • These essays aren't the kinds of things that would be published in philosophy journals because they are too essayistic and anecdotal.
  • Since the '60s Lee has been a pillar of Canadian literature as an editor, essayist and poet.
  • An essayist is a lucky person who has found a way to discourse without being interrupted. The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
  • Turning to our Nineteenth Century essayists, we find chloroform is everywhere, and curare nowhere.

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