How To Use Essay In A Sentence
The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews.
Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ...
Making Light: Open thread 136
Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once.
Arguing that FDR provoked the attack was Gore Vidal, novelist, provocateur, T. V. icon, and one of the greatest English-language essayists alive.

All of these essays are clear, well documented, and illuminating.
an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth.
David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
The essay is finally delivered and the exhibition is a success.
The Times Literary Supplement
The essays also stress how important were the dynamics of receiving cultures for the appropriation and interpretation of Christianity.
Why do men listen with more strict attention to an inflammatory harangue, that may not be argumentative, than to a prosaical discourse, that is, to an anecdote than to a prayer, to an extravaganza than to a lecture, or derive more pleasure from pantomimic drollery than from Hamlet, or hearing an opera they do not understand than from reading an essay they do.
A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.
In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution.
2007 June - Telic Thoughts
I guess the term for that is "social networking," but I remain more interested in the social than the networking, and blogging under a pseudonym six or eight times a month in a personal essayish vein isn't exactly the fast lane to fame and influence.
Archive 2009-05-01
I then said that no one I knew could serve as a better example of martyrdom than Joan of Arc, before relating a short account of her life for the rest of the essay.
In North Carolina, no one at the school has access to the answer key or to grading the essays on our state tests.
While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering.
The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
Early in his essay, the editor makes it clear that his warning is against all autarchs.
A series of essays from various regular Americans on love, work, and life in the United States, including a housewife and supermarket checker.
I first used them in an essay on Pope John XXIII, who believed the Church was like a ship that belonged at sea - not harboured in safe havens.
The year 1998 marked the bicentenary of the publication of the famous Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, in which he argued that the population of a region would always grow until checked by famine, pestilence or war.
Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action.
Every year produces a new crop of explanations, a new collection of essays, experiments, and simulations.
Give careful thought to how to structure your ideas in the essay.
Gwen essayed to follow with equal skill, but the stile was a very steep and awkward one, and she needed both hands to hold the drake.
The Youngest Girl in the Fifth A School Story
Probably he felt an attempt to demonstrate the scale of Flaubert's achievement would be otiose and would, in any case, take up too much space in a short essay devoted to another topic.
Their quotes and epigrams take up a sometimes shocking amount of space in columns and essays.
Always write an outline for your essays.
An epigraph typically functions as a rebus for an essay, providing a gloss or indicating the author's approach.
What's underlying this essay, instead, is Chuck's own implication in the whole scheme.
The submitted essays range in length from a few terse words to a screenful of close type.
As statement that would be ok if it were an op-ed or a polemical essay.
For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
His essay ‘Our America’ sought to contest the cultural and linguistic destiny of America as a signifier.
And the title essay picks up this theme: "Let the dedicated activist never overshadow the dedicated servant of literature — the matchless storyteller.
Books: Sontag's Last Stands
In a similar vein, the last three essays of the collection use the metaphor of the borderlands to highlight the representation of hybrid subjectivities in the works of notable American and post-colonial minority writers.
I wrote two awful essays and was lucky to scrape through the exam.
There is no introductory editorial discussing the title or theme of the volume or its intended audience, but the essays mostly deal with language and metalinguistics in some way.
Find two of the most effective rhetorical questions in this essay and discuss their significance.
Exploring language (6th edn)
The collection of seven articles, six essays, and one interview use an assortment of scholarly approaches to explicate elements in Shonibare's works.
His formula for modern heroic verse, proclaimed up front in the essay, was, in short: more dactyls than trochees, and more trochees than spondees.
This is not a great essay in historical writing, but a readable and sensible one.
Times, Sunday Times
[146] Johnson's observations on Addison's writings may be well applied to those of Cicero, who would have been eminently successful in short miscellaneous essays, like those of the Spectator, had the manners of the age allowed it.
Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
He began writing plays, essays, short stories and then film scripts declaring that he planned to devote his life to art as a force for social change.
This brief essay really has no conclusion; rather, this is the first volley in an ongoing discussion.
She wrote an essay on My Family.
In a way, the new novel is a literary fruition of the essay.
I'm having trouble giving shape to my ideas in this essay.
Among other things, it's got a continuing symposium on legal education featuring essays from some of the brighter legal minds in the country.
The book is a collection of self-reflective essays that focus on the impact of personal and institutional sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism and ethnocentrism on the 12 women.
Instead, the philosophical bits are tacked on in set speeches - much like in student essays, really.
If all those clever writers studied other writers at university, they should, in addition to producing fiction and poetry, be writing capacious essays for the mythical common reader.
In May my English pen-friend since 1964 corrected my essay grammatically and sent me a small white English New Testament.
Baron Pál Podmaniczky and the Norwegian Bible
In 1709 he issued An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, followed in the next year by The Principles of Human Knowledge, the main exposition of his immaterialism.
Rather, the essay should be read as a complexly equivocal attack on a whole ideology of theory as "non-sense," in which the bitingly direct sentence is designed to replace Continental wooliness.
Archive 2008-11-01
Then comes an entirely new set of challenges: face-offs with writer friends whose essays he failed to select for the literary pastiche and fears the anthology will get skewered fatally by critics.
She is at her most urgent and evocative when she assumes the first person; otherwise the work's essayistic quality obtrudes upon the immediacy and music of the poetry.
I remain honored to have had a long poem of mine that I really wanted published SOMEWHERE to wind up getting published in the CLIFFS Soundings Iit/art mag Norbert Blei mentioned in his essay on Henry Denander.
Henry denander | 6 poems on writing, writers, fatherhood, marriage, jazz, jazz musicians, fame & much more « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Reading a novel or a poem or a collection of essays requires only that you bring home the book, curl up in your favorite chair and begin.
Why contribute to collections of essays that try to explain the inexplicable?
But couvade, as I attempt to untangle its relation to colonialism in this essay, is a strategy re-invented for the purposes of reconciliation in narratives of Manichean allegory.
This essay is a testing ground for "ambience," exploring the role of space in poetics, ideology and theory, building on the conclusion to the book The Poetics of Spice.
He walked out as matter-of-coursely as if he had dropped in to ask the meaning of "circumflex," or who invented smallpox, or the name of Adam's house-cat, or how long it would take her to do a graduation essay for his daughter -- or any such little things that librarians are prepared for most days.
The Rose-Garden Husband
He is the only confessed believer in this symposium of essays.
The burden of the essay will be merely to indicate how voluntarism can succeed in academic circles.
There are no negatives to print another photo, no printed first drafts to retype an essay.
It is a wildly ambitious essay that has been anthologized elsewhere, but it resonates here more than ever, finally nestled among the other work that occasioned it.
You're going to have to do a lot more work on this essay before it's presentable.
[Footnote: The simple Sayer is also for "assayer," either of metals or of meat and drink -- "essayeur, an essayer; one that tasts, or takes an essay; and particularly, an officer in the mint, who touches every kind of new Coyne before it be delivered out" (Cotgrave).
The Romance of Names
As Clifford Geertz has argued, in a witty and perceptive essay on Benedict, in itself the book is perhaps better seen as a kind of Swiftian satire, in which the alienness of Japan is used to unsettle US assumptions about the naturalness of their own society, than as a work of 'scienti c' anthropology (Geertz 1988; see also Lummis 1982).
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
But this essay is not meant as a piece of boosterism for economic theory.
the essay contained too much detail
In this article, I shall not attempt to deal with all of the areas covered by these differences, nor with the essays of all twelve contributors to Meyer's symposium.
Perrin says in the essay that he believes Williams en. (UK_writer) is less famous than Tolkien or C.S. Lewis partly because he wrote fiction only for adults, not for adults and children: “All Hallows Eve will never be a TV special – or if it is, it will be so debased and vulgarized as to make most TV specials of great books seem works of astonishing fidelity.”
2008 October 23 « One-Minute Book Reviews
If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average up to a B+.
Consistent with the tape's essayistic structure and tone, these clips serve a purpose more akin to quotation than to the recontextualizing, deconstructive gestures that are characteristic of many such video art tapes.
Work on the densely literary Essay on Irish Bulls sophisticated Edgeworth's approach, by requiring her to reflect on what a nation is when it is less than an autonomous state.
Rajkumar essayed the role of many a mythological character as well as historical figures.
These moral essays advanced other theories in harmony with sentimental comedy.
Most essays are followed by a short bibliography, and there is a seven-page keyword and person index.
In his essay on vernacular photography, Geoffrey Batchen uses Derrida's term ‘parerga’ [literally ‘next to main work’] to describe the personal, intimate photographies that have fallen outside the canon of ‘proper’ photography.
In other essays, teams are de-incentivized, plans are actualized, the day is workplanned.
In the essay, however, the trip took on something of an Arabian Nights adventure and a theatrical transformation scene.
From plastic abstraction to documentary reportage, from psychic investigation to political pamphleteering, from the autobiographical essay to a demonstration of the powers of montage, from graphic and textural work to militant revindication - Whitehead's work accomplishes an exceptional synthesis, open to every different dimension of avant-garde cinema, tending towards percpetual explosion and euphoric fusion with phenomena.
GreenCine Daily: Rouge. 10.
I require that the essay focuses on what they have read and learned from writers - writerly concepts from, say, Pound, Levertov, Eliot, Rich, Webb and others (Geddes).
Her 1981 publication Practicing History: Selected Essays was a retrospective of her essays that she identified as weathering the tests of time.
Barbara W. Tuchman.
These moral essays advanced other theories in harmony with sentimental comedy.
It can be argued that a first-person singular such as Mr. Singh is too sweeping, too apt to be essayish and generalized, to be quite accountable all the time.
The word summons up images of late-night cram sessions, essays fleshed out with as many adjectives as can fit onto a sheet of wide-ruled paper, bibliographies that are technically works of fiction, and grades that are lower than we secretly believe they ought to be.
Seanan_mcguire: Thoughts on Writing #32: Deadlines.
I am ycleped J. Keyser -- I was born at Spring, hys Garden, My father toe make me ane clerke erst did essaye, But a fico for ye offis -- I spurn ye losels offeire; For I fain would be ane butcher by'r ladykin alwaye.
The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
Fuzzy wriggled himself into an ingratiatory attitude and essayed the idiotic smile and blattering small talk that is supposed to charm the budding intellect of the young.
Strictly business: more stories of the four million
She has published scholarly articles as well as stories, personal essays, and poems in numerous periodicals.
While the essay gives a compartmentalization of suburb and some proposals on the promotion of Recreational Belt around Metropolis.
Both essays question-beggingly describe the 375 detainees still being held at Guantanamo as “enemy combatants.”
It’s a Wonder It’s Not Michelin-Rated
Ferris's essay, since the "failure" he notes here seems to be the opposite of the aesthetic's "failure" to conceal its violence that he was discussing earlier: here the law cannot come to representation, whereas earlier, the violence of the aesthetic had to come to representation (or more precisely, to recognition; but even the recognition of a non-representation demands a certain manifestation of this non-representability).
Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
The praises of the toy theatre have been a common theme for essayists, the planning of the scenes, the painting and cutting out of the caste, penny plain twopence coloured, the stink and glory of the performance and the final conflagration.
Archive 2010-04-01
It was here that he published his physiological essays.
He was an inveterate essayist and letter writer, renowned for the forceful expression of his opinions (on everything from compost to marching girls) and the ebullience of his wit.
As I sat to write this essay I could not help but reflect upon an old saying about a butterfly beating its wings in China and causing a breeze in Oregon.
His essay is in part a polemic against the mimetic theory of art, or against any theory which takes the image to be the basic constituent of the work.
The book aims to teach effective essay writing.
The design does its best to give a semblance of weightiness to something no bigger than an essay.
He also essayed the role of "The Creeper" in 2 films, 1944's The Pearl of Death (a Sherlock Holmes entry starring Basil Rathbone), and 1946's House of Horrors (where he was exploited by an evil artist played by Martin Kosleck), but was not involved in 1948's The Creeper.
Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: Intriguing Factoids From the Horror/Sci-Fi/Mystery Genre
The main direction of this essay is concerned primarily with exegesis and the history of interpretation.
The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register.
The students must also write a essay about a section of the bill of rights and also conduct a formal debate against fellow classmates.
This quotation comes from a conversation between the artist and Sarah Martin in the exhibition catalog, which is essential to understanding the intent of the show—excepting the philosophically naïve yet slightly condescending initial essay, "Re-imagining Reality" by Sîan Ede.
An Eruption in Margate
In China, To the Lighthouse is equally favoured, but criticism tends to concentrate on its writing techniques, and many essays attempt to provide a feminist or deconstructionist interpretation.
With splurges of undigested Freud and lashings of dud anthropology, these essays fail to convince.
An earlier essay by Ms. Wu, titled ‘Cherishing a Faraway Place,’ recalled her rural upbringing and struck a bucolic tone about the simple, honest values of the peasantry.
Orwell wrote, in his great wartime essay The Lion and the Unicorn, that ‘the Bloomsbury highbrow with his mechanical snigger is as out-of-date as the cavalry colonel’.
The epistolary art is said to be especially feminine, and the novelists and essayists are full of compliments to the sex, which is alternately praised and objurgated, as man feels well or ill.
Manners and Social Usages
The last essay I gave him he completely pulled apart.
I'm not going to break my neck to finish my essay today my teacher doesn't want it until next week.
She said my last essay was complete tripe.
Martin Cloonan's introductory essay asks us to consider seriously the question of definition.
He was a fine essayist; an educationist who founded a university; an opponent of the terrorism that then plagued Bengal; a secularist amid religious divisions; an agricultural improver and ecologist; a critical nationalist.
Rabindranath Tagore was a global phenomenon, so why is he so neglected? | Ian Jack
The essays provide a glimpse into the many unexplored themes in Birmingham history.
There are elements of autobiography in these acute, erudite, elegant and amusing essays.
Times, Sunday Times
In his essay ‘How Culture Conditions the Colours We See,’ Umberto Eco claims that chromatic perception is determined by language.
Once they have worked out an essay, they have ideas that cannot be blown away by the first person who comes along with a firm opinion.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
J'ai eu l'horreur d'essayer acheter "un slip" pour ma soeur quand ce que je voulais commander c'était "a slip" (that which we women used to wear under dresses).
Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
In his essay, he demonstrated the ineffectiveness of interest rates in controlling business cycles.
I'm afraid your last essay was a very scrappy piece of work.
The sentence here so hastily detruncated, stands thus in the Essay:
Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
I am not here to discourage but encourage you guys to write error - free clean English essays.
How to succeed and make the most of prosperity might be called the pervading theme of the essays, and subjects which in themselves suggest spiritual treatment are actually considered in accordance with a coldly intellectual calculation of worldly advantage.
A History of English Literature
This weekly Robin installment is a follow-on to the preceding essays about the Boy Wonder as comic relief, and DC's collective effort to develop established aspects of superhero characters into meaningful personality traits.
Archive 2009-07-01
I've written an essay expanding upon my reasons for disesteeming his work, so I won't recapitulate those reasons here.
In essays, interviews, and prefaces to his own work, he explored the problematic borderlines between historical fact and novelistic invention.
And did that essay exercise a malign influence in subsequent centuries?
Times, Sunday Times
Much of the present book is devoted to ministerial orders, with an essay on the diaconate and several extended discussions on the episcopal office and the meaning of apostolic succession.
His blog contains "Essays and articles about IT and Indian English," and in the latter category is an entry about the word bifurcation:Bifurcation is one my favorite words in the English language... SOUTH INDIAN NAMES.
In a 1988 essay titled ‘Maps, Knowledge and Power’ he regrets that cartographic history has been dominated to date by a technicist teleology of evolving accuracy.
He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
Following an earlier argument for an apophatic approach to theologizing about judgment, this essay investigates some theological resources for imagining judgment.
They have essays and poems in this companion volume of poems, essays and meditations.
Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit.
You haven't set out your ideas very clearly in this essay.
He has the largest body of work of any American writer with over 30 volumes of novels, screenplays, teleplays, theatre-works and essays.
Anxious to escape thoughts so little comprehended, King hurried on, and essayed a feeble 'cooee' when a few yards from the sleeper.
The Red True Story Book
I often gravitate back to the Narnia books or Lewis's brilliant retelling of the Cupid & Psyche myth, Till We Have Faces, but this time, I've headed for the essays / apologias instead.
When the shoes finally came off, they revealed white silk half-hose, which, discarded in their turn, showed a pair of startlingly pale feet, on which the new boy now essayed wincingly to walk.
The Bent Twig
Handley JA always appeared with a halo above his head to mark his manifest saintliness, a point picked up with typical understatement in the essay on him.
Would you be willing to help me with my essay?
All of the essays repeat this same cluster of ideas, developing their implications with different emphases and nuances.
Oh, and John Waters’s essay on showmanship is contained in CRACKPOT, not SHOCK VALUE.
Road rash: Lessons learned by an author « The Book Publicity Blog
He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
Lude, commemorated in the ingenious Mr. Gunn's Essay on the Caledonian Harp, and so proceed in my story with all the brevity that my natural style of composition, partaking of what scholars call the periphrastic and ambagitory, and the vulgar the circumbendibus, will permit me.
The Waverley
The book includes reproductions of these images, and an essay that provides a detailed account of the scandal and the murder trial that resulted from the publication of this racy material.
Boing Boing
the essay was in the form of a dialogue
They wrote essays, or lectures, or sermons and they read them aloud.
The truth is, that our friend had been reading among the essays of a contemporary, who has perversely been confounded with him, a paper in which Edax (or the Great Eater) humorously complaineth of an inordinate appetite; and it struck him that a better paper -- of deeper interest, and wider usefulness -- might be made out of the imagined experiences of a
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
Thus, anglophone scholars may read not only the ethnographic descriptions of the items exhibited, but also Sonia Silva's thoughtful essay about collecting and presenting basketry.
The New Yorker essayist George Plimpton also remembered that invasion of the Harlem peacocks in their enormous purple Cadillacs: "I'd never seen crowds as fancy, especially the men – felt hatbands and feathered capes, and the stilted shoes, the heels like polished ebony, and many smoking stuff in odd meerschaum pipes.
The night Muhammad Ali's legend was reborn – and the party that followed
The burden of the essay will be merely to indicate how voluntarism can succeed in academic circles.
But in none of his essays that deal with this issue does Gardner address any of the arguments that are put forth by other kinds of mathematicians like intuitionists or formalists.
You'll meet authors and artists, mothers and fathers, cops and lawyers, gamers and hackers, cooks and waitresses, humorists and essayists.
According to the course catalog, this class uses published essays selected to stimulate good discussion and debate and learning, often on topics that are considered indiscussible.
PNJ - News
Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.
But within the cablecast essay, Olbermann noted how the president engaged in a "preemptive abandonment" of both the public option and single-payer.
Bob Cesca: Are Progressives Losing Touch With Reality?
The content of your essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.
A couple of these essays are fatally infected by the particular strain of logorrhoea that afflicts so much current architectural theory.
He is also a difficult writer to define, ranging from fantasy to science fiction and essays.
Graham Burnett wrote a fascinating essay in Cabinet recently about otolithic organs, the pair of sensors in the inner ear that help us stay balanced and maintain inertia.
Boing Boing
Write your essays in pen not pencil.
This prizewinning essay was written by an unknown author.
If you're already prepared to give the essay a try, you can find a download page here.
She gets the kids in there in junior high or freshman in high school and teaches them how to write college application essays and how to train for the SAT.
He said he also just wrote a 7,000-word essay for the journal Gastronomica explaining his use of the term "modernist.
Technology Genius Cooks Up Geoduck for 90
Aside from ‘The District School’ and the ingenious ‘Supplication to the People of the United States,’ which makes a supplementary chapter in the present volume, the author's works in this twelvemo are mild, contemplative essays of no particular value.
His influential essay relies centrally on the fact that sensations are transmitted from Walter's body to the reader's.
Some books are collections of essays, and you may wish to cite only one essay in the group.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
Anyway, thanks for sending me a copy of the essay you want my advice on.
This essay will have to be completely rewritten.
NB The opinions stated in this essay do not necessarily represent those of the Church of God Missionary Society.
The first two essays launch us straight into details of materiality.
The Times Literary Supplement
Available from The David Brown Book Company, The Archaeology of Heinrich Schliemann includes an introductory essay, a fully annotated handlist of Schliemann's works, and an annotated list of bibliography and references.
This essay asks how the political identity and domain of civic practice we refer to by the term citizenship is transformed, eroded, or, perhaps, disappeared in the contexts of neoliberal governance.
James Warren: This Week in Magazines: If Your Yoga Class Mandates Bowing 3,000 Times During the Night, Consider Tennis or Golf
Quand j'ai repris conscience j'etais dans les bras de ma prof de bio qui essayais de me retenir de ne pas tomber de mon tabouret.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
In another essay, he presents the character as a symbol of the mental retardation of our society.
The book is a collection of self-reflective essays that focus on the impact of personal and institutional sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism and ethnocentrism on the 12 women.
While the essays are finely crafted, and held together by a common theme, at no time is the issue of typicality addressed.
My concern here is the use and abuse of evolution in biology and a recent review by science journalist Nicholas Wade of the New York Times, the review an essay about a new book by the British ethologist and biologist and sociobiologist Richard Dawkins.
Dan Agin: Nicholas Wade, Wadeian Evolution, and Twisted Knickers
I'm writing essays and indulging in the luxury of reading books not written by me.
They? re also encouraged to post? attractive? photos, and write little flirty essays about why their bod is the best for branding.
Rent Your Body |
It is also true, as Colin Gunton makes clear in his essay, that Arianism is a perennial Christian heresy.
2 The essayist is not identified in Jackson, Contributors and
Notes on 'Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music'
Platonists was Henry More, one of whose hooks Addison quoted four essays back (in No. 86), and who died only four and twenty years before these essays were written, after a long contest in prose and verse, against besotting or obnubilating the soul with the 'foul steam of earthly life.'
Spectator, June 13, 1711
Tomorrow, I would review your templet for essays in graduate entrance exam. It is important for you as well as me.
The same protection is accorded to a casual letter or an entry in a diary and to the most valuable poem or essay, to a botch or daub and a masterpiece.
In another essay, she explores all the funnies she has gotten when spell-checking texts about weaving “sley” turns to “sleepy”—just one of the many appropriate suggestions her computer offers her.
Archive 2006-08-01
There also is usually a diverse mix of essayists and letter writers on our op-ed page.
In the essay I suggested that Feldman's music was unanalysable and, as a result, DeLio refused to print it.
This essay is not very adventurous.
Unfortunately, I found the collection incohesive and disappointing save the last essay.
Book Review: Wings & Dreams: 4 Elements of a New Feminism « Gender Across Borders
She got an extension for writing her essay.
It could have been an interesting essay, but there was too much padding.
In similar fashion, the book-love of the minor Romantics (a kind of mimic or miniaturized bibliomania) allowed for a certain truancy to the high Romantic notions of authorship and the literary imagination that those same essayists were devoted to promulgating.
Few academic historians seem to care about the literary elegance that sustains the essay form.
The essay represents a solid week's work.