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How To Use Esprit In A Sentence

  • By la Selec 'du vendredi Acte 28 | Blog Esprit-Design: tendance Design/Deco on August 21, 2009 at 7: 42 am Philippe Coudray – Renoma Collection
  • Satisfied that Saint-Esprit was undefended, the pilot came in across the lagoon and settled his floats into the calm water beside the pier. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • One could consider this a contrapuntal jeu d' esprit, with rapid lines of imitation and stretto, but for its character of psychological unease.
  • Another hour and the schooner's name can be deciphered quite easily -- _L'Inconstant_, and that of the polacca _Le Saint-Esprit_. The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • The walker I would describe takes no note of distance; his walk is a sally, a bonmot, an unspoken jeu d'esprit; the ground is his butt, his provocation; it furnishes him the resistance his body craves; he rebounds upon it, he glances off and returns again, and uses it gayly as his tool. Winter Sunshine
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  • ‘L' Esprit Nouveau’ focuses on the work of Le Corbusier and Amedee Ozenfant, founders of the Purist movement, and their colleague Fernand Leger.
  • Dans ses eloquentes lecons, l'histoire des sciences est devenue l'histoire meme de l'esprit humain; car, remontant aux causes de leurs progres et de leurs erreurs, c'est toujours dans les bonnes ou mauvaises routes suivies par l'esprit humain, qu'il trouve ces causes. Lectures on Modern history
  • Comme le soin de la ciuilite la plus raffinee ne doit pas beaucoup trauailler les esprits des Artisants & de la lie du peuple enuers les Grands & les Magistrats; aussi est-il raisonnable qu'ils ayent soin de leur rendre de l'honneur: de mesme il est a propos que la Noblesse les traitte [sic] doucement & les epargne, & qu'elle euite toute sorte de superbe. George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • Esprit de l'escalier it may've been, but I found myself, days later, wondering why exactly it was that we should feel at all shamefaced about our singular collective ability to guy, to poke fun, to take the piss and otherwise generally excoriate. Rude Britannia: British Comic Art, at Tate Britain
  • Esprit Ltd. to create Chui Ping Zou trade: the creation of Esprit types of business?
  • A cet gard, plusieurs aspects peuvent tre souligns tout en gardant bien l'esprit que comme pour tout produit industriel un contrle de qualit strict, permanent et intransigeant doit tre mis en place. Chapter 12
  • As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
  • I was a rich heiress -- I had, I believe, a hundred thousand pounds, or more, and twice as many caprices: I was handsome and witty -- or, to speak with that kind of circumlocution which is called humility, the world, the partial world, thought me a beauty and a bel-esprit. Tales and Novels — Volume 03
  • His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.
  • The trouble, though, was that Cole Porter had become incapable of turning out a trademark Cole Porter song, with its inimitable mix of eroticism and esprit.
  • L'esprit d'escalier: not a play in one act" which is in my collection The Chains that you Refuse, and which I really ought to webify one of these days. Cat V. Monkey - Last Tango In Paris
  • His style is nervous and original, not harassingly pointed like a chestnut-burr, but full of _esprit_ or wit diffused, -- that Gallic leaven which pervades whole sentences and paragraphs with an indefinable lightness and palatableness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • Ca fait un moment que je “joue” dans ma tête avec l'idée que l'article d'un côté, les commentaires de l'autre, étaient finalement séparés d'une manière bien trop imperméable, sans réelle capacité d'être liés l'un à l'autre, entremêlés, ou je ne sais quel concept qui permettrait de coller un peu plus avec l'esprit “les blogs démarrent des conversations”, comme dirait l'autre Promote Comments Plugin Idea — Climb to the Stars
  • Les esprits se sont échauffés lorsque la presse égyptienne et les services de sécurité du pays ont affirmé que cette attaque avait été mise en scène par l'équipe d'Algérie. Ohshitson!
  • No, I was denied their stage, their Jolly Rancher candy colored lights, their bronzing lotions, their mustachioed esprit de corps. The Widow Teasdale and the Ineffable Warmth of Personal Services
  • Though she denies the liaison, she says of him that there was not "_en ce siècle-là de son sexe et de sa qualité rien de semblable en valeur, reputation, grace, et esprit_. Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
  • His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.
  • Expressed juice of dandelion root, 1 oz. Esprit tubereuse, 8 oz. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • By Billard transparent G-1 par Nottage Design | Blog Esprit-Design: tendance Design/Deco on May 21, 2009 at 6: 31 am Pool Table Disguised as Dining Room Table
  • Still, personal magnetism and motivational esprit remain important qualifications for leadership in evangelical groups.
  • Neil was glad to see her so buoyed by the French government's decision, the chatelaine of Saint-Esprit assured of her tenancy. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The sports will preferably offer participation in a team-based environment that encourages and fosters the development of esprit de corps.
  • The bell was clanging and clashing passionately, as Cecil at last went down to the weights, all his friends of the Household about him, and all standing "crushers" on their champion, for their stringent _esprit du corps_ was involved, and the Guards are never backward in putting their gold down, as all the world knows. Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
  • Pourtant, et alors que je commençais à me faire une raison, en me persuadant qu'avec un jean je n'aurais peut-être pas l'air trop ridicule (quoi que?) je me suis sentie comme soulagée lorsqu'une phrase prononcée par une commentatrice de défilés de mode m'est revenue à l'esprit: "Cette année, être tendance n'est plus tendance". Mode
  • 'A benefit of the FX technology in Esprit is that it allows Autodesk Inventor users to see the Inventor history tree, giving them associativity between Inventor and Esprit, 'said Tim Gray, director of Inventor product management at Autodesk. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Ses ennemis, -- et son esprit frondeur lui en avait créé beaucoup à la cour, -- se plaisaient, pour le mortifier, à rappeler à tout propos son humble origine. French Conversation and Composition
  • Lesprit and coworkers investigated the impact of this system by comparing the virulence of two bacterial strains in a rat model of acute pneumonia.
  • And so his band music expresses all the nuances of the military psychology: the exhilaration of the long unisonal stride, the grip on the musket, the pride in the regimentals and the regiment, -- _esprit de corps_. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Whence it is easy to conclude that the totality [assemblage] of all spirits [esprits] must compose the City of God, that is to say, the most perfect State that is possible, under the most perfect of Monarchs. posted by Brandon | 11:45 AM Liebniz on the Image of God
  • He also expatiates on ‘mind’ and its relation to French words such as esprit, intellect, entendement, raison, avis, even sentiment and âme.
  • This is L'esprit ACCOR, the breath of France that kindles the spark of conviviality , no matter where you are in the world.
  • Esprit de l'escalier it may've been, but I found myself, days later, wondering why exactly it was that we should feel at all shamefaced about our singular collective ability to guy, to poke fun, to take the piss and otherwise generally excoriate. Rude Britannia: British Comic Art, at Tate Britain
  • One could consider this a contrapuntal jeu d' esprit, with rapid lines of imitation and stretto, but for its character of psychological unease.
  • When the law has thus created a certain amount of obstacles, and when, to overcome them, humanity has diverted a corresponding amount of labor, you are no longer allowed to call for the reform of the law; for, if you point out the _obstacle_, they show you the labor which it brings into play; and if you say this is not labor created but _diverted_, they answer you as does the _Esprit Sophisms of the Protectionists
  • By Le carrelage émotif | Blog Esprit-Design: tendance Design/Deco on March 4, 2009 at 6: 31 am Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look
  • I was a rich heiress – I had, I believe, a hundred thousand pounds, or more, and twice as many caprices: I was handsome and witty – or, to speak with that kind of circumlocution which is called humility, the world, the partial world, thought me a beauty and a bel-esprit. Belinda
  • Très bien résumé pour l'ambiance, les plats et l'esprit de la cuisine de W.L. Dommage pour le bruit et l'absence d'intimité. ici on vient pour manger et discuter et pas pour conter fleurette!! A Foodie Froggy in Paris
  • Ce que je voudrais vous considérez la pensée sur ce point - ceux qui vous blessent seulement avaient accès à votre corps, ils ne pouvaient pas toucher votre esprit - l'âme. Have to work
  • Ian Richards and Charles Ogden were not indulging in some donnish jeu d'esprit when they wrote their book The Meaning of Meaning, published in 1923 and never out of print since. In praise of … hazy imprecision | Editorial
  • The result is a literary work several levels above the usual derivative jeu d'esprit. Mr. & Mrs. Darcy To the Rescue
  • As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
  • D'ailleurs un proverbe arabe dit un truc dans le genre (desole je ne sais plus vraiment mais l'esprit y est): Ne baisse pas les bras car tu risques de le faire 5 minutes avant la fin de la guerre. (vous pouvez verifier ce proverbe dans le roman d'Amelie Nothomb 'acide sulfurique') Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • During the second week at Saint-Esprit he had slept aboard their sloop, glad of the mosquito net and a soft bunk. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Pourtant, et alors que je commençais à me faire une raison, en me persuadant qu'avec un jean je n'aurais peut-être pas l'air trop ridicule (quoi que?) je me suis sentie comme soulagée lorsqu'une phrase prononcée par une commentatrice de défilés de mode m'est revenue à l'esprit: "Cette année, être tendance n'est plus tendance". Mode
  • It is in developing a story that "The Marriage Plot" encounters problems, because when Mr. Eugenides leaves behind collegiate jeu d'esprit and advances to more adult subjects like illness, marriage and religious faith he is far less assured. Sense & Semiotics
  • Newly promoted West Bromwich Albion sought permission to sell its shirt on a match by match basis, with local shop-fitters Esprit signing up for a non-televised game, following similar short-term deals with betting companies Blue Square Ltd and Victor Chandler International Ltd. Soccer's Biggest Signings
  • Des Progrès de l’esprit humain, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: Le zèle religieux des philosophes et des grands n’était qu’une dévotion politique: et toute religion, qu’on se permet de défendre comme une croyance qu’il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus espérer qu’une agonie plus ou moins prolongée. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Still, personal magnetism and motivational esprit remain important qualifications for leadership in evangelical groups.
  • There is a passage from Condorcet's _Des Progr�s de l'esprit humain_, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: _Le z�le religieux des philosophes et des grands n'�tait qu'une d�votion politique: et toute religion, qu'on se permet de d�fendre comme une croyance qu'il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus esp�rer qu'une agonie plus ou moins prolong�e_. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • As the story progresses, his conspicuous use of foreign terms - agapemone, desiderata, virgo intacta, pace, esprit fort - makes us increasingly ill-disposed to tolerate his point of view.
  • * mais sur tout ` a noircir par des infames calomnies la sainte et salutaire Doctrine, dont nous faisons profession, nous sommes obliges, pour desabuser l'esprit de ceux qui pourraient avoir este preoccupes de ces sinistres impressions, de faire une brieve The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Doing well and doing good, with a genuine rock'n ' roll esprit. LEGAL TENDER
  • Time was when lights tucked away in the front wings were a sign of sophistication and cool, but with the passing of the Corvette and the Lotus Esprit no car has them any more.
  • Au programme: une approche intégrale touchant tous les niveaux de l'être Corps, Coeur et Esprit, avec des outils comme la Respiration, le Yoga Kundalini, des outils intuitifs et créatifs, l'écoute du cœur, le questionnement du mental. Archive 2009-02-15
  • Whilst the traditional different places of employment obviously differ (from, the smell of the "briny" with a cooking range being pitched up and down with the ship by the waves; to the unwanted inclusion of sand, leaves and insects in the field; to the salubrious comfort of an air base), the core skills, role and esprit must be common throughout the three Services. Army Rumour Service
  • Quand vous avez assez de Pang vous pouvez donc choisir ce que vous voulez ameliorer tout en gardant a l'esprit, par exemple, qu'un perso trop fort n'aura pas beaucoup d'adresse ou de maitrise (sans maitrise, la puissance n'est rien). Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I usually accompanied him and his father along the boulevards to his flat in the Faubourg St. Honore, and on that evening he could do nothing but exclaim, 'Mais, quelle gaite d'esprit, cher maitre!' My Life — Volume 2
  • Knowing the ford well, and that it is shallow, with a firm bottom, they ride boldly on; their followers straggled out behind, these innocent of the foul conspiracy being hatched so near; still keeping up their rollicky mirth, and flinging about _jeux d'esprit_ as the spray drops are tossed from the fetlocks of their wading horses. Gaspar the Gaucho A Story of the Gran Chaco
  • But there was enough esprit de corps among our group to overcome this discomfort with a minimum amount of grumbling.
  • Their brethren, realizing the value of antiquity to esprit de corps, do not bother to disenchant them. Apologetics
  • By Lap counter par Thomas Kral | Blog Esprit-Design: tendance Design/Deco on May 5, 2009 at 6: 31 am Luxury Gemstones in Home Interiors
  • L'ART DE PENSER, says “Plusieurs diraient en période quarré que quelques reflexions que fasse l'esprit et quelques resolu - tions qu'il prenne pour corriger ses travers le premier sen - timent du coeur renverse tous ses projets. Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims
  • His esprit is evident even today.
  • The bell was clanging and clashing passionately, as Cecil at last went down to the weights, all his friends of the Household about him, and all standing "crushers" on their champion, for their stringent esprit de corps was involved, and the Guards are never backward in putting their gold down, as all the world knows. Under Two Flags
  • Still, personal magnetism and motivational esprit remain important qualifications for leadership in evangelical groups.
  • They intended to sink the craft in the largest of the reef entrances, so excluding the Champlain if it tried to return to Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Vne personne bien nourrie ne s'amuse iamais a faire parade de ses belles actions, de son esprit, de sa vertu, & de ses autres bonnes & loueables qualitez, au cotraire il ne faut iamais s'entretenir auec les autres de sa haute naissance, ou de la George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • They are utterly unique in the ambitiousness of their goals, the intensity of their conversations, the degree of their esprit, and the extraordinary results they deliver.
  • Ferguson, clarinetist Brent Besner, and marimbist Nick Tolle gave clean, collected performances of esprit rude/esprit doux I and II, dovetailed together, and here the conversation was even more voluble. Magna Carter (4): Identity Politics
  • Après avoir vu nos 3 ressources fondamentales le corps-énergie, le cœur-amour et l'esprit sagesse, il est temps de voir comment les utiliser pour créer notre chemin d'évolution grâce à la connaissance et à l'utilisation du mental. Archive 2009-02-15
  • The past year had transformed the shy Bostonian and amateur missionary into the restless constable of Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • La Composition de l'Indigo Partie mucilagineuse séparable moyennant de l'eau 12 L'esprit-de-vin bien rectifié détache des parties résineuses 6 Du vinaigre distillé dissout la partie terreuse, mais n'attaque pas le fer, qui est ici en forme de chaux 22 L'acid marin emporte le fer calciné 13 [Total] 53 The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Alors, prenant la parole, il se mit à les enseigner, en disant : Heureux les pauvres en esprit, car le royaume des cieux est à eux! Archive 2008-06-01
  • Tout ca n'empeche pour dire que si je suis quand meme assez censé pour faire la part des choses je me dis qu'effectivement a pousser le faux au plus pres du vai ca peut perturber quelques esprits ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The past year had transformed the shy Bostonian and amateur missionary into the restless constable of Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE

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