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How To Use Espouse In A Sentence

  • Any area of the country wher they will look you in the eye and tell you that dinaosuars roamed the earth in 6 BC with Noah and Jesus and espouses creationsim and intelligent design (what an oxymoron) will give you Senators like Inhofe, DeMint, McConnell and the other gop troglodytes, Voinovich: The GOP's 'being taken over by Southerners'
  • The hospice model of care is now espoused as a model of excellence and has led to a worldwide hospice movement aspiring to deliver high quality care to dying patients.
  • But it cannot be denied that, in his endeavors to harmonize universal grace with the fact that not all, but some only, are saved, Melanchthon repudiated the monergism of Luther, espoused and defended the powers of free will in spiritual matters, and thought, argued, spoke, and wrote in terms of synergism. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • John Hales, clerk of the hanaper, a learned and able man, and, like all who espoused this party, a zealous protestant, had written, and secretly circulated, a book in defence of the claims of the lady Catherine, and he had also procured opinions of foreign lawyers in favor of the validity of her marriage. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • Ask your followers to STOP attacking her in demeaning ways. not because she is a woman but because you CONTINUALLY espouse change but do little to make your followers see change as accepting old guard while creating the new guard. Clinton: 'I've never given up on you'
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  • They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
  • It would espouse a cause dear to his heart - the need to get more nations up to speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • She called his espoused dedication to religion false and said he plied her with alcohol and drugs to lower her resistance to his sexual advances. Home
  • The conservatives staunchly supported it and espoused centralism versus federalism.
  • Monuments - or projects for monuments - began to espouse holes, void spaces and black surfaces, and inversions.
  • Boyd espouses the belief that the faculty is there for the purpose of instructing students: politics should not impact the most fundamental and important feature of society.
  • Labour has reached its current position of dominance precisely because of the centrist policies people like Blair and Brown espouse.
  • It would espouse a cause dear to his heart - the need to get more nations up to speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet ever since the launch of her own label, in 1983, she has consistently espoused a style that is contemporary in spirit but timeless and ageless in appeal.
  • If your country is dear to you, and if you have the interests of humanity at heart, have the courage to espouse the cause of liberty! Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • He espouses the belief that true revolutionaries must anchor their efforts in an act of love of people and of life.
  • The causes she has espoused during her tenure as first lady - literacy and education - are uncontroversial.
  • Philip insisted that Richard should espouse, in conformity with their betrothment, now that his father no longer lived to oppose their union. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • The stand that Pastor Hagee and Parsley espouse is not anything new or revelational as "new" or "recently". McCain rejects endorsement of a second controversial pastor
  • Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, echoing a great many philosophers, poets and mystics throughout history who have espoused the virtues of silen ... Stacey Lawson: Might As Well Face It, You're Addicted To Thought
  • The old view, espoused by Aeschylus and Shakespeare and many in between, was that good drama must involve royalty or nobility.
  • In rejecting our request to attend the meeting, the narrow ‘Majorityism’ definition of democracy was espoused.
  • The last few years have witnessed a gradual disenchantment within architectural education with the goals espoused by the architectural profession. Ballardian » A Near Future: Nic Clear’s Tribute to JG Ballard
  • Yet, you continue to espouse the virtues of this failed experiment.
  • Born in late medieval Italy, Francis repudiated his life among the wealthy merchant class to espouse to himself Lady Poverty and live as a wandering begging friar.
  • Thereafter it happened that the maid who escaped marriage with a lord, came to be espoused to Clovis, son of the former king Dagobert.
  • He still lied, what he espoused is not what is in the current health bill in the house. Borger: Obama was tough and determined
  • Sendomir, a wealthy boyard, not only espoused his cause, and gave him pecuniary help, but promised him his daughter Celebrated Claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton
  • Inspired by ideas that Fénelon would soon espouse in his treatise "De l'éducation des filles" (1687), Mme de Maintenon showed ingenious insight in developing a forward-looking and lasting pedagogical model. Louis XIV's Secret Wife
  • Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
  • It was to anaesthetise the Labour party while he turned it into a vehicle to make him electable and his newly espoused Thatcherism irreversible, much as Attlee had made welfarism irreversible in 1945. Blair's job was done by 1997: to numb Labour, and to enshrine Thatcherism
  • After all, all she did was espouse extreme right wing policies, a lot of them palatable to many Australians.
  • If we are to move forward, we must espouse this more positive approach in all dimensions of the club's activity.
  • Findhorn, the eco-spiritual community that espouses love and respect to the earth, plants and animals, has employed a gamekeeper to shoot marauding deer on its land.
  • Her guardian, from a pure love of his ward, and a sense of the advantageousness of the offer, heartily espoused the interests of the young gentleman. Sir Charles Grandison
  • He used his books to lend weight to the causes he espoused. Times, Sunday Times
  • While dissenting voices are certainly needed on the council they should be those that espouse a coherent ethical view.
  • These clerics often sided with the state and received some type of annuity, while clerics at the bottom of the religious hierarchy espoused anti-establishment sentiment.
  • During his short life he espoused the cause of the Great Awakening. Christianity Today
  • She leads prayers on the hour and espouses a real but undogmatic faith. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I have just noted, most nineteenth-century writers who espoused gymnastics for women approved of calisthenic exercises, several of which are recognizable today.
  • Each period of time is characterised by the ideas espoused at that time and these ideas compared with similar ones of the past.
  • Accordingly, near the turn of this century, many biologists who espoused or contested theories of evolution, meant, among other things, to support or undermine theories of the preformation of species according to a developmental plan.
  • To the east was the Afghan Taliban, a regime that espoused a ruthless brand of Sunni Islam and viewed Iran's Shia Muslim leaders as heretics.
  • At least the causes espoused by the coalition in its early years involved opposition to military action. Times, Sunday Times
  • The candidate espouses Republican ideals
  • Combine the cryptic poetry and riddle-style aphorisms espoused by Richard Arthur,his lack ofany relevant formal training and the fact that People Knowhow conducts corporate workshops, and you have a recipe for hokum, pseudo-science andgeneral malaise. 2009 August 11 « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
  • Its credo espouses values such as integrity, offering the best value and service, and sustainability.
  • Four years have I been espoused to our gracious King, Alban of Mann.
  • In concluding the examination of the question whether Cotton Mather denounced, or countenanced, the admission of spectral testimony -- for that is the issue before us -- I feel confident that it has been made apparent, that it was not in reference to the _admission_ of such testimony, that he objected to the "principles that some of the Judges had espoused," but to the method in which it should be _handled_ and Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
  • And unfettered advocacy for one, as you espouse, is clearly more Orwellian. Mark Steyn Debates Complainants : Law is Cool
  • ACTUALLY, one can argue that the woman's sign was intentionally "uncomfortable" to Chris or anyonewho espoused his belief Latest
  • Nobel-prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz contrasts the American response to its economic crisis with the measures it shoved down the throats of poor countries during their crises, and discusses why rich-world double-standards ( "Buy American/European" provisions in bailouts that only discriminate against poor countries) contribute to a global disillusionment in the values that the rich world nominally espouses: democracy, transparency, and so on. Boing Boing
  • Few espouse political ideologies of any sort, since devout beliefs can impede one's effectiveness as a peacekeeper.
  • It became possible for individuals to espouse different values and to behave differently with at least relative impunity. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • That is a very different and real equality compared to the one evidently murkly espoused within the stream of consciousness racial - but non-racial - meanderings emanating from the always thoughtful Mr Phillips. Expat Yank
  • If you espouse a rhetorical axiology, do the majority of your responses focus on the writer's persona, purpose, and audience?
  • Although the Catholic Gobineau initially espoused monogenesis, he later leaned towards polygenesis and ended up ambivalent on this issue Race
  • I am very solicitous, both by study and argument, to enlarge this privilege of insensibility, which is in me naturally raised to a pretty degree, so that consequently I espouse and am very much moved with very few things. The Essays of Montaigne — Complete
  • My father, falling in love with a poor relation, espoused her privately; and I was the first fruit of that marriage.
  • A natural tenacity and cussedness led her to espouse many causes which today are taken for granted - women's rights and contraception, for example - but which were then considered slightly odd.
  • She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.
  • These well-to-do, often politically connected professionals—including the increasingly intertwined wealthy of Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley—espoused what might be called gentry liberalism, a creed according to which the middle classes had to be punished for their racism, sexism, and excess consumption. Who Lost the Middle Class?
  • At the official opening of last year's fair Mugabe said: "I find it extremely outrageous and repugnant to my human conscience that such immoral and revulsive organisations like those of homosexuals, who offend both against the law of nature and the morals of religious beliefs espoused by our society, should have any advocates in our midst and even elsewhere in the world. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These clerics often sided with the state and received some type of annuity, while clerics at the bottom of the religious hierarchy espoused anti-establishment sentiment.
  • Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
  • Their proactive constituencies espouse approaches that their opponents claim overshadow more important issues.
  • In this document Lincoln seemed to make two different claims: that he never believed in infidel doctrines, and that he never publicly espoused them. Lincoln’s Emancipation
  • A cadet of the family of the Earls of Lincoln, he espoused, along with many other scions of noble houses, the royal side in the civil war.
  • But let us see what he brought and espoused us with, what kind of nuptial gifts. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Nor are metaphysicians solely concerned with the nature of the physical world - unless they happen to espouse the doctrine of physicalism, which maintains that the only things that exist are physical entities in space and time.
  • Philosophers who espouse this view must say that Smith's action of killing Jones took place on Monday in the dining room, assuming that this is when and where the crucial movement of Smith's hand occurred.
  • As for the Conservatives, I also think it’s possible the support they espouse is based on a partisan wedge issue. Liberals To Sink Afghan mission? – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • At least the causes espoused by the coalition in its early years involved opposition to military action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even as Stalin perpetrated crimes against humanity in his own country, Conquest explains, writers, thinkers, and artists in the West idealized and lionized him because the ideology he espoused held an intrinsic appeal for them. Facing Up to Stalin
  • Many of our organizations are cesspools of addictive and abusive behavior even as executives espouse otherwise. People harm the spirits of others daily and humanity is lost.
  • It espoused ideas of the freeborn Englishman resisting the arbitrary powers of his masters and praying in his nonconformist chapel.
  • The constructivist approach to education espouses the belief that children are capable learners with many questions, ideas, feelings, and theories about their world.
  • As a Hindu who espouses an Advaita non-dual worldview, I understand intellectually that God is on, in and of the field. Suhag A. Shukla, Esq.: God, The Gita And Football
  • Moreover, black Episcopalians have consistently held the Church's feet to the fire, and reminded it when its actions have been inconsistent with the principles it espoused.
  • Although he is very much a nationalist, and finds himself close to the antiglobalization movement, he does not espouse an autarkic turn-back-the-clock, close-down-the-border solution.
  • And especially not to listen to the chorus of middle class pressure groups and supplicants who clamour for their own priorities to be espoused unexamined.
  • In my view, the notions that you espouse are the ultimate in excusing irresponsible conduct. Bush Administration v. Environmental Groups
  • Additionally, in medieval society unaccompanied and unsupervised women were seen as dangerous, to both themselves and others; so Dominican women were also denied the mendicancy that the men of the Order practiced. 12 To have espoused any other attitude would have been viewed as unnatural. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Newly-minted Information, Communications and Culture Minister, Dr Rais Yatim, has called on Malaysian bloggers to help inculcate the 1Malaysia concept, as espoused by new Prime Minister, Mr. Najib Razak. P2pnet World Headlines – April 28, 2009
  • This political configuration is no more than a gossamer ideal whose formation neither he nor his MMI confederates seriously espouse or actively promote.
  • Yet he set about reconciling the Church and modernity, and espoused papal concern for the condition of labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we all know, there is often a major gap between the religious beliefs we espouse and our actions. Sociology
  • Basil of Caesarea (330–79), a leading Greek theologian, attacked the eremitic life, because of the impossibility of material self-sufficiency, the excessive concern with the self, and the lack of opportunity for the exercise of charity; he espoused cenobitism, which eventually became the common form of monasticism in the West. B. The Early Church
  • Verdi scholars hold differing opinions as to when he actually espoused the nationalist cause.
  • There is some public shaming of people who openly espouse hateful speech -- but a ratings chase and a revenue chase combine to coarsen the debate. Christine Pelosi: If "We the People" Can't Agree on "Our" President, Is there Any Hope for Us?
  • And especially not to listen to the chorus of middle class pressure groups and supplicants who clamour for their own priorities to be espoused unexamined.
  • They're the ones who burned through tonnes of pot and then launched a War on Drugs when they grew bored with it; they drove mighty-bowelled Mustangs and Thunderbirds in their youth, and only started worrying about the environment when they no longer needed a capacious backseat to fornicate in; they espoused and took full advantage of sexual liberation, but were safely hors de combat by the time AIDS reared its head. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Yet he set about reconciling the Church and modernity, and espoused papal concern for the condition of labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, deep ecology can be seen as a contemporary development of the preservationism first espoused by Muir. Deep ecology
  • But Ken Khachigian, a Republican strategist who wrote speeches for Reagan, said conservatives "need to be clear-eyed about Reagan" and how he sought to implement the principles he espoused. Reagan at 100 casts shadow over Republican Party
  • The interventionist model of economic development they espoused - and that the United Kingdom generally opposed - had run out of steam.
  • One cannot espouse the teachings of Jesus on one hand, and then on the other, reject what what he taught concerning eternal damnation and hell.
  • I think the 'pod' theory espoused is correct: the first 9 episodes were ok, Niki and Paolo were annoying, but the last few episodes rocked like few have rocked before. Tube Bits For 7/23/2007
  • During his short life he espoused the cause of the Great Awakening. Christianity Today
  • Some were surprised to hear him enthusiastically espouse the private sector and contestability at the launch.
  • Spirit of God, in holy eucharistical ordinances, are the marriage-feast; and the whole collective body of all those who partake of this feast is the bride, the Lamb's wife; they eat into one body, and drink into one Spirit, and are not mere spectators or guests, but coalesce into the espoused party, the mystical body of Christ. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Among these are the myth that the New Deal ended the Great Depression, that Nazism was a plot by big business rather than a mass movement, and that fascism espoused laissez faire economics and "corporativism" was the rule of corporations over the state, rather than the rule of the state over corporations. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • He ardently espouses the dream of an undivided Land of Israel, in the tradition of the revisionist right, which bases its claim on ancient biblical maps.
  • The case against Mr. Taylor as a criticaster is clinched by the fact that his cause is espoused by Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (2 of 2) (1888)
  • That policy is to stop attacking countries that don't espouse Western values, and leave them to evolve in their own way at their own rate.
  • Born at a time when the peoples of the Iranian plateau were evolving a settled agriculture, Zoroaster broke with the traditional Aryan religions of the region which closely mirrored those of India, and espoused the idea of a one good God – Ahura Mazda. Zoroaster – forgotten prophet of the one God
  • He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political causes.
  • ‘The collectivism that big government espouses undermines capitalism,’ Cypress Semiconductor CEO T.J. Rodgers notes.
  • Although some thinkers who espoused these ideas came to be called futilitarians because of the somewhat pessimistic outlook that this notion of man alone in the cosmos seemed to connote, most humanists were not pessimistic.
  • She is a fresh face on the scene, but the ideas she espouses are certainly not fresh; they deviate not an iota from the Karl Rove memo-of-the-day repeated endlessly by the clones at Fox. Mjh's blog — 2008 — September
  • For now ... these states 'core values are too different from the ones espoused, however partially and duplicitously, by the international community's main players," Castañeda concludes. Brazil, India and China -- not quite superpowers yet
  • The people of Holy Trinity espouse similar values in the face of an unpersuaded Catholic hierarchy.
  • So those who espouse equal opportunity need to elaborate its purpose.
  • Armstrong and other executives have espoused a future AOL that can mass-produce Web video and articles, distribute them across a plethora of Web sites and sell advertisements to profit from it all. AOL pursues its new strategy with deals for TechCrunch, 5min Media, Thing Labs
  • To the east was the Afghan Taliban, a regime that espoused a ruthless brand of Sunni Islam and viewed Iran's Shia Muslim leaders as heretics.
  • It is even implicit in the age-old teachings espoused in nearly identical language by Confucius, Jesus, and Rabbi Hillel: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Others who had found that church too theologically liberal for their tastes espoused a more traditional theology.
  • If your country is dear to you, and if you have the interests of humanity at heart, have the courage to espouse the cause of liberty! Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • Gore has said that his new network will not espouse any particular political beliefs.
  • Little evidence suggests that Jesse James robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, or that he espoused lofty social ideals, but his folklore image as an unvanquished hero of the defeated South endured.
  • The dominant tradition in psychiatry espouses an individualistic and reductionist outlook, seeking to explain mental illness in terms of neuroanatomy or neurophysiology, genetics or, more recently, cognitive neuroscience.
  • Though the novels being analyzed are very different, each espouses a belief in the need for artistic expression.
  • The museum houses a library with about 60,000 books related to Gandhi and the various causes he espoused.
  • He espoused a variety of scientific[Sentencedict], social and political causes.
  • It espoused ideas of the freeborn Englishman resisting the arbitrary powers of his masters and praying in his nonconformist chapel.
  • David espoused the belief that change and progress in medical practice could only be achieved from the inside and that to make it happen was always better than waiting for it to happen.
  • Although the Catholic Gobineau initially espoused monogenesis, he later leaned towards polygenesis and ended up ambivalent on this issue Race
  • Second, it espoused no particular political philosophy or set of broad social goals, for its objectives were more pragmatic. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Murkowski said she can't endorse Miller, who she says has espoused ideas outside the mainstream, or Scott McAdams, the Democratic challenger and small-town mayor she calls likable but inexperienced. Lisa Murkowski: Republican Leaders Turned Their Backs On Me
  • The Marlow series also continues to focus mainly on the tradition Papas espoused -- though Papas wasn't too particular about who or what he taught, from banjo to bouzouki. Washington is once again taking pride of place in its classical guitar tradition
  • Finally, some of the views espoused in the decoherent histories literature could be considered as cognate to Van Fraassen's views, identifying possibilities, however, at the level of possible courses of world history. ...anything but love...
  • Religious fascism like the sort you espouse is the latest plague! Think Progress » BREAKING: Barber Cancels Ed Schultz’s Debut on Armed Forces Radio
  • Since contraditions between the southern and northern states were already beginning to show because of slavery, the politicians of the slave south of the United States also espoused the idea of annexing Cuba so as to have one more state which would help them maintain their majority in the United States, their parliamentary majority. CEREMONY MARKING THE CENTENNIAL OF CUBA'S STRUGG
  • This sort of elitist piffle doubtless does wonders for the ego of those who espouse it, while pre-emptively discounting contrary opinions, which by definition originate in a philistine mindset.
  • This was the credo that Church himself espoused as a landscape artist.
  • Many of the island's inhabitants, who share only a handful of surnames, espouse stern Baptist beliefs, one of which is that dancing is the devil's work.
  • Fair daughter take this and bear it in mind of Jesu Christ your espouse, and suffer not about you none other arrayment of gold ne silver, ne of precious stones, for if the beauty of this world surmount a little your thought, ye shall lose the goods of heaven. The Golden Legend, vol. 3
  • They are willing to espouse the most oppressive dictatorship on earth just to be different!
  • This statement espouses the mass society concept, whereas we now live in the demassified society.
  • Gilbert, earl of Glocester, the greatest baron of the kingdom, had espoused the king's daughter; and being elated by that alliance, and still more by his own power, which, he thought, set him above the laws, he permitted his bailiffs and vassals to commit violence on the lands of Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford, who retaliated the injury by like violence.
  • The problem, say some critics in China, is that director Hu Mei's "undignified" version of Confucius is turning the originator of Confucianism into a kung fu-fighting romancer, which is in contrast to their image of him as a saintly philosopher who espoused fundamental, traditional values of harmony and piety towards elders that many modern Chinese still cling to. Kung Fu Cinema
  • I noticed how he became more cautious in his embrace of the principles he had espoused as a peritus at Vatican II.
  • As we all know, there is often a major gap between the religious beliefs we espouse and our actions. Sociology
  • He espoused them both, simultaneously, in a kind of philosophical bigamy.
  • Buchanan is an extreme reactionary who espouses views of an essentially fascistic character.
  • Yet the system of thought he espoused was not primitive, historical or fundamentalist, but rather thoroughly contemporary.
  • Why," said the Deist, "there is as much difference as in the theories of our 'intuitional' friends here, one of whom admits, and another denies, the future existence of man; for if we be the ephemeral insects the latter supposes, it little matters what system of religion we espouse or abjure. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • The conservatives staunchly supported it and espoused centralism versus federalism.
  • A lot of bad politically commentary is normatively bad — it espouses things that decent people find repugnant. Matthew Yglesias » Adventures in Bad Positive Political Commentary
  • Under any such setup, voters elect a leader who espouses a program.
  • The Vienna Circle espoused a verification theory of meaning but did not take it seriously enough.
  • The key to Afghanistan's future thus lies not in forging an unholy alliance after breaking the back of the Taliban, but rather in first smashing asunder devastating assumptions beginning with the misconception that Afghans would ever choose to live under a regime of corrupt Westernized bureaucrats and religiously psychotic warlords who espouse belief systems anathema to thousands of years of Afghan tribal sensibilities. Michael Hughes: Saving Afghanistan Requires Smashing Dangerous Delusions
  • I know that it is a fundamentally different philosophy to that espoused by Labour.
  • The Chronicles are the outpouring of his imaginative and religious experience; his witness of the life and faith he espoused.
  • Frank E. Eakin argues that Moses was not a monotheist but espoused monolatry. Larry Hurtado: How Did Jesus Become A God?
  • More interesting is this whole "preborn" notion (this is not bit's idea) - so, I presume that, being rational and all, those who espouse this destruction of preborn humans idea are also 100\% AGAINST ALL sexual acts that do not produce children. Think Progress
  • Eternal economic subordinationism is heretical, just as the more frequently espoused eternal ontological subordinationism is, despite the tragic fact that some patriarchalists (like Bruce Ware, not Bill) now espouse the former. P. Andrew’s Blog
  • As I wrote in Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies, "what makes a cult cultish is not so much what it espouses, but how much authority its leaders grant themselves -- and how slavishly devoted to them its followers are. Cult scene: New Zealand and Africa - Boing Boing
  • The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
  • Table standing by, where hung a faire Crucifixe upon the wall; before which, and calling him to witnesse, that suffered such bitter and cruell torments on his Crosse, putting a Ring upon his finger, there she faithfully espoused him, refusing all the world, to be onely his: which being on either side confirmed solemnly, by an holy Vow, and chaste kisses; shee commanded him backe to his The Decameron
  • The allegation is dangerous and insulting to Morrissey, especially when you consider that he has never publicly espoused racist views.
  • Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse.
  • He espoused them both, simultaneously, in a kind of philosophical bigamy.
  • It would almost be funny if it was not so pathetic and hypocritical. the fact that you leftards actually believe the dung splattered logic you espouse is a sad comment on the state of the socialist left in America. Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
  • Finally, we shall briefly discuss the emancipatory values espoused by Marxists.
  • Some of the groups, the government fears, espouse beliefs that pose a direct challenge to its authority.
  • If Israel is in heightened danger, it's because of the policies espoused by the likes of Liberman. Lieberman attacks Obama over foreign policy
  • This cacophony will not espouse one Political agenda, one religion, or one culture.
  • The utopian socialism that Orwell espoused is long gone, ultimately just another aspect of the reactionary attitudes that Orwell embodied. Matthew Yglesias » George Orwell Was a Socialist
  • To attempt to ascribe any deeper meaning than that to anything she espoused is silliness. Think Progress » Fox Thinks Winter Chill Disproves Global Warming; Experts Disagree
  • They espouse design's purely functionalist role as a conveyor of other people's intentions.
  • If you truly possess the academic curiosity and work ethic that espouses such professional assiduousness when it comes to details, and especially pertaining to events involving suppression of human rights, you will no doubt want to look into some of the more subtle clues in our possession regarding 9/11 - like the many bombs going off all over the WTC site. Maher Arar and the 9/11 Myth
  • Hey, any fool can open his mouth and espouse a set of ideals, but few ever put them into practice.
  • He used his books to lend weight to the causes he espoused. Times, Sunday Times
  • He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political causes.
  • But were the Republican party to become a permanent minority - or espouse big-gov - Benjamin Franklin's dubiety that America could "keep" her Republic will have been proven well justified. ndm Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • In its excessiveness, such behavior may seem maladaptive, given the modern, capitalistic attitude that espouses minimum effort for maximum return on investment.
  • At one time the Republican party stood for everything that most Americans value, maybe that was before you were born, it’s really sad your too closed minded to understand that what you espouse is unAmerican. Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
  • He has espoused some cockamamie theories about the secret society.
  • They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
  • Similarly, the World Congress of Gastroenterology and the British Thoracic Society espouse the recommendation that gastrointestinal endoscopes and bronchoscopes be disinfected before use on the first patient of the day.
  • The Angry Penguins had no coherent political outlook and the Boyd family circle espoused a confused mixture of liberal humanism and religious pacifism.
  • If Mr. Cuno opposes the pressure to repatriate antiquities, which is mounting, it's not only because he espouses lofty "universalist" ideals. Treasures on Trial
  • That way they might come to understand the need for a return to the Scottish virtues of prudence and, dare one say it, tightfistedness which virtues are espoused by classical conservative policy. Archive 2007-08-05
  • The trouble with that logic is I am black and I am not childish halfwit who espouses the mantra of racism many people of color spew forth. Obama Song | Commentary By Glenn Beck
  • Therefore, if Moses did espouse monolatry, then did Early Judaism see a trend toward monotheism, leadign up to Christ, away from the earlier Mosaic monolatry? Larry Hurtado: How Did Jesus Become A God?
  • But the true obscenity is the frighteningly large population still willing to espouse torture as government policy, not just pundits but holders of high office. It Was All A Dream Like Big Said It’d Be | ATTACKERMAN
  • If we are to move forward, we must espouse this more positive approach in all dimensions of the club's activity.
  • Yet he set about reconciling the Church and modernity, and espoused papal concern for the condition of labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those that were in economic and political power continued to espouse the view that tuberculosis was rife among Africans and so-called coloureds because of their excessive drinking and poor hygienic habits like reckless spitting. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In some ways, the research provides scientific evidence of what many self-help books and some religious traditions espouse, which is that being in the "here and now" is critical for happiness, Killingsworth said. Happiness is a focused mind; sex helps focus
  • The solution you espouse is far, far worse than the supposed problem. Two Cowenian Tenure Claims, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Republican Party has tended strongly to espouse unilateralism in recent years, notably in military and regional policy issue areas.
  • You espouse democratic participation in design.
  • The term adulterous, I conceive, may chiefly relate to the Jews, who being nationally espoused to God by covenant, every sin of theirs was in a peculiar manner spiritual adultery. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
  • The one television station will be running back-to-back feature films that espouse the virtue of self-reliance and the gloriousness of the revolution.
  • Orthodoxy" a word espoused as fact in early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism became a taboo word. Mythicism and Inerrancy

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