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How To Use Espionage In A Sentence

  • The burden of his espionage responsibilities gives him a distinct air of desperation.
  • The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is responsible for internal security, for counter-espionage, for counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
  • MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
  • Gosh, it's over a year since I read The Moving Toyshop; here Gervase Fen is embroiled in a mystery of murder and espionage in a West Country cathedral town in about 1940. January Books 27) Holy Disorders, by Edmund Crispin
  • But Mr Fergus did agree with a recent Australian Government decision to increase funding for counter-espionage activities.
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  • He appears to have been a member of Walsingham's and Burleigh's intelligence and counter-espionage networks.
  • In this role he had responsibility for compiling intelligence dossiers on its enemies; for planning counter-espionage and for establishing and supervising fascist cells operating in the trade union movement.
  • Each individual was assigned a case officer from a specialist section within the counter-espionage branch to monitor every aspect of the agents' handling.
  • It engages in espionage and terrorism with Isreal.
  • US-Soviet tensions reached new heights because of Berlin and the shooting-down of an American U-2 espionage aircraft over Soviet territory. The Nobel Peace Prize: Revelations from the Soviet Past
  • The spies on both sides are pretty louche characters, and espionage is portrayed as intimately bound up with military and business interests.
  • The jobs are mainly in administration, but exceptional recruits could in certain circumstances take part in surveillance, counter-espionage and counter-terrorist operations.
  • Encryption, codes and ciphers were once associated only with spies, espionage and illicit letters between lovers.
  • I had no idea so many women are trained in counter-espionage.
  • In a burst of wikipanic, Bank of America has dived into full-on counterespionage mode. Bank Of America Sets Up WikiLeaks Defense Team
  • The ministry's initial mandate was limited to internal security-the suppression of political dissent, counter-espionage, and sabotage.
  • But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
  • The scandal of industrial espionage was bad enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had no idea so many women are trained in counter-espionage.
  • Kombat includes all main branches like infantry, tanks, artillery and air force plus other like sappers, reconnaissance, counter-espionage and special elements.
  • I think what saves this movie from drowning in its own drool is that it's played for laughs, rather than treat it like a suspenseful corporate espionage film. Rabid Rewind: The Informant
  • The sinister, murky world of espionage is laid bare in this revised and updated edition of Philip Knightley's powerful book about spies and spying in the 20th century.
  • ‘Tinkerers’, I would say, write big stand-alone thrillers, military novels, espionage, techno-thrillers, gangster-themed books, and so on and so forth.
  • If convicted on charges of espionage and aiding the enemy, he could receive the death penalty.
  • The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government.
  • Although he had had no formal training on the job, he was quick to grasp the essential elements of espionage and counter-espionage.
  • We were separate in almost every way, '' said George Z. Toscas, who is the deputy assistant attorney general over counterterrorism and counterespionage. Justice Dept.'s National Security Division draws mixed reviews 4 years
  • As it has repeatedly been announced, this case of espionage is a wholly internal matter and any prejudgment and interference is rejected.
  • The nations of China and Russia, through their intelligence services and through their corporations, are attacking our research and development," said U.S. counterespionage chief Robert Bryant. China Singled Out for Cyberspying
  • The preferred method of industrial espionage is to place a document on a flat surface - a desk is ideal - illuminate it with an anglepoise lamp and ‘photograph’ it.
  • Some users fear that their ability to snoop may amount to industrial espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report also uncovered other alarming attitudes towards international cyber espionage. Computing
  • Part adventure, part espionage, all encompassed by terrific atmosphere and a well-argued 'it might have been'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if espionage had taken place at Los Alamos, they argued, it had not mattered.
  • Sommer added: We don't help ourselves using 'cyberwar' to describe espionage or hacktivist blockading or defacing of websites, as recently seen in reaction to WikiLeaks. Hackers will not be deterred by UK cyber defences, report warns
  • He loves the pleasures of old Paris and could be content to be like any other Euro idler, but events beckon his conscience to undertake a mission in counterespionage.
  • Its powers were gradually expanded over a range of criminal activity and it also took part in counter-espionage operations during both of the world wars.
  • I'd like to take this opportunity to confirm that I did indeed purchase some expensive espionage equipment over the weekend.
  • The jobs are mainly in administration, but exceptional recruits could in certain circumstances take part in surveillance, counter-espionage and counter-terrorist operations.
  • From time to time the death penalty was exacted for murder, espionage and terrorism.
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • Overt violence now gives way to a conflict based on espionage and infiltration.
  • He is wanted in the US for a range of charges including treason, espionage and leaking classified information. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vast majority of web criminality directed at companies involves attacks on intellectual property and industrial espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did she willingly take part in espionage, or was she little more than an innocent dupe? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the murky world of international espionage, rumours abound about the credibility of his information.
  • The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government.
  • Morales later kicked out the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, accusing it of espionage and of funding "criminal groups" seeking to undermine his government.
  • Here's an author who has intimate, first-hand knowledge of Eastern Europe, TV journalism, and the spiderish, down-and-dirty world of espionage.
  • The names with which they adorned their maps were a piece of courtiership and a means of currying favour with the great and powerful, just as their espionage, and their supply of illicitly-obtained and flavoured information to Decaen in The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders
  • Kombat includes all main branches like infantry, tanks, artillery and air force plus other like sappers, reconnaissance, counter-espionage and special elements.
  • Each individual was assigned a case officer from a specialist section within the counter-espionage branch to monitor every aspect of the agents' handling.
  • As our committee began uncovering a series of far-fetched CIA espionage plans, Goldwater called a news conference one day to discuss a bizarre gadget developed by the agency, a “bio-innoculator” that was supposed to inject poisons into targeted victims from long distances. The Good Fight
  • But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
  • That it was a rare glimpse into the shadowy world of international espionage makes it all the more seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without ciphers and diplomatic bags, espionage and counter-espionage actions were likely to be circumscribed.
  • counterespionage" team to oversee an internal investigation in case sensitive private documents at the bank become public, the newspaper said. -- Top News
  • Treason, double agency, counter-espionage, cryptology, code breaking … all are linked to the study of Shakespeare. Cranach Hamlet Update, Marjorie Garber, Oedipus and Detective Stories
  • Its powers were gradually expanded over a range of criminal activity and it also took part in counter-espionage operations during both of the world wars.
  • Visitors are told to expect espionage devices like hidden cameras in their hotel rooms. The Sun
  • ... where, as DTomlin averred USA/Israel relations as, “mother and daughter”, daughter is alleged to be the princess of espionage. Matthew Yglesias » Who’s Who in Iraq Advising?
  • Espionage was not an extraditable offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the second category they considered investigations by private detectives, industrial espionage, technical surveillance devices, and finally computers.
  • In many countries, the frank assessments of their weaknesses and foibles will be seen as tantamount to espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors are told to expect espionage devices like hidden cameras in their hotel rooms. The Sun
  • In the old days of counter-espionage and counter-terrorism, the government would gather this intelligence and use it to expel diplomats or take other action in the foreign-policy arena.
  • The bank has started a 'counter-espionage' effort to combat the upcoming WikiLeaks dump. HUFFPOST HILL - Senate Rules Reform Delayed
  • The run for the presidency is no joke, rife with political chicanery, espionage and blackmail.
  • A staple of the Cold War espionage novels that used to populate best-seller lists was the sleeper agent.
  • He wasn't short of money and wasn't entangled with women, two of the most frequent motives for espionage at the time, but his superiors decided that the handwriting on the bordereau was his, and an Alsatian-Jewish scapegoat was convenient. NYT > Home Page
  • The next stage up is industrial espionage, apparently the most lucrative. Times, Sunday Times
  • She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage.
  • The Spy" by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott is a wonderfully written and historically fascinating espionage novel set in pre-World War I America, in which our hero, Isaac Bell a characteristically brilliant and strong Yale man, stops a slew of Japanese, German and English spies who are trying to break America's secret program to build the most powerful dreadnought battleships and control the world's waters. Twelve Months of Reading
  • He is the only Marine ever prosecuted for espionage.
  • France's military counter-espionage unit is following a lead in the investigation into cyber attacks on the finance ministry, Budget Minister Francois Baroin said. World Watch
  • Until recently, commercial espionage cases have been low-tech.
  • Cases involving foreign espionage or international terrorism are also omitted.
  • Dutch exotic dancer, courtesan, and accused spy who was executed by firing squad in France for espionage for Germany during World War I.
  • After all, espionage is said to be the world's second oldest profession.
  • By 1980 the Puzzle Palace had become the largest single espionage factory the free world had ever known or could ever imagine.
  • He is wanted in the US for a range of charges including treason, espionage and leaking classified information. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Computer Security Institute, which conducted the survey, said the losses were caused by industrial espionage, hacking and fraud.
  • The truth of the matter is that since the dawn of time, diplomacy has been closely linked to espionage.
  • Military officials initially told the press that he might face charges of espionage and sedition, even treason.
  • The treaty basically says no one is going to do anything naughty such as industrial espionage.
  • I was wearing Espionage my original, costus-based formula ad sipping a blend of earl gray and lapsang suchong. High Tea and Espionage
  • The agency aims to bring in a new breed of agent with the skills to cope with the growing role of technology in espionage. Computing
  • She stars as a compulsive liar who innocently gets caught up in an industrial espionage plot at her new job.
  • Many Republicans have called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian, to be prosecuted under the US Espionage Act, or for his site to be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization.
  • The espionage, the betrayals, the arrests, the tortures, the executions, the disappearances will never cease.
  • Though some of those who had seen his behaviour alerted the personnel department, it was not thought necessary to move him from his counter-espionage work.
  • Officials on Monday announced the expulsion of two diplomats from the embassy in Manila for alleged espionage.
  • The stress deepened her dependence on alcohol, and her amateurish efforts to market her story led her to embellish the details of her espionage.
  • Mobile phones have changed espionage thrillers more than all the WMD in the evil world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was made an affair to remember, with the screening of a film on murders, double murders, spies, invisible spies, counter spies and international espionage.
  • … where, as DTomlin averred USA/Israel relations as, “mother and daughter”, daughter is alleged to be the princess of espionage. Matthew Yglesias » Who’s Who in Iraq Advising?
  • The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government.
  • Given Chalabi’s many proven and suspected crimes, including espionage against the US, has anyone bothered asking Scotty or any of the crew why this slimeball is not yet in Gitmo or somesuch with the other known terrorists? Think Progress » Dr. Seuss Diplomacy
  • In danger of being prosecuted by the US government under the Espionage Act, Assange is a man "on the run," as Burns and Somaiya noted on Sunday. Christopher Alessi: WikiLeaks Founder Lashes out at New York Times
  • MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
  • His real achievement, though, is effortlessly synthesizing a dizzying array of dissonant phenomena (Cold War espionage, ecstatic religiosity), incongruous pairings (Darwinism, Tantric sex), and otherwise schizy ephemera (psychedelic drugs, spaceflight) into a cogent, satisfyingly complete narrative. Cover to Cover
  • He was not charged with espionage and has repeatedly denied giving information to China.
  • She is also well-trained in espionage and tactical planning. Hero Fans...Who Is Rebel?
  • Some users fear that their ability to snoop may amount to industrial espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.
  • The company has dismissed any suggestions of espionage as a hangover from the Cold War. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ninja also used his skills of camouflage and espionage to shock.
  • As a result, two views of life, so to speak, were lodged in the corporal's incapacious head: on the one hand, he could not suppress his sense of injury against the German lieutenant who had thrown down 1,500 roubles and not a kopeck more; on the other, he did not dare forget that he had been initiated by the 'directing German representatives" into the whole German espionage system, including all its agents and banks. My Life
  • Some users fear that their ability to snoop may amount to industrial espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some users fear that their ability to snoop may amount to industrial espionage. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was charged last year with three counts under the espionage act, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is already the subject of a French judicial investigation into corrupt practices, thanks to a whistleblower who has detailed bribery and industrial espionage allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The names with which they adorned their maps were a piece of courtiership and a means of currying favour with the great and powerful, just as their espionage, and their supply of illicitly-obtained and flavoured information to Decaen in Mauritius, were essays to advance their own interests by unworthy services. The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders
  • Bob Ho (Jackie Chan) is an undercover CIA superspy who decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his next-door neighbor and girlfriend, Gillian. 4 Movie Clips from THE SPY NEXT DOOR Starring Jackie Chan, George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus and Amber Valletta –
  • The clammy atmosphere of espionage is wonderfully conveyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • EURO 2012 is suddenly the setting for international espionage. The Sun
  • My parents covered the show trials of the last two—Mindszenty and Rajk—both convicted of faked charges of espionage, the cardinal given a life sentence, Rajk, the foreign minister, sent to the gallows. Enemies of the People
  • And Philby, many years later, proved to have been a Russian spy, working at the very heart of the British counter-espionage service!
  • Cole engages in espionage, sets up traps and otherwise wreaks havoc with navy ships that wander in his part of the universe. REVIEW: Mike Resnick's Starship Series (Books 1-4)
  • The clammy atmosphere of espionage is wonderfully conveyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokesman for its judiciary said in February that most of its detained dual nationals face espionage charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage.
  • Many Republicans have called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian, to be prosecuted under the US Espionage Act, or for his site to be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization.
  • Instead of using our own counter-espionage and law enforcement to defeat these threats, we instituted a mass, indiscriminate approach. Robert Slayton: AMERICAN TRAGEDY
  • But Mr Fergus did agree with a recent Australian Government decision to increase funding for counter-espionage activities.
  • These dropping enter a country the netizen of trap of outer net espionage, the destiny of sanction of natural ineludible law.
  • Bill Nighy is Johnny Worricker, who was recruited to hunt communists for Britain's MI-5 counterespionage service during the Vietnam War era and now finds himself tracking Arabs and other terrorists. Tales of the Old West and Aging Spies
  • The papers here had a big piece yesterday about counter-espionage, which is apparently going to be done by the FBI.
  • Offices are regularly swept for bugs, and even after the Cold War the United Nations remains for some a hotbed of espionage.
  • Treason, double agency, counter-espionage, cryptology, code breaking … all are linked to the study of Shakespeare. 2009 June 12 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • As far as economic espionage is concerned, no laws were broken in the acquisition of the item. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
  • The problem of corporate espionage has become big enough for companies to employ counter-espionage agencies.
  • The term specifically describes activities associated with the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • The vendor that's implicated is accused of getting its faulty capacitor formula through an incident of bungled industrial espionage. Boing Boing: May 25, 2003 - May 31, 2003 Archives
  • In many ways, Hull was ideally suited to write the definitive history of German espionage in neutral Ireland.
  • Last year's debate on intelligence reform should have centered on espionage, which we call human intelligence, or HUMINT, or spying.
  • The others that he talked to are incredulous at the thought of a mole because of their excellent anti-espionage program.
  • I really did want to write about crime, espionage, and politics, from the position that all spooks have got to be bad guys.
  • Another concerns the use of espionage in international politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was then posted to the counter-espionage branch and served in several of its sections until 1965. Times, Sunday Times
  • You don't make a lesser offense -- an obscure lesser offense -- the centerpiece of a prosecution in a major espionage case," says John Martin, the Justice Department's legendary former spycatcher. The Nuclear Spy Case Suffers A Meltdown
  • Paranoid and violent U.S. university espionage is closely related to institutional brutality. Matthew Yglesias » Our Strange Constitution
  • Sometimes on the vital subject of his plans and intentions, there is no means available other than espionage.
  • They all deny espionage, a charge which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison or a hefty fine.
  • Faster than you can say "Walter Mitty," he is whisked into the world of corporate espionage and counter spying. Cypher
  • He is pressing for the five to be considered as unwitting accomplices to espionage, rather than conspirators.
  • Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.
  • The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is responsible for internal security, for counter-espionage, for counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
  • The company has dismissed any suggestions of espionage as a hangover from the Cold War. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term enemy combatant has been used for decades to define members of a military who engage in activities such as sabotage and espionage that occur outside normal combat. 'Enemy Combatant' Label Is Dropped for Detainees
  • Coimbra described herself and the others as the "type of people who at night talk in encrypted chat rooms about world events, espionage, geostrategy, read John Le Carre novels, read Jeff Stein's Spy Talk blog, and by day work like everybody else. Mapping the world's intel agencies: easy as Google
  • It gives us anarchy as panto and global espionage in the guise of an ongoing stag weekend. Sherlock Holmes: a Game of Shadows – review
  • There won't be a single family in the country unaffected, there will be bloodshed, treachery, espionage, murder, pogroms and massacres.
  • Civilian imaging of Earth was limited by the desire to avoid Soviet accusations of espionage.
  • Not just any old movie, but one with mystery and espionage and terribly good-looking people.
  • In one letter, he enclosed a Washington Post and Times-Herald article about the problems being caused by American postwar “hyper-patriotism,” explaining that the extreme security procedures being put in place to safeguard against espionage were perceived by many leading lawyers and scientists as “harrying and constricting.” A Covert Affair
  • The report also uncovered other alarming attitudes towards international cyber espionage. Computing
  • An espionage conviction, no matter how footling the cited offense, was considered tantamount to proof of treason (except in the Fifth District of Wisconsin).
  • The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.
  • And with industrial espionage now being mooted as a possible motive, the plot is thickening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.
  • The Mossad knew better than anyone how to follow money, particularly counterespionage money. NIMITZ CLASS
  • The documents concerning these efforts to transfer the SIS's duties out of the FBI reflect Hoover's trepidation toward building a foreign espionage and counter-espionage organization.
  • Subtler and more far-reaching means of invading privacy have become available to the government … The progress of science in furnishing the government with means of espionage is not likely to stop with wiretapping. Big Brother Is Listening
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • The counter-espionage agency confirmed that 20 of the suspects held fundamentalist views, while 60 more were under investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In doing this, Dench had inspiration from the real world of espionage - a female spymistress.
  • Although he had had no formal training on the job, he was quick to grasp the essential elements of espionage and counter-espionage.
  • A chill wind is blowing in the corridors of the world's anti-espionage agencies.
  • That it was a rare glimpse into the shadowy world of international espionage makes it all the more seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were freed in December, after accusations of espionage were reduced to charges of gathering secret information.
  • All of this adds to recent speculation of increased posturing and counter-espionage ongoings between Israel and Hezbollah (along with the Lebanese intelligence services) involving the destruction of telecommunications towers in Southern Lebanon and the break-up of an Isreali spy ring earlier this year. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Weekly Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Rudyard Kipling coined the term, The Great Game, to describe one hundred and fifty years of intrigue, military adventurism, and espionage.
  • The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.
  • Industrial espionage is endemic. The Sun
  • Maybe espionage has grown less romantic since the end of the Cold War because the focus has shifted.
  • MI5 wants to expand its counter-espionage service as well as boost its efforts to combat terrorism.
  • Russian scientists uncover giant U.S./Israeli cyber espionage network.
  • The operative theory right now, is that it was not espionage involved, rather some employee who perhaps mishandled the disks, and then felt like he was going to get in trouble, so he secretly put them back.
  • Innocently he invites his new American buddy back to the army base, only to discover that he has been lured into the murky world of espionage.
  • He was assigned to the Soviet embassy in London as the KGB "resident" responsible for Soviet intelligence-gathering and espionage in the UK.
  • Turns out she has been accused of espionage and is in a super-duper high-security military prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibition's statement that Bauer's stubbornness made a skeptical Mossad probe Ricardo Klement's identity is an admirable concession that Israeli espionage owes one of its major achievements to a Diaspora Jew, a gratitude expressed also through the display of the teleprinter and tickertape by which an agent was ordered to inform Bauer of Eichmann's kidnapping. How Israeli Spies Pulled It Off
  • The problem of corporate espionage has become big enough for companies to employ counter-espionage agencies.
  • The planes land many times at Camp Peary in Virginia, known as ‘The Farm,’ where CIA agents are trained in espionage.
  • The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.
  • US officials are searching for ways to extradite him on espionage charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over 60 of its members, including its leader, were arrested and accused of espionage, subversive activities and other crimes.
  • Peruvian-Chilean relations have been generally good of late and Peruvian officials including Defense Minister Luis Alberto Otarola avoided the word "espionage" when questioned by reporters about the arrests of Serain and Pizarro. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • JACOBSON: Well, I don't know specifically, but I will say that all members of the U.S. military are trained in what's called counterespionage, counterintelligence activities, in terms of being able to look at suspicious activities, things that may not seem right, such as someone who doesn't have access to classified information seeking out that information. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2003
  • And there's also something else called echelon, and this is a very covert and widely debated satellite-based espionage network. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2001
  • He plays the most infamous hacker in the history of computer espionage, who has done time in stir and now wants to go straight.
  • They include the rapid adoption of cloud computing, increasing use of mobile devices, growth of cybercrime and online espionage and the merging of home and work life. Computing
  • M. O'BRIEN: Also at the White House this morning, a little espionage curfuffle. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2005
  • All in all, it was a decent action thriller, with elements of espionage and intelligence thrown in.
  • While the espionage business continues to thrive, its remit has changed.
  • Military officials initially told the press that he might face charges of espionage and sedition, even treason.
  • Andy has put his life back on a secure footing since being found guilty of espionage by a Greek court, last month.
  • Russian espionage of what the British call bumble and cock-up. Yahoo! News: Top Stories

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