How To Use Esoteric In A Sentence
He is fond of pointing out how esoteric this debate is to the wider public.
Lawyers and judges also spent time this year on more esoteric subjects.
Times, Sunday Times
The trivia enthusiast in me thrilled to discover oodles of esoteric tidbits on every page - and not just about salt.
Whether or not you're a logomaniac (one obsessed with words), this esoteric collection of English words should prove entertaining; it even might make you cachinnate (laugh loudly) as you turn the pages.
He pointed out that the book review is a news service, a digest of the latest news about books - not publicity for publishers, nor a rarified forum for highbrow esoterica.

Hallucigenia" hits a good cross section of themes and set pieces central to my work -- hard bitten protagonists, dark cults, insanity, gratuitous rumpy pumpy, esoteric lore, super science, monsters, and cosmic horror all tangled up in pulp-noir webbing.
INTERVIEW: Laird Barron
Kashmir's contribution to the Indian thought has been of immense artistic, esoteric and aesthetic value.
Hence that wide-spread Pythagorean philosophy, with its spheral harmonics and esoteric mysteries, uniting in one brotherhood for many years men of thought and action, -- dare we say, our inferiors?
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
Ironically, a nation of know-nothings is secretly guided by adherents of an esoteric political tradition rooted in a grand conversation among philosophers ranging from ancient Greece to Weimar Germany.
n. - doctrine denying existence of universe distinct from God. acosmist, acroamatic adj. - esoteric, told only orally. acrocephalic
And yet, he replied to each one with clarity, in a tone that still hints of a German accent but has been "internationalized," even if not delving into esoteric designer-speak or tech-talk, opting instead for philosophical statements that more people could relate to.
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The Bible is no academic tome with an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.
As a reporter of celebrity sleaze, I may certainly be an epicenter of pop cultural esoterica, but I'm always skeptical of the latest ‘big thing.’
In the absence of hard evidence and faced with an event which looked so much like the popcorn Armageddon of Hollywood's top imagineers, the public have been turning to esoteric sources for explanation and comfort.
The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.
The music I heard in my house was my parents' music, which was swing music, jazz, very mainstream jazz nothing esoteric - the usual people like Ella Fitzgerald, [and] Judy Garland.
But its esoteric structure may make finding a global leader all the more problematic.
Times, Sunday Times
The Bible is no academic tome with an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.
There has to be a return to what an older generation would have termed arithmetic and far less interest in esoteric methods of dealing with numbers.
Times, Sunday Times
This was the first time that it had occurred to Grey that the Church of England might have its own esoterica, its own hidden cabala.
But as it is attached to an important esoteric stream with political ambitions in which the United States of Europe is absolutely central—i.e., synarchy—a movement with many faces, the idea begins to seem almost reasonable.
The Sion Revelation
Most strikingly, in the belief that the wider dissemination of the Kabbalah would speed up the effectuation of the messianic project, the Sabbateans were systematically teaching it to their women, especially the esoteric Zohar, in which only a small, exclusively male elite would traditionally have been initiated.
Considering the eruption of Mount Merapi volcano, the International Charitable Fund ‘Star of Hope’ which represents the union of esoterics of Ukraine would like to inform you that according to our predictions the critical point eruption is expecting on the period of 12-15 May, 2006.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » The President of Indonesia and the Internet
Zac talked in a monotonous drone about the hidden treasures of Egypt, the esoteric wisdom that Aristotle stole, or was it Plato, and then the Egyptians forgot everything.
And it is wrapped up in the seemingly esoteric subject of reserved legal activities.
Times, Sunday Times
Smell, our seemingly most primitive sense, is often linked to spiritual or esoteric ideas.
Weaving numerous elements together, some esoteric, others fairly apprehensible, AW takes us on a dreamlike expedition into another culture.
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives – review
I couldn't have scripted a smoother year," says Jeffrey Hirsch , editor-in-chief of the "Stock Trader's Almanac," an annual book that compiles market statistics and esoterica.
Stocks Going By the Book
This is by no means an easy thing to accomplish; nothing of real esoteric value ever is easy to attain.
Butler's report will be full of esoteric recommendations about working practices inside government.
The same piece encouraged a leading Jungian to sermonize in rotund eighteenth-century style on the esoteric, as opposed to the exoteric, meaning of the Sea-God Manannan's Crane Bag.
The Crane Bag
While experientialism stresses the importance of a personal acquaintance with what we categorize as the divine, evidentialism provides an anchor to prevent such hypothesizing from meandering off into exceedingly esoteric or individualized speculation by providing a basis for belief any interested party is free to investigate at their own leisure. blogs
Anyone wanting to understand the deep historical connections between the numerous strands of modern esoterica would do well to read it.
It is difficult to pinpoint the precise moment at which the Theosophical Society began to decline and British esotericists began to turn to other Eastern interpreters.
But when he was answering the challenge of whether the soul exists, his response did not depend on abstractions or esoterica but on the perceived experience of personal and historical growth.
Boethius's theological opuscule known as De Hebdomadibus and Alan of Lille's Regulae Caelestis Iuris are presented as axiomatic but also esoteric, with the express statement of the author that their principles are not accessible to the many.
Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
Deupree, by contrast, has an exceptional ear for creating melodies and esoteric atmospherics.
According to the Esoteric Oils site, Mandarin oil is extracted from Citrus reticulata (also known as Citrus nobilis, madurensis, unshiu, deliciosa) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as European mandarin, tangerine, naartjie and true mandarin.
Breast cancer related to frequent use of some anti-perspirants - make your own deodorant from salt
It brings us into touch with levels of ourself untouched hitherto, and so it has a profound esoteric significance.
Esoteric astrology has its roots in the philosophy of hylozoism, which asserts that life and matter are inseparable.
Their knowledge of ancient languages gave them access to the esoteric writings of bygone ages, writings which supposedly contained secret knowledge about the nature of the world.
CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
A philosopher simply couldn't play the game absent some basic facility with indifference curves, Edgeworth boxes, prisoners' dilemmas, maximin rational choice strategy, and related esoterica that had infiltrated the discussion.
It also covers the more esoteric subjects of monochromatic observing and spectrohelioscopes.
This sounds like such an esoteric topic, yet in fact it follows a long period during which patrons and collectors sought out and valued decorated leather bindings tooled in gold and blind impressions.
Why did what was formerly seen as an esoteric cultural theory go from the margins of academia to the mainstream of public debate?
Something along the lines of a combination the enthusiasm and exuberance of the "fannish" reviews and the esoteric critical dissection we find in the scholarly journals and reference books.
Archive 2003-12-01
It will feel infuriatingly esoteric to some, yet it is its unknowingness that gives it such life.
Times, Sunday Times
He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.
I guess the most basic difference is that sudoku is a puzzle of logic - not a puzzle of esoteric knowledge and literate playfulness.
Hauptmann was not merely a philologer, which is a formidable thing in itself, but he belonged to the esoteric group that deals with languages which have no literature.
The Collectors
Some days I go on at length about all kinds of strange, esoteric, metaphysical musings, and sometimes everything I write sounds like New Age jibber-jabber.
Roseanne Archy
In the sect, there was an esoteric minority called perfecti, who were supposed to obey the strict rules of an ascetic ethic; the rest were auditores, who followed, at a distance, the doctrines of the perfecti but not their rules.
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
The difficulty and esotericism was part of the intensity of the lesson.
Sheila Weller: Rest In Peace -- Not, William Zantzinger
It's esoteric in parts, and plain indecipherable in others.
They turn up some interesting esoterica: it's the connections they then try to make that I, personally, disagree with.
It also contains what might be called "esotericism," or, deeper readings of texts and life.
Jay Michaelson: An Introduction To Kabbalah, Part 1: What Is Kabbalah?
Pop art directly challenged what was increasingly seen as abstract art's esoteric retreat from the world.
It means that you live in one place, but exist in another esoteric, imaginary plane, unshackled by fact or memory.
The semiconductor that gives life to your computer rests on the esoteric theory of quantum mechanics.
Times, Sunday Times
This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
According to the article, the Republican glitterati is rethinking being pro-life and against gay rights because it alienated moderates who are apparently focused on esoteric issues like jobs, health care and education.
No convictions a good spanking can't cure...
a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories
He taught mathematics not as some esoteric mystery, but as practical common sense.
Surrounding the Rennes was a pattern of encrypted markers, which, in turn, yielded conceptual topographic lines for sonic esoterically conceived geometric pattern.
Shadow of the Sentinel
This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
For the last year or so I've been very hermitish, reading bizarre occult books and other esoterica.
The muscles can be afflicted by esoteric diseases such as myasthenia gravis.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, the issues in this particular case involve two esoteric disciplines: cytogenetics the study of chromosomes, and population genetics, both of which are difficult to explain without the specialized jargon.
The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
Although the text is more accessible, it also loses its mysterious and esoteric qualities.
Sitting in a coffee house expounding on the lightness of being, while you quote esoteric quotes to prove how in touch you are with the downtrodden is the equivalent of a hot breeze on a hot day; annoying and needless.
Archive 2009-04-01
He may also mean that he believes controlled anarchy as the demise of any heteronomous authority sets the proper conditions for the discovery of suppressed esoteric trends in a society.
Gershom Scholem
Yet such an esoteric statistic took second place to a tale of personal commitment and courage.
Even Mr. Ellenbogen, whose wine list is an exercise in vinous esoterica, has a Chardonnay among his Bar Agricole offerings, albeit one made in the mountains of Jura, France, and blended with the Savagin grape.
Some Wine 'Rules' Are Made to Be Broken
All the real understanding of the Universe accumulated by Esotericism throughout the ages has come to man via the higher mental centre.
His quest to buy a Steinway grand leads him into the esoteric world of luxury piano makers.
Times, Sunday Times
The language is abstruse and esoteric, almost incomprehensible, the ‘discourse’ inaccessible except to the initiates.
The mandala, with its divine and esoteric connotations, has been a key construct in temple building since Vedic times.
Any poetry removed from popular diction will inevitably become as esoteric as 18th-century satire (perfected by Alexander Pope), whose dense allusiveness and preciosity drove the early Romantic poets into the countryside to find living speech again.
Lovelock, who appeared not to have a brain in his head, juggled esoteric formulae as casually as a computer.
Arthur gets the balance of esoterica and catchiness just right.
Shawn Amos: PLAY > SKIP: This Week's New Music
According to the esoteric tradition humanity is not the pinnacle of evolution on this planet.
Washington: India American teenager Kavya Shivashankar finally won it all in the televised US National Spelling Bee competition, nailing esoteric words from "hydrargyrum" to "Laodicean", coolly writing them down with her finger on her palm.
Specialist dictionaries may be required to understand some of the more esoteric texts.
Well in fact that esoteric knowledge is quite an important theme in conspiracy theories.
None the less, it is a step forward and will stimulate debate about the emergence of neurology from the closet of esoteric and untreatable syndromes.
To fight back, I have prohibited my employees from describing events in esoteric terms," Stewart joked.
Jon Stewart To Larry King: 'You're The Last Guy Out Of A Burning Building' (VIDEO)
Some of the Qur™anic verses have been viewed by the mystics and philosopher-mystics of Islam as allegorical and esoteric hints for those who can see them.
Mysticism in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy
For over 50 years (including in the Foreword to my own upcoming book) Smith has distinguished between what he calls the exoteric (outer) aspects of religion and the esoteric (inner).
Philip Goldberg: Who Says All Religions Are the Same?
Yes, there are poseurs who distract with meaningless, pseudo-esoteric verbiage, just as there are economists who seek to turn the trivial into the important by unnecessary mathematization.
Eschew Sesquipedalian Obsfucation, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Those guilty often don't know the facts about the abuse and/or don't know esoteric labels such as hebephilia and ephebophilia (which, of course, belies any claim of intellectualism).
ChronWatch - Articles
The balance between statute and independent regulation is not a trivial or esoteric subject.
Times, Sunday Times
Massive string swells and jazzy electric piano stabs immediately bring the more esoteric work of Carl Craig and Derrick May to mind.
That type of theory, rooted in the tradition of 19th century German Idealism, mystifies freedom by seeing it as an esoteric result of ideas or ideals alone.
Thus, the defenses against the two charges of apoliticism and unnecessary esotericism are often quite similar: continental feminist theory is committed to questioning such deeply held, deeply embedded concepts that it must of necessity adopt new kinds of language, new kinds of models, that are by definition counterintuitive.
Continental Feminism
Every illicit drug now has its own subculture, with its own esoteric knowledge, its own rituals and its own argot.
In his 1970 book,The Cagoule: Thirty Years of Plots La Cagoule: 30 ans de complots, Philippe Boudrel writes: “Eugène Deloncle, that lover of esotericism, found inspiration in the study of secret societies.”
The Sion Revelation
Buddhism, especially in the form of Esoteric Buddhism, came to Tibet in the seventh century; Tibetan Buddhism is called Lamaism by for - eigners.
The question of retrospective enforcement is not applicable only to the esoteric world of FX trading.
Times, Sunday Times
The ancient seers, therefore, devised a cryptic language in which some of the words retain their normal meaning, while others are cryptograms or hierograms for spiritual and esoteric truths.
Nickel, rhodium, and iridium have their uses, and from there you go off into some real esoterica.
More important, the premium on "original" research has caused the eclipse of teaching and resulted in the overproduction of jargon-heavy esoterica or trivial "scholarship" intended merely to win preferment within the professors guild.
Hello, Adjunct, Meet Prof. Cozy
After the Financial Accounting Standards Board eased so-called mark-to-market accounting rules on April 2, the banks could consult their own esoteric models and essentially value their bad assets however they wanted, “mark-to-model.”
The poems show his erudition to be wide, his historical knowledge sometimes esoteric.
Such clever allusions in the original title must have been deemed too esoteric for potential buyers.
The esoteric nature of these claims is expressed through their own pertinent whakapapa link.
There is no better initiation into its mysteries than a cross-country trip, taking in its biggest cities, its esoteric backwaters, and its most impressive pieces of natural architecture.
The comments and discusssion on this topic aptly describe your obtuseness and your ivory tower out of touch with reality circular theoretical esoterica to ad nauseum better than I could ever state on my own.
The Economics of Wage Labor, Michael Munger | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
They believed also in esoteric meanings accessible only to the powerful elite, as opposed to exoteric doctrine suitable for the masses.
He was a votary of the esoteric Eton religion, the kind of graceful, tolerant, sleepy boy who is showered with favors and crowned with all the laurels, who is liked by the masters and admired by the boys without any apparent exertion on his part, without experiencing the ill-effects of success himself or arousing the pangs of envy in others.
Arrested Development
Varmint hunters and long-range target shooters know all too well the esoteric science of wind doping.
They are supposed to revolve around the theme Nature and Man but some of them are so esoteric, like the busts of four elongated figures sitting around a candle, that we could not relate them to the theme.
The only place one may find them is in esoteric and occult histories and their own works spread across at least seven generations.
The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
Lawyers and judges also spent time this year on more esoteric subjects.
Times, Sunday Times
Even more daring is his willingness to write from an academic point of view about topics that make many scholars uncomfortable: esoterica and occult traditions.
One could then also say that kaji expresses the mutuality and coherence or co-responding that obtains between the two major concepts characterizing esoteric Buddhism for Kûkai: hosshin seppô and sokushinjôbutsu, as two ways of conceiving from different angles the same interrelationality of the cosmos in its mantric and mandalic expressions.
To those on a quest for spiritual evolution or transformation, they promise entry into an esoteric world of ancient mystical wisdom.
A consultant's head is filled with such esoterica, and this is why he gets paid the big bucks.
While much of the text would be too esoteric for all but the art-history scholar, it does raise broader questions.
Nor are films split between hothouse esoterics distributed solely to hoity-toity boutique venues versus "crowd-pleasers" shown in every mall (besides, Hellas doesn't have malls - it has small shopping courtyards).
Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Andreadis Unibrow Theory of Art
Bourdieu defines a contrast between autonomous artists, who create for themselves and for others sharing their esoteric tastes, and heteronomous artists, who seek wealth by creating to meet the approval of the consumer field.
To a rhythmic micro-sampling sensibility inspired by Akufen and a love for more esoteric sample sources à la Herbert, Crackhaus add their own sense of humour and hooks that hit you straight in the booty.
With a little advance preparation, I believe an hour and 15 minutes is all we need to acquire a faculty second to none in the hermeneutics of law, legal esoterics, and other arts of absolutely no use to any client, real or imagined.
When so few people have been encouraged to learn trades, the special skills involved in them become esoteric.
One of the esoterics is a former teacher named Jean.
NYT > Home Page
The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.
But aside from esoteric views on what may or may not have been a languid past few years in music the question still remains as to whether the next few will see a worthwhile scene or not.
Their knowledge of ancient languages gave them access to the esoteric writings of bygone ages, writings which supposedly contained secret knowledge about the nature of the world.
CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
But snobbery aside, could it be that a fashion for interrogatory esotericism does not stop with dusty academics?
There has to be a return to what an older generation would have termed arithmetic and far less interest in esoteric methods of dealing with numbers.
Times, Sunday Times
The Left makes incredibly esoteric distinctions based on the motives of the social planners doing the killing.
Nothing too esoteric - just big amounts of powder, storax and olibanum and things like that.
His adored father was a more or less failed Swiss pastor, a melancholic man of esoteric interests.
I can't deny however that somewhere within I carry a dream of a community where students and teachers sit in the sun together in a fragrant garden and discuss all kinds of esoterica.
Esoterically understood, his novel teaches a doctrine of mysticism, intuitionalism, and materialism combined.
Title: The title combines the Rosicrucian elements of Rose and Cross appropriate to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric society that Yeats had joined in March of 1890 and that he induced Gonne to join in the autumn of 1891.
Under The Moon
In other words, foresight, the ability to look ahead, is not an esoteric activity restricted to a few people with PhDs.
This book deals mainly with people the author knew such as Kahlil Gibran and narrates the story with the mystical point of view, esoteric knowledge, spiritual light and philosophical detachment.
Among the Lao the officiant is usually an ex-monk who has attained considerable esoteric knowledge of the ritual language of the ceremony.
Deep, hidden or esoteric meanings of the text are rejected in favour of its plain meaning.
The vast panorama of teeming Life and Creation opened up to us through the teachings of Esotericism beggars human thought.
The story just ended up being a perfect vehicle for mentioning any piece of bizarre esoterica that I fancied and seemed to fit.
n. - doctrine denying existence of universe distinct from God. acosmist, acroamatic adj. - esoteric, told only orally. acrocephalic
General esotericists will prefer meditation and prayer as the means of unraveling the mystery.
In spite of its length (over two and a half hours) and occasional flights of fancy, it has a rewardingly esoteric heart.
Does he immerse himself in gambling esoterica, lightly outwitting the fools who flock to the tables to give away their money?
But the series has a solid fanbase – and beyond that are no doubt many gamers who like the idea of plodding across America in a massive steel beast, with temperamental cohorts at your side, with enemies to turn to cannon fodder mush, with Kinect controls that let you ram down a periscope or jam a pair of metallic legs into gear.10-15 years ago, this kind of esoteric Japapanese treat was much more common on Western release schedules.
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor – preview
Speaking of chess programs, the show gets bonus points for occasionally throwing in esoteric trivia.
TV Review: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 1
This was the first time that it had occurred to Grey that the Church of England might have its own esoterica, its own hidden cabala.
(Only esoteric and theosophic interpretations, notably those offered by the anthroposophist Rudolf
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Esoteric Christianity doesn't typically support the theory of the Demiurge. It believes that creation is inherently good, and as such so is the Creator.
There are indications that his esoteric popularity may be ebbing.
Specialist dictionaries may be required to understand some of the more esoteric texts.
Kelly took dance out of the esoteric realm of swans and princes and tutus.
Then there are snippets of absorbing esoterica, such as the fact that Mozart wrote the tune to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or that Vienna has its own Vegetable Orchestra.
The operative experience gained by the fellows is broad based and extensive including both routine and esoteric cases.
Fellowship Program Description
The groundwork laid out by Jupiter in 2000, Cave In worms further into the dark underbelly of esoteric Pink Floyd-esque rock operatics.
According to one theory G.W. Bowersock’s, in particular Julian’s Paganism was highly eccentric and atypical because it was heavily influenced by an esoteric approach to Platonic philosophy sometimes identified as theurgy and also neoplatonism.
Julian 1st…Caesar of Rome! Past life experience… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
Within all the false claims made by Shingon priest-scholars, Esotericism is held firmly to its singularized status as an abstruse belief system, even in its attempted assimilation at the representational level.
Some people feel modern dance is difficult to follow, somewhat abstract or esoteric.
The anatomical resemblance between Man and the higher Ape, so frequently cited by Darwinists as pointing to some ancestors common to both, presents an interesting problem, the proper solution of which is to be sought for in the esoteric explanation of the genesis of the pithecoid stocks.
The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
Aside from regular updates from the future, the curmudgeon began his blogging career with a series of planetary profiles packed with references that are both esoteric and Aesopian.
Setting aside the most extreme examples, to flatly dismiss such products as esoteric, or their advocates as delusional, is a mistake.
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I think a lot of people come to magic through divination, because it's more accessible than some esoterica, and better known in the wide world.
Even the most bookish work that seems esoteric on the written page can be transformed by actors into the cadences of characters and themes.
They concentrated on simple, direct promises to voters, while the other parties squabbled over more esoteric issues like EU expansion.
One could then also say that kaji expresses the mutuality and coherence or co-responding that obtains between the two major concepts characterizing esoteric Buddhism for Kûkai: hosshin seppô and sokushinjôbutsu, as two ways of conceiving from different angles the same interrelationality of the cosmos in its mantric and mandalic expressions.
In Tibet, Lamaism, which is an amalga - mation of Esoteric Buddhism with popular faiths, pre - vails with Lamas as spiritual leaders, although their spiritual prestige has greatly declined due to the Com - munist invasion in 1959.
But the excursions of Harlem onto Broadway, the deviltries of the dull and the revelries of the respectable are a matter of esoteric knowledge only to the participants themselves.
The Beautiful and Damned
His increasingly esoteric songs suggest that the musical cocoon he's been spinning around himself for a decade deflects his sight inward again and again.
I am not scholar enough to judge the Scandinavian verse, but the Irish poetic speech seems to me at worst an over abundance of the esotericism which is an essential element in all admirable literature, and I think it is a folly to make light of it, as a recent writer has done.91 Even now verse no less full of symbol and myth seems to me as legitimate as, let us say, a religious picture full of symbolic detail, or the symbolic ornament of a cathedral.
Later Articles and Reviews
Its esoteric meaning is of the domain of the scholar rather than the layman - of the initiate rather than the priest.
Thus the relinquishing of violence can only be achieved as part of work on ourselves under the aegis of Esotericism.
The world is full of modest people brimming with esoteric knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
If I weren't doing this my red choice would probably be a Pinot Noir from Griottes Chambertin and my white would be an esoteric white from Austria, preferably a smaragd from Wachau.
I hoped it would be typified by communities which taught magic to the children from their earliest days - not as some somber esoterica but as an approach to actions and a guide for choices.
He remained committed to exploring his penchant for mordant wit, the celebration of the esoteric, the glorification of all things absurd.
I was justed wanted to offer my help to StarE because I thought my experience and training in some rather esoteric areas.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » StarE’s Review Forum
It seems a trifle self-indulgent to enjoy such esoteric pleasure in the midst of so much want.
They point to an increasing presence of "esoterics," who settled in Bugarach around the year 2000 and who are also attracted to the tranquillity, the low price of real estate and the history of the area.
NYT > Home Page
There can be few other industries in the land whose billions are so dependent on the say-so of such an esoteric and anonymous few.
In other words, I think that rural people are pragmatic and contemptuous of the left's seeming obsession with expensive esoterica.
Any poetry removed from popular diction will inevitably become as esoteric as 18th-century satire (perfected by Alexander Pope), whose dense allusiveness and preciosity drove the early Romantic poets into the countryside to find living speech again.
But impeachment HEARINGS are exactly the way to bring those esoterics into the processing capabilities and attention of the ordinary American.
How About an Impeachment Truth Movement?
Further, the aim of this group like that of all subversive Esoteric Orders, is, by means of such processes as eurhythmics, meditations, symbols, ceremonies, and formulas, to awaken this force and produce false "Illumination" for the purpose of obtaining
Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
These songs prove him capable of focusing more on visceral appeal and less on stagy esotericism while maintaining his intellectual ambition, and one hopes this album is a stepping stone toward cementing this vision.
Either esoterics are in search of a novel way to flutter the dovecoats or the soul of selective adverbs have mutated into literary phlogiston.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Arguably” Instead of Argument:
Belief in esoteric wisdom spawned esoteric societies, real or imaginary.
Times, Sunday Times
Individual breweries add such esoteric ingredients as coriander, thyme, lemongrass, figs, bananas or elderberries to give their products a unique flavour.
It means that you live in one place, but exist in another esoteric, imaginary plane, unshackled by fact or memory.
Certain esoteric sects and psuedo-scientists place considerable importance upon these rare objects, occasionally manifesting in hysterical and apocalyptic cults.
"Other hands than it should pass through..."
Now, lined up in their matching chairs, the three of them look unified, purposeful, like eager schoolkids taking turns to explain some esoteric science project.
One very important method, a priority – both esoterically and exoterically – is to prepare the way for Vindex: for an individual of Destiny who has the charisma to lead a practical revolt against the Magian.
Satanism Exposed: The ONA Fake Org | Disinformation
Many people would agree with the Maharishi's political analysis, but they might have some issues with some of the more esoteric aspects of his teachings.
I mean, it's no more esoteric or unusual than what anyone else does, but people don't get their knickers in a twist about Mr and Mrs Jones' hanky-panky.
These men are just happy being stars, famous at home and abroad within their esoteric world.
Times, Sunday Times
His later spiritual perspective evolved among pantheism, humanism, and various elements of Western esotericism, as seen most vividly in Part II of Faust.
Johann wolfgang von goethe | outside of the gate | Faust I. « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
By the turn of the century, the royalist faction came to fear synarchy, whose influence had spread beyond esoteric groups.
Persons given to cryptical studies were inclined to consider this an esoteric form of advertisement, intended to convey to the initiated the information that A. STORM had gone into the beer business.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
And esoteric subjects such as palaeography are easy targets; they attract comparatively few students and, most importantly, comparatively little in the way of research grants - the only way the past few governments have measured a subject's worth.
The Guardian World News
The nobility, sublimity, depth, pathos and exuberance of his concerts remain esoteric and reveal his scholarship, authority and authenticity.