How To Use Eskimo In A Sentence
There are seeming exceptions to this, such as the Inuit, but even Eskimos greedily consume what little greenstuff comes their way.
Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part I | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Nearer the Arctic his canoe becomes a skin kaiak, his face is still broader, Ms eyes like a Chinaman's, and writers of human history call him Eskimo.
The Golden Snare
He fondled the impression of her as of silverspun wire, of fine leather, of twisted hair-sennit from the heads of maidens such as the Marquesans make, of carven pearl-shell for the lure of the bonita, and of barbed ivory at the heads of sea-spears such as the Eskimos throw.
Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.
Among the Eskimo the _angakok_, or shaman, trains his child from infancy in the art of sorcery, taking him upon his knee during his incantations and conjurations.
The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
The Eskimos of the far north are primitive.
Eskimo kaiak or skin boat, made of dressed seal hides stretched around a framework of whale ribs or wood, with an opening in the top only large enough to accommodate the sitting body of one man, is one of the most perfect contrivances in the world for water travel, being light, swift, and practically unsinkable.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
The "First Dude," as she calls the hunky Eskimo in the East Wing, waits on his snowmobile with the kids - Track (named after high school track meets), Bristol (after Bristol Bay where they did commercial fishing), Willow (after a community in Alaska), Piper
How Rooney rendered "gimcracks" into Eskimo we are not prepared to say, but the whole description sent Nunaga and her mother into fits of giggling, for those simple-minded creatures of the icy north -- unlike sedate Europeans -- are easily made to laugh.
Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
Or do you think the Eskimos have a lot of words for snow because they necessarily make fine discriminations amongst snow types, since they live in the snow.
the Aleut and the Eskimo are related culturally and linguistically
The Inupiaq are an Eskimo group that still relies on a traditional, subsistence lifestyle
The white fish -- a kind of chub -- was caught in the Yukon by the Yapik Eskimos and smoked at Acme Smoked Fish Corp, an old-fashioned, family-run business in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Lorna Sass: The Hidden Cost of Being 100% Locavore
The walrus, which is hunted by the Eskimo in kyak and from ice flow, is also sought after by the Hudson's Bay Company, and is hunted by the Company's employees in small vessels sailing out of Churchill.
Navigation of Hudson's Bay and Straits
Eskimo's place was located right across from mine on the east end of town.
Also stating on many occasions (again chuckling) while shaking his head that the Canadians,. the Eskimo, who from what he said had a fondness for using the 30 -30 on polar Bears.
Happy Holidays From The Gun Nut
Their faces were close enough to rub noses like Eskimos, and their breath left traces of fog between the fenceless boundary that separated their lips.
A Love So Deep
So, Eskimoan languages are really extraordinary in their productive word-building capability, for any root you might pick.
There are many racial slurs out there but the term Eskimo, used for the people now referred to as Inuit as they in fact most often call themselves, is technically not one of them.
A note about 'Inuit' and 'Eskimo'
A similar method is used by the Eskimo angekok.
His paintings preserved the traditions and activities of the Eskimos, the sourdoughs and the dogsleds of Alaska's ‘romantic period’ between the gold rush and the oil boom.
Considering that Eskimo languages are polysynthetic it is difficult to compare them to English.
Jees Uck was of a swart-skinned breed, it is true, but she was not an Indian; nor was she an Eskimo; nor even an Innuit.
I watched Eskimo villagers pull a beluga whale to shore and ate fresh muktuk.
Recipe: Pork and Sage Bites (Χοιρινό και Φασκόμηλο Μεζές)
in Danish mange tak and a long-standing wish that KNR will put their broadcasts on line already but I can't see anything wrong with 'Eskimo' for Eskimos or Gypsy for Romanis or Hungarian for Magyars, Finnish for Suomis etc. etc. etc. LANGUAGE GUESSER.
The Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392), also known as the Clownface Nebula, was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1787.
The Labrador journeys acquainted Murie with both Indians and Eskimos from whom he learned durable skills and values.
The Eskimo looked at Johnny's regulation army shoes as he said the word comrade, but made no comment.
Triple Spies
The right to self-determination, particularly for indigenous people like Greenland's Inuit, more commonly known as Eskimos, was a recurring theme this weekend.
Among the Polar Eskimo of the Thule District, for example, the dog sled was the most important means of transportation, used up to ten months of the year.
Consider the Inuit, otherwise known as Eskimos, sitting in their igloos or caribou hide tents.
Anthropologist Peter Freuchen lived among the Eskimos for years and observed the angakok or local medicine man go into trances.1 Freuchen watched Eskimo children who played games choking each other until they lost consciousness.
Experiencing the Next World Now
Eskimo and Aleut have enough similarities to justify the theory that they are descendants of a single ancestor language.
A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska. The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.
‘Eskimo Lament’ comes first, drenched in sombre piano and plucked guitar, before the arrival of gorgeous harmonies and trumpet flourishes.
I had frequent opportunities to observe these Eskimo ideas of chartography.
The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
The Eskimo are small, dolichocephalic, and have a yellow skin; the Tehuelches are large, dolichocephalic, and have a reddish skin; the Polynesians are large, mesocephalic, and have a reddish skin.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
As for the Times list, I'm all too happy to learn about "belligerati," "barking heads," "red-headed Eskimo," and especially "bomfog" —which concerns political and religious rhetoric:
Philocrites: Mob bloggers.
Eskimo's life differs in many ways from ours.
In Canada and Greenland [3] [4] [5] [6] the term Eskimo is widely held to be pejorative [3] [7] and has fallen out of favor, largely supplanted by the term Inuit. News
An Eskimo mukluk in cheap black vinyl is not my style.
Suzette Standring: Size Five Shoe Phaseout
The Eskimos don't look too comfortable in their parkas during the summer, but maybe they can cool off with the alcohol constantly flowing from the not one, but two Irish castles.
Except the dogs of the Factor's train, there were few real "huskies," as Eskimo dogs are called, for most of the brutes were the usual sharp-nosed, heavy-coated mongrels that in the Strong Woods Country go by the name of _giddes_; some, however, had been sired by wolves.
The Drama of the Forests Romance and Adventure
eskimos of the eastern Arctic have a system of syllabic writing
The Coast Guard cutter Bear became a familiar sight in Alaskan waters, rescuing icebound whalers, providing medical services for the Eskimos, and enforcing the international seal protection treaty.
WHITFIELD: And what is it about the crowd's response that you hope kind of verifies or kind or kind of underscores the importance of you having made this journey for the Inupiat Eskimos?
CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2002
As speed increases, the American Eskimo Dog will single track with the legs converging toward the center line of gravity while the back remains firm, strong, and level.
Then Eskimos rebel as great as kick Tommy as great as tell Barrys mother he unequivocally is a blueberry during hear. 72nd worst movie we is ever seen. .7 Thumbs Down!!!
Archive 2009-11-01
It is said, wrongly or rightly, I don't know, that in Inuit (PH), in the Eskimo languages, there are many, many words for different types of snow.
A Back-Story to The Man Who Loved China A Coincidence Most Curious and Telling
The Eskimo are clearly not successes in a cubistic or saltatorial line, as I have had ample opportunities to observe.
The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
The Doberman pinscher was bred by the Germans for protection; the Alaskan malamute was bred by the Eskimos to help them pull their sleds across the ice.
The oomiak is the open boat of skin used by Eskimo _women_, and is capable of holding several persons.
The Giant of the North Pokings Round the Pole
In this little preface we have deliberately used the old-fashioned terms for the two races, fully aware that they are both inexact, and that today we would, for instance, use the term Inuit instead of Eskimo.
The Walrus Hunters A Romance of the Realms of Ice
In Alaska the term Eskimo is commonly used, because it includes both Yupik and Inupiat, while Inuit is not accepted as a collective term or even specifically used for Inupiat (which technically is Inuit). News
So that anything the white man can thrust at the Eskimo in the educational process, it seems that the Eskimo is able to take it in his stride.
The True North, Strong and Free
Our only attempt on target was a bobbling Sol Campbell miskick from a corner which beat Gomes but Apu-Eskimo chested off the line.
Irish Blogs
We will apply Eskimo lotions culled from the gall bladders of unpronounceable fish that live in the deep fjords off Norway and go on weekend nature trips to the volcanic pools of Iceland.
i have a keeshond, an american eskimo, and a norwegian elkhound. moose dog. that is right.yappy. big baby.
Vampishone Diary Entry
There's also scope for sadism regarding the innocent civilians that populate each type of terrain, ranging from Eskimos to Mexican gunslingers.
In response to what the Inuits considered to be an attack on their traditions, life and culture, Alaska whalers formed the Alaskan Eskimo Whaling Commission to represent themselves and negotiate for a higher quota.
As a rule people have no word for expressing a thing which does not come within their own range of experience; for instance, no one would expect that Arabs, or Somalis, or the inhabitants of the Sahara would have any equivalent for either skating or tobogganing, nor do I imagine that the Eskimo have any expression for "sunstroke" or
The Days Before Yesterday
After reading various posts and letters in online forums on the issue, I can see that the word Eskimo has been blown out of proportion from an innocent exonym to something that people will defend against with fists flying.
A note about 'Inuit' and 'Eskimo'
Inuit is supposedly what they are but few folks know that Inuits and Eskimos aren't the same as American Indians.
The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 87 - Directors on Twitter, and Racebending (GUESTS: Dan Eckman and DC Pierson from Derrick Comedy) | /Film
By contrast, a Portuguese-speaking whaler in search of provisions among Inupiaq Eskimos on the northern coast of what is now Alaska was more likely, one hundred twenty years ago, to use a hodgepodge lingua franca employing Inupiaq and some Portuguese words, but also English and even Hawaiian—tongues of those who had previous contact with speakers of Inupiaq.
The English Is Coming!
As I remember, Nuuchahnulth is the language that has around 30 lexical terms relating to salmon in much the same way that Eskimo Inuit has an almost equal number related to "snow" and Irish Gaelic for types of rain and rainfall. NOOTKA DICTIONARY.
One was a film about Eskimos building an igloo, which was pretty lousy, because there was a ponderous commentary which tried to tell you that Eskimos live in igloos.
Down the hill is a nonpareil collection of Eskimo, Tlingit, Haida, and other native art at the Alaska
Scaling Alaska's Heights
Like the Tlingits, the Eyaks preferred wooden dugout canoes to the skin bidarkas of the Chugach Eskimos and the Aleuts.
Eskimos kiss by rubbing noses they tell me, and I have to accept this as true, as I have never been romantically involved with anyone in sealskins.
A usual practice among the better class of Eskimos is to use the old tupik of the previous summer for a rain or weather-guard to the new tent.
The North Pole Its Discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club
Human languages fall into four groups: inflecting ones as in Anglo-American, positional as in Chinese, agglutinative as in Old Turkish, polysynthetic (sentence units) as in Eskimo-to which, of course, we now add alien structures as wildly odd and as nearly impossible for the human brain as non-repetitive or emergent Venetian.
Double Star
In the good old days, Eskimos used to wash their hair in urine and share a bowl of seal blood.
The skin boat or kaiak of the Eskimo was a marvel of lightness and buoyancy, being practically unsinkable.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Here, within the same geographical limits of the north temperate zone, and with the far simpler scheme of surface relief which characterizes the New World, we have civilizations as different as those of the Eskimo, the Algonkin peoples of the coniferous forests, the Huron and Iroquois of the deciduous hardwoods, horticultural Muscogeans in the south-east, buffalo-hunting Sioux on the prairie, predatory Apaches and
The Unity of Civilization
Eskimo baby, and suspending me thus restrained to a peg in the wall, where, helpless, I was required to hang and stare while she implanted the germs of strength in my soul by reading aloud whole chapters from the inspired chisellings of the popular seer Ber Nard Pshaw, who was to the literature of that period what King Ptush was to statecraft.
The Autobiography of Methuselah
His experiences among the Eskimos created in him a desire to understand the laws of human nature and prompted him to make a gradual transition from cultural geography to ethnology.
Among the western Eskimo, "the mother who loses her nursling places the poor 'papoose' in a beautifully ornamented box, which she fastens on her back and carries about her for a long while.
The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
These two books are about an Eskimo teenager who finds herself as she learns to survive with a wolf pack, and eventually to use those lessons in a community setting.
But Victoria had greased herself like an Eskimo with sausage fat, being too young for sentiment.
Imagine: finding, and afterward forging mutuality between a Confucian teacher, a boomerang-wielding kangaroo hunter, a Polish schoolboy, a medieval Mesopotamian peasant, a West African ironsmith, a Mexican vaquero, an Eskimo girl ....
There Will Be Time
Similarly, Eskimo Jargon has kaukau ‘food’, itself a loanword in Hawaiian, introduced from Chinese Pidgin English chowchow.
Supposedly "Eskimo" is Cree for "eaters of raw meat", hence the term Inuit being current these days. ESKIMO WORDS FOR SNOW.
In the Arctic, the Eskimos made wise use of the materials available in that harsh environment and they have survived on the edge of what's survivable.
As Geoffrey Pullum pointed out in the Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax, Inuit languages like the west Greenlandic Kalaallisut spoken in Kangerlussuaq, are polysynthetic.
Running the Polar Circle marathon
The Eskimos of Baffin Bay create elaborate webs in their games of Cat's Cradle.
Donna Henes: Connecting To The World Wide Web Of Life
It was a Spanish rendering of the Eskimo word kayak and apparently referred to the bidarkas of the Aleuts who were employed in hunting sea otter along the California coast.
People in our country no longer think of Canadians in terms of Eskimos and Red Indians, and people in Canada no longer think of us as high-hatted individuals wearing eye glasses and striped pants and living in medieval castles.
Certain Aspects of British Life and Thought
It's also the only small-town team left over from football's leatherhead era of the Duluth Eskimos and Pottsville Maroons.
America Gets Back to Business—Football
1 Strong, Captive selves, captivating others: the politics and poetics of colonial American capitivity narratives (1999), p.37 (see link): "The English word Eskimo derives from a pejorative Algonquian term meaning 'raw meat eater,' and Inuit is the preferred term in the Eastern Arctic.
Archive 2008-05-01
In my endless pursuit of funny stories about Eskimo words for snow, I've found friends who will send me absurd comics about it, too.
The stereotypical Eskimo wears a fur parka and lives in an igloo.
The Eskimo is not "muffled imbecility," as some one has called him, nor is he dull and slow of understanding, as Vitruvius describes the northern nation to be "from breathing a thick air" -- which, by the way, is thin, elastic and highly ozonized -- nor is he, according to Dr. Beke, "degenerated almost to the lowest state compatible with the retention of rational endowments.
The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
He fondled the impression of her as of silverspun wire, of fine leather, of twisted hair-sennit from the heads of maidens such as the Marquesans make, of carven pearl-shell for the lure of the bonita, and of barbed ivory at the heads of sea-spears such as the Eskimos throw.
In 1787, astronomer William Herschel discovered the Eskimo Nebula.
By contrast, a Portuguese-speaking whaler in search of provisions among Inupiaq Eskimos on the northern coast of what is now Alaska was more likely, one hundred twenty years ago, to use a hodgepodge lingua franca employing Inupiaq and some Portuguese words, but also English and even Hawaiian—tongues of those who had previous contact with speakers of Inupiaq.
The English Is Coming!
How the Captain translated to the Eskimos the word meteorological we have never been able to ascertain.
The Giant of the North Pokings Round the Pole
Savoonga is run collegially by a loose, three-part government: a tribal council, a native corporation that owns the island—all Eskimo residents are shareholders—and a civil authority, headed by Mayor Jane Kava.
The Fiddler in the Subway
I have this long-ish black fleecy coat with a hoody that I wear when it is really cold in the house and one day Marco remarked that I look like a black Eskimo in it.
John Gascot: Black Eskimo: Something New
The first documentary feature was Robert J Flaherty's Nanook of the North, a groundbreaking picture in its neo-realism, depicting the daily routine of an Eskimo family.
They made two "kayaks," each to hold a single man, somewhat larger and stronger than those the Eskimos use when they go fishing or seal-hunting.
From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
Eskimo, the Kutchin, the Iroquois, and North American Indians in general; while on the next pages he cites approvingly authors who fancied they had discovered sexual affection among tribes some of whom
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Fans from all over the world have fallen in love with these stories and wait patiently as wonderful people such as Nanna and the Eskimo Kiss Project girls subtitle these clips and upload them for all of us to see. - Because visibility matters
Practically the only extra items of wearing apparel which were carried were a few pairs of Eskimo sealskin _kamiks_ (boots), for it can readily be imagined that several hundred miles of such walking and stumbling over snow and ice would be rather hard on any kind of footgear which could be made.
The North Pole Its Discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club
Among other things we have developed to a high degree of efficiency are certain kinds of germs, and the germ of measles is especially virulent when it attacks the Eskimo.
Our Northland, Its People and Resources
The seaman's rendering of the word "stultified" into Eskimo was curious, and cannot easily be explained, but it was well understood by Angut, and apparently by Kannoa, for another chuckle came just then from the culinary department.
Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
Here he wears an eskimo-inspired "visor" - though he doesn't have eyes there.
June 1st, 2008
The term Eskimo may be held to include all the Innuit population living on the Aleutian islands, the islands of Bering sea, and the shores both of Asia and America north of about latitude 64°.
The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
But the Eskimoan language group uses an extraordinary system of multiple, recursively addable derivational suffixes for word formation called postbases.
All stillwaters were covered in a thick layer of ice and only those willing to try some Eskimo-style tactics could be found on the banks.
Minute differences between the races exist and the cleverest are the Eskimos .
The Daily Telegraph v David Cameron: Episode 94
To add to the complication however, not all Eskimo-Aleut speaking peoples find the term Eskimo insulting at all4.
A note about 'Inuit' and 'Eskimo'
The early Inuit (Eskimos) produced such utilitarian objects as harpoon shafts and bucket handles out of ivory and often etched them with geometric or curving patterns. See also scrimshaw.
X-Lautrec and his fellow Surrealist poets say they are the most neglected minority in Boston, which officially recognizes both garden-variety ethnic and racial groups in its anti-discrimination laws as well as others, such as Eskimos and Aleutian Islanders, whose members within city limits rarely break into double figures.
"We Are the Last Minority" Say Surrealist Poets
The walrus, which is hunted by the Eskimo in kyak and from ice flow, is also sought after by the Hudson's Bay Company, and is hunted by the Company's employees in small vessels sailing out of Churchill.
Navigation of Hudson's Bay and Straits
Oh, and The Seer, if your going to claim that I "know" what "Eskimo's" are like, and that this explains Bristol Palin'e pregnancy, it would be good for me to point out that Todd Palin is in fact one quarter Yup'ik, which is a tribe of Inuit, but i guess to The Seer, all Inuit or Eskimos are the same, right?
Yeah, about those Red State values ...
Scotch stag hounds and "huskies" -- the latter, of course, he procured from the Eskimos.
The Drama of the Forests Romance and Adventure
The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.
Jon will wrap himself in four separate Eskimo parkas, the sheet and two quilts and still lie in bed shivering, wondering why his wife is slowly trying to kill him.
The Ainu of Japan and the Eskimos of Greenland are two of the peoples who make use of vigesimal systems to the present day.
At the time Liam had a great job in sales - he could sell snow to the Eskimos - but wasn't entirely happy with his job, so he chucked it and threw himself into music management.
Here you walk the streets side by side with merchants, miners, Indians, Eskimos, pioneers and cheechakos.
So, Eskimoan languages are really extraordinary in their productive word-building capability, for any root you might pick.
In his native surroundings the Eskimo is a happy and contented citizen of the Dominion.
The Eastern Arctic Patrol
So, here's something that is old-hat to many clued-in peeps, from the self-titled Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas record that was released by Ghent's Eskimo Recordings.
Music (For Robots): June 2006 Archives
Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.
In comparison, the Eskimos got off cheap, though in a brutal way.
In my endless pursuit of funny stories about Eskimo words for snow, I've found friends who will send me absurd comics about it, too.
Imagine: finding, and afterward forging mutuality between a Confucian teacher, a boomerang-wielding kangaroo hunter, a Polish schoolboy, a medieval Mesopotamian peasant, a West African ironsmith, a Mexican vaquero, an Eskimo girl ...
Two in Time
Possibly books written before Severin's reconstruction would have assumed that leather boats couldn't work, whereas Eskimo skin kayaks were demonstrably still in use, and used the term accordingly?
The Brendan Voyage, by Tim Severin. Book review