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How To Use Erythema In A Sentence

  • More severe inflammation of the mucosa is readily evident as erythema, intramucosal hemorrhage, exudate, or ulceration.
  • Rashes can be categorized as maculopapular (centrally and peripherally distributed), petechial, diffusely erythematous with desquamation, vesiculobullous-pustular and nodular.
  • Circinate balanitis, a painless erythematous lesion of the glans penis, is present in about 20 percent of male patients with reactive arthritis.
  • The physical examination revealed a 42 mm erythematous and violaceous, irregularly bordered plaque with intermittent atrophy, hypopigmentation, and scarring.
  • The physical examination should focus primarily on signs of liver disease other than jaundice, including bruising, spider angiomas, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, and palmar erythema.
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  • The rash begins as finely punctate erythema on the superior trunk and face two to three days after the onset of illness.
  • Erythema toxicum neonatorum, transient neonatal pustular melanosis, sucking blister, miliaria, and mongolian spots are among the many benign skin conditions that can occur in newborns.
  • Ashy dermatosis, also known as erythema dyschromicum perstans, is a rare idiopathic dermatosis characterized by ash-gray skin lesions.
  • Erythematous candidiasis, presenting as a median rhomboid glossitis, is common in patients with immune defects
  • Like cholinergic urticaria, variant exercise-induced anaphylaxis produces small, punctate, erythematous papules and is associated with increased plasma histamine levels.
  • Using daily dosages equivalent to the threshold dose for erythema production in untanned human skin, he found that the peak carcinogenic response occurred at 310 nm.
  • The lesions develop into 1-5 mm yellow-grey papules or pustules, with surrounding erythema, confined to the follicular ostia.
  • Objective To delineate the immune regulatory pathway in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by using gene expression profile analysis.
  • Among this latter group, there were four patients with rheumatoid arthritis, five with systemic sclerosis, three with systemic lupus erythematosus, five with dermatomyositis, and four with mixed connective tissue disease.
  • Latex allergic reactions range from pruritus to erythematous, weeping lesions.
  • The differential diagnosis in this case includes secondary syphilis, lepromatous leprosy, cutaneous tuberculosis, and discoid lupus erythematosus.
  • During her inpatient stay, this woman developed a painful, unilateral erythematous rash in a butterfly distribution.
  • Preceded by severe neuralgic pain, the eruption is vesicular on an erythematous base and is almost invariably unilateral, occupying the dermatome of a peripheral nerve. Chapter 9
  • In patients from endemic areas, Lyme disease may be diagnosed on clinical grounds alone in the presence of erythema migrans.
  • There was no significant skin erythema or any apparent cervical or submandibular lymphadenopathy.
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • In draft guidance, the U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said, NICE's independent appraisal committee has looked carefully at the evidence provided on the use of belimumab for treating SLE systemic lupus erythematosus, including the views of people with the condition, those who represent them, and clinical specialists. Lupus Drug Suffers U.K. Setback
  • Patients often initially present with the classic erythema migrans rash, a macular, erythematous, circular area with central clearing that expands around the site of the tick bite.
  • Breast: Skin retractions, masses ( mobile, fixed ), erythema, axillary or supraclavicular node enlargement.
  • The second stage ensues one to four days later with an erythematous maculopapular rash on the trunk and limbs, which may spread to involve large areas.
  • Her throat is slightly erythematous—probably a minor virus. Healer
  • Doctors generally avoid prescribing hormone replacement therapy to postmenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus because of a widespread belief that exogenous oestrogens make the disease worse.
  • Further examination revealed a brownish-yellow excrescence made up of dense hyperkeratotic tissue with longitudinal ridges on an erythematous base.
  • Erythematous eczema (_eczema erythematosum_) begins as one or more small or large, irregularly outlined hyperæmic macules or patches, with or without slight or marked swelling, and with more or less itching or burning. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • There was swelling, tenderness, erythema, and slight purulent discharge from the lesion.
  • The finding suggests that environmental factors determine whether genetically susceptible twins will contract lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, which is characterized by the immune system attacking the body's own cells. Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • During her inpatient stay, this woman developed a painful, unilateral erythematous rash in a butterfly distribution.
  • Lesions consist of erythematous papules, nodules, pustules, verrucous, or granulomatous lesions.
  • In patients with the malar rash of systemic lupus erythematosus, papules may be present, but pustules are rare.
  • According to the committee, the primary features of rosacea are flushing, nontransient erythema, papules and pustules, and telangiectases, all in the central part of the face.
  • Erythema intertrigo is a hyperæmic disorder occurring on parts where the natural folds of the skin come in contact, and is characterized by redness, to which may be added an abraded surface and maceration of the epidermis. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • First, the scalp is examined for evidence of erythema, scaling, or inflammation.
  • On examination, she had vulvar erythema and a curdy vaginal discharge.
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus is a chronic disease characterized by inflammatory, scarring lesions.
  • Arthritis, carditis, chorea, and less frequently, subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum are major manifestations of RF. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Seborrheic dermatitis causes scaly erythematous skin lesions most often found in nasolabial folds and eyebrow areas.
  • Erythema gyratum repens, typically a paraneoplastic syndrome, is a dermatosis described as having a woodgrain appearance.
  • Lots of fancy sounding medical terms that are really just synonyms for regular every day words. erythematous = red edematous = swollen Microscopic is tinier than miniscule
  • Prevalence of symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus SLE and of fluorescent antinuclear antibodies associated with chronic exposure to trichloroethylene and other chemicals in well water. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Toxic shock syndrome can present with hypotension, erythema, fever and multisystem dysfunction.
  • A further possibility is discoid lupus erythematosus, the technical term for an autoimmune dermatitis of dogs that is usually confined to the face and is frequently made worse by exposure to ultraviolet light.
  • An infected pressure ulcer may be characterized by erythema, edema, induration, and purulent or foul-smelling drainage.
  • The similarity of action spectra for thymine dimers in human epidermis and erythema suggests that DNA is the chromophore for erythema. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • On endoscopy, she had an excentric stricture about 5 cm below the upper esophageal sphincter and a narrow, erythematous distal esophagus.
  • The hydrogen ion causes coagulation of surface tissue, which eventually appears as a grayish white area surrounded by erythema. 16 Fluoride ions freely penetrate the skin and continue into deeper tissues, causing cellular death and liquifaction necrosis of soft tissue. 22,15 Neutralization of fluoride ions occurs when fluoride complexes with calcium and other divalent cations in the tissues, forming an insoluble salt. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Junta CM, Mello SS, Garcia PS, Rassi DM, et al. (2007) Profiling meta-analysis reveals primarily gene coexpression concordance between systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Classical dermatomyositis patients will occasionally experience arthritis and other symptoms of different autoimmune rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
  • We believe that the markets fending the bla for our consistent aat-iv are overall and we reach therapeutically to treating with the fda to precipitate this single and unclear hyzaar medicne to azotemia for the erythema of the replay population. Wii-volution
  • Other effects to the skin, such as erythematous or red skin rashes, discoloration, and excessive body hair, have been reported to occur in people following exposure to high concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Public Health Statement for Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs)
  • They previously noted that the edema response for hairless mice closely approximated the erythema reaction of untanned Caucasian human skin, with nearly identical action spectra.
  • The involved arteries may be nodular, erythematous or swollen.
  • Careful physical examination may reveal unsuspected or unmentioned cutaneous erythema, induration, ulceration or drainage.
  • Other papulosquamous disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis, including guttate psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, and discoid lupus erythematosus.
  • The technical term for sunburn is erythema.
  • The only adverse effects of therapy were transient skin erythema and local hair loss in three irradiated patients.
  • Therapy Insight: osteoporosis and osteonecrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Contracture of the palmar fascia, like palmar erythema, is often cited as a sign of chronic liver disease.
  • Evaluation of the wrist should begin with identifying erythema, swelling, masses, skin lesions, muscle atrophy, contractures, scars, or other obvious deformities.
  • At that time, patients treated with indomethacin spray developed more severe erythematous reactions until about 5 weeks after starting therapy.
  • Normal reactions to smallpox vaccination include erythema, edema, regional lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, and urticaria.
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • Lepra vulgaris was described as enlarging, sharply marginated erythematous plaques with silvery-white scale that occurred most frequently on the knees, and were associated with nail pitting. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Apnea, snoring, unusual sleeping positions, daytime somnolence, obesity and a patulous uvula with erythema are all associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
  • When the lesions are rubbed, they manifest erythema, edema, pruritus, and occasional bullae formation.
  • The lesions simulated are usually inflammatory in character, such as erythema, vesicular and bullous eruptions, and ulceration of the skin. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The lesions are more or less numerous, usually become confluent, especially about the folds of the neck, about the genitalia and buttocks; in these regions resembling somewhat erythema intertrigo. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Exposed skin sites that exhibit erythema can be clearly delineated from unexposed skin by sharp boundaries.
  • The most common cause of redness is gingivitis, in which the erythema is usually restricted to the gingival margins and interdental papillae.
  • The most common adverse effects of omeprazole are diarrhoea, headache, and rashes, of which urticaria and toxic erythema are the most common.
  • Solder surfaces and parts produced no white erythema shape residues, High surface insulation resistance.
  • On the contrary, patients with psoriatic skin that has no epidermal layer get a significant amount of DNA photolesions even at suberythemal doses of UV.
  • A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules , erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage.
  • Physical examination included sinus palpation and evaluation for nasal edema, erythema, or discharge.
  • What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis?
  • For people with light skin, any erythema should be a signal for intervention and monitoring.
  • The Chironex fleckeri of the chirodropid species, also known as the sea wasp or the box jellyfish, is considered the most deadly jellyfish in the world. 3 Stings from its tentacles cause an erythematous whipped appearance on the skin and may result in blackening and necrosis in the area. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • Examples of the latter include the connective tissue disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • One or more of the following skin lesions were seen in 70% of all cases: purpura, macular or papular erythematous rash, urticaria, and subcutaneous nodules.
  • The most common side effects are acne, erythema, and burning and stinging of the skin.
  • Other collagen diseases, such as progressive systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus, are associated with increased incidence of pneumothorax.
  • (_Synonym: _ Chafing.) #What do you understand by erythema intertrigo? Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • More specifically, this laser has achieved what Dr. Alster called ‘striking improvements ‘in areas including scar erythema and dysesthesia.’
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) is a kind of autoimmunity disease caused by complicated factors.
  • Lots of fancy sounding medical terms that are really just synonyms for regular every day words. erythematous = red edematous = swollen Microscopic is tinier than miniscule
  • On examination, the patient appears nontoxic, is afebrile, has normal visual acuity, and demonstrates moderate bilateral conjunctival and scleral erythema, serous discharge, conjunctival swelling, and a tender preauricular node.
  • Erythema toxicum neonatorum, transient neonatal pustular melanosis, sucking blister, miliaria, and Mongolian spots are among the many benign skin conditions that can occur in newborns.
  • Most of the cases diagnosed as pemphigus by the inexperienced are examples of bullous urticaria, bullous erythema multiforme, and impetigo contagiosa. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • If the total radiation dose to the skin is 40 Gy or greater, the erythema phase is followed by a moist desquamation phase.
  • Clinicians should note that surface-level infection does not manifest as erythema, edema, and induration of the surrounding tissue.
  • When these are reduced, if the hands are contracted, and become trembling, convulsion and delirium seize such a person; but blisters break out on the eyebrow, erythema takes place, the one eyelid being tumefied overtops the other, a hard inflammation sets in, the eye become strongly swelled, and the delirium increases much, but makes its attacks rather at night than by day. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Research suggests that erythema migrans most commonly presents as a centrifugally expanding, erythematous annular patch.
  • Thus, signs of soft tissue edema, erythema, ulceration, bullae, or necrosis should prompt the inclusion of necrotizing soft tissue infection in differential diagnoses.
  • Psoriasis typically presents as erythematous plaques with thick, white scale on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower lumbar area.
  • The erythematous follicular papules and pustules were scattered mainly on the back (87. 85%) and chest (58.41%), the number of the eruptions in males was more than in females significantly.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus in relation to environmental pollution: an investigation in an African-American community in North Georgia. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Two months later, the purulent discharge, pustules, and erythema had resolved, and the nodules had diminished in size.
  • There was swelling, tenderness, erythema, and slight purulent discharge from the lesion.
  • His nose exam showed minor mild erythema with clear to yellow nasal discharge.
  • But in 1998 the FDA approved thalidomide for treating the debilitating and disfiguring lesions associated with erythema nodosum leprosum.
  • Local tissue reactions were confined to the treatment site and included erythema, swelling, desquamation, erosions, and eschar in most patients.
  • The scalp may appear normal or have areas of erythema and pustule formation.
  • In patients with the malar rash of systemic lupus erythematosus, papules may be present, but pustules are rare.
  • It has been reported that 20 percent of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus will develop discoid skin lesions; however, most patients who have only cutaneous lupus at presentation will not progress to systemic disease.
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • (Australia-Australian Family Physician, October 1999, p.1021.) Discoid or nummular eczema presents as thin, ‘coin-shaped’ erythematous plaques that often have a scaly center.
  • Plasmapheresis has been available for decades and is most commonly used in treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis, sickle cell crisis, and oncological disorders such as lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
  • Federal regulators estimate that 300,000 to 1.5 million Americans have systemic lupus erythematosus and said in a statement that Benlysta, when used in conjunction with other drugs, offers a way to combat a particularly difficult disease. FDA approves new drug to treat lupus
  • Characterization of autoantibody activities in sera anti-DNA antibody and circulating immune complexes from 12 systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Local tissue reactions were confined to the treatment site and included erythema, swelling, desquamation, erosions, and eschar in most patients.
  • The erythema on the patient's foot was psoriasis. pyoderma gangrenosum • Same lesion close up. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Trends in the incidence and mortality of systemic lupus erythematosus, 1950–1992. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Additionally, the bronchi, trachea, and larynx demonstrated generalized erythema of the mucosa with overlying thin yellow mucus.
  • Sick of seeing him suffer at the hand of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus an autoimmune disease where the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues she decided to become a live donor.
  • The breast skin overlying the lesion was erythematous and edematous.
  • ANA testing is done primarily when systemic lupus erythematosus or drug-induced lupus is suspected.
  • Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, edematous uvula, palatine petechiae, and anterior cervical lymphadenopathy.
  • Other causes of leg swelling, erythema, and tenderness include a ruptured Baker's cyst and infective cellulitis.
  • We were able to detect changes in erythema more sensitively for both natural and solar-simulated light than by visual or standard colorimetric measurement.
  • The most common manifestation in children is erythema migrans rash followed by arthritis, facial nerve palsy, aseptic meningitis, and carditis.
  • Lesions consist of erythematous papules, nodules, pustules, verrucous, or granulomatous lesions.
  • In his 10 years as a registrar he was involved in the Clean Air Act and the ill effects of smoking, and in 1951 published his observations on the beneficial effect of mepacrine in lupus erythematosus.
  • Sjogren's syndrome can occur as a primary disorder or secondary to other autoimmune diseases, principally rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus lupus, Belmont said. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • #What treatment would you advise in erythema intertrigo? Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Among the affections of the tongue he numbers abscess, fissure, ulcer, cancer, ranula, shortening of the ligaments, hypertrophy, erythema of the mucous membrane, and inflammatory swelling. Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
  • Other diseases related to RA that may cause pulmonary fibrosis are systemic lupus erythematosus, polymyositis and dermatomyositis, Sjogren's syndrome, scleroderma and others.
  • These reactions include large areas of erythema and extensive lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis.
  • The patient in this case has Lyme disease, and the annular rash depicted is erythema chronicum migrans, characteristic of this disorder.
  • • FDA approves new drug to treat lupus: Federal regulators estimate that 300,000 to 1.5 million Americans have systemic lupus erythematosus and said in a statement that Benlysta, when used in conjunction with other drugs, offers a way to combat a particularly difficult disease. Darrell Issa probing how agencies balance the books
  • Schempp et al. demonstrated that exposure to 5% saltwater led to a decrease in the threshold level for the elicitation of UV-B-induced erythema and an increase in the erythemal response.
  • Symptomatic relief of erythema infectiosum may be provided using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, and topical antipruritics.
  • Viral etiologies of rashes include rubeola, rubella, erythema infectiosum and roseola.
  • Commonly known as an abscess or boil, a furuncle is a tender, erythematous, firm or fluctuant mass of walled-off purulent material, arising from the hair follicle.
  • Other injection site reactions are: pain or tenderness, erythema, inflammation, skin discoloration, induration, a mass or lump; and hypersensitivity reactions including puritus and urticaria. Influenza shots? No thank you!
  • Another common autoimmune rheumatic disease in which the skin is often injured is lupus erythematosus.
  • Tinea barbae may cause scaling, follicular pustules, and erythema.
  • We report here a 62-year-old seemingly healthy patient who presented with disseminated erythematous maculae.
  • Thrush and erythematous candidiasis are common in patients with immune defects and are often an early manifestation of the immunodeficiency.
  • Local symptoms of nematocyst envenomation from jellyfish stings include burning pain, erythema, edema, urticaria, and bullae formation, all of which can progress to skin necrosis.
  • Generalized erythema, epistaxis, bleeding of gums, petechial and subconjunctival haemorrhages are present occasionally.
  • The surgical incision was evaluated for serous exudate, erythema, purulent exudate, and separation of deep tissues.
  • It is characterized by cutaneous symptoms, at first upon exposed parts, of an erythematous, desquamative, vesicular and bullous character, and by general constitutional disturbance of a markedly neurotic type. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Eczema (dermatitis) - Erythema with crusting, scaling, itching, and desquamation. Chapter 9
  • It turns out that the risks of antivenin (anaphylaxis and serum sickness) are significant enough to render it useful only in "severe" envenomations, ie, edema and erythema reaching the trunk, or systemic symptoms or laboratory abnormalities (consumptive coagulopathy, etc.) Archive 2007-06-01
  • During a lecture on systemic lupus erythematous last week, all I could think was, "it's never lupus! Priya Malhotra: The Facts and Fiction of On-Screen Medicine
  • The physical examination should focus primarily on signs of liver disease other than jaundice, including bruising, spider angiomas, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, and palmar erythema.
  • Bouchut has remarked in the eruptions of scarlatina a curious phenomenon, which serves to distinguish this eruption from that of measles, erythema, erysipelas &c., a phenomenon essentially vital, and which is connected with the excessive contractability of the capillaries. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • Within 48 hours she developed well demarcated erythema over the front of her legs, and large blisters over each knee and the dorsum of her feet.
  • Again of horned cattle, which give the same quality of beef, irrespective of colour; farmers will tell you of them that coloured cattle are among the best for farming and other purposes, while white bullocks are subject to sore eyes, and white cows continually suffer from erythema of the nipples (Garget-mammitis); yet we have not heard that this peculiarity had any influence on the quality of their beef or the quality of the milk they give. Chapter XVIII
  • Widespread erythema, particularly if associated with soreness, is usually caused by desquamative gingivitis.
  • An altered immune response to Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Early application of topical steroids is useful to limit erythema and pruritus.
  • The disease begins as an erythematous papule at the site of the sandfly bite on exposed parts of the body.
  • A 40-year-old man presented with erythematous and lavender nodules, as well as ulcerations on the nasal and malar areas of his face.
  • On the second, swelling of the whole foot, and about the ankle erythema, with distention, and small bullae (phlyctaenae); acute fever; he became furiously deranged; alvine discharges bilious, unmixed, and rather frequent. Of The Epidemics
  • Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory facial dermatosis of unknown aetiology characterised by erythema and pustules.
  • N-acetyl transferase genotypes in relation to risk of developing systemic lupus erythematosus. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Treatment of the milder types is that of erythema (_q.v. _); the necrotic type occasionally demands thorough curetting and skin-grafting before it will heal. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • To allow frequent on-site calibrations, a new calibration procedure for erythemally weighing broadband radiometers that provides comparable measurements with the lowest possible effort is discussed in this article.
  • Scarlet fever provides the classic example of an erythematous rash with subsequent desquamation.
  • The technical term for sunburn is erythema.
  • Occasionally a sycosiform eruption, usually of the side of the bearded region, leaves behind a smooth or keloidal scar, the disease gradually extending -- _ulerythema sycosiforme_ (lupoid sycosis). Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The rash first appears as areas of erythema and is followed by the typical vesicular eruption.
  • The skin lesions appeared as weeping, nonhealing ulcers, erythematous macules, or violaceous nodules.
  • Physical examination was positive for edema in the lower extremities and multiple violaceous cutaneous ulcers surrounded by tender brawny erythema.
  • Local irritation, erythema, ulceration, and tenderness were common reactions.
  • For example, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and pemphigus occur more often in middle-aged people or sometimes in young adults.
  • Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory facial dermatosis of unknown aetiology characterised by erythema and pustules.
  • Anemia with thrombocytopenia indicates leukemia, systemic lupus erythematosus or aplastic anemia.
  • Allergic forms usually present acutely with erythematous, pruritic, edematous and exudative lesions, while contact dermatitis often has a more insidious onset with lichenification.
  • Primary lesions are erythematous papules and plaques with gray/white, silvery scale.
  • The rash was erythematous, well demarcated, and macular.
  • Stesart reported lethargy during sedentary periods after five days of exposure to TCE at 500 ppm. 10 In a group of workers exposed to TCE an intolerance to alcohol developed producing an erythematous skin reaction known as the "degreaser's flush. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Erythematous papules and pustules characterize inflammatory acne, but comedones may also be present.
  • Exanthem subitum typically occurs between 6 months and 2 years of age and is characterized by an abrupt rise in temperature, often to approximately 40°C, followed several days later by a rapid defervescence that coincides with the emergence of an erythematous maculopapular rash that can persist for several days. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The most common peripheral eruptive maculopapular rash, erythema multiforme occurs more frequently in men than in women and most often affects persons between 20 and 30 years of age.

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