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  1. eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical
    The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate
    the volcano spews out molten rocks every day
  2. expel gas from the stomach
    Please don't burp at the table

How To Use eruct In A Sentence

  • On this day, November 5, back in 1976 (the year in which the country eructed stars and stripes from every pore in celebration of that first expansion into nationhood 200 years earlier), the heaven that has presided over my life expanded. Baseball Toaster
  • Based on a field investigation of the Wushanding mud volcano, the authors analyzed mineral components, fluid geochemistry and micropalaeontological assemblage of the muddy eructation .
  • Most of the gas is eructated, but much will enter the intestine , where some will be absorbed and some passed later.
  • Because this foam is relatively stable, it can't be eructated.
  • Ugh! And the gassy effervescence that rises from the thin pipes of the little boys! and the street tunes eructed in a hiccough, like the run of a lamp-chain when you pull it up, mingling with the noisy bellow of the basses! The Cathedral
  • Our vet discovered a laser methane gun which, when pointed at a cow's nose for a period, can measure the amount of methane released when she eructates.
  • She happened, after a very hearty meal, to eructate.
  • Someone has told them that ruminants eructate methane into the atmosphere, and that methane is a terrible greenhouse gas.
  • Because there are brighter or more luminous parts of the sun's disk, called faculae by Scheiner and Hevelius, which would seem to be volcanos in the sun, or, as Dr. Wilson calls them, "eructations of matter more luminous than that which covers the sun's surface. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Most of the bodily functions can be described by words suited to polite society or physiological terminology: for example, eructate, masticate, sternutate, micturate, defaecate VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 4
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