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How To Use Erring In A Sentence

  • If this approach has a drawback, it is that the zealous pursuit of the founding principle—disinterring the buried life, stamped under the sod by conniving male partners—sometimes obscures the fact that not a great deal gets added to the wider cultural landscape it is bent on illuminating. A Far From Model Marriage
  • Unions and managers are now referring to the stand-off as ‘class war in the classroom’.
  • Referring to some of the songs of that year, it complained that ‘some fellow gets shot, and his baby and his best friend both die with him, and some cat's crying or ready to die’.
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic. American Coastopia!
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  • Mr. Derringham says you are called Cheiron," Mr.. Cricklander announced laughingly. Halcyone
  • He comments that a patient might talk of a "shiner" whereas a doctor (holy of holies) would speak of a "periorbital ecchymosis," which is true only if you could imagine a doctor referring to cephalalgia instead of a headache or odontalgia instead of a toothache. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
  • Some of those nearest to him fell naturally into the habit of referring to him as “the King,” and in time the title crept out of the immediate household and was taken up by others who loved him. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
  • For a two-year period, he worked in the old force control room before moving to Kendal traffic department, later transferring to the North and West Traffic Unit.
  • In that case, the physicians argued that the trial judge had erred in preferring one responsible body of professional opinion to another.
  • Given the distance, most people tend not to import goods, preferring to furnish their properties in the local style.
  • One of the hospitals said that some of the people that had stuff either left or accidentally placed inside them became 'unwell' as a result, but it is not known to which objects, or patients, they were referring. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • She had too little faith in mankind not to know that they were erring.
  • Note 23: See change in terminology from "pencions" to "revenues" in registers referring to the performance of princesses 'Henrician bequest back From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • No referring to hair gel, pomade or grease as ‘product’.
  • Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries. That Melody Sounds Familiar
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • You can have sea bass, lobster, herring, turbot, sturgeon cusks, haddock, mullet, eels, crabs, oysters and mussels.
  • For example, while acknowledging that Whitney wants us to worship religious monuments and funerary traditions, we may wonder which Church he is referring to.
  • It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
  • They often call it zaviná which is a rolled-up herring or rollmop.
  • But when she was questioned later, she said she believed they were referring to the Friday night and not the Saturday night when her friend was glassed.
  • Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
  • I too have suffered paralysis in a plethora of possibility: belly or Nova, herring or tongue, chub or sable, kreplach or kishke, kugel or blueberry blintz ... Par Delicatesse
  • The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from one molecular system to another should make any short-list of Mother Nature's spectacular accomplishments.
  • You must be referring to yourself as a progressive in order to mock progressives, deucedly clever of you. Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
  • When referring to the disease, Galen accepts that the term belongs to 'other writers'. 'Diabetes' as described by Byzantine writers from the fourth to the ninth century
  • Meanwhile, a minister yesterday said schools, colleges and universities must play their part in deterring young people from turning to extremism…
  • If the Trips,” she said, referring to her triplet grandchildren, “hadn’t brought you here that special Christmas almost three years ago, I might never have gotten to know you. Family Blessings
  • He hammers too much in general upon our opinion's incertainty, and the possibility of erring makes him not venture on what is true. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • In the theater's museum is the real Booth derringer. Movie on Lincoln assassination has second life in D.C. crime museum
  • The cannery is the last on the island, once a world fishery center with 16 canneries that processed tuna, salmon, herring and other fish.
  • Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • ‘I did know what you meant this afternoon,’ referring to our earlier conversation.
  • Chomsky and the deep structure of language, yeah, that is what you are referring to.
  • After I had observed every flower, and listened to a disquisition on every plant, I was permitted to depart; but first, with great pomp, he plucked a polyanthus and presented it to me, as one conferring a prodigious favour. Agnes Grey
  • Again, he pours scorn on racialist mythology but, in his steadfastly conservative way, refuses to become histrionically sanctimonious on the matter, preferring studied contempt to self-promoting outrage.
  • Use the present tense in referring to the contents of writing or art. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Reshuffling the department by transferring teachers to other position will not be of great help to our learners.
  • When a photon strikes the PV cell it ionises a silicon atom, transferring all its energy to an outer electron and allowing that electron to break free from the silicon atom.
  • Referring to Fig. 249, it is seen that the large expansion of the bone is produced by the gradual transition of the hollow shaft of compact bone to cancellated bone, resulting in the production of a much larger volume. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • Mira rejected the official history that viewed her mother as a traitor, preferring instead to cast her as a martyr to the partisan cause.
  • But now with the internet and e-books, and the slowdown of the high street in general, it's come to the point where we can no longer cover our overheads," he continues, referring to the Formby branch. BBC News - Home
  • I feel their eyeballs gawking/ I look better with my high heels on", sings Danny Todd, perhaps referring to a working girl or a crossdresser. F&M playlist
  • On the page and on the screen, "Kick-Ass" riffs on the wish-fulfillment afforded by tales of derring-do and the ill-advisedness of taking on the task in real life.
  • So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • They look at the stupid action on the part of the police, in preferring those charges against Mr Ardern, and ask just what planet these people are on.
  • He would not confirm or deny these points, preferring not to delve into the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the bidders were put off by the buy-to-let model, with most preferring to buy unencumbered assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • This pope also permitted the conferring of priesthood and deaconship on the Saturdays of ember week -- these were formerly given only at Easter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Accreditation also serves as a marker of legitimacy, and students from unaccredited institutions may have difficulty transferring credits to other institutions or entering graduate or professional programs.
  • When did creativity take on this relatively indiscriminating meaning - referring to anything good?
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • Remote and uncommunicative was their description as Whyte avoided the hoi polloi, preferring to spend time with the corporate elite.
  • The censorship method… is that of handing the job over to some frail and erring mortal man, and making him omnipotent on the assumption that his official status will make him infallible and omniscient.
  • I sensed that strong-willed individuals were voicing their opinion but then deferring to their superintendent's leadership because they respected both him and his position. Christianity Today
  • I always tried to "pay as you go", preferring high salaries and roster bonuses not prorated to contain Cap charges in the year of negotiation rather than building up unamortized charges into the future. Andrew Brandt: Breaking in a New Cap: The New NFL System
  • One of the ornamented fragments represents a row of floreated-like decorations, and each decoration shows on its side a concentric circle, consisting of three rings, -- the whole ornament being one which is found in later Egyptian eras, not unfrequently along the tops of walls in the interior of chambers, etc.Mr. Perring represents this fragment of sculpturing from the brick Pyramid of Dashoor, in his folio work, _The Pyramids of Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • It is an ancestor of the English term “caliphate,” referring to a dynastic succession of rulers. The Jesus Dynasty
  • But that would be no different from somebody disinterring a 20-year-old volume of the Commonwealth Law Reports and recounting what happened in some case.
  • I once made a German friend hoot with laughter by referring, in English, to the Arch of Diocletian, pronouncing the Emperor's name "die-oh-clee-shun. National Review Online
  • Or, reading autois, and referring the word to the Persians: 'who, looking to advantage, forwarded the course of the invader.' The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Althouse: FWIW, I read that sentence as you meant it because I'm used to your writing, familiar with your views and know what you're referring to, but I did "stutter" for a second to make that adjustment ... in pretty much the exact way I do when I'm editing for pay something which I then "flag" for the following author query: "Are you confident everyone will read this as you intend it be understood? "The Optimum Population Trust... says each baby born in Britain will... burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland...."
  • [0002] The basis for this invention is an event, referring to FIG. 1, occurring on May 2, 2004, in which the inventor ( 'he') personally experienced a full-body teleportation while walking to the bus stop ... Archive 2006-05-14
  • It turned out the lawyers were referring to dozens of adult magazines seized from his home.
  • It is the best way of deterring serious crime. The Sun
  • Colonel Blood has an unerring eye. Man of Honour
  • She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue
  • The author was most likely referring to the place now more commonly spelled "Shimonoseki". In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • By the 1950s confusion had arisen over the use of geological terms referring to strata and to time.
  • He watched her thread her needle again, her slender, graceful fingers never erring despite the inadequate light.
  • He looked up, hardly able to see her through the herringbone patterns that coruscated in front of his eyes.
  • Dion is the name of a character in one of my stories I am transferring to the computer and revising. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Random Name Generator
  • She kept him away from the birth, preferring her female friends. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The payment had the effect of conferring a preference, priority or advantage on those creditors over the other creditors.
  • If you mean the moon race, sure VB was central to that ... if you are referring to ballistic missiles, the Redstone, although first, was quickly obsoleted by solid fuel missiles that he had little to do with. What Would Wernher Do? - NASA Watch
  • There occurs in great numbers a species of small Pecten, -- some of the specimens scarce larger than a herring scale; a minute Ostrea, a sulcated Terebratula, an Isocardia, a Pullastra, and groups of broken serpulæ in vast abundance. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • This," he said, gesturing broadly with his arm," is a perfect example of what I was referring to: toile is not a notable exception. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • The issue of obviousness is somewhat of a red herring. Patent Impending
  • I'm transferring ur call to the sales department.
  • Ciarrapico asked, referring to the Jewish skullcap. Silvio Berlusconi condemned by Vatican newspaper for 'deplorable' jokes
  • You seem to be inferring wrongness from my claim that certain grammatical constructions are simply NOT LOGICAL. Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
  • But it certainly didn't feel like it at the time", referring to the unrequited loves, an ill-advised brief engagement and other romantic incidents that fill her diary when she was in her twenties. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • And he concludes, after referring to the fortuitous duty-free shopping interlude I shared with Bashar en route back to London from Damascus, by remarking: By this time, Michael, whos a very engaging personality, is a friend of the family! A Question of Honour
  • Along with other large case pieces, desks-and-bookcases were often covered with herringbone-patterned veneer in exotic woods or tortoiseshell.
  • Greek name perpetuated by the people and referring to this covering of hoary pines -- a name which the cartographers, arbitrary and ignorant as they often are, have unconsciously disguised. Old Calabria
  • Offered the position of chairman, Smith declined, preferring to keep his current job.
  • The combination of practising painters. ideal facilities, the surrounding landscape and desire for uncompromising inquiry gives Herringbroom Studio its unique spirit.
  • The admission - in footnotes to this month's Budget - is the most official recognition yet that the credit crunch is deterring people from moving home. Treasury predicts housing market slowdown
  • He submits that both parties throughout the proceedings used the words ‘action’ or ‘matter’ in an untechnical sense, and not referring to claim and counterclaim separately.
  • The electric field of the radiation can then resonate with the vibrations of the charge ions, transferring energy to them.
  • Because you don't say 'Ain't nobody ever gonna find a body' when you're talking about a living child," said prosecutor Connie Spence, referring to a jailhouse informant's testimony about a statement Fountain allegedly made. Homepage CP Container
  • More baffles, in a herringbone pattern, will also be placed on the face of the weir, causing the speed of flow to be reduced, which will make it easier for the fish to swim up and over the weir.
  • It begins by referring to the “funambulist” at the heart of the novel. Beating the rush on a National Book Award winner « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • Unlike the stereotype of salmon returning unerringly to their natal streams, salmon are innately resilient and opportunistic.
  • What if they did unite afterward, in averring that the break had been planned by Chapter 3
  • Some current limits for fish such as tailor, herring and mullet will not change.
  • Jonah was a good batsman, which made up for his lack of ability with the bat, preferring to field at mid-off.
  • The doctors said this excuse was a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am referring to a well-defined phenomenon with this term, which as such carries no disparaging connotation whatsoever.
  • As skiers did prior to machine grooming, we sidestepped and herringboned uphill to pack down the powder and skied down several times.
  • Mother was referring to the infamous story of Helen Potter, daughter of a multimillionaire beer and wine distributor in Hyannis Port who, after she had been engaged to the son of a wealthy Boston builder, was discovered naked in bed with her closest girlfriend. Olivia
  • However they were uncertain as to whether it was the address of one of the suspects or a red herring.
  • They are clean creatures, preying on other fish, notably herring. Food Watch
  • While Redknapp's spouse is, indeed, called Louise, the video clip of this incident makes it clear Keys was referring to a different woman with the same forename Andy Gray didn't develop his ideas about women in a vacuum, 27 January, page 10, G2. Corrections and clarifications
  • In the first place, I must remark that these human remains, which are in my possession, are characterized like thousands of bones which I have lately been disinterring, by the extent of the decomposition which they have undergone, which is precisely the same as that of the extinct species: all, with a few exceptions, are broken; some few are rounded, as is frequently found to be the case in fossil remains of other species. On Some Fossil Remains of Man
  • The clothing included a black-and-cream herringbone tweed blazer with purple-and- gold piping, a heritage white batiste lace-trimmed blouse, and a cedar mélange shawl collar button front cardigan, as listed on the line sheet provided for the young'uns in the front row. Tweens Take the Runway
  • The word larva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin word lārva, meaning “evil spirit, demon, devil.” Unmasking religion
  • Fish oil supplements are derived from a variety of sources, including mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, halibut, whale blubber and seal blubber.
  • At the same time, a consensus appears to be growing among House Republicans to look for short-term cuts in the same general areas that Senate Democrats are targeting for debate this coming week, these officials added, referring to earmarked projects and presidential recommendations for 2012. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The deterrents could well prove useful in deterring them from kerb-crawling and helping to make Goitside respectable again.
  • A line of skiers stretches forever as they herringbone toward the heavens.
  • If you're looking for trendy patterns, go for paisley, floral, plaid, checks, and herringbone.
  • Tight as any herring shoal or starling murmuration, they darted this way and that before melting into the naked woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a technique for producing pictures by transferring an image from one surface to another.
  • Palestinian IT Association (PITA) reports on the IT sector in Gaza, "We are able to export software and communication systems to the Middle East", "but the siege is our biggest obstacle" referring to the limitation on technologies Israel allows into Gaza. Hani Almadhoun: Cloud Computing & Outmaneuvering the Gaza Siege
  • Bullets cause injury by transferring their energy into the body tissues; the design of the bullet influences this process, with hollow nosed or dumdum bullets being designed to maximise energy transfer.
  • Before transferring an intubated infant, assess vital signs, pain score, breath sounds and ventilator tubing for excess water. Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
  • The whale's prey includes squid, cuttlefish, herring, and sea stars, or starfish.
  • Thereafter, he seemed to have an unerring knack for picking the wrong script.
  • But what about a bigger selection of cheaper, often neglected but worthwhile fish such as skate, squid, hake, ultra-fresh mackerel, even good old herring?
  • Forty per cent more seats will be provided during the morning peak for commuters into London by making all trains eight-car and transferring extra stock to the line.
  • The spelling is only half the problem - Must we now say "pointe" speaking through our nose with a subtle hint of a "w"’ when referring to the new complex. North Pointe Development Under Study at
  • This section will be familiar to anyone who has followed recent events, so I have omitted it and also because it is the weakest and most poorly-written part of the paper, referring to Lu Hsiu-lien as a "hardliner" and using the Chinese code term "de-sinicization. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Black bass (locally called chub) and white perch are very abundant, and at the proper season rock and herring enter the Sound in considerable numbers. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • To become good today, at hooking blackmouth, the common denominator is finding the bait, sand lance candlefish and herring. The Seattle Times
  • Indeed, his prominence seems to be deterring female voters, who want a female president, not a 'co-presidency'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • The remark translates as "If only he could buy a star," referring to the "white star" that indicates a win in sports, and the rumors of match fixing that surround sumo. Japan Zone - Entertainment News from Japan
  • Lockey makes the same point by transferring the family escutcheons to the yellow curtain on the left, where they become, in effect, emblems of folly.
  • The refresher course was more a corrective system to erring professional drivers.
  • A herring gull with a crab claw in its beak stood on the harbour wall, observing me with pale, unfriendly eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • And how he used to dress, said Sarah, apparently referring to his bell-bottom years. - Home Page
  • It is not clear whether Elizabeth is referring here to the deconstructionist theory of the late twentieth century which undermined the assumption that texts have intentional, recuperable meanings — in which case Kafka is a bad example, because his texts were recognized as being radically indeterminate in meaning well before the advent of poststructuralism — or whether she is saying that Kafka was a kind of prophet of deconstruction. Disturbing the Peace
  • He eschews the uniform of the boardroom boss, preferring sports jackets and casual boots to the traditional Savile Row suit and handmade brogues.
  • He is evident here, too, as a distinctive colourist, preferring quieter pinks, violets and yellows to the bolder oranges, reds, greens and blues of Bellini and Titian.
  • A conveyor used for separating the draining cullet from water and transferring the cullet to hopper wagon has been described, which helps mechanize the cullet transfer.
  • And weigh charges for late payments, excess fees on cash advances and the cost of transferring balances.
  • And here when my wife called our lovemaking “the Asian Experience”, I thought she was referring to my small penis. STEVEN SEAGAL’S “ASIAN EXPERIENCE” – UPDATE
  • Pundits and politicians are fond of referring to the campaign as a conversation between the candidates and the public.
  • A common sign of a schizophrenia is when the person with the mental illness starts referring to themselves as “we” or starts talking about himself or herself in the third person. Think Progress » Army spares single mother from a court-martial, but still demotes her and revokes benefits.
  • Your first challenge will be to stop deferring action and beginning to take some. HABIT BUSTING: A 10-step plan that will change your life
  • The veins look like most deciduous trees - there's a middle straight vein and subdividing branches that interlock (unlike the herringbone banana leaves).
  • When trying to widen a space, square tiles should be laid in a diamond pattern and rectangular tiles should be laid in a brick or herringbone pattern.
  • I'm referring to the actual members of the local congregations, fellowships and brotherhoods that open their hearts and wallets regularly for their faith.
  • Op Ed: Proscriptions on who may marry, such as preventing consanguine marriages, can be easily understood by referring to the procreative potential of marriage. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • Voicing various concerns, including claims that Capital was "overpaying" for the shopping centre and transferring control to Peel "while failing to extract a premium for it", the US group's chief executive, David Simon, said the company was "disappointed by the profound value destruction proposed to be inflicted on CSC and its shareholders". The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Quite often you even witness people inferring that realty today is a better bet than stocks.
  • Johnson's film also contains at least one decent surprise, a nice line in black humour, and looks very stylish throughout, while being laden with religious imagery - referring to the crucifixion and the stigmata on several occasions.
  • He brings little passion to the part, preferring instead to present Andre as a low-key, open-faced friend of the people who's almost too good to be true.
  • This consists of killifishes, herrings, sardines, gobies, silversides, anchovies small mullets, and lizardfishes to name a few.
  • When referring to an individual, including yourself, never use the word 'just'. Gordon B. Hinckley 
  • I did this to save myself transferring the balances again if I didn' thave to. What if No One's Watching?: April 2009 Archives
  • Whether it's smoked, pickled or kippered, herring packs more creatine than any other creature on the planet.
  • He would not confirm or deny these points, preferring not to delve into the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will be asked by officers to consider transferring the museums and galleries service to a trust but the report says it can only be done when they are on a firm financial footing.
  • No, this isn't referring to the furore over the re-election of Sepp Blatter to the presidency of Fifa. WalesOnline - Home
  • The processing of silica sand including transferring, screening and dewatering, eliminating bridge-formation in the silo, weighing in precision, dust-prevention device etc. has been recommended.
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • They are easy to grow, preferring alkaline soil and full sun to light shade. The Sun
  • Pizzetti is the artist who has rejected the volatile and ephemeral seductions of fashion and the servitude to others by preferring loyalty to himself.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • The word avocado comes from "aguacate" in Spanish, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl Mexican native language "ahuacatl", referring to a certain intimate part of the male anatomy. BBC News - Home
  • Erring on the side of overcaution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herring gulls steal the fish they bring to their young one. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the Gallipoli peninsula, seaborne landings were made in 1915, despite the fact that no specially designed craft were available, troops transferring from seagoing vessels to lighters to be ferried ashore.
  • The British had knocked out radio communications but a mobile transmitter had announced, referring to the General Assembly resolution, that sixty-four nations were supporting the Egyptians.36 Eisenhower 1956
  • Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • an unerring marksman
  • The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 "reflects a sensible choice to leave complex epidemiological judgments about vaccine design to the FDA and the National Vaccine Program rather than juries," Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, referring to the Food and Drug Administration. Supreme Court rules vaccine makers protected from lawsuits
  • Mr. Sackett was at Arlington National Cemetery interring his father-in-law when he got the call. A Sewage Blunder Earns Engineer a Criminal Record
  • So what is deterring me from picking up these shares? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm obsessed with who's not invited; for Princess Di's wedding she didn't invite Barbara Cartland, who she's related to," he went on, referring to the grand dame and writer of bodice-ripper novels. A Royal Pronouncement
  • Committed journalists teaming up with activists have exposed erring doctors, only to find that the police are not permitted to take action.
  • What the lefties are referring to is economic liberalism, with its laissez-faire, free market principles.
  • Perhaps the most commonly narrated Spanish usurpation of a Miskitu toponym is the colonial name referring to the Moskitia itself, Taguzgalpa.
  • What Rusty is referring to here is not prediction but retrodiction - it's looking back from the perspective of modern theories and reading those facts back into the Genesis account.
  • This is the week when the police need to remind erring journalists that the pen might be mightier than the sword, but a lathi can break the pen and the hand that holds it.
  • A pass of unerring accuracy to a member of the opposing side. The Sun
  • An official assured that the issues of illegal towing of the vehicles by the traffic constables will be looked into and action will be taken against erring officials.
  • I felt that the Caribbean needed to support its Chinese people, she says, referring to the sizeable Chinese communities in Trinidad and Jamaica. BBC News - Home
  • With the dried tail of a herring sticking out of their saffron-coloured, shrivelled chops, Lord! how they gaped when I passed by, hurriedly, like A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • Casino on sundry occasions, and sagaciously preferring places within the range of her experience to bourns neither cognate nor conjecturable, she moved gravely up towards the gate on which the Italian sat; and, after eying him a moment, -- as much as to say, "I wish you would get off," -- came to a deadlock. My Novel — Volume 04
  • Philadelphia does have a higher percentage of nonjury trials and a lesser number of guilty pleas than almost any other city in the country, a phenomenon to which I was referring in my review when I cited the Harvard Law Review study by Professor Schulhofer. Copping Pleas
  • If you're so short-staffed that all they can do is keep somebody dry and fed, they're not going to have time to give the person-centred care," she said, referring to an individualized approach. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Moreover we should find out what the President means by continually referring to this country merely as an associate, instead of the ally of the nations with whose troops our own troops are actually brigaded in battle. How Wars end
  • Proscriptions on who may marry, such as preventing consanguine marriages, can be easily understood by referring to the procreative potential of marriage. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • After trying to play the Washington parlor game of the moment — "Was Alan Patricof invited?" he asked, referring to a fellow ardent Clinton supporter — Mr.
  • She didn't respond thinking the lady was referring to someone else.
  • When a humpback is corralling herring and other fishes, the net may be 150 feet wide.
  • I always wanted to play like Tommy Iommi," he said, referring to the guitarist for heav-metal heroes Black Sabbath. Rhys Chatham Brings the Noise
  • Beetles are frequently associated with poultry feed, preferring grain and cereal products that are damp, moldy and slightly out of condition.
  • But when relaxed, he is charming, deferring politely to opinions with which he disagrees and displaying a conscientious desire to understand.
  • It seems to be working as the family audience are slowly preferring it over other films.
  • There's a whole craft industry based on vehicles for transferring corpses from the chapel to the boneyard.
  • The lengths will be available in classic design of chalk stripes, elegant stripes and fine herringbones in navy, charcoal and worsted grey.
  • When people use the word innovation they are often referring to the 1.5ghz, the 4.4in display, megapixels," he says. Smartphone competition heats up as HTC closes in on Apple

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