
How To Use Errancy In A Sentence

  • Similarly, the denial of inerrancy may be the signal that some unevangelical factor has been immixed in the conception.
  • Because the majority of our population perceives addiction as an aberrancy that applies to “somebody else” (these days, itself a sure sign of hubris), only a very small percentage of Americans understand the 12 Step programs as a process. The Structural Nuts and Bolts of The Great Leveling, Revisited
  • The key representatives of English Nonconformity offered various understandings of the ‘verbal inspiration’ of the Bible, but most stopped short of claiming absolute textual inerrancy.
  • If a Muslim cannot reconcile even one of the ridiculous scientific claims in the Koran and the Hadith than the idea of inerrancy is lost. The heart and cardiovascular system in the Qur'an and Hadeeth - The Panda's Thumb
  • An actual quote: I am among those who feel that the term inerrancy has become for Evangelicals severely overqualified because of the recognition of the tensions between older formulations of the term and the developments in our understanding of the Bible and its world. The Last Gasp of Inerrancy
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  • But they exhibit some notable aberrancy.
  • Evangelical scholars, for example, doubt that accepting the doctrine of biblical inerrancy is the best way to assert their belief in biblical authority. Puncturing a gas bag ...
  • WE DENY that the humble, human form of Scripture entails errancy any more than the humanity of Christ, even in His humiliation, entails sin.
  • While bibliolaters will go to any extreme in a attempt to harmonize errors found in the Bible, this is yet one more example of Biblical errancy.
  • One of these authors had been a resident under Kulko - As a resident conducting research with Kuklo, Andersen said he noticed "an aberrancy in typical research" that involved "discarding inconsistent findings which did not fit his hypothesis. When the Mentor Goes Rogue
  • For churches which claim to take the divine inspiration, inerrancy and holiness of Scripture seriously, ‘really bad’ preaching should be an aberration rather than the norm in them.
  • But if Protestantism could force the papal hand in a matter of this magnitude, involving vast questions of belief and far-reaching questions of policy, what becomes of "inerrancy" -- of special protection and guidance of the papal authority in matters of faith? A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • There, it has not so much been its Calvinism that has been welcome as its emphasis upon the inerrancy of Scripture.
  • The thing is, being a fundamentalist about scriptural inerrancy or 'absolutism' - I've been reading Robin Gill isn't finally about our view of the Bible. There Is No Slippery Slope
  • * Indeed, the relative paucity of genetic aberrancy in this leukemia may be one reason that this tumor is so easily felled by cytotoxic chemotherapy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Strongly tied to biblical inerrancy was dispensational premillennialism, which predicted the imminent return of Jesus Christ to earth.
  • Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them.
  • Three years is too short a time to address that deep-seated aberrancy.
  • WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.
  • These days many people are critical of Evangelical Christianity as being not intellectual enough and relying too much on Biblical inerrancy.
  • The latter explanation appears more plausible, because only 12 of 25 cases displayed this aberrancy.
  • An aberrancy in the pharynx cannot yet be ruled out.
  • The only way to hold onto inerrancy is to deny the humanity of the Bible's set them in a class apart from every other human being on earth. Quote of the Day (Eric Reitan)
  • Initially, I gave this about 10 seconds of thought and marked it down as a polling aberrancy, something that will not happen. Archive 2008-05-01
  • One tenet defining fundamentalism is biblical inerrancy which is what most people mean by ‘literalists.’
  • To invest the Bible with the qualities of inerrancy and infallibility is to idolatrize it, to transform it into a false god. Biblical Recorder
  • Also, Kaz, I actually think that Christians would get along *better* if they *gave up on* inerrancy, but most won't give up on it so it's a pipedream. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • The doctrine of inerrancy asserts not only that the Bible is true, but that it is incapable of being false or even mistaken, impossible for it to not reflect the cosmic order of the universe and its Creator's plan.
  • I apologize if my statements about "literalism" and "inerrancy" are not couched in the language of friendly dialogue that I usually strive for. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Comments copiously unerrancy canna palander slutch insack inuloid pillorize The Minireviews (Books 13-15)
  • We believe in the authority, sufficiency, inspiration, perspicuity, inerrancy and providential preservation of the Scriptures.
  • he denies the errancy of the Catholic Church
  • And, the different ratios of men and women researchers in other fields would be the aberrancy. Elizabeth H. Blackburn - Interview
  • Actually it’s because of knowledge and logic that I’m believe in inerrancy of scripture. Augustine on Creation
  • The tears that Lesley cries are the secretions of chance, of her blindness to its aberrancy, and they wash her adolescent eyes with stinging hindsight. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • That's another problem I have with the notion of inerrancy - how often its defenders are willing to deny that the text means what it says in order to have it be "right" on some abstract theological level. Debunking Debunking Christianity Christianity
  • The analysis of the collective psychological errancy of that time combined with the footage was a dynamite commentary on what went wrong.
  • Still, I think there's a case to be made that we need to leave the term inerrancy behind. The Last Gasp of Inerrancy
  • In fact, I'd sooner call adherent to the Chicago Declaration on Biblical Inerrancy "liberals" since they are taking the relatively recent terminology of "inerrancy" and innovating a new definition thereof, without the involvement of, much less the agreement of, large numbers of Christians. Classic Liberal?
  • This was an aberrancy that was stopped almost five months ago.
  • It affirms the plenary inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures, original sin, substitutionary atonement and justification by faith.
  • WE DENY that the humble, human form of Scripture entails errancy any more than the humanity of Christ, even in His humiliation, entails sin.
  • WE AFFIRM that a confession of the full authority, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture is vital to a sound understanding of the whole of the Christian faith.
  • biblical inerrancy
  • It affirms the plenary inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures, original sin, substitutionary atonement and justification by faith.
  • Fundamentalist is a term originating in the United States in the early twentieth century, and used to refer to certain Protestant groups that asserted, against the growing influence of liberal theology and critical Bible studies, their belief in the literal divine origin and textual inerrancy of the Bible. Islamic Revolution
  • James, maybe the word inerrancy should be dropped, but do you think one could still have a high view of divine inspiration and authority can be maintained even if the Bible clearly is not "historical" or "scientific" in the modern sense of the term? Inerrancy, Historicity, Maximalism and Minimalism
  • Roger Pearse on his self-named blog discusses a find of Coptic manuscripts from 1910, how patristic authors discussed inerrancy and notes errors in J.A. Cranmer's edition of patristic catenae. Hyperekperissou

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