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How To Use Eroticism In A Sentence

  • What has remained a constant through all of his work, however, is its sensuality and eroticism.
  • But her narrative gains from the tangible physicality of theatre and gleefully combines eroticism and wit.
  • Sexuality, eroticism, and lust are important themes in Vizenor's texts.
  • Eroticism, intrigue and spectacular sex are all here in this pulse pounding production from Private.
  • Because of its mutable, unstable, and floating quality, eroticism often turns up in places where it might be assumed to have been completely eradicated.
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  • However hard a couple may try to import eroticism into the marriage, particularly in these days of sexual liberation, there is very little which can be done by two consenting adults which has the frisson of the forbidden.
  • He distinguished rigorously between sexuality and eroticism, where the first was all practice and the second all dream.
  • In the Romantic tradition a preoccupation with suicide and death is merely a further move on a continuum of sensuality and eroticism.
  • People who are initially excited about the eroticism will soon become tired of all this repetitive sensationalism.
  • Freud outlined his theory of infantile sexuality and the development of various manifestations of eroticism around different erotogenic zones of the body.
  • Meanwhile, here to prove the point that less really can be more when it comes to celluloid eroticism is Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
  • I mean "eroticism" not in its reductionist modern meaning of sex, but rather as a sense of aliveness, vibrancy, and vitality that communicates the message: "This couple is alive, not just surviving. Esther Perel: Sex in America: Can We Change The Conversation?
  • Yessss ... the slo mo tempts us, yes it does, with homo-eroticism, but it drains any actual eroticism from our scene-sies, yesss .... Deadline Hell
  • Mr. Anesko's writes of "thinly veiled homoeroticism" of James's letters to Andersen and elsewhere of their "undeniably amative nature. The Afterlife of the Lion
  • In the interwar period there was little more provocative in the arts than a woman in command, celebrating the eroticism of the body.
  • In an ideal world, both women and men would be able to communicate what they want sexually, and this means both their desires and eroticism.
  • In eroticism the poles of life and death, being and nothingness, fullness and emptiness are one, dissolved like subject and object in the insensible totality of things.
  • Contact with women is riddled with sexual tension and laced with eroticism and sometimes even latent misogyny, though this is a gray area.
  • A rare combination of horror, tongue-in-cheek humor and actual eroticism. 1976.
  • The first discussion of female homoeroticism in Jewish texts is found in Sifra, a postbiblical commentary on the book of Leviticus, edited in the second century a.d. Lesbianism.
  • For, as Bataille says, ‘it takes an iron nerve to perceive the connection between the promise of life implicit in eroticism and the sensuous aspect of death’.
  • The sculpture is a display of autoeroticism, but for the artist it also embodies the process of psychoanalysis. Chipping Away at the Life of the Mind
  • phallic eroticism
  • More like magic than sex, we were drawn by something deeper than lust, more profound than eroticism, more mystical than romance.
  • However, in the discourse of food and social level purveyed by this image, a more specific message is communicated by that eroticism.
  • Despite the full-frontal nudity and frank eroticism in the film's early scenes, the answer was no.
  • And if you read Shakespeare on sex, homoeroticism, race, he's worse than we ever are.
  • The subtle, almost sublimated eroticism only amplifies the sexuality present in the works.
  • For millions of years of human evolution, male eroticism has focused on fertile women.
  • But the Master-Slave dialectic seems to capture the relation between people in pornographic eroticism.
  • To be sure, in both Freudian and Lacanian accounts this scenario establishes the ‘first’ sexual relations: those attached to the imago of the mother and to the autoeroticism associated with narcissism.
  • It's so easy to mock eroticism that you just have to hope people aren't going to pick on you.
  • Not only does Sade, in the first part of this text, anticipate what has been called the ‘pansexuality’ of Freud, but also he makes eroticism the mainspring of human behavior.
  • Most people are uncomfortable with drag because of its blatant homoeroticism, but drag isn't about wanting to be a woman; it's about wanting to be fabulous.
  • This is what they'd call mountaineering eroticism. - Top Stories
  • ‘Offbeat films and unconventional themes may need to depict violence and eroticism, which the censors do not allow,’ he observes.
  • As Karl Toepfer makes clear, eroticism was understood by many advocates and participants to be a fundamental component of body culture, whether sublimated or expressly promoted.
  • Contemporary art and architecture are again recognizing the sensuality and eroticism of matter.
  • As most of this article deals with the sexual practice of homosexuals, the term homosex or homoeroticism is usually used. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Fat women may not feel confident about exposing their bodies in those ways traditionally associated with eroticism.
  • Like so many couples, the two are at that moving-to-the-country age when comfort edges out ambition and eating well replaces eroticism.
  • Granted, it was a semi-soap opera for men with massive homoeroticism throughout the series, but it was well written and well acted.
  • Eroticism, sensuality and feelings are irrelevant.
  • And Donna Summer was banned for "eroticism," though I would have thought that "basic suckiness" would have been reason enough. Is That Legal?: Iron Maiden: Religious Obscurantists
  • Mountains in Scotland are not noted for their eroticism - just ask those who pech their way up the Munros for their sins.
  • From the first his work was macabre and fantastic, influenced by Goya's Caprichos, the drawings of Beardsley, the eroticism of Rops, and the symbolism of Redon.
  • Their indefatigable references to women and eroticism, couched in vigorous and seductive language, speak to an awareness that references to women and sexuality enable homosocial bonds between male writers and readers.
  • It is refreshingly unabashed in its sexuality and eroticism.
  • I was into girlie things and also what I would call eroticism as art; I had a relationship with a photographer James Wedge and explored that. The Guardian World News
  • It's a Dali-esque canvas or imagist poem on celluloid - but meaning what? - which pulses with claustrophobia, panic, eroticism and despair.
  • In the sensual dance sequence we again witness safe eroticism at work.
  • They had a look of eroticism… a come-hither quality that I couldn't explain.
  • And here ` s what you write, quote, "Apparently, busting up tribal wars to adopt foreign babies has become the latest form of Hollywood autoeroticism. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2009
  • It wasn't particularly good science, but an exercise in anthropomorphism, giving snails an eroticism, for example, that one might never have anticipated.
  • Be it in a combination with sea and sand landscapes or spring flowers and violin, the female body emits tenderness, eroticism, warmth and sensuality.
  • Erotic pleasure cannot be separated from culture, and in our culture male eroticism is wedded to power. Think Progress » In 2005, Exxon CEO Raked in 190K a Day
  • Bordone's talent was dispersed among saturnine portraits, mannered religious scenes and images of dark and brooding eroticism.
  • Not to be confused with the schoolboy's desire to have the body fully exposed, eroticism is thus transformed from a problem of knowledge and possession — of knowing/seeing/having the body of the beloved — into a problem of imagination and relinquishment — of seeing what is to be seen and imagining what is not and letting go of the illusion of mastery. How to Do the History of Pornography: Romantic Sexuality and its Field of Vision
  • The confusion with pornography arises because Greenblatt equates eroticism with spirituality, and compels us to witness sexual intimacies to which we are not normally privy.
  • It is as though all traces of eroticism have been whitewashed out of the movie's principal heterosexual union.
  • Granted, eroticism is different for each person, I still find it hard to believe that many people would find these tales sensual at all; they fall more into the category of bawdy, if anything. Book Review: In Sleeping Beauty’s Bed IV « Colleen Anderson
  • This poetic output, at a time when post-Chaucerian England was fallow, was a combination of classic grace, religious fervour, eroticism, and bawdry which was almost hypnotic.
  • Its combination of racial politics and homoeroticism was a revelation to this restless, gay adolescent.
  • In the new morality, the eroticism of Chinese lyrics was unabashed, polymorphous, and just plain sexy.
  • In the Romantic tradition a preoccupation with suicide and death is merely a further move on a continuum of sensuality and eroticism.
  • As midrash, that is, as a form of exegesis of scriptural text, to Leviticus 18: 3, this passage thus invokes the authority of scripture for its discourse on female homoeroticism; it links marriage between two women to the practices of the Canaanites and Egyptians, which this verse and numerous others explicitly forbid, as well as to a number of other sexual/marital connections explicitly or implicitly forbidden in scripture Your Moral Leader
  • Moreover, Carly masters the discourses of eroticism and porn theory as overlapping knowledge regimes of sexual representation.
  • Twenty years after cinematizing Women in Love, Ken Russell returns to the questing eroticism of D.H. Lawrence.
  • The feline presence enables the poet to use the words of his poems as a ritual of daimonic self-reflection that is a kind of satanic Black Mass with three parts moving from devotion to eroticism to mysticism.
  • Gilb's portrayal of the titular character is particularly striking, effortlessly balancing eroticism and repugnance in each swoop of her floor-length gown.
  • We mercilessly critiqued one another, and explored weird mixes of Bizarro, Horror-eroticism, metafictional, vulgarian, bloody stories, and things that are yet to have names. Author of "HPL and His Legacy" : The Lovecraft News Network
  • A rare combination of horror, tongue-in-cheek humor and actual eroticism. 1976.
  • Take away the two preposterous assumptions, and Ohanian and Cole have proven nothing except the ability of neoclassical economists to indulge in thoeretical autoeroticism. Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: The Great Depression, Part IV
  • Actually, these epithets are quite unjust: Her sexuality serves primarily as a means of expression of her soul, and her eroticism verges more on mysticism than on carnality.
  • I stood and approached the table, braced to counteract the floozy's attempt at lyrical, banana-rich muffin eroticism with my own rational, short-lined, logical narration.
  • The trouble, though, was that Cole Porter had become incapable of turning out a trademark Cole Porter song, with its inimitable mix of eroticism and esprit.
  • The state we were in was a kind of mental eroticism, an erethism of the mind, akin to that inwardly directed state of arousal achieved by adepts of Tantric yoga.
  • Leiber's edgy narrative throughout this story of dark eroticism is very descriptive, oftentimes lingering (seemingly) too long on Ryker's point of view, making the reader wonder when he will get on with the story. REVIEW: Fritz Leiber: Selected Stories edited by Charles N. Brown and Jonathan Strahan
  • In brief and limpid episodes French director Alain Cavalier bares the masochism, eroticism, and purity at the heart of Therese's self-enclosed crusade.
  • Even the sex goddess of all things Alien cannot inject eroticism into a plain script.
  • Another typical representation of the mortal dangers inherent in the new mobility machines was eroticism: death was a lover, desired and eagerly anticipated.
  • She is an incarnation of the Lucretian Venus, an impossible contradiction of holiness and eroticism that prompts even the 'holy priests' of the temple to bless her when she is 'riggish' or lustful. Shakespeare
  • Through her body she illustrates her main preoccupations: sexuality, eroticism, death, and childbirth.
  • We mercilessly critiqued one another, and explored weird mixes of Bizarro, Horror-eroticism, metafictional, vulgarian, bloody stories, and things that are yet to have names. Author of "HPL and His Legacy" : The Lovecraft News Network
  • The film is a stunning display of physical grace and eroticism, and deals with sex, male identity and the yearning to be loved.
  • August 27, 2009 at 5:29 pm why must people resort to autoeroticism? A prayer for the 21st century | Sync Blog
  • Part of that is her womanly mystique, the undeniable eroticism of the unknown.
  • Their installation was a cohesive, multipart work about desire, eroticism and Christ.
  • The subdued homoeroticism of Alfred Kolig's drawings and paintings is secondary to his exquisite draftsmanship and sensual colorism.
  • She seems to return to the gallantry of the eighteenth century, a time where eroticism was hidden in frillings and many layers.
  • If you’ve an interest in eroticism in literature, then Lady Chatterley’s Lover, love it or hate it, is a piece so critical to history that it can’t be ignored. Lady Chatterley Review « Skid Roche
  • His eroticism and his understanding of the female form urged him to include more surfaces of flesh than can be seen from one point of view…
  • There are frequent attempts to equate pornography and eroticism, two diametrically opposed uses of the sexual.
  • His works of art were a scandal in his time because of the display of nudity and the subtle sexuality and eroticism.
  • There is subtle and pervasive eroticism in the film, but it is not particularly sensual or warming.
  • Morgan pronounced Palin the winner, because, he said, she was a "good" autoeroticism subject. TNT sorry for Tracy Morgan's Sarah Palin gag
  • Many different strands are woven together: elements of Christian iconography, a kind of coastal animism, surreal touches, a subdued eroticism.
  • Sensuality, eroticism, sexuality - these are different things.
  • Simon's "third and favorite" wife, Evvy, responds to his transformation with dreamy eroticism. Full-Bodied Arias in a Postorganic World
  • Instead of endlessly repeating the estimation of him as an austere stylist and Catholic/Jansenist spiritualist, recent writing has opened new aspects of his work, exploring such subjects as eroticism, both homo- , as in The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The vision excited my curiosity not by its eroticism but as a first glimpse of the ways women themselves perceive their bodies.
  • This distinction is not the same among women, for whom eroticism and reproductive sexuality are very often bound together.
  • The brittle sexuality of the earlier works is absent, but visual temptation and overt eroticism remain in the riot of vibrant colors, visceral strokes and pulsing space.
  • (Which is not to knock autoeroticism, per se: As Woody Allen observes, "It's sex with someone I love.") Was It Good for You, Too?
  • However, there's another issue when you raise the question of eroticism, auto-eroticism or sexualization.
  • Sexuality, eroticism and desire are important for all of us.
  • The title story, lucid and witty, with an odd mixture of eroticism and quiet intellectualism, has an English professor trying to prostitute good conversation; a harder sell than the typical wares offered on the street.
  • In fact, there is such a demand that DaveScot engages in autoeroticism several times a day while looking at an 8×10 glossy of himself. Exploring the Legality of DAJ’s request « UDreamOfJanie
  • I said it ` s the latest form of Hollywood autoeroticism. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2009
  • And in the body, that repository of desire, diasporic exile is used to unleash eroticism's transformative possibilities.
  • In cyberspace, women's sexuality is portrayed as a weapon; her eroticism spells doom.
  • Almost all of Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism.
  • The film explores alternative sexuality with coy eroticism and a brazen wit, but without resorting to degrading stereotypes.
  • As a manifestation of anal eroticism, that is, holding the feces so that he could talk while trying to conceal the act. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • This film portrays the passion of gay love, and gay eroticism, with its attendant conflicts and ambivalence, as a drama with its own kind of power and significance.
  • Does that make the idea of egalitarian eroticism make more sense? Bondage and Patriarchy
  • You can sing it handcuffed to a pole while male dancers pretend to spank your bum if you want, but there's no getting around the fact that S&M is every bit as sexy as you might expect for a song about fetishism written by committee of five people – two of whom were previously responsible for the masterpiece of slow-burning eroticism that was S Club 7's S Club Party. Rihanna at the O2 Arena – review
  • Anyone who looks at Whitney's emblems is fascinated by their monumental dimension, but he/she is also allured by their eroticism and their violence.
  • Again, the relative lack of eroticism in instructive for today’s viewer, as it makes one think about how the nature of what turns us on has changed, or how the options for being turned on have changed. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The eroticism is definitely a significant element that has to be present in every doll. Boing Boing: May 14, 2006 - May 20, 2006 Archives
  • Her subjects include human sexual relationships, power, eroticism, and sadomasochism.
  • It doesn't surprise me that you chide neoclassical economics for engaging in "theoretical autoeroticism" while you have demonstrated a chronic case of theoretical impotence. Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: The Great Depression, Part IV
  • Eric Clarke largely passes over Shelley's essay; he notes that Shelley could not get over an incongruity between Greek paederasty and Greek philosophy as thus he "postulated wet daydreams as the true source" behind homoeroticism (127). Notes on 'The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality'
  • Sexual pleasure, including autoeroticism, is a source of physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual well being. Archive 2008-10-01
  • She is strong and beautiful, but her eroticism is restrained, her nipples toned down, their paleness an attenuated sign of disease.
  • But when eroticism goes public, something else happens.

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