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  1. a unit of traffic intensity in a telephone system

How To Use Erlang In A Sentence

  • An Erlang developer is not tasked with the responsibility of manual memory management with keywords like "for" or "while" or "do".
  • In Erlangen, the University keenly promoted the science of eugenics.
  • Maka sangat wajarlah kalau Abdullah berasa adalah tugas dan tanggungjawab beliau memastikan pengganti pilihannya itu berjaya dengan cemerlang dalam pemilihan yang sedang berjalan sekarang. The Scribe A Kadir Jasin
  • This fact should be given especial consideration in appraising the significance of the work of Erlanger and Gasser. Physiology or Medicine 1944 - Presentation Speech
  • Fortunately, Erlang has a solution for this distributed programming problem too.
  • In 1908 Erlang joined the Copenhagen Telephone Company and began applying probability to various problems arising in the context of telephone calls.
  • This paper seeks to assess the contributions made by different approaches to interlanguage pragmatics as a subfield of Second Language Acquisition.
  • Totally unexpectedly, at the age of eighteen, Emmy decided that she would not become a schoolteacher but that instead she would spend the next two years auditing classes at the University of Erlangen.
  • When we did out outsourcing of our network we chose a parameter called erlang which is a unit of network consumption voice units. Undefined
  • Suspendee should previously have beensuspended via erlang: suspend_process / 1by the process calling erlang: resume_process (Suspendee). Hiveminds Magazine
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