
How To Use Eris In A Sentence

  • The residents are mostly impoverished families who survive by collecting recyclable garbage.
  • During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
  • One infers that all of this would be computerised information.
  • Obama "cherishes" a trinket and a book given to him by Gordon Brown, and he worships them like tiny gods by keeping them in a little pagan altar he set up in the Oval Office. Wonkette » top
  • This is a movie with a distinct and startling cinematic language, but with uncomfortably coercive mannerisms.
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  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Miles, the more successful, exaggerated the decorative qualities of his father's style to the point of mannerism.
  • In other cultures he might be described as effeminate and, therefore, be an object of derision. The Kaisho
  • But of time and of becoming shall the best similes speak: a praise shall they be, and a justification of all perishableness! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • The bowed zither may seem strange, but is exactly what it appears to be - a violin for zitherists.
  • Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
  • The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
  • I might have understood how clumsy I was, when I was rearing my children in the most utter idleness and luxury, to reform other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house, where, nevertheless, three-fourths of the people toil for themselves and for others. What to Do?
  • Non argumenta, non verisimilitudines quaerimus, quibus judicium nostrum incumbat; sed ut rei extra aestimandi aleam positae, judicium ingeniumque nostrum subjicimus ... Pneumatologia
  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.
  • Because characteristic of electron gun job is restricted, scanning frequency included frequency and frequency two concepts.
  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • A rare comma butterfly was spotted in the garden in Grassington of lepidopterist James Birdsall.
  • However peculiarity is a characteristic of all things Royal, not to say outright barminess.
  • A swarm of princesses totter on stage, got up like topiary on legs in every shade of scarlet, crimson, cerise, cochineal, each foolishly imagining Prince Charming must choose her as his red queen. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Granted, we have reams of remote sensing data from that first investigation, including the information from the detailed dissection of the spider biot done by Dr. Laura Ernst. But the cosmonauts brought home only one artifact, a tiny piece of some kind of biomechanical flower whose physical characteristics had already irreversibly changed before any of its mysteries could be understood, We have nothing else in the way of souvenirs from that first excursion. Rama Revisited
  • A defining characteristic of the 16-25 generation is their digital identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what is wonderful about him - what saves him, glorifies him and makes him special - is the imperishable cultural truth that you can take a Frenchman out of France but you cannot take France out of a Frenchman.
  • What is called effluxion is a destruction of the embryo within the first week, while abortion occurs up to the fortieth day; and the greater number of such embryos as perish do so within the space of these forty days. The History of Animals
  • In the offices, there was an explanation of the computerised administration processes, grave search and interview room facilities.
  • Inevitably, though, with 14 fewer rooms to spread out in, the Pages had to part with several cherished possessions.
  • Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.
  • In this paper, it introduces the programming methods and characteristics of typer on screw, provides a more measures efficient way for learning the numerical control programming.
  • But sure, they could be more "anti-consumerist" by having a druidical gathering of eight friends in the middle of the forest and a picnic lunch. Love on a farmboy's wages
  • Illiberis ulmivora Graeser is an important leaf - eating pest of elm tree in Shanxi province.
  • This is cheap and easy to do with specimens such as berberis, buddleia, cornus, kerria, philadelphus, spirea and willow.
  • Unlike the phrenologists of the 19th century, DeYoung's team doesn't presume to know whether differences in the size of a brain region give rise to unique personality characteristics, or whether our personality differences cause our brains to develop in unique ways - say, that when we practice random acts of kindness, our "agreeableness" center grows larger, or that a lifetime of social isolation might cause a region associated with The Columbian stories: Columns
  • Emile Henry 9-inch Provencal pie dish in cerise red Puppies
  • I have already mentioned why a white coat might have been a desirable characteristic.
  • He has often been characterised as a madman or Satanic genius.
  • This series is characterised by perfect realism juxtaposed with wild imagination.
  • In his 1982 "Secondary Currents," which is described in the film's title credits as a "film noir," Rose pushes the sound and image concerns of structuralist filmmakers by creating a work that is "imageless": on a black screen, white subtitles translate the gibberish of the unreliable narrator in the voice-over. Baltimore City Paper
  • Throughout his career he has handled whatever has been thrown at him in a characteristically calm and dignified manner, underpinned by desire and doggedness.
  • Cadbury dismisses 'derisory' Kraft bid food giant Kraft yesterday, labelling it "derisory" and "unattractive" and calling on its shareholders to turn it down. - Articles related to Cadbury chief prefers Hershey to Kraft as bid battle looms larger
  • He never said those words, including the asterisked one.
  • This brushpot typifies the pictorial quality characteristic of so many later vessels, which were often worked as if the surface of the jade were a sheet of paper or a scroll to be unrolled.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • Pity the turtles and cherish them, for they too are on the conservationist's list of vulnerable species and in danger of extinction.
  • Since the lateral axes have more or less the same pattern of arrangement of sympodia as the main axis, the number of branch bundles is related to the number of bundles within the leaf vascular supply characteristic for that species.
  • He overcomes its characteristic darkening during preparation by throwing in a carrot.
  • After her 19th birthday her thrice - divorced manager, afraid that her encroaching adulthood might impede her careerist progress, began to woo her.
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • In this sense, he saw scientific psychology as anti-life: the more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more myth we are capable of making conscious, the more life we integrate.
  • In the range of same frequency, compared with silicon-steel sheet components, the bulk amorphous metal magnetic component of the invention has greatly improved performance characteristic.
  • Cabinets of coins, medals, and bronze statuettes became a characteristic feature of German princely collections.
  • Hereafter, Manchester United's historic 19th league title must be asterisked, on the basis that we cannot know how the table would have panned out had Giggs's affair been exposed earlier in the season. The Ryan Giggs story was not run with any noble intentions | Marina Hyde
  • One of the distinctive characteristics of the adjutant, or "argala," as it is better known to the Indians, -- and one, too, of its ugliest The Cliff Climbers A Sequel to "The Plant Hunters"
  • Non-lethal weapons have inherent characteristics of precision effects, selectivity of engagement, and versatility.
  • Tanning experiments carried out with the chromium, iron, aluminium, and calcium salts of Ordoval G yielded leathers which possessed proportionate characteristics of either kind of tannage to the extent to which either material was present. Synthetic Tannins
  • Cross-correlation coefficients computed from comparisons of sonograms reflect differences in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the call, as well as differences in signal-to-noise ratio.
  • he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details
  • Do we think that other countries don't exhibit the same characteristics towards each other that we call mateship? Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • It needs to be cherished and supported, even if this involves a certain amount of personal inconvenience.
  • I've fought over every hinch o 'this perishin' country, an 'tyke it from me, guv'nor, there ain't Jimgrim and Allah's Peace
  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart was the characteristic note of the piety of Saint Gertrude the Latest Articles
  • Thes. 2:7 But we were gentle in your midst, as a nursing mother would cherish her own children.
  • He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
  • Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
  • Scientists are looking for genetic variation within the breed that would allow producers to choose sires based on the beef tenderness of their progeny and other characteristics.
  • The genetic trawl will not be looking for physical characteristics, such as colouring or height, but at particular genes that were thought to be common in Vikings.
  • One must guard against the misinterpretation of this term impoverishment as compared with the state of affairs which would have developed in the absence of credit expansion and the boom. Is Something Better Than Nothing?
  • Puerisque ',' Marcus Aurelius ',' The Unveiling of Lhassa '-- but the list is rather interminable. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • The birthers may have reached and passed their peak, though, thanks to the scrutiny, the derisive laughter, and the backlash from the overkill on the part of the wingnuts in the mainstream media like Lou Dobbs. That Settles That
  • Thousands of people perished in the earthquake.
  • Phylogenetic relationships of the five extant rhinoceros species (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The pressing need of our age is to found a public sphere that would cherish subjectivity, where plural experiences of cultures would correspond to diverse inner lives.
  • He has a jolly, ready laugh and mannerisms like an absentminded professor.
  • Well," said Jervis, "it might have been a peculiar finger; a finger, for instance, with some characteristic deformity such as an ankylosed joint, which would be easy to identify. The Eye of Osiris
  • Nevertheless, the voluptuous figures that adorn his ormolu mounts and the fluidity of his designs gave Linke's pieces their characteristic blend of ancien regime and Art Nouveau, that made them stand out.
  • And the one faint hope that soothed his troubled dreams was one he dared not cherish in his hours of waking. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.
  • Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • Washington dreamed his way along the street, his fancy flitting from grain to hogs, from hogs to banks, from banks to eyewater, from eye-water to Tennessee Land, and lingering but a feverish moment upon each of these fascinations. The Gilded Age, Part 1.
  • While the Magnum definitely brought the real deal in terms of power and increased utility over a traditional sedan, some were not sold on the style of the vehicle which adopted Dodge's characteristic "crosshair" inspired front grille that permeates the entire lineup. Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
  • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
  • One of the most characteristic signals of a cat entering or leaving a social group is the raising of its tail.
  • Such a gesture might look to contemporary historians like an act of archival vandalism, but it was entirely characteristic of the old school to which Macmillan belonged.
  • Jonson's use of strict verisimilitude helps to facilitate yet another layer of deception by employing a fixed sense of time.
  • The plane in which the Europeans arrive in San Theodoros is shown flying over an impoverished shanty town.
  • But if it shall be otherwise -- if they stubbornly, sullenly persist in cherishing and manifesting the spirit of treason, making their motto to read, Bound, but not broken, then let the severities of immutable justice be meted out to them: let them die the death. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure.
  • Sleep talking can range from a word or two of gibberish, to an entire speech.
  • Based on a Korean fairy-tale, this light and witty piece of chinoiserie tells the story of a Mandarin's daughter who is engaged to a rich Ambassador but loves an impoverished youth.
  • A story is told of John's schooldays which is an amusing and quite characteristic instance of his ethical eccentricities. Old John Brown, the man whose soul is marching on
  • It introduces the functions and characteristics of railways telex automatic switch network, the volume control of telex network, operation guarantee of network and effects of network operation.
  • First, if the shaft of a long bone be hit above the junction of diaphysis and epiphysis, the cancellous tissue in and extending from the medullary cavity is pulverised, and examination of fragments from such fractures gives the impression of the inner aspect having been scraped clean. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • There is a characteristic pain from the sternum to the back with the catarrh and the cough.
  • They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
  • It involves the characteristics of criticism, recessiveness, savvy, introspectiveness and creativity.
  • Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
  • Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model. Elites TV
  • Would you be "boggled" if I suggest that the characterisation of blacks here as a mob of rampaging gang-rapists is a product of prejudice and, in its emotional manipulation, serves to reinforce prejudice? Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • The fact that flickers did not defend feeding territories suggests that characteristics of their prey make it uneconomical to monopolize.
  • So that even in their case the characteristic of the Mosaic dispensation was theopneustic, rather than theologic. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • One of the realities of these worlds is the strategic exploitation of these essentialist identities as a means of personal leverage, power, and careerist gain.
  • Also, bronchodilators may demonstrate different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics during an acute exacerbation of asthma.
  • It seems only fair that the new records be somehow asterisked.
  • Xylem and xylem parenchyma can be recognized in the centre of the taproot surrounded by a ring of meristematic tissue with very high intensity.
  • The church has slid so far into consumerism it is nearly impossible to live out your faith without paying for it.
  • For days before, public drapers were to be seen clinging cross-legged to obelisk and peristyle; moving in spread-eagle fashion, hung in a jacket of sail-cloth attached to cables, across the fronts of buildings, looping garlands, besticking banners and spreading tapestries. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • It is uncharacteristically diligent of a minister to seek precisely to understand what money spent will accomplish.
  • Daminus mendacii a seipso deceptus, alios decipere cupit, adversarius humani generis, Inventor mortis, superbiae institutor, radix malitiae, scelerum caput, princeps omnium vitiorum, fuit inde in Dei contumeliam, hominum perniciem: de horum conatibus et operationibus lege Epiphanium. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It nodded to itself, a mannerism cultivated during its contacts with humans. T2©: RISING STORM
  • What Bush REALLY doesn’t want is to have his VP indicted, or to possibly end up having the “unindicted co-conspirator” label asterisked to his name in the history books. Firedoglake » You Spin Me Right Round…
  • = For the use of mythological figures as character types, compare _RA_ 589 'semper habe Pyladen aliquem qui curet Oresten' and Martial VI xi 9-10 'ut praestem Pyladen, aliquis mihi praestet Oresten./hoc non fit uerbis, Marce: ut ameris, ama'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. 
  • He frequently used such commonplace devices as rhetorical questions and other characteristic elements of diatribes.
  • My matriculation at F. & M. was characterised by total immersion in "extracurricular" activities. Hank Duckman
  • Meanwhile, the fleet footed and well connected have profited from surging exports, a bubbly urban real estate market and, occasionally, government boosterism.
  • The new computerised system, called the 'optimiser', allocates staff based on the number of customers in store at any time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is different from normal speaking as it is harder to get a sense at an early stage whether everyone is on the edge of their seats, gently snoozing or snorting derisorily, but the fact that you can see the audience allows you to get some sense of that. Transition Culture
  • The unique feature of ergonomics is its emphasis on the characteristics of human operators and their relevance to the design of work.
  • It's hard to be "tarred" with a neutral or complimentary label the sole purpose of which is to assign blanket characteristic behavior patterns to the recipient. Gringos and Euros and Canucks, oh boy
  • The opening at one end of the shrine is closed not by the paneled doors characteristic of temples but by a pair of low gates carved to represent wickerwork and surmounted by a row of inverted dentils.
  • The characteristics that best predicted autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.
  • The most important differential characteristics of the section Trionychon are branched stems, bracteolate flowers, an entire and campanulated calyx, a blue or purple corolla, white anthers, and the stigma usually white.
  • Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as fundamental and important characteristics in "Critique of Judgment", which was also seen as the "quality" in beauty.
  • We have also learned that many of the featured biographees order personal copies to keep as a cherished record of their accomplishments.
  • We have introduced some basic components which would be required in a characterisation of the topic framework for any discourse fragment.
  • I told my mother inlaw since long ago to not spoil Bibi. Kids need to be educate since little, else it's very hard to correct their bad characteristics after 3 years old.
  • Beside us, a Forward Air Controller uses a powerful periscope to pinpoint enemy targets over the sandbagged rim of the observation post.
  • Start by attaching the flexible vent from vent-connection kit to the periscope vent, using the band clamps in the kit.
  • Influenced behavior is behavior influenced by one's spouse, whereas uninfluenced behavior is behavior caused by a person's own characteristics.
  • Their characteristic form is that of a long, deep, narrow bay with steep rock walls and basined floor. The Elements of Geology
  • With the one exception of its monstrous size, there were the characteristics in plain view; -- the convex body, the large head, the projecting clypeus. The Beetle
  • I have to judge whether what I'm buying enriches my life more than doing so impoverishes it. A Complex Shadow
  • By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color. Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
  • Berberis darwinii is a small, dense shrub, spiny of leaf and stem, like an angry little holly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pukhov, a careerist painter, sacrifices his artistic integrity by cynically painting potboilers to please factory and party committees.
  • Dealing with India, is an excerise in flustration. Hand candy « BuzzMachine
  • The original distribution channels through Merisel and Dicken Data and service via Xerox remain in place.
  • All of the artillerists survived the leap into the water. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Now of the Romance languages, French and Portuguese are harder to learn, and so what are the characteristics there that make them less easy to learn than other Romance languages?
  • Hinter diesem Gedanken, der ein wenig misanthropisch vorkommen mag, hört man deutlich den milden und klugen Humor, der Ihr ganzes schriftstellerisches Werk durchströmt. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2002 - Presentation Speech
  • The frequency spectral analyses show that the second ignition method could weaken and restrain the high frequency vibration, improve the characteristic of vibration in high loading density charge.
  • He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative.
  • Some of their characteristics can be observed in soap bubbles and films.
  • USFWS thinks it probably isn't, due to certain morphological characteristics. Archive 2007-12-01
  • These are the characteristic features of a Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood as seen in a male.
  • Solids, liquids and gases are ideal behaviours characterised by properties such as compressibility, viscosity, elasticity, strength and hardness. Archive 2005-09-01
  • This realism is in part due to the elaborate set and costume design, but also to Campbell's unfaltering characterisation of Morgan.
  • Well, the "tumbril," as we called it, arrived each day for nearly a week, and we drove off gaily to the appointed spot and saturated ourselves in the characteristics of the land we were shortly to attack. Bullets & Billets
  • This article describes the control principle of soft starter of alternate current electric motor, and the excellence and characteristic than normal starter.
  • At auction, cherished memories are trashed as treasured possessions are sifted and ascribed their price in the name of the bottom line.
  • There is another couple walking down the street, this one pre-consumerist, their handclasp signifying a ‘right of ownership’ in which she is ‘silently, sadly, complicit.’
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • Margot chuckled at the new use for the derisive term for malware tinkerers, and reminded herself to use it in her report. Short Story: "Fair Game"
  • In the recent check up I was diagnosed with early stage of chronic open angle glaucoma in both eyes by computerised field perimetry - left eye more than right, although left eye is much less myopic than right one.
  • The vase is characteristic of 16th century Chinese art.
  • In the early part of this century there was a young girl examined in New York whose ureters emptied into a reddish carnosity on the mons veneris. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Being so close to the Pacific means that the weather can be dicey: perishing cold, low cloud and sudden thaws on the lower slopes.
  • The floral meristems are formed acropetally and are initiated on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem, being protected by bracts.
  • And the strange thing is that in "Hypatia" or in the "Bride of the Nile" or in the "Stories of the Arabian Nights" the same characteristics stand out-the old Egypt has never changed. The Egyptian and Arabian Problems
  • The Altair did not disappear from the thoughts of the computerists and neither did the hardware they used.
  • And a close-loop quality control system based on prediction model is designed according to the characteristics of forging process, which is based on a procedure information system, takes predict...
  • The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All, therefore, that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Seneca 
  • Secondly, analyze to the characteristic of the right of privacy.
  • They are often minorities, almost always impoverished and disabled by their illness.
  • I don't think it broke Steve's heart when Cherise left him, but it certainly bruised his ego.
  • Each species of coral has its own pattern of budding and so erects its own characteristic monument.
  • Dreadful!" moaned Sister Ann. "Adnah goes about sighing all the day, and looks over-long in the mirror, and takes unseemly pains with her dressing, and does up her hair with flowers, and has feverishly pink cheeks, and likes to sit in a corner and brood, and takes long walks by herself, and especially, _especially_, seems fond of moonlight! The Wit and Humor of America, Volume V. (of X.)
  • If this arc voltage saltation information can be extracted, we will get the characteristic information of necking down formation.
  • Individualism has such essential and non-essential characteristics as plebeianism, freedom, democracy and aggression.
  • Another characteristic feature of many of the viral encephalitides is the glial nodule which is illustrated on this microphotograph.
  • The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.
  • The essence and characteristic of Pan-Slavism was fully showed in the War between Russia and Turkey in 1877-1878.
  • Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president. Embracing the crazy
  • The article describes characteristics of CCW - 525 sin gle component polyurethane, its use and points for attention.
  • But there is a certain ridicule, among superficial people, thrown on the scholars or clerisy, which is of no import, unless the scholar heed it. Representative Man (1850)
  • High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
  • Confusion and perplexity characterise the political establishment everywhere.
  • Seven astronauts perished when hot exhaust gas leaked from one of the booster rockets, destroying the vehicle less than two minutes into the flight.
  • It refutes your position that ancestry is not a characteristic. A New Book
  • David Hagerman for The Wall Street Journal The characteristic colors of Pulau Ketam's stilt structures might be described as "beachy" -- the likes of bottle green with electric blue, salmon pink and violet, carrot orange and gold. Island Living
  • Handvo" is a cherished gujarati recipe which can be called a savoury steamed vegetable cornmeal cake, and is filled with several nutritious ingredients. Handvo - Healthy Vegetable Cornmeal Cake
  • This characteristic introduces difficulties for respondent in replying to the survey.
  • Lately, zebrafish has become one of the best animal models to study fetal alcohol syndrome(FAS) because of its unique characteristics compared to other kinds of models like mouse.
  • Poor old Sofia has been down to her local carpet warehouse and snapped up a few offcuts of a revolting cerise floor covering.
  • Finally 100 grams of whiting, dry and sifted, are mixed with 5 grams of pulverised supertartrate of potass; this new powder is dissolved in a portion of the above described liquid, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of the proper consistency to be spread with a pencil on the article or part to be gilded. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • With its long claws, the zorilla digs feverishly after the prize, alternately sinking its nose into the ground until it comes up munching.
  • Not as bad as we feared, worse than we hoped, but surgical cauterisation should have fixed it, the area was quite small. I passed my Medical Exam
  • For a man whose playing career was characterised by dogged resilience and bloody-minded determination, the manager cuts a very different figure.
  • That close to the gate, called the House of the Triclinium, derives its name from a large triclinium in the centre of the peristyle, which is spacious and handsome, and bounded by the city walls. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • The tract thus characterised was about five or six acres in superficial extent; and surrounded by the same kind of coppice that covered most of the face of the country. Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • They are afraid that their party will perish as they risk losing the support of both the ‘deep blue’ and pro-localization factions.
  • But that meeting was not something Atlanta will paste in its book of cherished Olympic memories.
  • Iudexque cum post aderis rimari facta pectoris, reddens vicem pro abditis iustisque regnum pro bonis Verbum Supernum Prodiens
  • Attention has also been given to ovarian morphology as a primary distinguishing characteristic.
  • This may be the deep significance of the study of Zola's narrative characteristics.
  • When H. Kulzer was employed as preparator in 1920, the collection was cared for firstly by a coleopterist.
  • I like my birds hung overnight (hanging tenderises the meat).
  • One calendar year up to 31 December, 1996 was selected to show the pre-computerisation state of affairs.

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