How To Use Erebus In A Sentence
I mean, we were talking to Kayla Lacovino at Mount Erebus, which is this giant volcano.
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Only a few years after Darwin's return, Hooker was off on his own adventures, an ambitious slingshot around Antarctica aboard HMS Erebus and Terror.
He now slept in the same Tent with Charles Des Voeux; his purser, Charles Hamilton Osmer (who was showing signs of pneumonia); William Bell (Erebus's quartermaster); and Phillip Reddington, Sir John's and Captain Fitzjames's former captain of the fo'c'sle.
The Terror
However, we shot on Mount Erebus, which is about 3,800 metres.
The Guardian World News
An upper current of air blowing from a north-westerly direction was usually indicated by the clouds and smoke on Mt Erebus, and on the occasion of a great eruption, when the steam column reached more than 20,000 ft. above the sea it entered a still higher stratum of wind blowing from the south-east.
Perspective of Antarctica in 1911

Nor had Francis Crozier trusted Lieutenant George Henry Hodgson, his captain of the fo'c'sle, Reuben Male, or Erebus captain of the foretop Robert Sinclair since that day of near mutiny back at Hospital Camp more than a month earlier.
The Terror
Robert Lee Hotz/The Wall Street Journal A lone Ad lie penguin paused at the edge of the sea ice on Ross Island, in the shadow of Mount Erebus, which is the southernmost active volcano on Earth.
Penguins Under Pressure
Reuben Male, Robert Sinclair, and Samuel Honey — Terror's fo'c'sle captain, Erebus's foretop captain, and Terror's blacksmith, respectively — stepped forward.
The Terror
He now slept in the same Tent with Charles Des Voeux; his purser, Charles Hamilton Osmer (who was showing signs of pneumonia); William Bell (Erebus's quartermaster); and Phillip Reddington, Sir John's and Captain Fitzjames's former captain of the fo'c'sle.
The Terror
And though he'd heard that reaching the 12500-foot summit would be an ordeal, he wasn't prepared for the scorching lava bombs that Erebus hurled at him.
This site can only be compared with one other known high-altitude geothermally-influenced ice-free area near the summit of Mount Erebus.
Maudlandia Antarctic desert
Reuben Male, Robert Sinclair, and Samuel Honey — Terror's fo'c'sle captain, Erebus's foretop captain, and Terror's blacksmith, respectively — stepped forward.
The Terror
Carolina Pagli, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds in England, said there were risks that climate change could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America.
Scientific American
Behind them, the stone-and-snow cone of Mount Erebus vents its volcanic breath, reminding them there is land here.
The eastern slopes of Erebus were violet at first, and then they were bathe in rosy pink alpenglow and, between two and three o'clock, when the sun rose above WindVane Hill, they became sunflower yellow.
Terra Incognita
Then James Brown and Francis Dunn — Erebus's caulker and caulker's mate — joined the group.
The Terror
As their lanterns and torches disappeared in the blowing snow and the wind howled in the rigging, the roar mixing with the constant grind and groan of the ice working against Erebus's hull, Stanley leaned close and shouted into my mufflered ear: It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back.
The Terror
Been quite 'grouty' all the vacation, 'black as Erebus.'
Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor A Book for Young Americans
Climate chaos could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America.
DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?
Nor had Francis Crozier trusted Lieutenant George Henry Hodgson, his captain of the fo'c'sle, Reuben Male, or Erebus captain of the foretop Robert Sinclair since that day of near mutiny back at Hospital Camp more than a month earlier.
The Terror
Erebus knew her brother well; she perceived that she was confronted by what she called his obstinacy; and though his brazen-faced admission had raised her to the very height of amazement and horror, she uttered no protest.
The Terrible Twins
Finally, the conspicuous polychaete sponge Isodlctya erinacea produces the yellow pigment erebusinone, a tryptophan catabolite similar to catabolites regulating crustacean molting.
Altars are reared around, and the priestess, with hair undone, thrice peals from her lips the hundred gods of Erebus and Chaos, and the triform Hecate, the triple-faced maidenhood of Diana.
The Aeneid of Virgil
After more abortive attempts, the Admiralty decided, in 1845, to send Sir John Franklin with two steamers, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, to resolve the problem.
As the base of the Mount Erebus, McMurdo Sound was named after an officer of the Terror.
Three National Expeditions to Antarctica
It was the Erebus, sent off like Darwin’s Beagle on a round-the-world charting expedition, from which Hooker went ashore on Tasmania, New Zealand, and an interesting little nub called Kerguelen Island, halfway between Antarctica and nowhere.
The Song of The Dodo
Although the students designed Erebus with fish farms in mind because aquaculture is a major industry where they live, Erebus would obviously work just as where wherever there’s a need to keep birds away.
Archive 2006-04-30