How To Use Erasure In A Sentence
Its most debilitating effect is the erasure of the experience of racism and sexism for black women.
He repeated it once more, using "blander" for "smoother" in the second line; then wrote it down without erasure, but this time (my set eyes missed no stroke of any word) he substituted "soother" for his atrocious second thought, so that it came away under his hand as it is written in the book -- as it is written in the book.
Traffics and Discoveries
Function types are indeed the natural way to represent the type of a lambda expression, but unfortunately they interact badly with an existing language "feature": erasure.
A more successful approach to changing identity or at least dealing with unpleasant memories other than artificial represson or so-called erasure would be to change how we relate to our memories.
Life of Brian:
As is characteristic of Johns's graphic work of this time, the drawings feature freehand scribbles, carefully limned curves, erasures and tonal blurring.

The approach is somewhat similar to the social P2P storage solution that Om reviewed last year on GigaOM, including the fact that both use so-called erasure codes for redundancy.
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The most delicate art is the art of erasure: what we do to forget is as elusory as what we do to remember. newest oldest profile the girl extras butterfly thanks
Bemymemory Diary Entry
However, the policy excluded, among other things, consequential losses resulting from the erasure, loss, distortion or corruption of information on computer systems.
Postmodern psychology argues for the erasure of the category of self.
Psychic deadness, erasure of intersubjectivity, refusal of meaning-making, perversion of agency, and an inability to bear desire constitute the core features of the post-traumatic psychic landscape of torture.
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Anything which brings about this erasure of engrams in place and their refiling as experience is useful and legitimate whatever it includes.
The crucial detail is the erasure of the serial numbers.
With painstaking penmanship and a few erasures to correct spellings and numbers, the little girl explained herself.
The aptness of exile as a description of the modern condition affirms our movement away from or out of the sacred landscape, even if only through nature's erasure or desecration.
(Probably why the Minnesota Courts now claim not to do expulsions; with modern databases, erasure is effectively not possible.) htom (Quote)
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Down the Memory Hole” Speech Restrictions, Supported by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Erasure will clearly also have a serious effect on a doctor's employment and right to practise.
The erasure, moreover, is highly restricted to the memory being retrieved while leaving other memories intact.
The Crimes of the Future | Heretical Ideas Magazine
And now that I've found a hairstyle that suits the inexorable genetic progress of hair erasure, it gives me pause to reflect on the whole megillah of pateness, as you put it.
Their departure was not an erasure of an era because memories remained.
On the one hand, Pope's symbolic erasure of "Madam Dacier" anticipates her misconstrued legacy.
It's a symphonic dance, like Ravel's La Valse, a study in the erasure of the bar line while keeping a steady pulse.
This willful erasure seems to represent the deliberate amnesia of a society that does not want to remember.
Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.
It's a symphonic dance, like Ravel's La Valse, a study in the erasure of the bar line while keeping a steady pulse.
Suki Palacios has come a long way to this spired hotel in the tropics, to this wedge of forgotten land between continents, to this place of hurricanes and violence and calculated erasures.
The Lady Matador’s Hotel
It is in terms of this function that we must understand the insistent interspersion of white space throughout Jabes's books; whiteness is the mark of an erasure…
Every track is distinct from the last with its added dash of Erasure magic installed within.
It is a slow but ineluctable process of erasure.
There are a few gaps in the text where I made some erasures.
After a certain age, netlike structures of proteins and sugars in the amygdala — the region of the brain responsible for making and altering memories — make recollections of fear erasure-resistant.
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The erasure is a fact, a sad one of neglect or even of vandalism.
Orwell and Bohemia
It is a question not of temporal displacement but rather the erasure of narrative time itself.
We need no asterisks or erasures.
His penmanship was very neat, and his letters and manuscripts, as completed by him, are without blots or erasures.
another word had been written over the erasure
It follows that in the present case the first and main question is whether the direction of erasure was justified.
Some of these supraliminal frames are panels of video static, a screen equivalent of total erasure.
For Améry, forced explusion from his country and his language was not a loss but an erasure.
I point out that any mistakes or erasures won't show, as the figure will be turned over and clean side will face up.
It is true that if someone needs to investigate the erasure, the tonal image will need to be examined.
Post-war Europe in particular has witnessed the erasure of particularities, the inevitable march from chimney stacks to nuclear power plants.
Many such places in Qinghai are not consistent - they undergo constant decay, revision, restructuring or erasure.
The multiple erasures of the historical record, as successive occupations and regimes rewrote truth, have left interesting legacies in Poland.
In the years since 1981, I have seen both significant erasures and wholesale additions.
Are things truly inalterable, rendering the erasure pointless?
Is it the erasure of all difference into bland undifferentiated homogeneity?
Regardless of who is at fault, it is clear that never before in jazz has a movie caused the actual erasure of important music.
According to the NOHO release, this sometimes "marring," sometimes "expounding" mode evokes a larger tradition of "defacing" art, from Rauschenberg's De Kooning erasure to the Chapman Brothers defacing Goya etchings.
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One possible disposition might have been erasure of the tapes for re - use.
If so, now is a good time to remove the safety-tab from the cassette to avoid the risk of accidental erasure.
Avoid blots and erasures; they indicate carelessness or unbecoming haste.
However, I should have noted yesterday that the Jore campaign says the smudge is an erasure.
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Since we cannot do this step faster than light, the quantum erasure process will not be superluminal.
It produced excellent results on palimpsests, cancellations, and erasures due to damnatio memoriae, and on disintegrating surfaces where the ink has settled deep into the fibres.
This political-ideological position is deeply contradictory, and necessarily involves erasures.
Of course, the ascription is tenuous, and wars are fought over the erasure of place, as though to suggest it was malleable.
The binding of individuals into a collective mind, he insisted, does not entail the erasure of individuality.
World Wide Mind
DVD-R is a write-once format, meaning that data can be written to a disc and stored without fear of accidental erasure.
Likewise the second round of erasures eliminates all points with a 1 in the second position after the radix point.
His paintings are full of erasures, redrawn lines and strokes partially covered with translucent white paint.
The crude faceless void left by the erasure of his portrait on the Berlin tondo, for example, shows signs of having been smeared with excrement.66
Caesars’ Wives
It was thirty pages long, column after column of kanji characters arranged vertically on the pages, with never a strikeover or erasure, now and then a crude stick-figure drawing with arrows or dotted lines signifying this or that mysterious pathology.
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Erasure, like silence, suggests a sweeping lack of authority by owning up to a loss of control.
Just like erasing a magnetic hard disk does not delete all the information stored on the disk, common erasure methods for tapes do not erase all of the data on the tape.
It will only be these rough notes which will be liable to erasure.
Others found comfort in the erasure of the recent past.
Faith in American virtue remains intact, and the erasure of collective memory is stunning.
The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796.
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As is characteristic of Johns's graphic work of this time, the drawings feature freehand scribbles, carefully limned curves, erasures and tonal blurring.
How salutary is modernity if it is accompanied by the erasure of cultural traditions?
a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript
The shots handed to VCE included some complicated digital erasure shots, motion control shots, and digital compositing duties.
Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.
The most common reason I heard for the erasure was a reactionary urge that was easy to resent: "They're essentially moving it because they don't want to look at girls dressed like sluts," said Calisha Jenkins, one of the organizers of the December 19 ride.
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In each episode, he illustrates that the erasure of human history is both an elusive and delusive act, propelled by the desperate illusion that there is no consequence to one's actions.
This would not look good on her record, and another mistake like that today would lead to her erasure.
Paintings were written upon, over-painted, and amended with the erasures remaining visible.
Another example of this erasure is ‘Daisy’ Dube’s murder on 12 June 2008.
We’re being erased… « Digital immigrant
The blurring/symbolic erasure (especially of the heads) in this one unsettles me.
Peter Bialobrzeski | clusterflock
there were many erasures in the typescript
"Before" and "after" satellite photographs showed the erasure even of geographic features of the landscape.
Byron became enthusiastic about the project, and wrote out a 16-line poem "Saul," in less than an hour with no erasures.
The judges recorded their diving scores on cardboard "with a lot of erasure," she said.
The erasure of historical language points to the crisis of public memory as a tool for agency and civic engagement.
In Pennsylvania, a report from 2009 that came to light this summer flagged schools where tests showed improbably high erasure marks.
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Regardless of popular calls for the erasure of African identity, I steadfastly remain of African descent.
summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.
The duration of time they will be retained before erasure or destruction should be specified.
The process of historical erasure may have started then.
The Dutch-born abstractionist's death from a disease that eats memory is an irony that imbues ‘Erasure ‘with unbelievable sadness.’