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How To Use Eradicate In A Sentence

  • The white expanse would eradicate those seething images, those demons which warred within him. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Human error can never be totally eradicated but its effects can be ameliorated by proper procedures. We've Heard All This Before From BP
  • Florida admits defeat in fight to eradicate exotic purple swamphen Records don't support Florida Lt. Gov. South Florida - South Florida Recipes
  • ‘And if we don't completely eradicate them, we don't eradicate them at all, unless we come up with a biocontrol mechanism,’ he said.
  • We will see that the serum for inoculation comes from the right part; and not until every microbe of German kultur is eradicated from his blood will we touch, handle, or have any dealings with the Hun. The British Navy
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  • After that, he quickly eradicated any romantic intentions he had harbored for Captain Crowell, as she was now his commander and employer.
  • ‘African countries have worked rapidly and effectively to eradicate polio; now the tragedy is that many of them are becoming reinfected,’ Dr Heymann said.
  • Much discussion of prostitution is conducted on the premise that it is possible to eradicate it.
  • It has been eradicated in most parts of the world, but is still occurring in Australian Aboriginal communities.
  • The image was one I knew I would never escape, even with daily visits to a certified psychoanalyst with training in hypnosis to eradicate Oedipus complexes. Director's Cut
  • Smallpox was (the WHO declared it eradicated in 1977) a very ancient scourge related to, and possibly deriving from, one of the various animal poxes.
  • The MPs assured the President of continued support in the fight against corruption and poverty adding that if the vices were not eradicated the country will continue lagging behind in development.
  • The source of the dampness penetration can be - and must be - eradicated and quite clearly this will require simply replacing the defective rainwater downpipes.
  • The film suggests that it is better to understand and accept the condition as normal than to try to eradicate it with supposed miracle cures, or superficial lifestyle changes.
  • Never mind contemporary country music, with its upbeat insipidity, which is to the genre at its best as a giant shopping complex is to the wild terrain eradicated to build it.
  • The smell of urine so deeply impregnated the furnishings and floors of the dayrooms that it seemed ineradicable (not that anyone tried to eradicate it).
  • The advice often given is to dip heavily-populated rocks in boiling water to eradicate the pest.
  • A team from Manchester University has discovered that a blend of essential oils usually used in aromatherapy could eradicate the MRSA bug and other deadly bacteria.
  • The effectiveness of a procedure can, however, also be defined as its ability to eradicate tumour locally.
  • For two or three years I do not remember to have seen it, or the seedlings, without flowers; its pretty, dwarf, rue-like foliage grew so thickly that it threatened to kill the edging of gentianella and such things as _Polemonium variegatum_, the double cuckoo-flower, and the little _Armeria setacea_; it also filled the walks, and its long wiry roots have been eradicated with difficulty. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Practitioners had to ask: How much should we uproot and eradicate in order to re-create?
  • Because of its mutable, unstable, and floating quality, eroticism often turns up in places where it might be assumed to have been completely eradicated.
  • In a perfect illustration of the simultaneous hope and frustration that characterizes the issue of maternal mortality, Okonjo-Iweala explained that what drives her is the same issue that disheartens her: the knowledge that we currently possess the information necessary to eradicate the majority of maternal deaths, but the lack of resources and political will has prevented sustained, measurable improvements in maternal health in the world's poorest countries. Nandini Oomman: Women Deliver 2010: A Second Chance for the World to Deliver for Women
  • The report said international cooperation that helped eradicate polio in all but seven countries was exemplary.
  • It is also occurring more in adults than in children," the health ministry's top official Ismail Merican told the paper, saying the public also had to chip in to eradicate mosquito breeding grounds as spraying pesticides, known as fogging, would not solve the problem entirely. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • I eradicated the word ‘pretty’ from my vocabulary, learned how to throw a football, and resented what I had been taught being a girl was all about.
  • The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated. Latest News
  • Since December, 800,000 birds have been culled in an effort to eradicate bird flu.
  • It will simply swell the criminal underclass that the government seeks to eradicate.
  • Populations of these invertebrates have been decimated or even eradicated in areas where wasps are common.
  • Obstacles obliterated, nuisances eradicated, bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry. NEVERWHERE
  • On the other hand, smallpox has been eradicated, sleeping sickness has become rare, and polio and leprosy are under control.
  • So voracious is China's appetite for turtle that it has all but eradicated its own turtle population before turning to the export market.
  • The President was infuriated that government efforts to eradicate poverty and improve livelihoods were undermined by what he called cancerous corruption that had eaten into government departments. New Vision Frontpage News
  • However, rufous hare-wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus (R), burrowing bettong Bettongia lesueur (R) and common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula have been eradicated in the past 80 years although reintroduction is being considered. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • Trees of mature growth are “_accrued_”; when with leaves, “_in foliage_” (but these two terms are so seldom used that they may be entirely disregarded); with fruit or seeds, “_fructed_” or “_seeded_”; if without leaves, “_blasted_”; and if their roots are exposed, “_eradicated_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • But the culture of deceit, fraud and corruption at different levels of society is never going to be eradicated by tribunals.
  • She sat through the days, one much like the next, filled with memories she couldn't eradicate. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • “The regime may not have eradicated poverty nor appreciatively narrowed the gap between rich and poor but it has provided the underclass with a safety net,” writes Abrahamian. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. Nelson Mandela 
  • Now I am left wondering what course of study I should undertake next in order to eradicate any remaining vestiges of personality.
  • As part of JEEVIKA Day, a public dialogue was held on the extent of bonded labor in Karnataka, and the role of government to eradicate it. Free The Slaves: Bonded Labor is 'India's Version of Apartheid'
  • That was a large part of what the war had been fought over-those in the Old World had wanted to eradicate magic from mankind. NAKED EMPIRE
  • There now seems a real prospect that, like smallpox, polio may be eradicated entirely from the world.
  • These two steps alone will eradicate a large number of diseases we face today.
  • We all look to you to accent the positives and help us to eradicate the more negative events, and mostly you do achieve this.
  • The Church, however, has been unable to eradicate the blend of sacred and profane, spiritual and sensuous, life within death, which the East Slavs had inherited from their pagan ancestors.
  • Both colonial and republican administrators believed that the Poor House could serve to eradicate mendicity.
  • What I'm trying to eradicate out of the Jamaica team and the West Indies team is people hiding behind people and playing in people's shadow and marvelling in a next one's success.
  • This is a brown crustacean, half the size of the end of a pencil, that is extremely difficult to eradicate.
  • In these instances members of trade unions in the alliance should also be encouraged to work together to eradicate bad practices.
  • We continue to do that and our campaign to eradicate pensioner poverty goes on.
  • Polio will be the second disease after smallpox to be eradicated.
  • Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil.
  • He could tear at her, and tear and tear, but he could never eradicate Foley. DANSVILLE
  • This strong attachment to a hard-won freedom can neither be denigrated, nor eradicated from consciousness.
  • In fact, there is nothing that you can do with any germicide or any cleansing product to eradicate microorganisms.
  • Their goals, Arrom argues, exemplified the Bourbon modernizing project in their optimism that mendicity could be eradicated, and in their utilitarian, disciplinary, and civilizing intent.
  • In the early 1980s the military began destroying entire villages in an attempt to eradicate civilian support for Leftist guerillas.
  • The Arabs I've met don't view Jews as evil and needing to be eradicated from the face of the earth; they view those that wish them harm warily, and all Jews as people. All we are saying...
  • Patients at risk of infection can be identified and treated and colonisation eradicated.
  • Included is a project to construct reed beds to help clean water courses in a local country park and another to eradicate hogweed.
  • For two or three years I do not remember to have seen it, or the seedlings, without flowers; its pretty, dwarf, rue-like foliage grew so thickly that it threatened to kill the edging of gentianella and such things as _Polemonium variegatum_, the double cuckoo-flower, and the little _Armeria setacea_; it also filled the walks, and its long wiry roots have been eradicated with difficulty. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Malaria, mumps and tuberculosis, once considered eradicated, are on the rise again.
  • If you're willing to do a little more work and exercise some patience, there is a way to eradicate or at least greatly reduce your weed population before you sow your flower seed.
  • It multiplies rapidly and is virtually impossible to eradicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Page 166 when the notion of sacerdotalism is scattered from before his clouded vision, when transmitted ethnic fetichism is eradicated from his religion, and the virility of his nature, bared of empty forms of righteousness, is breathed upon by the spirit of God himself. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • He said the step to beating poverty was to ensure trade justice, eradicate debt to poor countries and deliver more aid.
  • Patients with positive test results should be treated to eradicate the infection.
  • Do you genuinely and sincerely investigate customer complaints and try to eradicate the causes?
  • Vaccinal prevention was the most safe and effective measurement to control and eradicate tropical theileriosis.
  • That's why USDA has teamed up with the State of Hawaii and FWS to control - and, if possible, eradicate - the tiny hoppers.
  • Rasayana is thought to improve metabolic processes, which results in the best possible biotransformation and produce the best-quality bodily tissues and eradicates senility and other diseases of old age.
  • Smallpox has been eradicated from the world through widespread vaccine use. Trivia Corner
  • Dr. Ogwang has also worked on other successful biocontrol programs to eradicate pests of citrus, cabbage, and cassava. Biocontrol of Invasive Water Hyacinth Contributes to Socioeconomic Improvement | Impact Lab
  • As a survivor, I am sickened that polio is still not eradicated and that some parents question the necessity and safety of vaccination. Sharing Personal Stories: Polio
  • All movement was eradicated as a brilliant flash of blue-orange light illuminated their horrified faces.
  • The armoire hides the messy avalanche that schoolwork had become over the summer, but now the avalanche is eradicated and safely filed and labeled in our file box system. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The Government campaign to eradicate filaria through the mass drug administration programme is good and in the interest of community health.
  • Today's religionists may insist that this time will be different, but their evasions cannot eradicate the inherent connection between faith and force.
  • But to eradicate malnutrition, we grow maize, beans, soya beans, sweet potatoes, cassava, pumpkins and many others.
  • “Fail to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests on the food premises” — Only $660 fine? Name And Shame Food List Highlights Unhygenic Restaurants | Lifehacker Australia
  • On either side stood as supporters, in full human size, or larger, a salvage man proper, to use the language of heraldry, wreathed and cinctured, and holding in his hand an oak-tree eradicated, that is, torn up by the roots. Chapter XLI
  • The situation of commercial bribery which boasts the features of prevalence, diversity, complexity and covertness is getting worse in China. It is still a long way ahead to effectively eradicate this.
  • The shrub's sheer tenacity makes it difficult to eradicate as it forms dense thickets that retard native trees' growth.
  • Consequently, they search for new ways to eradicate disparities in income, seeking additional means of uprooting poverty.
  • Despite the government incentive to eradicate the wels, fishing for the species is mostly catch-and-release. Spain's Ebro River Is Big Catfish Country
  • Carlson also wages a summer-long battle with dandelions and red clover that he can only eradicate by hand.
  • The behind-the-scenes incivilities have been eradicated, in the nick of time, the defence is rebuilt and confidence is climbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, Khan is still trying to eradicate the widespread view that he is "chinny". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • “The only way you could eradicate most of the blood would be to repaint everything, repaper the walls, refinish the floors, and pitch the furniture,” Vander said. CRUEL AND UNUSUAL
  • The canker is a very destructive disorder, and extremely difficult to eradicate. The art of promoting the growth of the cucumber and melon in a series of directions for the best means to be adopted in bringing them to a complete state of perfection
  • That was a large part of what the war had been fought over-those in the Old World had wanted to eradicate magic from mankind. NAKED EMPIRE
  • Her popularity saw a boost, and student drug and alcohol addiction — though by no means eradicated — decreased from one-third to one-fourth in the mid-80s.
  • This premise refers to their"conceptual" differences and inconvertibility, which are what various kinds of cultural colonization want to eradicate and what the spirit of po...
  • But even that non-controversial success was not enough to eradicate the stigma of her past.
  • The same was true with the deer population in areas where wolves were eradicated.
  • But if we are going to eradicate Bovine Tb, we have to slaughter all cattle which are suspect (which we do) and all badgers (which we don't). More on the Badger Cull.
  • At least they can be eradicated by old-fashioned combing until the scientists come up with better ways of killing the little blighters.
  • However, some of our more solvable problems such as street crime and youth gangs who prey on innocents in broad daylight can be eradicated in short order.
  • Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the 21st century.
  • How do we link the land restitution, land redistribution to deal with the poverty, job creation and to make sure that the people whom the land has been given/return to them is sustainable and they are able to live, eat, feed their families, school, cloth children as part of poverty and radication, we need to eradicate poverty, feed poor South Africans. SPEECH BY DLALI DURING THE AGRICULTURE AND LAND AFFAIRS DEBATE: BUDGET VOTE NO'S 26 & 30
  • Furthermore, a substantial body of social research reports that engaging in cathartic expressions of anger does not eradicate aggressive urges but rather escalates them.
  • Numerous plants and shrubs growing in our gardens or in the veld are toxic to humans and animals, but that doesn't mean that they must be eradicated.
  • The white expanse would eradicate those seething images, those demons which warred within him. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Réaumur was one of the first to prove this, as shown by the Kelleia family of Malta, and there have been many corroboratory instances reported; it is shown to last for three, four, and even five generations; intermarriage with normal persons finally eradicates it. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Their intent was exemplified by the closing paragraph in the Post-Intelligencer editorial, which urged that County Executive Randy Revelle and members of the county council order an urgent review of the police investigation in the Green River murders to determine its effectiveness and to see whether a greater effort should be made to “eradicate this continuing succession of obviously premeditated killings, and to bring their perpetrators to justice.” The Riverman
  • Foundation to Eradicate Duchenne U. S.-based nonprofits dedicated to develop a cure for DMD, which is a genetic muscle wasting disease and typically affects young boys. Los Angeles Business News - Local Los Angeles News | Los Angeles Business from bizjournals
  • He trained them to store supplies, to weave a secret communications web and to eradicate spies and informers.
  • Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. Nelson Mandela 
  • While not entirely eradicated, major strides have been made in tackling racism in our game.
  • In the light of the recent issues in the game we have to stamp down on this type of activity and eradicate it from our game.
  • We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.
  • We can eradicate this disease from the world.
  • It's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated.
  • VOICE OF MARTIN DAVIS, MONTANA RANCHER: Montana has spent millions of dollars through the years to get brucellosis eradicated from our livestock. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2008
  • Attempts to eradicate migration of young people for work will increase their reliance on corrupt officials and use of clandestine routes
  • She sat through the days, one much like the next, filled with memories she couldn't eradicate. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • To control and eradicate the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora is important and necessary for biodiversity conservation management.
  • They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
  • There now seems a real prospect that, like smallpox, polio may be eradicated entirely from the world.
  • The Tasmanian pademelon was once found on mainland Australia but was eradicated due to loss of habitat and overhunting for meat and pelts. Tasmanian temperate rain forests
  • Although initially found in Mt Maunganui in the 1990s the gum leaf skeletoniser was eradicated from that location by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). NZ On Screen
  • Demanding oral triple therapy eradicates H pylori in up to 96% of patients treated but does have considerable side effects.
  • The master plans eradicate any appreciable population in that godforsaken place. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • The white expanse would eradicate those seething images, those demons which warred within him. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The Viertel, an in vivo cultural and epistemic laboratory during the 1920s, was brutally eradicated by anti-Semitic and anti-democratic attacks. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • Most people want to believe that humanity is indestructible, that our species cannot be eradicated or eliminated or negatively impacted in any truly widespread or nonreversible way by anyone or anything. What God Wants
  • Their goal was to eradicate smallpox.
  • It is the zebus that have irrevocably eradicated so much of Madagascar's primordial landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if they continue to eradicate their allomorphic trait and no longer have half their people in hibernation at any given time, they'll need even more room! ... Sagittarius Whorl
  • Like painters, metal workers, and quarrymen, a miner cannot eradicate the scars of his occupation.
  • These insects are very difficult to eradicate.
  • For 91 years, Nebraska state law decreed that black-tailed prairie dogs be eradicated annually.
  • Abusive child labor is abhorrent and should be banned and eradicated.
  • Under Anne, High Churchmen became preoccupied with trying to eradicate the practice of occasional conformity.
  • The white expanse would eradicate those seething images, those demons which warred within him. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Now doan't yo 'go t' gittin 'all excited-laik," objected Eradicate Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon, or, the Longest Shots on Record
  • Rats are disease-carrying vermin and they should be eradicated.
  • He could tear at her, and tear and tear, but he could never eradicate Foley. DANSVILLE
  • So why in this secular age is a spiritual movement that seeks to eradicate the ‘self’ gaining ground?
  • However, hunting eradicated most populations, and the current range of the wisent is very restricted.
  • While antibiotic treatment eradicates the bacteria and promotes tumor regression, the effects of re-infection on disease are more severe.
  • For him, nothing - neither civilization nor the wildness it seeks to eradicate - ever gets lost.
  • The minister said she also wants to offer support for a program to eradicate illiteracy.
  • It's not enough that I pack the picnics and attempt to eradicate ineradicable grass stains; my lack of interest in sport is treated as a risible absence of general knowledge.
  • Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. Nelson Mandela 
  • Through her work, Bertrand questions the desirability of a homogeneous world where emotional and physical diversity have been eradicated.
  • Celebrities are launching a year-long campaign today to put pressure on governments to eradicate world poverty.
  • Demanding oral triple therapy eradicates H pylori in up to 96% of patients treated but does have considerable side effects.
  • And whenever Mao denounced one of his former comrades, the Red Guard made it their mission to eradicate the offender.
  • That's what Cherry and her rangers use when they go out to eradicate feral ants, poison weeds like spiky mimosa, and do post-mortems on buffaloes to check for introduced diseases.
  • The government, NGOs and the people have to work equally to eradicate the perpetrators of terror in the name of religion unmindful of whether it is the majority community that is being threatened or any of the minority communities.
  • He could tear at her, and tear and tear, but he could never eradicate Foley. DANSVILLE
  • Flatten Image proclaims to eradicate all the working spaces gathered so far and merge all blend modes and opacities into a concluding pixel value.
  • In the springtime, my dad would roust us out of the house dressed in jeans, boots, sweatshirts and stocking caps to go eradicate noxious weeds.
  • We can send the yuppies running, eradicate the trustafarians, obliterate the trendoids.
  • Nevertheless, that soccer as a global phenomenon has yet to eradicate what was once called ‘The English Disease’ remains incontestable.
  • Error, however, like disease, is not easily eradicated; but as men get better acquainted with God, those dark and heathenish conceptions regarding him entertained by Calvinists, such as the foredooming of children and men to endless misery, will give place to nobler thoughts of the Author of our being. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • The recovery of the Trimalchionian episode, and the subsequent pamphleteering would by no means eradicate this "cacoethes emendandi. The Satyricon — Complete
  • By now readers will have guessed that I am addressing the vexing question of roadside vending, and why, in spite of decades of attempts to eradicate what is illegal and most times unsightly, the authorities have failed.
  • My understanding of the word alleviate is not to eradicate but to lessen or make less severe; that is surely not a completely impossible goal and it is usually why many people seek medical help in the first place? ProWomanProLife » Malcolm Gladwell and the origins of the Pill
  • He is under pressure to eradicate the crop, not interdict the trade.
  • The V-chip represents another weapon in the generational war - a device that allows parents to eradicate the compensational content of which children have learned to make enjoyable use.
  • ‘We intend to eradicate this cruel, barbaric practice’, said a civil leader.
  • All the diligence I had done over the past year to eradicate myself of habitual late night pints of Ben and Jerry's and trips to my boss's M&M jar, went by the wayside as I noshed my way from Thanksgiving toward New Year's. Annette Powers: My Post-Divorce New Year's Resolution
  • Their goal was to eradicate malaria.
  • Treatment is available that eradicates the virus and eliminates or reduces liver inflammation and fibrosis in some patients.
  • • Bird hit man Michael J. Begier loves his human-life-saving job: Michael J. Begier wildlife biologist is the government's point man for drafting and executing policies to eradicate avian threats from the friendly skies. What if the Postal Service runs out of money?
  • Much effort have been made to eradicate Mimosa pigra since it first appeared in the Park in 1984, a full-time team of six staff being employed for this purpose alone, using manual and herbicidal techniques. Kakadu National Park, Australia
  • After apparently being eradicated by 1930, the medfly was spotted again in 1956 in Miami.
  • She sat through the days, one much like the next, filled with memories she couldn't eradicate. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Charitable organisations and welfare societies should take the initiative to eradicate begging.
  • Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries and sustained economic growth is needed to help eradicate deep and widespread poverty.
  • Those cute little lemurs in Madagascar have seen their rainforest habitat quickly eradicated due to the sales of exotic woods such as rosewood, which is why the U.S. All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • Tsetse flies that infect cattle with nagana (animal trypanosomosis) have been ‘all but eradicated from Zimbabwe's farming areas’ he says.
  • Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the 21st century.
  • In the Town Square, shops have been replaced by cafes and restaurants and the last vestiges of mall functionality have been eradicated completely in favor of lifestyle hedonism.
  • Then the foxes, introduced in an attempt to eradicate the likewise imported rabbit menace, completed the devastation.
  • While Liverpool's prolificacy in front of goal has naturally delighted Aurelio, the full-back is adamant the defensive mistakes that have proven costly must be eradicated, starting at Hull City today.
  • The disease has now been successfully eradicated from the world.
  • I had completely eradicated it from my speech but when I moved home, I guess I just inhaled all of this southernness and it just comes out! Archive 2008-08-01
  • The new government’s policies had been like the ones mandated by ancient high priests, where everyone was either a believer or a nonbeliever—and where the nonbeliever was a sinner to be eradicated through conversion or death. How To Kill Your Boyfriend (In Ten Easy Steps)
  • He could tear at her, and tear and tear, but he could never eradicate Foley. DANSVILLE
  • However, the main difference between the two countries lies in the resolve of the Scots to eradicate the disease.
  • They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
  • The Jinshan Dam took when flood-diversion sluice downriver anti- water barrier, it eradicates cannot have the artificial resistance.
  • It is extremely difficult to eradicate prejudices so deeply rooted and natural.
  • The appalling practice of forced marriage represents the opposite extreme and that is why Government is taking tough action to eradicate it.
  • Doesn't an automated parking fee system do away with the wastage of destroying unsold coupons every two years, or ensure non-evasion of parking fees, or even eradicate littering in car parks?
  • We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.
  • GENEVA — The World Health Organization estimated Thursday that 1 billion of the world's poorest people suffer from neglected tropical diseases such as dengue, rabies and leprosy that remain concentrated in remote rural areas and urban slums despite being mostly eradicated from large areas of the world. 1 Billion Suffer From Hidden Tropical Diseases, Says WHO
  • The Department of Agriculture's primary objective in relation to BSE is to protect the consumer from any possible transmission of the infective agent through the food chain and to eradicate the disease from the national herd.
  • Another reason that macro does not work in grad school is that studying macro is like studying polio -- the serious problem of long-term macroeconomic distress has been eradicated. David Colander on Graduate Study in Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She sat through the days, one much like the next, filled with memories she couldn't eradicate. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • While admitting that there are many stumbling blocks in the implementation of a multilingual policy of which the negative attitudes to official multilingualism is arguably one of the crucial factors, Dr Ngubane said his Ministry was keen to join hands in the quest to eradicate the "multilingualism" is a problem "approach which was so abundantly evident in the reasoning of some people in our country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The introduction of some form of private finance initiative would eradicate much of the profligacy within the industry.
  • Yes, indeed, the very latest equipment to capture and eradicate the debate on whether officers were indeed wearing their hats, speaking out of turn, having a crafty cupper or fag oh and may be a little crime fighting and evidence gathering (of the proper sort) along the way. Coming Soon « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The global campaign to eradicate guinea worm started in 1980, when there were about 3.5 million cases of the disease, also known as dracunculiasis, every year across Africa and Asia. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Here's an interesting strategy to control and eradicate sleeping sickness and nagana.

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