How To Use Equus In A Sentence

  • Augustus primoque rudis flagrauerat aestu; nec nouus unde calor nec quid suspiria uellent, nouerat incipiens et adhuc ignarus amandi. non illi uenator equus, non spicula curae, 5 non iaculum torquere libet; mens omnis aberrat in uulnus quod fixit Amor. quam saepe medullis erupit gemitus! quotiens incanduit ore confessus secreta rubor nomenque beatum iniussae scripsere manus! The Marriage of Honorius and Maria
  • Through zoos and aquariums, some species have already been rescued from extinction, including the European bison (Bison bonasus), Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) and Przewalski's wild horse (Equus przewalski). Geekzone Technology Community
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The large horse behind me is a 3 million year old Equus simplicidens from the Pliocene, which is very similar to the modern horse. Pandas and Man at Harvard - The Panda's Thumb
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
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  • First attempts to reintroduce Asiatic wild ass (kulan) (Equus hemionus) were undertaken here in the 1980s. Central Asian northern desert
  • This he lights, and converses with other owners of such cigars on _equus celer_ or such matters as may afford him entertainment. Eugenics and Other Evils
  • There are small herds of buffalo Syncerus caffer and blue wildebeeste Connochaetes taurinus, as well as giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis, Burchell's zebra Equus burchelli, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, and some bushpig Potamocherus porcus. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • Donkeys, however -- equus asinus - where we get the word asinine -- are principally known for stubbornness, a demonstration of which is now in session. Will Durst: Swamp Drainage Detritus
  • These remains included isolated teeth and a lower jaw of Equus, postcranial remains and lower molars of Mammuthus, a tooth and dermal ossicles of a mylodontid edentate, and glyptodont scutes.
  • Donkeys, however -- equus asinus- where we get the word asinine -- are principally known for stubbornness, a demonstration of which is now in session. Will Durst: Swamp Drainage Detritus
  • The tarpan, the European wild forest horse Equus caballini gmelini used to live in the forest, became extinct, but was genetically reconstituted and reintroduced. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • And it may be that natural classes or kinds are themselves universals ” it may be that there is such a thing as “the horse” or the species Equus caballus, distinct from its defining attribute “being a horse” or “equinity,” and in some sense Metaphysics
  • There are small herds of buffalo Syncerus caffer and blue wildebeeste Connochaetes taurinus, as well as giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis, Burchell's zebra Equus burchelli, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, and some bushpig Potamocherus porcus. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • 'Quid? cum est Lucilius ausus primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius et qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? atqui primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Equus caused a storm when it was first staged at the National Theatre in 1973.
  • The conservation status of the Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra), a rare and endangered mammal, was even worse than that of the bontebok.
  • Well into the sixteenth century the cedilla is often found wrongly added to words such as puer, equus, eruditus, epistola; in 1550 the Froben firm was still regularly printing aedo, aeditio; and in the index to an edition of Aquinas, Venice, 1593, aenigma and Aegyptus, spelt in this way, are only to be found under e. The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
  • First, there is the true zebra (_Equus zebra_), perhaps the most beautiful of all quadrupeds, and of which no description need be given. The Bush Boys History and Adventures of a Cape Farmer and his Family
  • He is not indeed wholly without interest in heredity and Eugenical biology; but his studies and experiments in this science have specialised almost exclusively in _equus celer_, the rapid or running horse. Eugenics and Other Evils
  • With the Equus, Hyundai has skipped such deliberations and just stuffed cotton in the car's ears like it was a French artilleryman. Hyundai's Ur-Luxury Horse of a Different Dolor
  • We report a high - quality draft sequence of the genome of the horse Equus caballus.
  • The Latin name for the wild ass, _Equus kiang_, indicates his close relationship to the horse, and "kiang" is what he is called by the people of Tibet. From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
  • There are small herds of buffalo Syncerus caffer and blue wildebeeste Connochaetes taurinus, as well as giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis, Burchell's zebra Equus burchelli, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, and some bushpig Potamocherus porcus. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • Thus the horse, in the nomenclature of the naturalist, is termed _Equus caballus_; the ass, _Equus asinus_; and the zebra, _Equus zebra_. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Because Equus is sold through Hyundai dealerships, a middle-of-the-road brand, dealers routinely pick up cars and deliver loaners to customers' homes and businesses.
  • Alec Baldwin (with whom Ronnie Kroell's life partner, Taylor Proffitt, starred in Equus this summer in East Hampton) - spoke to Ronnie and Taylor of the "incomprehensibility" of codified inequality. Ronnie Kroell: The Vital Role of Allies
  • 'Quid? cum est Lucilius ausus primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius et qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? atqui primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • For the record, the deal with horses in North America is that, while members of the genus Equus were numerous and important there in the Pleistocene, they later became extinct (to quote R. Dale Guthrie (2003): ‘equid species dominated North American late Pleistocene faunas in terms of abundance, geographical distribution, and species variety, yet none survived into the Holocene epoch’ (p. 169)). Archive 2006-12-01

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