How To Use Equivalent In A Sentence

  • A couple of coats of new antifouling paint may cost the equivalent of a couple tanks of gas, but you will keep saving money on fuel all season long.
  • Following that, you will need a level 3 (‘A’ level equivalent) in numeracy & literacy. and go on to achieve a level 4 teaching qualification. How To Get Into Teaching Literacy And Numeracy.? « Teaching Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • Some concepts in Chinese medicine have no exact equivalent in Western medicine.
  • If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
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  • Calculate the equivalent 35mm film focal length from the AOV AOV = arctan (28.62/72) * 2 Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.
  • At that price an annual payment of £10 would be equivalent to a 20 percent rate of interest.
  • In other words, you're soon going to be paying me the equivalent of several place settings of Fiestaware. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • Gesenius considers this equivalent with "cohabit;" and from this single passage draws the sense which he assigns to [Hebrew: 'iyzebel] This seems rather far-fetched. Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
  • The Other in Being and Nothingness alienates or objectifies us (in this work Sartre seems to use these terms equivalently) and the third party is simply this Other writ large. Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Yes, some teachers and parents reflexively hand out the equivalent of a doggie biscuit every few minutes, the result being that kids habituate to it and it has no impact. Alfie Kohn: Criticizing (Common Criticisms of) Praise
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Similarly, managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions.
  • Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is. ON PARNASSUS FOR 15 MINUTES
  • We've all heard of mermaids, but know less of their male equivalent, the merman.
  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • Plantations are equivalents of big zamindaris all along the Mississippi.
  • 17 The writ, literally “for replevying a man,” was a means of procuring the release of a prisoner—an earlier equivalent of the writ of habeas corpus. A History of American Law
  • A "bellman" is the English equivalent of a town crier; his task was to move about the town, ringing a bell and making public announcements. The Bellman's Song (The Moon Shone Bright)
  • The second exception comes into play if the rationale underlying the patent holder's argument bears only a tangential relation to the equivalent.
  • It is amusing to note, however, that the doggie equivalent of red-eye in photos is an unsettling neon green, which my small photo-editing skills don't extend to erasing.
  • They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.
  • Net interest margin, on a fully taxable equivalent ( "FTE") basis, was 3. 96\% in 2008, an increase of 52 basis points from 3. 44\% in 2007. GuruFocus Updates
  • The chemotherapeutic equivalent of that surgical assault—of eviscerating the body and replacing it with an implant—was a procedure known as autologous bone marrow transplant, or ABMT, which roared into national and international prominence in the mid-1980s. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • With 240 man-days being equivalent to one man-year, the saving is 35.18 man-years.
  • The equivalent can however be determined very accurately, and we have seen that it is some multiple or submultiple of the true atomic weight. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
  • This was rugby's musclebound equivalent of the raucous stag party. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fishes there is equivalent ‘ventilation’ of the gills with water.
  • That is, the vertical bar in Vimscript is equivalent to a semicolon in most other programming languages.
  • Again Arabs such as Avicenna and Abū'l-Barakāt had used equivalent Arabic termi - nology to express the same idea, and thirteenth-century Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • Hendy et al. resampled the records to equivalent five-year averages and normalized the series to the common period of AD 1860 to 1985. Allen and the "Cool" Medieval Pacific « Climate Audit
  • For a typical family of two adults, this is equivalent to an annual income of P£12 000.
  • Such an institution might boast not only the healthcare equivalent of hot-desking (which, to some extent, already happens) but also, for instance, operating theatres without walls.
  • In humans, analogous brain regions and neural circuits are activated equivalently when we see or form mental images of the faces of specific individuals.
  • Some few of these ships had catapult-launched Hurricane fighters - the nearest equivalent to the suicidal Japanese kamikaze planes that Britain ever had. San Andreas
  • Now, to their amazement, Bush administration officials find themselves thrust through the equivalent of a Star-Trekkian wormhole into an anti-universe where everything that once worked for them seems to work against them …. Think Progress » White House officials seek Bloomin’ Onion of the Far East.
  • I have to say here, that the corps de ballet (that's the poncy equivalent of the chorus line, for you unenlightened) were the biggest bunch of clodhopping hoofers I've ever seen.
  • Legally, every household is entitled to six free kilolitres of water a month - the equivalent of 30 bathfuls.
  • That's the equivalent of about 1 teaspoon of sugar in a gallon of water.
  • A Japanese team at Kyoto University has discovered how to reprogram skin cells so that they “dedifferentiate” into the equivalent of an embryonic stem cell. The Anti-Science Party
  • We have the equivalent of four tons of high explosives for every person on earth.
  • Now we might address this issue by considering our cosmology universe as a four dimensional spacetime embedded in a 26 dimensional bosonic spacetime or equivalently a 10 dimensional super-spacetime. Searching for Life in the Multiverse | Universe Today
  • If I could propose a line, it would be that hostile workplace sexual harassment exists where the environment is so severe as to be functionally equivalent to discrimination in hiring or promotion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just What Speech Does “Hostile Environment Harassment” Law Restrict?
  • Two centuries earlier an ‘evangelical’ was the equivalent of ‘a gospeller’.
  • Subscribing to this feed is the digital equivalent of drinking from a fire-hose. April 2007
  • The typical holding, the group of scattered acres cultivated by one man or held by some two or three in common, was known as a "virgate," or by some equivalent term, and although of no universal equality, was more frequently of thirty acres than of any other number. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • The debate about alpine grazing is not about horses or horsemen, it is about a small number of privileged families who pay the equivalent of about one week of normal agistment fees for five months cattle agistment in an alpine national park.
  • The Méditerranéen couscous plate was equivalent to its vegetarian cousin, with the addition of a chicken brochette, lamb brochette and a merguez sausage.
  • Damage to living tissue can be quantified by using the dose equivalent.
  • The Reichstag was the popularly elected legislative body of Germany, equivalent to our House of Representatives. The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler
  • Handing down the legal equivalent of a rap on the knuckles, Judge Teare said the public might see his compassion as "impossibly lenient", but explained he had been swung by the moral standing of those arraigned before him, as set out by counsel of the defence in mitigation. Hugh Muir's diary
  • Yet to borrow their reasoning and make an equivalent suggestion that Liverpool's fans in turn had some role in their own catastrophe, somehow makes a person execrable and lynchworthy.
  • An estimation for Swedish sunbed users even gives the annual UV dose from sunbeds as approximately equivalent to that from sun exposure.
  • Two centuries earlier an ‘evangelical’ was the equivalent of ‘a gospeller’.
  • In four dimensions, the equivalent of a cube is a hypercube, or tesseract.
  • But the Spread Law and Cross Law are uncredited as equivalents of the sine and cosine rules, and the Triple Quad Formula for collinearity as an equivalent of Heron's formula (three points are collinear if they make a triangle of zero area).
  • _ The French translators give _cresson sauvage_, wild cress, as the equivalent. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
  • To calculate the dose equivalent one of the workers would receive in sieverts, you would need to multiply the dose in grays, by the quality factor.
  • Some of the characters, such as spoilt Premiership stars, shifty agents and publicity-mad bimbos, are instantly identifiable with true-life equivalents and not altogether far-fetched.
  • Is this the digital equivalent of shovel-ready? Times, Sunday Times
  • A waterspout occurs over water; a tornado is its equivalent over land.
  • The research method used for system assessment is quasi - experimental design. The experiment adopts nonequivalent - control group design.
  • Equation for short-time burst pressure of pipes reinforced by cross helically wound wires (PSP) was formulated based on method of force equivalent.
  • The term fine arts is equivalent to the older French term beaux arts, meaning “beautiful arts. 8. Fine Arts
  • So, healthy children who regress into postvaccination autism are the ethical and scientific equivalent of "missing socks"? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Do you seriously think that heading for a war zone to run a blockade is the equivalent of riding your car down I-95 with a cooler and a picnic lunch? The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • Those who equate hunting foxes with abusing children reduce humanity to the moral equivalent of mice.
  • The European equivalent, “Venice treacle,” (Theriaca Andromachi) is an electuary containing many elements. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This means that an equivalent size beeswax candle will burn brighter, and for longer, than a paraffin wax one.
  • It is tough on Maloney that the arduous assignment of a UEFA Cup tie at home to VfB Stuttgart is being billed as if it were the equivalent of finishing school for the player.
  • In effect this stage is equivalent to exchange of contracts in a sale by private treaty, with completion four weeks later.
  • Ocean fertilization is like the climate equivalent to liposuction. Rebecca Anderson: Climate Science Round-Up: Ocean Fertilization (or Climate Liposuction)
  • It was also the ancient world equivalent of name-dropping designed to differentiate him from the rest of the philosopher herd affected by divine radiation.
  • Self-culture be equivalent to the level of undergraduate course in university.
  • Filling a tiny one gigabyte memory stick with music from a home computer, then plugging it into the car, will provide the equivalent of 40 to 50 CDs instead of the six or so an in-car changer can cope with.
  • Moving to consider a world of different communities, we might think of a liberal society as the memetic equivalent of a bioweapon, or alternatively, as a kind of complex organism with a two stage reproduction cycle. Liberalism as Immune System & Bioweapon
  • My problem with the cardinal’s statements is that he is taking this idea of materialism and laying it squarely on Darwin’s shoulders, essentially saying that evolution and materialism are equivalent: “What I call evolutionism is an ideological view that says evolution can explain everything in the whole development of the cosmos, from the Big Bang to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony” Vienna cardinal draws lines in Intelligent Design row - The Panda's Thumb
  • The finished dumplings can be boiled in a saucepan of water for about 40 minutes or can be added to casseroles, soups or stews for the equivalent time before the end of the cooking period.
  • The sievert is numerically equivalent to the gray for electrons and for X-rays irradiating the whole body.
  • But what the newly sequenced genome reveals is that the platypus's male-determining gene, the monotreme equivalent of primates' SRY gene, is not located on any of those five pairs of sex chromosomes. Archive 2008-05-01
  • For example, a French user writing an email needs the English equivalent of the French word 'aller'. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • So with the first family treating him like royalty for the time being, "that might be equivalent to fame.
  • Spam is unsolicited commercial email - the on-line equivalent of junk mail.
  • Over the years I have become more and more aggravated by the way Americans butcher the English language, by the way members of the media misuse terms, by the charlatanical ways in which corrupt persons in power desecrate noble words such as "democracy" which, coming from their mouths, is the equivalent of the word "love" emanating from the mouth of a whore. Award Winning author, journalist and humorist, Burton H. Wolfe is Interviewed
  • Through a moral equivalent of Civil War, we must prevent this secession from taking place.
  • In English (following Spanish) a doubloon was a coin worth two pesetas -- the pirates '` piece of eight,' because the peseta was equivalent to four reals. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 3
  • There are photographs of ‘jilleroos’, but while nominally these are the female equivalent of ‘jackeroos’, the important difference is that jackeroos are young men getting station hand experience before passing onto something better, while jilleroos are merely female station hands full stop.
  • There is no reason why the United States cannot have a national not federal equivalent of the French "bac" developed within six months by the nation's governors. Charles Kolb: Educational Success: America's New Industrial Policy
  • Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. - latest science and technology news stories
  • According to Leisner, one ton of waste produces the equivalent of 18 gallons of biofuel.
  • The actual operation test shows that the teeth have an equivalent work life of Korean products and remarkable economic benefits.
  • The literary equivalent of a chick flick, Oleander details one girl's attempts to come to terms with her mother while also surviving the cold and largely indifferent world of foster care.
  • The 17th-century equivalent of the "one that got away", it has a gay choral backing and a blaring crumhorn to boot. Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • The new plant will package one million hectalitres of premium lager a year, the equivalent of four million pints a week.
  • For example, the key of B, with five sharps, is enharmonically equivalent to the key of Có, with 7 flats.
  • To pay the price equivalent to the expected loss of government loans.
  • His assumption was that he could equate protein fragments and computer code fragments as logical equivalents.
  • The height change means that while you went through it with a slight stoop when you were young, you'll be going through in a duckwalk as a grownup, and considering that you do the equivalent of a couple of blocks underground your legs will be wobbly as hell by the end of it. Back from radio silence
  • When there is ending work-in-process inventory, the measure-ment of work accomplished in a period requires that partially completed units be converted to a smaller number of equivalent units.
  • I read somewhere that a child, whose parents both smoke twenty a day, has inhaled the equivalent of eighty cigarettes worth of passive smoke in one year.
  • I could go on at some length, but I will only mention that a manat is equivalent to 100 gopik in Azerbaijan, that a ngultrum is 100 chetrums in Bhutan and that a ouguiya is worth 5 khoums in Mauritania.
  • Possibly a multiple ratio of worth in conservatively valued securities, cash or cash equivalents, or other valuta. The Volokh Conspiracy » Soros on Principles of Financial Regulation and Efficient Market Hypothesis:
  • If a babymoon is the holiday equivalent of the last-chance saloon, it makes sense to go for broke. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2010 election was the political equivalent of the perfect crime: The GOP vigorously took on all reforms designed to rebalance the economy for the long term, tying Washington up in contorted knots, then were rewarded at the polls by voters dissatisfied with an ugly D.C. culture unable to produce economic renewal. Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson: Giving the Keys Back to the Folks Who Crashed the Car
  • Excluding these three groups, Rosenberg found a strong correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance, as the clinal theory would predict, but also found that the three main kinds of barriers -- oceans, the Sahara, and the Himalayas -- "adds an equivalent amount of genetic distance as traveling approximately 3,100 km on the same side of the barrier. More revelations about the genetics of race
  • A unit is equivalent to a glass of wine or a single measure of spirits.
  • This amount was approximately equivalent to half of their annual salary, depending on age and position held.
  • Gravitational attraction is an equivalent expression of the force close to each other between and on the line of the two objects, coming from exchange of momentum between objects and micro-particles.
  • In Japan, the term Chosenjin ‘Chosôn person’ (or worse, Senjin) has long been so derogatory that the polite equivalent is now Kankokujin ‘Han country person’, and South Korea is Kankoku (the Japanese equivalent of Hanguk)–but North Korea remains Kita Chosen ‘North Chosôn’. Koreans of Central Asia « Far Outliers
  • The emetic was a disgusting practice of Roman _bon vivants_ who were afraid of indigestion.] [Footnote 3: The verse which Cicero quotes from Lucilius is fairly equivalent to this.] [Footnote 4: Probably by way of salute; or possibly as a precaution.] Cicero Ancient Classics for English Readers
  • The chef used pancetta to add some saltiness rather than lardons (the French equivalent of bacon bits).
  • Annual capacity would be 200,000 tonnes, equivalent to 1.7 million barrels or 1.97 million hectolitres of beer.
  • The previous year it made 18,131 —- equivalent to the wage of a binman. The Sun
  • Heb. libneh, is the equivalent of Greek stachté, used by Septuagint in the above passages of Gen.; whether ladanum was meant is not clear, as it is frequently the Greek rendering of Heb. nataf. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • In this paper a new equivalent circuit model is constructed within a multi-MOS model for simulation of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) current sensors.
  • Both Fannie and Freddie also tack on what they call adverse-market fees of one-quarter of 1 percent to all loans - the equivalent of cover charges at a night club - just to get you seated at the table. The Seattle Times
  • Olbermann did, however, take issue with what he viewed as "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart's comparison of MSNBC to Fox News, saying, "Sticking up for the powerless is not the moral equivalent of sticking up for the powerful. Keith Olbermann Suspends 'Worst Person' Segment In Wake Of Rally To Restore Sanity (VIDEO)
  • Not that all fantastic theories are equivalently nonsensical.
  • Whole sections of records, equivalent to decades of time, may be missing due to miscreant scribes, fires in libraries, or national upheavals leading to disruptions in official diary keeping; these are like sections of cloth missing.
  • Some American words have no British equivalent.
  • The Greek equivalent of Turkish gulets are known as caïques, yet in general the term motorsailers is used.
  • I think I have an obvious solution: looking at skulls that are neither the wolf or its so-called marsupial “equivalent.” Video time capsule - The Panda's Thumb
  • Speaking in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, she said Zambian gemstones were fetching five dollars per carat, equivalent of five grammes, on the West African market.
  • Using daily dosages equivalent to the threshold dose for erythema production in untanned human skin, he found that the peak carcinogenic response occurred at 310 nm.
  • A tiger hunt was something Indian kings organised to honour their imperial guests, a colonial equivalent of a banquet.
  • Consider it a hip-hop equivalent of sexually frustrated, adolescent foreplay.
  • These crystals, by careful analysis, were shown, first by Hilgenstock, to consist of a form of phosphate of lime hitherto unknown, in which four equivalents of lime were combined with one equivalent of phosphoric acid, and which was therefore called "tetrabasic phosphate. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • He has produced the literary equivalent of a docudrama.
  • Thus, students, if likely to participate, prefer to participate in programs in which they receive university credit that is equivalent to pharmacy clerkships.
  • Although from very modest circumstances, a number of students acquired needle skills and worked samplers that were the equivalent in style and expertise to those worked in the most fashionable schools in Baltimore.
  • Exhibition games are the NFL equivalent of football's meaningless pre-season friendlies.
  • Rather than "krab," the seafood equivalent of string cheese, they use real crab, and prove it by garnishing the endzone of the long serving plate with the crab leg shells. Kabuki Japanese Restaurant - Reason #572 Why Sarah Could Never be a Professional Restaurant Critic
  • This is the equivalent of the Mexican "jacal" construction, and consists of series of poles or logs planted vertically in the ground close to each other and plastered with mud either outside or on both sides. The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-95, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 73-198
  • Group 1 selected equivalents for a test item on a multiple-choice test by using only the monolingual English dictionary.
  • Those hot-rodding growth funds hit the financial equivalent of a bridge abutment in 2000.
  • Negative controls used equivalent amounts of RNA not subjected to reverse transcription.
  • Surrealist artists in the 1920s sought equivalents to automatic writing, e.g. André Masson's free ink drawings, Max Ernst's frottages, or Joan Miró's field painting.
  • Compared with the £1M plus that an equivalent Atex system would have cost it certainly seems a bargain.
  • What would the rugby equivalent of tiki-taka be? Rugby World Cup 2011: South Africa v Australia – live! | Evan Fanning
  • This averages nearly £12,000 per equivalent full-time farm.
  • Is there a learning task of equivalent difficulty with which adults at an advanced level of development are confronted?
  • Each barrel of oil is equivalent to about 40 gallons of gasoline.
  • Asking any other sector to give us a viable price for our produce is equivalent to begging.
  • The fashion industry gets away with planned obsolescence all the time by arbitrarily declaring clothes we just bought as having the trendsetting equivalent of a steam powered toaster.
  • One disk can store the equivalent of 500 pages of text.
  • Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
  • The class of models of a complete theory will be mutually non-isomorphic, but they will nevertheless be elementarily equivalent. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The second dynamically equivalent mechanism is to introduce delays into the loop that correspond to synthesis and transport delays.
  • Workers would receive a single bonus payment equivalent to US$27 to offset the price rises.
  • It is the number one followed by 12 noughts; a trillion pounds is roughly equivalent to the combined gross domestic product of the world's 155 least wealthy nations.
  • In some areas chicha was believed to cure bronchitis, colds, and other chest ills as well as to accelerate the birth process - it was the Bolivian equivalent of chicken soup.
  • Clearly you used the term backend preparations, which is pretty much equivalent to what other posters have calle a "backend website". Labour (Deputy) Leadership Candidates Had Better Be Careful
  • Such a move would be the economic equivalent of an animal gnawing off its foot to get out of a trap.
  • In return, the lessee gives one-third of the harvest or something of equivalent value to the owner.
  • But when they're serving shots of vodka at the equivalent of 33 pence a go, one is generally too sozzled to complain viciously.
  • The year before, it made 18,131 - equivalent to the wage of a binman. The Sun
  • For many, many years since 1976, we have had the equivalent of the fox guarding the henhouse.
  • We ended up spending an additional day in Montanita (not that this was much of a hardship) but it was unfortunately due to (in addition to my oesophagitis) the Ecuadorian equivalent of Deli belly ... nice! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Of the energy consumed, 85.7 percent was in the form of electricity (24.36 million kiloliters of crude oil equivalent) and oil products (20.50 million kiloliters of crude oil equivalent).
  • His motives are impure but his impact is the equivalent of warming sunshine after a bleak winter of bitter darkness.
  • If you spend about $2.50 daily on your get-up-and-go latte from your fave café, you can save a lot of paper and a lot of bucks (almost the equivalent of a Grover Cleveland) if you just opt for your home brew instead. Bill Chameides: Save Those Presidents
  • This assemblage is equivalent to the kochaspid ‘zonule’ of Palmer and Halley.
  • If you remove something with use you cause confusion on multiple fronts: first people have to become aware of the change, then they need to understand why the change was made, then they need to make the changes to their code base, and finally when they want to express rev = canonical with a @rel value, debates over what best @rel value represents the equivalent of another @rel value if it were used in @rev occur .. 0xDECAFBAD
  • English doesn't have the equivalent of enojadísimo, but "furious" is a better translation than "very angry. Viboras--Snakes (Poisonous ones at that! Ouch! )
  • Analysis of extracts from the batting (total net mass 62.16 kilograms) by GC/MS and FTIR confirmed 14 percent heroin hydrochloride, equivalent to approximately 8.7 kilograms total net mass. Boing Boing: September 17, 2006 - September 23, 2006 Archives
  • European quoted companies have generated earnings equivalent to 96% of US earnings, but, the market capitalisation is 40% less (source: Datastream). 2002 Investment Outlook
  • One kilowatt hour is equivalent to 1.34 horsepower-hours and to 860 Calories; one horsepower-hour equals about 641.56 Calories. Energy and Society~ Chapter 1~ Energy & Society
  • The fuzzy mapping is given based on the concept of fuzzy equivalent, and fuzzy homomorphism of groups and characteristics in this mapping state are discussed.
  • I have to say here, that the corps de ballet (that's the poncy equivalent of the chorus line, for you unenlightened) were the biggest bunch of clodhopping hoofers I've ever seen.
  • Nina broke free from the mob with the verbal equivalent of an elbow in the eye. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • The '' 'contrapositive' '' of a statement of the form "A implies B" is the [[logic]] ally equivalent statement "not-B implies not-A. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • By the way, unlike the French, con's American equivalent would be the masculine organ, prick, and schmock is, I think, probably derived from German schmuck (jewel); that is to say, "the family jewel. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 1
  • To estimate this, dose equivalent, in a unit called the sievert (Sv), is used. Electromagnetic radiation
  • One unit is roughly equivalent to a glass of wine or a small beer.
  • A rabbit has been calculated to possess one-hundred-million olfactory receptors-small wonder its little schnozz is always twitching, it is trapped in an undulating blizzard of aromatic stimuli-and Marcel "Bunny" LeFever was reputed, with some exaggeration, to be the human equivalent of Peter Cottontail. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • In a weird symmetry, Hendrix, with his young white-teen audience, was a sixties equivalent of Chuck Berry.
  • In a crash, an unbelted passenger can be thrown forward with the equivalent weight of a baby elephant and injure the occupants in the front.
  • In the former case the skull is said to be 'orthognathous' or straight-jawed; in the latter, it is called 'prognathous,' a term which has been rendered, with more force than elegance, by the Saxon equivalent, -- 'snouty.' On Some Fossil Remains of Man
  • Their modern-day equivalents are merely bureaucratic nonentities completely remote from everyday life.
  • It's the televisual equivalent of the chuggers who hang round Liverpool Street station - it makes me walk to the other side of the road to avoid them.
  • Audiences may laugh as a post-coital scene, set amid the flowers in moonlight, soars into a Morricone-esque musical riff with a chorus of women's voices trilling non-verbal notes, the art house equivalent of Dimitri Tiomkin telling us how to feel. GreenCine Daily: PIFF Dispatch. 5.
  • If a ketch had larger sails than an equivalent sloop, it would heel more (making sailing less efficient) and be more likely to capsize.
  • send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps
  • On one day, the coffee drinkers were given a 250-milligram dose of caffeine in the morning and again at lunchtime, equivalent to four cups of coffee in total.
  • Shyness - the human equivalent of neophobia - can be detected in infants as young as 14 months.
  • But works of art cannot be displayed as mere illustrations of social issues, equivalents to bumper stickers, advertisements and two-piece swimsuits.
  • In the commonest form, popularly called bone-phosphate, which is the form in which lime and phosphoric acid are combined in bones, guano, and the ordinary mineral phosphates, the lime and phosphoric acid are combined in the form of what is known as tribasic phosphate of lime, or tricalcic phosphate -- that is to say, for every equivalent of phosphoric acid there are three equivalents of lime. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears. Hold the Mayo
  • This amount is the equivalent of one part per billion in weight.
  • Total supply chain cost for the unit is said to be equivalent to the price of a quality aftermarket booster seat.
  • That sum is the equivalent to the entire GDP of all the countries in question.
  • The official added that these workless households could still claim £26,000 a year, the equivalent of £35,000 in taxable income. Benefit cuts 'will force thousands into suburbs'
  • The book was OK, a first-person narrative of a poor, intelligent, mixed-race young man, a "bodgie" - the Australian equivalent of a British "teddy boy" - leaving prison to little opportunity on the outside. What i'm reading
  • Obama the secret black nationalist is almost equivalent to Obama the secret Muslim. Let Me Teach You My Secret Beltway Handshake
  • Just like Philammon struggling with his punchball is equivalent to ‘you would have thought he was Philammon struggling with his punchball’; and Rhetoric
  • • In the end antiblack, antifemale, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing - antihumanism. UUpdates - All updates

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