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  1. a person who believes in the equality of all people

How To Use equalitarian In A Sentence

  • What Wellman means here is the internal structure of inter-human ties that in societies of organic solidarity resembles more a horizontal and rather equalitarian network than vertical, stratified concentric circles.
  • At least, that's what I expected, when she claimed on opening night to be an equalitarian.
  • The fear that the former would lead to the destruction of the latter did much to hasten the South in its repudiation of Jeffersonian equalitarian doctrines.
  • Qadhdhafi thoughts includes: Islamic directive principle, equalitarian principle and foreign policy of Pan-Arabia, Pan-Islam.
  • Those who believe in nurturing, finding fitting consequences for behavior, and disciplining through mutual respect believe in an equalitarian type of family values system.
  • While the president was working on the speech, one of his assistants, Raymond Moley, warned him, “You realize, then, that you're taking an enormous step away from the philosophy of equalitarianism and laissezfaire?” The Commanding Heights
  • A general ‘bourgeoisification’, a deliberate destruction of the equalitarian spirit of the first few months of the revolution, was taking place. Homage to Catalonia
  • The first issue stated that desegregation happened because American anthropologists were responsible for introducing equalitarianism into anthropology, ignoring the hereditary differences between races, . . . until the uninstructed public were gradually misled. Morality is Objective (And People Are Wrong)
  • Absolute equalitarianism became quite serious in the Red Army at one time.
  • Three relationship domains in this study were thought to represent afrocentric influences for African-American marriages: Family and friends, equalitarian relationships, and religious orientation.
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