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Epsom salts

  1. hydrated magnesium sulfate that is taken orally to treat heartburn and constipation and injected to prevent seizures
  2. (used with a singular noun) hydrated magnesium sulfate used as a laxative

How To Use Epsom salts In A Sentence

  • He then gave the young plants a foliar feed of compost tea and another of Epsom salts. Groundwork: The secrets of eggplant aplenty
  • Actress Lindsay Wagner revealed her recipe to combat jet lag: Epsom salts and baking soda poured into a hot bath.
  • After a twelve hour drive from Texas, the suite is a nice big room, plain but comfy, a real treat if you pack some Epsom salts for that tub! Hotels,motels
  • The solution is a cup of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to a footbath or dishpan full of warm water.
  • If there is no bathtub, dissolve one ounce of Epsom salts in a pint of warm water and bathe the body all over with the mixture.
  • Actress Lindsay Wagner revealed her recipe to combat jet lag: Epsom salts and baking soda poured into a hot bath.
  • Epsom salts, powdered areca nut and santonin are the remedies commonly recommended for the treatment of intestinal worms. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • In a general way, treatment for this sort of headache consists in the use of a cathartic, such as calomel (three-fifths of a grain) at night, followed by a Seidlitz powder or a tablespoonful of Epsom salts in a glass of cold water in the morning. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • I applied my usual remedies for it, which consisted of colocynth and quinine; but experience has shown me that an excessive use of the same cathartic weakens its effect, and that it would be well for travellers to take with them different medicines to cause proper action in the liver, such as colocynth, calomel, resin of jalap, Epsom salts; and that no quinine should be taken until such medicines shall have prepared the system for its reception. How I Found Livingstone
  • A pumice stone is the best exfoliator, or you can make your own scrub by mixing Epsom salts with a scented oil.
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