
How To Use Epos In A Sentence

  • The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
  • I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
  • She arranged for a sizeable loan from the temple based on her deposits there and then purchased a great store of corn from the temple granaries.
  • The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
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  • The region has many deposits of valuable oil.
  • This is the northernmost and wettest of the central Asian depressions, remnants of a Tertiary era inland sea, with relict glaciers, glacier lakes and a wide variety of rock types, the result of a long series of successive eras of deposition and orogeny. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • In other words, you can look at one face and see loess topped by a paleosol and then covered in flow deposits. NYT > Home Page
  • Big Brother will now know every financial tidbit about you, every ATM withdrawl, account deposit, creditcard charge, what you bought .... Senate's Wall Street bill in homestretch
  • The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
  • This process, called supergene enrichment, can concentrate silver into exceedingly rich deposits at depth.
  • It cut the deposit rate it pays on large fixed accounts while concurrently increasing the rates it pays on smaller accounts.
  • Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
  • A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
  • The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Twelfth" officially commemorates the July 12, 1690, triumph of Protestant King William of Orange versus the Catholic he deposed from the English throne, James II, at the Battle of the Boyne south of Belfast. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Foreign exchange deposit bargain is 42 stir thousand catty develop a financial product.
  • In her dying depositions she accused Osio of having pushed her in; and there seems little doubt that he did so; for while she was struggling in the water, he disengaged his harquebuss from his mantle and struck her several blows upon the head and hands. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Deposit the sand here.
  • Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • But it's a prepositional phrase used adverbially, modifying ‘said’.
  • While deposits continue to disappoint, more such episodes are as inevitable as the ebb and flow of the tide. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Lower Devonian, ammonoids appeared, leaving us large limestone deposits from their shells.
  • As soon as the horses had obtained some food and repose, Sir Philip also returned, and Emily was left, with a woman who felt at her heart that she could have poniarded her not an hour before. The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851
  • The evidence she’d gathered at the beach had already arrived, delivered by a young tech who’d sheepishly entered the den of the legendary Lincoln Rhyme without a word and scurried about to deposit the bags and stacks of pictures as the criminalist gruffly directed. The Stone Monkey
  • The deposits had tinctorial properties of collagen using Masson trichrome stain and the van Gieson method for collagen, although the deposits were mostly dissolved using the Masson trichrome procedure.
  • The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
  • The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency.
  • By the study of the feature of alluvial gold conjuncture, its haul distance was determined, the types of its Primary deposits assessed and the target area for ProsPecting Primary deposit defined.
  • Japan, for example, has no natural resources: no oil, no diamonds, no other rich mineral deposits.
  • Your Reservation On receipt of your completed booking form and deposit we will reserve your holiday.
  • Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.
  • The landlord could be forced to pay compensation equal to three times the sum of the deposit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being opening adjustment for reclassifying rental deposit out of expenses.
  • They normally ask you to pay £100 deposit.
  • Large deposits of frothy reddish-brown pyrolignic acid, or “wood vinegar,” as the men called it, had also been found, indicating, as Roebling said, “that a destructive distillation of wood had been going on.” The Great Bridge
  • The region has many deposits of valuable oil.
  • What the seller is asking for is some sort of deposit. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • It was precision expectoration that accurately landed a deposit of froth about two feet from my Oxford brogues.
  • The timing of that deposit showed this to be a morning shooting.
  • This is a metabolic disorder whereby excess uric acid in the blood gets deposited in joints.
  • When you do the calculations on the amount deposited its not a good return.
  • An exception is tartrate crystal deposits that look like granules of white sugar but are tasteless and can easily be removed.
  • The diseases caused by permanent deposits of uric acid in the tissues are called arthritic diseases, because the accumulations frequently occur in the joints. Nature Cure
  • Eluvium is the geological term for detritus from weathering rock (soil, dust and rock particles are broken down and redeposited by the wind).
  • Betting on the day is only through credit or deposit accounts, or by debit card.
  • The reason is that depositors will withdraw their money and keep it under the mattress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • The flake mica produced in the U.S. comes from several sources: the metamorphic rock called schist as a by-product of processing feldspar and kaolin resources, from placer deposits, and from pegmatites. Mica
  • There are two forms of accounts, interest bearing (bonds) and non-interest bearing (deposits).
  • This institute shall act as a repository for all modern extrication and medical relief techniques to ensure quicker rescue and provide prompt medical relief, comparable to international standards.
  • If the mortgage rate has to go up to bring the price of houses down, it will create more homelessness because of repossessions.
  • In the first place, it was found that, because of the reducing action of metallic copper on cupric sulphate to form cuprous sulphate, too little copper was deposited in the copper coulometer to correspond to the current. Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen'd such squeamishness in Attic salt. Arabian nights. English
  • For security reasons, however, the exact location of the deposits is kept secret for the time being.
  • Nearly the only cadmium mineral known is the sulphide, greenockite, but no deposits of this mineral have been found of sufficient volume to be called cadmium ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Its warehouses, far from only storing food, he said, were also used as depositories for weapons.
  • Copper produces a reddish tinge, which is by no means unpleasant compared with the dazzling whiteness of the nickel deposit. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • In the remains of the village the factory crumbles quietly, blocks of concrete and old gateposts tell of what has been.
  • It has long been known that most of the factors that are required during early embryogenesis are deposited into the egg cytoplasm during oogenesis and are maternally provided.
  • Gregory's procedure was little less revolutionary than that of the King, but the claim to depose might appear as only a concomitant to the power already wielded by Popes in bestowing crowns, while for Gregory it had by this time become the copingstone in the fabric of those relations between Church and State which he and his party were building up. The Church and the Empire, Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 1003 to A.D. 1304
  • Fibrin deposition was found in areas of fibrinoid necrosis within the glomeruli and in the interstitium.
  • People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
  • Arriving in Athens, the son of Sopaeus was introduced to the banker Pasion, with whom he deposited his money, as much as 1,000 gold staters.
  • Besides leaving salt deposits, rusting internal parts and causing valve damage, water in an engine also makes short work of pistons and cylinders.
  • One of the most beautiful aspects of this rite is the special way in which this second Host is prepared for being brought to the Altar of Repose, before the communion of the celebrant. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • Paid first, last and a cleaning deposit on Monday, June the eleventh. SILENT JOE
  • The financial services industry is always looking for new ways to lure cautious investors out of the deposit account and into the market with low-risk investments.
  • After paying a deposit (usually a minimum of ten per cent), you pay monthly instalments over a fixed term at a fixed rate of interest.
  • A much larger, nonradioactive deposit of bastnaesite was found on adjoining land.
  • Personal call deposit can be registered for loss reporting.
  • The reason is that some of these disyllabic prepositions are used as adverbs, and, when separated from their nouns, give one the impression that they are used as adverbs. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • The only way you'll be laughing at this romantic drama is at how preposterous the plot is. The Sun
  • A team on Saipan indexed and microfilmed documents, and a complete set of the film and the final index was deposited with each island government and with the UHM Library.
  • Guinea is home to one of the world's largest deposits of bauxite, which is used to produce aluminum. Guinea's Prime Minister Cedes Power, Paving Path for Military Rule
  • There's a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish.
  • Its victims turn out to be not its depositors but first-time homebuyers three years after the collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
  • Masses are deposited in tidal channels or shallow pools that retain water at low tide, and are secured in place by a long sand-mucus tether buried firmly in the substrate.
  • Alternatively, the soot might have come from the vaporization of oil deposits at the site of the meteorite impact.
  • Then a strange quiet descends after the Gregorian chant ‘Tantum Ergo’ as the Blessed Sacrament is laid at the altar of repose.
  • The landlord can also almost certainly forfeit your deposit, but only as a contribution towards the rent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The salts contained in these deposits are mainly borax, ulexite, and colemanite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The Ohio and New York pension plans are seeking class- action, or group, status for the suit, covering investors in American depositary receipts from Jan. 16, 2007, to May 28, 2010. -- Top News
  • He repaired to it, deposited three dollars, borrowed a book and some sheet music, and then bought a violin.
  • Up to 1956 there were doubts as to whether deposits for fixed periods and deposits repayable at a minimum notice could, thus, be garnished.
  • The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them.
  • The lake contained an area of 3,370 acres and was said to have a practically inexhaustible deposit of salt and gypsum.
  • Outside the front door, a bulldozer is clearing up the mess caused when a heavily laden lorry crashed into the wall and gatepost.
  • They also saw a lot of shields, spears, waddies, etc., which the natives had deposited under a bush. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • No one at the company had asked the First Defendant for any deposit because they were aware he was only acting as agent and the deposit would be provided by his principal.
  • Where taxes are concerned, savings bonds are better than certificates of deposit.
  • The unclaimed jewellery was part of the estimated £60m haul taken from the Knightsbridge Security deposit box robbery in 1987.
  • The whole thing has been a hideous blunder, and the idea of encumbering a force of four thousand men with something like thirty thousand camp followers, and with a train of no less than nineteen thousand bullocks, to say nothing of other draught animals, is the most preposterous thing I ever heard of. At the Point of the Bayonet A Tale of the Mahratta War
  • Consequently, Chalk should not be perceived as merely a thick pelagic ooze deposited in a tectonically quiescent period.
  • We paid one month's rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.
  • Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
  • There have been nearly 400 decreases in deposit account returns since the beginning of August and more are in the pipeline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lanikai is a community of wealthy, preposterously fit, good-looking people who seem to be constantly in motion.
  • Neither do police know if all the pot was grown in Richmond or just deposited here before transport to the States.
  • The profile that passed the window was of the sort called aquiline, after the beak of the eagle; but he rather suggested a grey and venerable eagle; an eagle in repose; an eagle that has long folded its wings. The Complete Father Brown
  • The duodenal mucosa showed severe villous atrophy but no subepithelial collagen deposition.
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • A ‘Space Access Organization’ would, at least, be able to gather all the hard-won data from these canceled programs and maintain a central depository of information and expert knowledge.
  • Reinvestigation of dioptase-plancheite pseudomorphs after calcite from the Tantara copper deposit Katanga, Republique du Congo. OpEdNews - Diary: Humanitarian Crisis in Gorilla Habitat
  • All too often, dividend cheques are just deposited into our bank accounts and spent.
  • He repossessed himself of his farm.
  • Considerable amount of thin interbedded limestones and shales was deposited in a subtropical and shallow-marine epicontinental sea during the Cincinnatian Epoch.
  • A variety of minerals were deposited in the hollow vesicles.
  • Hickock, who was a genuinely skilled shot, drew, took careful aim (some versions have him using a fencepost as a rest), and drilled Tutt through the heart. David E.
  • It ends with the female depositing her eggs in the male's pouch.
  • Mass for the repose of her soul was celebrated by Father Gilroy after which burial took place in Annagh Cemetery.
  • The motive is to destroy all those in the south who might threaten the oil revenues that sustain the regime's grip (it came to power by deposing an elected government and enjoys very little popular support).
  • Russell Coope, The climatic significance of coleopteran assemblages from the Eemian deposits in southern England, Geologie en Mijnbouw / Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 79 (2/3): 257-267 (2000) Bürger and Cubasch: Are multiproxy climate reconstructions robust? « Climate Audit
  • Mark Sanford continues his campaign to prove that he is as dumb as a fencepost. Short Takes
  • His entire being had been drained by the immense blast he'd unleashed on the assaulting legions, but Rakael's desperate cry for help had catapulted him out of his repose.
  • I have in fact been quite active in the past month, attempting to take advantage of lower share prices and repositioning the portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have further hammered bank profits by wiping out the margin made on deposits. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made a mental note to rifle her deposit account to buy a new one.
  • He is aware of the risks involved in margined trading and that the entire amount of his deposit could be at risk.
  • As for the "vav" construction, those are attached to certain verbs rather than nouns, and they are not used to indicate the preposition "from". Terry Krepel: Life Imitates The Daily Show: WorldNetDaily Wants You To Think Obama Is the Antichrist
  • An entry sequence leading from the street, along a koi pond, into the entry, and to a negative edge pool distinguish the main public spaces and master suite while offering a place of repose.
  • Lack of investment led to the closure of the once-rich reefs and, more recently, gold itself has lost its glitter and become just another mineral deposit.
  • Since the two owners were not on speaking terms they would simply repost any wrongly-delivered mail in the pillar box half way down the hill.
  • The premium should be included with your deposit and the policy will be issued on receipt.
  • On these relics of antiquity and of ancestorial memorials devolving on Dr. Jefferson, he sought for a place of deposit for them, suitable to their dignity, their character, and their times. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Bank of America and other mortgage companies have been under pressure to review their paperwork after employees and contractors said in sworn depositions that, because of the enormous volume, they hadn't had the time to read the documents, much less check them for accuracy. Paperwork storm hits nation's biggest bank
  • Bogs and glacial recessional lake deposits frequently contain compressible deposits of peat and organic-rich silt.
  • People hold domestic deposits despite the higher interest rate on offshore deposits because they associate greater political risk with offshore deposits.
  • These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.). Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • His face in repose possessed a boyish charm that disarmed her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The history of cattle ranching in what is today the Municipio of Alamos began with the discovery of rich silver deposits in 1683.
  • He is still finding it hard to get a damage deposit together and notes that even if he had the money, many landlords don't want to rent from someone whose current address is a shelter.
  • You can dismantle the preposterous plot with a small spanner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where items need to be transported to and from the repository they should be in appropriate containers designed to limit exposure to environmental factors and handling damage (eg. folders, archive boxes, plan and art folios, phase and solander boxes).
  • This seam of coal reposes on a layer of clay.
  • Having become expert on depositing metal solutions onto plastic backing, he invented recording tape.
  • How the processes for lodgement and legal deposit will work in practice, the fine print of the legislation, are being worked out at present.
  • So the estimable seed of Kumi, eight centuries before, had entered into the aliis of Lakanaii, and been passed down by them in the undeviating line to reposit in SHIN-BONES
  • The two boys were blind, also, to the manifold glories of Mirror Lake which reposed at their very feet. DUTCH COURAGE
  • Some of these low-lying areas, with waterlogged deposits blanketed by alluvium, have provided good evidence for Roman farming.
  • An amount standing to the credit of a joint account constitutes a debt which is owed by the bank to the depositors jointly and severally.
  • You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order.
  • There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. A Situation Report on Our Acquisition of Advanced Technology and Interaction with Alien Cultures by O.H. Krill
  • It is only comparatively recently that the scale and significance of the Sterkfontein deposits have begun to be fully appreciated.
  • The type specimen is deposited in the writer's herbarium, and a cotype may be found in the Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • Closely allied to this subject is the investigation of the mode in which certain metals are reduced from their solutions by metallic sulphides, or, in common language, the influence which the presence of such substances as mundic and galena may exercise in effecting the deposit of pure metals, such as gold, in mineral lodes. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • A female ready to deposit her eggs seeks out a bloodsucking insect, generally a fly or mosquito.
  • A monitoring programme is designed to assess the rate of leaching in inorganic ions and hydrocarbons from the deposit.
  • To remove a conviction so generally adopted, Quentin easily saw was impossible — nay, that any attempt to undeceive men so obstinately prepossessed in their belief, would be attended with personal risk, which, in this case, he saw little use of incurring. Quentin Durward
  • The Caiwa middle - sized antimony deposit is located on the western Shanxi-Henan antimony ore belt, The hosting rocks are Yanlinggou Formation graphite marble of the Qinling Group.
  • So sure was I of Chris coming through with the loan approval that I'd begun patching up my apartment so I could get my damage deposit back when I moved out.
  • SinoTech's exclusive rights to use LHD technology in China, as well as its PRC patent for molecular deposition film "MDF" technology, position it well in China's fast growing EOR market. SinoTech Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2010 Financial Results - Yahoo! Finance
  • When no sponsor was found to plug the gap, it pulled the concert, forfeiting a substantial deposit.
  • You can dismantle the preposterous plot with a small spanner. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Seetalsee across the border in Austria a further £500m in ingots is said to repose in a watery grave.
  • The second law can be applied to the prediction of creep failure, such as rockslides, colluvial-deposit landslides and loess landslides as well as clay landslides with locked patches.
  • In addition to oil and gold, he said, the region is believed to have "abundant" deposits of minerals including marble, gypsum and chromite, which is used to make ferrochrome, an ingredient in stainless steel. -- Top News
  • Other residual deposits are sources of chromium, titanium, rare-earth elements, and even gold.
  • The postings on Facebook were ill-advised and to the best of our knowledge have all been removed - it is only others who are reposting these images.
  • However, while there is considerable evidence for the translocation of photosynthetic products into the host corals, evidence regarding the benefits of the symbiosis for Crystalline deposits in Symbiodinium cells had long been misidentified as oxalic acid PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Both these eggs and those of the cephalopoda grow after deposition like those of fishes. On the Generation of Animals
  • Lentigo consists simply of a circumscribed deposit of pigment granules -- merely a localized increase of the normal pigment, differing from chloasma (_q.v. _) only in the size and shape of the pigmentation. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The king was deposed by his people.
  • We were able to rethink, redesign, repackage, and reposition our products from a viewpoint of how people use particular padlocks and in what contexts they use them.
  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited. Stockholm Syndrome Would Be Welcome
  • Unholy Moses plants a foot in Exley's rectally reposited research: Think Progress » President Bush is “ticked off big-time”
  • The sediments comprise silts, sand, gravel and, often lenticular, silty clay, comparable with similar sediments in the Petrockstowc basin, where the bulk of the deposits are Eocene.
  • Reliability- The process fluid flows through the trim, flushing away solid deposits above and below the guide bushing , thus reducing the possibility of a sticking valve plug.
  • Ruth deposited her wet mackintosh on the floor and went upstairs, shivering every now and then.
  • I am here concerned mainly with claims for damage caused by the deposit of silt on the bed of the river in sufficient quantities to interfere with navigation and the use of facilities such as slipways and moorings.
  • A major source of iron, called iron laterite, is a type of residual deposit generated by the intense weathering of iron-rich rocks such as mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks.
  • The first big winter storm will often deposit half a dozen boats (often with their inadequate moorings still attached) on the beach.
  • Thus, deposition graded gradually from anoxic environments below the storm wave base to oxic environments above the storm wave base.
  • In straight streams, bar-like deposits can form in response to the thalweg (red arrows in Figure 5) and helical flow. Fluvial landforms
  • Nevertheless every drop, indistinguishable from every other, left a little deposit of sensation, experience, feeling.
  • A switch within the prepositional phrase should be ruled out because English has prepositions and Panjabi postpositions.
  • The longshore current can carry large amounts of sand along the coast and can form spits (narrow peninsulas of sand), barrier islands and tombolos (narrow sand deposits connecting a near-shore island with the beach).
  • He served 24 years and was eventually deposed by a right-wing military coup.
  • The team used a conventional damascene process to deposit the copper metal in the grooves of a dielectric material carried on 250 mm wafers.
  • While they were thus embarrassed, a large chest was brought and deposited in the presbytery for the Bishop, by two unknown horsemen, who departed on the instant.
  • Bains analysed the concentration of the element barium - a powerful tool for measuring ocean productivity - in sediments deposited across the boundary.
  • ‘When they have a court order the bailiffs can gain repossession of the land and can ask the police for help if they need it,’ says John.
  • Fossil seals from late Neogene deposits in South America: a new pinniped (Carnivora, Mammalia) assemblage from Chile. Archive 2006-02-01
  • You also have to sign up to a deposit protection scheme to safeguard the money your tenant pays up front. Times, Sunday Times
  • The association of the cherts with carbonaceous sandstones and lacustrine shales in the Rhynie Cherts Unit indicates sinter deposition interrupted alluvial floodplain sedimentation of mud and sand.
  • Again, being able to make a reasonable deposit will help convince them you are serious and not a bad risk.
  • The removal of huge amounts of material from the underground deposit causes massive subsidence at the surface.
  • The main areas of growth have been in inter-bank deposits, certificates of deposit and the foreign currency markets.
  • She founded the palliative medical field of music -- thanatology and the Chalice of Repose Project, which trains teachers in palliative music vigils with the dying. Alison Rose Levy: What Would You Do If You Did Not Fear Death?
  • It all points to depositors being hit by more than originally envisaged. Times, Sunday Times
  • A host of sparrows create such a rioting as renders sleep or repose perfectly out of the question.
  • His argument is that mutuals have generally funded more mortgage lending from retail deposits than the banks and so are more stable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you cancel now I'm afraid you forfeit your deposit.
  • 'Rack his style, Madam, _rack his style_?' he said to Queen Elizabeth, as he tells us, when she consulted him -- he being then of her counsel learned, in the case of Dr. Hayward, charged with having written 'the book of the deposing of Richard the Second, and the _coming in_ of The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Plans are also afoot to transform the disused salt mines of Saxony and Thuringia into depositories for toxic waste.
  • As Butler's fictional author of the Book of the Machines notes, ‘I cannot think it will ever be safe to repose much trust in the moral sense of any machine.’
  • Each terrace represents a fan of younger pyroclastic deposits infilling valleys cut in older fans.
  • He thought that the schistose rocks had been deposited from the universal ocean, which, in the first stages of the earth's history, had covered the whole surface of the earth and had been as deep as the mountains are high. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • By the end the preposterous level of interaction between these characters left me rolling my eyes.

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