
How To Use Episcopacy In A Sentence

  • They also claim that in his day their was no hierarchy, no episcopacy, as if that had been necessary, as long as Saint Paul himself was bishop of his communities, together with Titus, Timothy and others, whom one would call auxiliary bishops today. Fr. von Balthasar: People "need to recognize the incomparable, the unique character of the Gospel"
  • Magnesians, in that edition, calling episcopacy neōterikēn taxin, plainly intimating a comparative novelty in that order to others in the churches, and fearing (as well he might) that his translation of neōterikē taxis into The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • This is not, ye Covenants and Protestations that we have made! this is not to put down prelaty; this is but to chop an episcopacy; this is but to translate the Palace Metropolitan from one kind of dominion into another; this is but an old canonical sleight of commuting our penance. Areopagitica
  • Hooker maintains that episcopacy is the norm for ecclesiastical regiment and all must be prepared to accept it and remain obedient to episcopal authority.
  • Second, there is the theological import of the American church's commitment to episcopacy.
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  • Eger was given archiepiscopacy in 1804, and János Pyrker, the bishop of Eger, ordered the designs of the building from the architect József Hild.
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • Parisian archiepiscopacy, proffered him by Buonaparte, and died in London, in December 1804, in the arms of Monsieur, afterwards The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
  • We are told by Clement of Alexandria that St. John appointed bishops in Asia, and there is no reason for doubting that episcopacy dates back to this period. The Books of the New Testament
  • But at the moment when no precaution should have been relaxed, a dispatch from the West India directors, who appear to have been misled by advices from London, announced that no danger need be apprehended from the English expedition, as it was sent out by the King only to settle the affairs of his colonies and establish episcopacy, which would rather benefit the company's interests in New Netherlands. Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • It was during the archiepiscopacy of the successor of the nephew of A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One
  • He believes episcopacy to be of apostolic origin and to have received divine approbation, if not direct command.
  • Only it having been always accounted a very rational and allowed way, to judge what may be by what has been, you may remember that about forty years since this word popery served such as brandish it about the ears of the government now, as an effectual engine to pull down the monarchy to the ground, to destroy episcopacy root and branch, and to rob the church, and almost all honest men, to the last farthing. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Minor, against prayers for the dead, veneration of relics, candles in the day-time, the merit of celibacy, the need of fasting, the observance of days, difference in future rewards, the defectibility of the regenerate, and the divine origin of episcopacy. Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
  • At this date 'the general sense of the Irish people' was, to Mr. Gladstone's mind, the policy formulated by the Irish Episcopacy, the scheme which at a later stage of the campaign in the following year he described as the lopping off the three branches of the Upas tree of The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • By maintaining the practice of episcopacy, the post-Reformation Church of England drew its legitimacy from Medieval custom, not Biblical authority.
  • In the mean time, he in their name supplicated him to have episcopacy restored, because he saw it would please the malignant faction. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • Purely spiritual episcopacy, synodical government, and the sending of missionary bishops lead North American contributions to Anglican life.
  • As to Buddhism: there are various schools, and while it is true that Zen and others that have a "gnostic" element of necessity also have a hierarchical structure, but some, such as Japanese Shin, maintain pretty flat structures in America a modified-episcopacy... Philocrites: Limits of Unitarian Universalist congregationalism.
  • The brave bishop has too few cohorts in the American episcopacy who are willing to challenge the ‘official’ state religion in the U.S.A.
  • Shkodra was the seat of the Catholic archiepiscopacy and had a number of religious schools.
  • Episcopacy, says he [583], that is to say the preheminence of a Pastor, is not contrary to the Divine right. The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius Containing a Copious and Circumstantial History of the Several Important and Honourable Negotiations in Which He Was Employed; together with a Critical Account of His Works
  • “urbium exarchoi,” as the doctor terms them; — what advance is made by all this to the assertion of a metropolitical archiepiscopacy I cannot as yet discover. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • It was to revise and redefine the national creed, after its long lapse into so-called Arminianism and semi-popish error, and to advise also as to the new system of church government and the new forms of worship that should come in place of rejected episcopacy and the condemned liturgy. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11
  • I firmly hold, then, and shall hold to my dying breath the belief of the Fathers in the charism of truth, which certainly is, was, and always will be in the succession of the episcopacy from the apostles. Oath of Truth
  • In one of the most important presidential addresses of his seven-year archiepiscopacy, described by one insider as a "brilliant piece of work", the Archbishop is expected to salvage hope from the despair felt by many Anglicans over pressure brought by the liberal, evangelical and Catholic wings of the established Church. Top stories from Times Online
  • That the Southern Baptist Convention has in the last few decades morphed into a quasi-episcopacy is only one of the many cruel ironies of the history of populism in this country. bullfighter Says: Matthew Yglesias » Things I Did Not Know
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Wallace Inn, to furnish me with information corrective of the facts which I learned from others. Old Mortality, Complete
  • In the American church, these two schools of thought on episcopacy can best be illustrated by William White and by his nemesis, Samuel Seabury.
  • My guess is that the Shona Anglican, if asked what makes Anglicans different from other Christians, would cite, at least, prayer book, Eucharist and episcopacy.
  • palmary" -- the prevalence of episcopacy as a recognized institution -- we may say boldly that all the facts point the other way. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • But at the moment when no precaution should have been relaxed, a despatch from the West India directors, who appear to have been misled by advices from London, announced that no danger need be apprehended from the English expedition, as it was sent out by the King only to settle the affairs of his colonies and establish episcopacy, which would rather benefit the company's interests in New Netherlands. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
  • The central tenet of the Baptist faith, “soul competency”, which begat or was begotten by their anti-papism/episcopacy, actually has a lefty component to it. Matthew Yglesias » Things I Did Not Know
  • The unity of the episcopacy is a source of great strength, while its absence wastes energies, frustrates efforts and gives room for the enemies of the Church to neutralise our witness. Spero News
  • Yet, Oblate status within the Baltimore religious community improved significantly with the succession of Francis Patrick Kenrick to the archiepiscopacy of Baltimore in 1851.
  • Confirmation branded its confirmands on their foreheads with the mark of episcopacy, and it was an in-your-face gesture to nonconformists and to others who held a low view of the episcopal office.
  • In a Parliament of May 18, 1584, such declinature of royal jurisdiction was, by "The Black Acts," made treason: Episcopacy was established; the heirs of Gowrie were disinherited; Angus, Mar, and other rebels were forfeited. A Short History of Scotland
  • If you have this developing episcopacy, that's just the Greek sort of sounding word for bishop or bishopric or something like that.
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • Christian church a controversy about the name episcopacy, appointed the forementioned orders, bishops and deacons. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • But the achievement which reflects most credit upon his episcopacy is the restoration of the religious orders. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Again, we tend to think nowadays of the Scots all being Presbyterian, but a significant number of them entered into the Church of Ireland, recognised episcopacy, and indeed became bishops themselves.
  • Purely spiritual episcopacy, synodical government, and the sending of missionary bishops lead North American contributions to Anglican life.
  • You remember that roughly it was this: that any corporate reunion can only come in the acceptance of the historical Episcopate; but that the conception and use of Episcopacy in the Church has been a limited one: there are many ways of regarding and using bishops besides the monarchical or "prelatical" way exemplified by the Church of England. The War and Unity Being Lectures Delivered At The Local Lectures Summer Meeting Of The University Of Cambridge, 1918
  • I don't know what Dave means by "episcopacy" either, but there's widespread scholarly agreement that the monarchical episcopate wasn't universal early on. Triablogue
  • Page 28 church without a bishop, that many of the early preachers realized the importance that an episcopacy which is free from any display of arrogance or unseemly assumption of power, is capable of the best possible results. Sketch of the Early History of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church with Jubilee Souvenir and an Appendix
  • The molesters and their protectors in the episcopacy come from across the ideological landscape.
  • Initially this was limited to the ‘prelacy’ of Anglican episcopacy; but in time he turned against Presbyterian religious/political ordering, and later against other forms of religious control.
  • During the archiepiscopacy of his successor, Diego Vasquez de The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The disagreement as to whether the original "excommunications" of the bishops of SSPX were valid is for Rome to decide not the episcopacy, not individual priests and not for semi-informed laymen. what needs to happen now is the acrimony, bile and abuse of members of the Society of St. Pius 10th needs to stop now, RIGHT NOW. They need to be re-incardinated asap. The validity of the original SSPX excommunications...
  • Nonetheless, though Hooker is a strong proponent of episcopacy, he is equally insistent that church order is not immutable.
  • During the decade from 1642 to 1652 armies mobilized by the Long Parliament swept away the apparatus of monarchical government and episcopacy, and subdued all opposition in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
  • In AD 816, during his archiepiscopacy, the Council of Chelsea enacted eleven canons to regulate the services and the government of the Church.
  • Do you think that, on the whole, the American episcopacy is doing a poor job of communicating the gospel to its flock?
  • Made illustrious through the chrism of episcopacy and through the divine blood of martyrdom, ye are, O God-wise ones, glorified God-beseemingly on account of both, crying out: Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Amongst the distinctives of this Church are its commitment to episcopacy, the 1662 Prayer Book, and the Authorised Version.
  • He founded the archiepiscopacy of Esztergom.
  • Episcopacy, says he [583], that is to say the preheminence of a Pastor, is not contrary to the Divine right. The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius

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