How To Use Epiphyte In A Sentence
This is characterised by low trees with thin trunks, with many bromeliad and orchid epiphytes; it grows on sandy nutrient-poor soils and averages 108 plant species per hectare campinarana or Rio Negro caatinga, a tall dry shrub-woodland mosaic restricted to the Rio Negro region which grows primarily in well drained uplands.
Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
This finding sheds new light on a recent study on cuticular properties of vascular epiphytes.
The predominant vegetation in this region are hydrophilous trees and palms, with abundant epiphytes and scattered herbaceous layer.
Orinoco Delta swamp forests
A ride over the hills brought us to a wood of oaks, with their branches fringed with the long grey Spanish moss, and a profusion of epiphytes clinging to their bark, some splendidly in flower, showing the fantastic shapes and brilliant colours one sees in English orchid-houses.
Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
It was partially obscured by the wilted tentacles of a suspended epiphyte.
The native varieties are lithophyte, which grow on rocks, epiphyte, which grow on trees, and terrestrial orchids which come from a little tuber and are found growing naturally in the Adelaide Hills.
Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
Cymbidiums and dendrobiums are epiphytes, as are most of the orchids that are commonly cultivated.
Most of them are epiphytes, growing with their roots not in soil but instead harmlessly clasping tree branches high in the forest canopy.
Flowering epiphytes - bromeliads, orchids and cacti - are presented most commonly.
Around 3,200 m sub-tropical give way to temperate species but humidity and epiphyte growth remain high.
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
Objective To investigate a method to distinguish avulsion fracture from sesamoid , accessory bone, and permanent osteoepiphyte.
Nests are most often built in decaying tree trunks, but epiphyte root masses and occupied termitaries are also used.
Many tropical orchids are epiphytes, growing on the side of trees, and will not do well if their roots stay wet.
Between 1150 and 2500, the trees are leafy with a canopy between 25 and 35 m tall and the undergrowth has arborescent ferns and palms, many plants with prop roots and abundant vascular epiphytes and woody lianas.
Santa Marta montane forests
A striking example of epiphyte accumulation at lower elevations is the Spanish "moss" that festoons the Evangeline oak, baldcypress, and other trees of the eastern Gulf coast.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
It does seem that it is a ground orchid rather than an epiphyte, that will affect the potting medium.
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One of the surprising things I discovered is if you pull back with me on those mats of epiphytes what you'll find underneath them are connections, networks of what we call canopy roots.
Nalini Nadkarni on conserving the canopy
In the present study, fungal epiphytes and endophytes were isolated from healthy leaves of Camellia sinensis with routine isolation methods.
Many vascular epiphytes share the understorey environment with terrestrial herbs, shrubs and tree seedlings.
'epiphyte' (_i. e._, a plant growing on other plants,) "forms dense festoons among the branches of the trees, vegetating among the black mould that collects upon the bark of trees in hot damp countries; other species are inhabitants of deep and gloomy forests, and others form, with their spring leaves, an impenetrable herbage in the Pampas of Brazil.
Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Many vascular epiphytes share the understorey environment with terrestrial herbs, shrubs and tree seedlings.
Objective To investigate a method to distinguish avulsion fracture from sesamoid , accessory bone, and permanent osteoepiphyte.
Because orchids are primarily tropical epiphytes and small herbs, they do not have a fossil record.
A striking example of epiphyte accumulation at lower elevations is the Spanish "moss" that festoons the Evangeline oak, baldcypress, and other trees of the eastern Gulf coast.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
This ecoregion is characterized by a lush, tall tropical evergreen forest of huge, buttressed canopy trees reaching 40 m in height and an extremely rich epiphyte flora.
Isthmian-Pacific moist forests
Overall, endemism is quite high in this hotspot because of extensive speciation among several groups of plants, most notably the epiphytes, suggesting that the region was the location of plant refugia during Pleistocene glaciations.
Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
Orchids can be grouped into three basic types - terrestrial, epiphyte and lithophyte.
Only a few epiphyte ferns, orchids and bromeliads have been studied genetically.
In epiphytes known values of are high even compared to mesophytic terrestrial plants.
Tillandsia is an epiphyte, a plant that derives its nutrients not from where it is planted but from the air.
The Memory Palace
He uses terms like commensalism and epiphyte, and primary and secondary forest, and crepuscular; and our brains scramble to keep up.
Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
There are three basic types: lithophytes, which grow on rock surfaces; epiphytes, which are found on trees; and terrestrials, which live in the ground.
He uses terms like commensalism and epiphyte, and primary and secondary forest, and crepuscular; and our brains scramble to keep up.
Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
Sustained by the mist from the falls, it drips with epiphytes - mosses, ferns, aroids, orchids.
Studying the ecophysiology of epiphytes almost exclusively at this level has severe shortcomings, because the reaction of an organ is certainly only a partial measure of the consequences of stress on entire individuals.
The epiphytes hanging from the tree branches are either bromeliads or orchids.
Bamboos, ferns, bromeliads, epiphytes and orchids will all thrive in this microclimate.
Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
Flowering epiphytes - bromeliads, orchids and cacti - are presented most commonly.
Without grazers to remove them, the faster growing epiphytes could outcompete fucoids by covering all surfaces or at least covering enough surface area to decrease photosynthetic activity of Fucus.
Many tropical orchids are epiphytes, growing on the side of trees, and will not do well if their roots stay wet.
A survey of nine additional species, representing the four major taxonomic groups of vascular epiphytes (orchids, bromeliads, aroids, and ferns), answered the first question.
It supports many plant species including the rainforest trees, ground ferns, tree ferns, zamias, cunjevois, cordylines or palm-lilies, native bananas, palms, climbing plants and epiphytes.
In the light of these findings, the results of many earlier studies on epiphyte ecophysiology are now difficult to interpret because essential information on the size of the specimens used is missing.
Emergent species like the strangler fig (Ficus dugandii) may reach heights of over 60 m while very abundant epiphytes such as Araceae sp and Cyclanthaceae sp. cover the lower parts of tree trunks and ferns help make up the dense understory.
Western Ecuador moist forests
The cool and moist conditions of these Fokienia forests often promote lush growth of cryptogamic epiphytes and an accumulation of organic litter on the forest floor.
Northern Annamites rain forests
It has evergreen and deciduous trees with two stories of trees 12-15 and 5-10 m high, some thorny shrubs, columnar or arborescent cactaceae, other succulents, herbaceae, epiphytes and dry lianas.
Cuban dry forests
Those plants which live as epiphytes in the rainforest canopy are subject to intense light and drying winds.
Modern lycophytes are low-growing understory plants, epiphytes, and submerged aquatics - they are not a significant fraction of the modern vegetation.
Many non-geniculate coralline algae have been suggested to actively inhibit colonization of epiphytes by shedding epithallial cells.
A cool, bright spot out of direct sun is best for these tropical epiphytes that grow naturally in rain-forest trees.
A botanist scaled a tree trunk to a height of three meters, and scraped from the trunk a sample of the tiny epiphyte for genetic sequencing.
365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
It has been shown recently for members of all major epiphyte groups (orchids, bromeliads, aroids, and ferns) that photosynthetic capacity is a function of plant size.
Above the 800-m contour line, Parinari excelsa, Gaertnera paniculata, Garcinia polyantha, and Syzygium staudtii dominate the forests, together with a rich array of epiphytes.
Guinean montane forests
Their many wild habitats include palm trees, tree holes, arboreal epiphytes, burrows, rock crevices, or other animal refuges.
Above 900 m. in altitude, there are smaller trees and palms such as Pithecellobium longifolium, Euterpe precatoria, Geomoma oxicarpa and the arborescent fern Trichipteris procera; many vascular epiphytes, Vriesia elata, Guzmania lingulata, large-leaved understory plants Calathea insignis, Diffenbachia longisphata; mosses and hepatics, Octoblepharum albidum, Leucomium compressum.
Santa Marta montane forests
They are mostly epiphytes and lithophytes with fleshy or wiry stems that may grow erect or pendant.
A botanist scaled a tree trunk to a height of three meters, and scraped from the trunk a sample of the tiny epiphyte for genetic sequencing.
365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day