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How To Use Epileptic In A Sentence

  • Alexandra has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair and suffers from frequent epileptic fits.
  • Febrile convulsions can be frightening for parents, especially as they look like epileptic fits.
  • The global excuse 'my brain made me do it' would reduce life to a condition of status epilepticus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advocates of such treatment compare patients to individuals who take insulin, epileptics who use antiepileptic drugs, or those who depend upon antirheumatic medications.
  • About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.
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  • Computer games may be worse than TV because of the patterns and frequencies they use, but either may trigger epileptic fits.
  • They learned it was a ‘shagreen patch’ - a classic symptom of TS, and discovered Robert's tumbles from bed were caused by epileptic fits sparked-off by a tuberous lesion - a benign tumour - in his brain.
  • They have neither the epileptical rant nor goatish impulses of the Methodists, nor the drowsy uniformity from which not all the solemn beauty of the service can redeem the Liturgy of the Church of England. Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • While I am pretty sure nobody would want to read a blog made up of my observations about the challenges of living with an epileptic dog, favorite recipes for Winter Solstice, instructions for striking cuttings from a frangipani, or best ways to play ‘teddy bears go to the doctor’ with a three year old, I expect some of you do quite enjoy my writerly posts on this site. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Keeping Track
  • She cannot work as she now suffers frequent, violent epileptic fits.
  • The diuretics were contaminated with bacteria; the antiepileptic drugs were contaminated with fungi, and one patient died because of taking those drugs; the antihypertensive drugs and the antidiabetic drugs were mixed. Chaotic drug management in Hong Kong
  • And after this Mahomet fell oft in the epileptical passion, and when the lady his wife saw him oft fall, she was much sorrowful that she had wedded him. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • Also patron of epileptics and runaways; she is invoked against diabolic possession and mental disorders.
  • If we adopt the assumption, then of course what medical materialism insists on must be true in a general way, if not in every detail: Saint Paul certainly had once an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure; George Fox was an hereditary degenerate; Carlyle was undoubtedly auto-intoxicated by some organ or other, no matter which -- and the rest. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • The illness was characterised by gait disturbance, a relapsing and remitting course, nystagmus, and status epilepticus.
  • Some epileptics produce normal scans, while abnormal ones can be caused by other conditions such as migraine or severe mental illness.
  • Sister John's headaches are epileptic in nature, temporal-lobe seizures, and are caused by an operable menangioma above her right ear.
  • Governments' lists of essential drugs should include antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptics, and tranquillisers, many of which are affordable even in low income countries.
  • An inquest found his death was the result of natural causes, after he suffered an epileptic fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is agreed that there is a continuing risk of his suffering epileptic fits, despite taking medication.
  • This problem is amplified by the fact that one-third of epileptics cannot adequately control their seizures with medication.
  • There may be a gradual or prolonged build-up of the episode rather than the abrupt onset typical of an epileptic seizure.
  • In 2008, the FDA warned that patients on all antiepileptic drugs should be "monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, or any unusual changes in mood or behavior," and warnings on drug labels were soon required. Martha Rosenberg: Moms-To-Be: Are You Taking This Dangerous Drug?
  • But “convulsive” epileptic events are not over in “a few seconds” without any residua. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waivers of Liability for “Gross Negligence”:
  • Will he or she end up with some form of long-term disability such as deafness, cerebral palsy or epileptic seizures? Times, Sunday Times
  • He worked as a farm labourer until he started to have a set of epileptic fits and he expired, as I say, eleven and a half years after the accident.
  • There are also forms of organically based temporary or transient amnesia, such as those induced by drug or alcohol intoxication or by epileptic seizures.
  • But this month FDA issued a warning that pregnant women who take the antiepileptic drug Topamax are 20 times as likely to have their babies develop cleft lip and cleft palate as they would otherwise be, says Reuters. Martha Rosenberg: Moms-To-Be: Are You Taking This Dangerous Drug?
  • Recently a dose of ninety-six grains, taken toxically, produced giddiness, then epileptic convulsions, with dilated pupils, and stertor of breathing. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • An inquest found his death was the result of natural causes, after he suffered an epileptic fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • At 18 months she began to suffer regular epileptic fits, caused by a non malignant tumour on her brain.
  • Jean, lenny is a nonlinear dynamicist by training, he works on a bunch of different things including brain waves in epileptics or something like that and also economics. Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
  • They decided to leave him until the ambulance arrived in case he was having an epileptic seizure. The Sun
  • But, there is no evidence that features like ‘anger’ are more common among epileptics.
  • Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
  • Family and friends say he was prone to epileptic fits, which were often brought on after binge drinking, though no alcohol was found in his blood after he died.
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • Some epileptics avoid normal activities because they fear the consequences of having seizures in public.
  • Will they strobe unexpectedly, causing epileptic fits in children?
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • Antiepileptics, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics are drugs that may be used as sedatives.
  • During this state one keeps on getting epileptic fits without regaining consciousness in between.
  • Dick had an epileptic fit, or, more properly speaking, an epileptiform convulsion, which had lasted about half an hour, and endangered his life. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • If the child has a history of epilepsy, it can be difficult to tell the difference between febrile convulsions and epileptic fits.
  • But in medicine it is used to describe the symptoms which presage the onset of an epileptic fit. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Here the symptoms were epileptic seizures, dance-like twitching, and formication.
  • Suddenly I had an epileptic fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suffered an epileptic fit.
  • The relation ship between the salivary and the blood Diphenylhydantoin (DPH) Levels in the epileptic (EP) patients with oral dosing DPH were studied.
  • It has been postulated that mesial temporal sclerosis may be related to a complicated delivery, febrile convulsions during childhood, and status epilepticus.
  • About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.
  • I've been told that dyslexics have less connections between the two lobes of the brain, instead of too many as with epileptics.
  • The subtleties of the disease are lost on many, and that's a great problem for many epileptics today.
  • The kindness was too much for the poor epileptic creature. Vanity Fair
  • They were mild epileptic fits. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • This progresses into "advanced stimulation" in which unresponsiveness, hyperreflexia, status epilepticus, irregular respirations (Cheynes-Stokes), malignant arrhythmias, and hypotension occurs. Cocaine Toxicity
  • During a juvenile myoclonic epileptic seizure, the hands, arms or whole body will start jerking, but the person doesn't lose consciousness or awareness.
  • To avoid the adverse effects of giving antiepileptic drugs for prolonged periods, rapidly acting anticonvulsants given only during fever periods have been used in an attempt to reduce the risk of recurrent febrile seizures.
  • A typical epileptic fit A would make you suddenly pass out and suffer jerky movements of your arms and legs. The Sun
  • A four year old boy has been nominated for an award for his quick thinking which helped rescue his mum after she collapsed with an epileptic seizure.
  • Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of video - EEG in infants with non - epileptic seizure.
  • Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of electropuncture on epileptic petit mal and its underlying mechanism.
  • She maintains that hypnotic subjects are asked basically to take on ‘what really amounts to a parody of epileptic symptoms.’
  • Brian, an epileptic who kept it under control provided he took his muti, left the Dispatch after a few more years and sadly died some time later when he suffered a serious fit.
  • A student died after developing a rare compulsive disorder that led him to seek hospital treatment he did not need for fake epileptic fits.
  • An epileptic fit was the most likely cause of his injury. The Sun
  • It may disrupt the patterns of synchronized electrical activity that constitute a seizure, or it may change the way blood flows through the brain in a way that's beneficial to epileptics.
  • Every lover fades away or violently deceases — cancer, car crash, overdose, never-ending coma, epileptic fit on Sunday, heart attack in Halfords, he fell off a block of flats, she jumped under a train — I live here alone. Bone Dust Disco
  • I mention that eighty percent of epileptics in developing countries, where the stigma is worst, have no access to medication.
  • He was epileptic and refused to take medication for his condition.
  • Objective To observe the abnormal rate of EEG in 3-year seizure-free epileptics and to guide drug withdrawal.
  • Residents said that one injured woman died in hospital of an epileptic seizure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pull quote: "Our mortality rate is 2-3 times that of the general population, between the seizure-related accidents, the suicides, the meds getting screwed up, SUDEP and status epilepticus. Friday!
  • When composed sufficiently to distinguish and recognize individual objects, he looked upon the gloomy visage and threatening eye of his brother, and shrunk back with a terror almost epileptical. The Hedge School; The Midnight Mass; The Donagh Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • Thus, this genome study is focused upon dogs exhibiting generalized epileptic seizures.
  • Seizures could be nonepileptic if evoked in the normal brain by treatments, such as electric shock or chemical convulsants, or epileptic when occurring without evident provocation.
  • The patient who passed away at Cayetano Heredia Hospital was a 50 year old male with Down syndrome, and the other 2 deaths in Essalud Grau Hospital are an epileptical 35 year old woman and a 29 year old male, reportes the press release issued by Minsa. Living in Peru : News
  • She cannot work as she now suffers frequent, violent epileptic fits.
  • This could be a huge epileptic fit or a car crash. The Sun
  • Antiepileptics, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics are drugs that may be used as sedatives.
  • The second is that he was experiencing an epileptic seizure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Availability of investigational antiepileptic medications. Pediatric Regional Epilepsy Program
  • What are the true risk factors for having an accident if you've had a history of epileptic seizures?
  • c. 1, l. 2, out of his own experience found, epileptical, with a multitude of humours in the head. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Others also do hang a cross made of the Elder and Sallow, mutually inwrapping one another, about the children's neck as anti-epileptick. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • One of Devinsky's patients is a teenage boy who showed up at the hospital in December with status epilepticus of unknown origin, although Devinsky suspects a brain lesion from an undiagnosed infection. In the Grip of the Unknown
  • For anyone who has not experienced one before, epileptic fits can be terrifying.
  • Some people accused of us of withholding medication so that the epileptic boxer dog featured in the film would have seizures on cue for the camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in medicine it is used to describe the symptoms which presage the onset of an epileptic fit. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • In this circumstance, nasopharyngeal electrodes inserted through the nasal cavity may show the epileptic activity more clearly.
  • During the Middle Ages, Europeans used walnuts to combat fevers, witchcraft, epileptic fits and even to prevent lightning.
  • He went so far as to question Scripture: "If there are thus no other signs necessary to demon possession, than those which are described by the Evangelists, [then] every epileptic, melancholiac, phrenetic, will have the devil in their body: and there will be more demoniacs in the world than fools. Carleton Cunningham: The Devil and the Religious Controversies of Sixteenth-Century France
  • AN epileptic cat torched his owner's house yesterday after accidentally turning on the electric hob during a seizure. The Sun
  • Generically known as pentobarbital, the drug was designed to treat epileptic seizures, and is also sometimes used to euthanize animals. Lundbeck 'Horrified' at Drug Execution Use
  • Sugar has long been linked to epileptic fits but avoiding it in foods is both difficult and miserable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mother sent her to a school for epileptics and she seemed to recover until, when she was 13, she started having seizures every day.
  • There are many advantages to sharing the same bed, most importantly, it is during sleep that we are most vulnerable, and another person in the same bed may improve ones chances of survival (fires, robbery, snakes, epileptic attacks, apnoeic attacks etc). Main RSS Feed
  • Anticonvulsants, such as phenytoin and carbamazepine, may be given to control epileptic fits.
  • But deaf mutes and epileptics both have the right to workplace accommodations, Ahmad said.
  • That compared to a rate of 0.38% to 0.55% in infants exposed to other antiepileptic drugs. FDA Strengthens Topamax Warning
  • I never saw myself as someone who could be epileptic, but then I'm sure most epileptics would say the same.
  • But does it make a difference that sacrificing a chicken does not control epileptic seizures? Christianity Today
  • On jokes and language: my problem with both the joke and the language is the come from a place where those with disability are "other", and thus are known only for their stereotypes, in this case a epileptic instead of a 'pollack' joke. Linguistically disabled?
  • He takes medication because he's an epileptic.
  • Publishing next week in the online, open access journal PLoS Biology, a new study reveals that early activation of astroglia, the main population of glial cells in the brain, by hyperactive neurons is one of the crucial events that predisposes neurons nearby to the generation of an epileptic discharge. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The discovery was made while surgeons endeavoured to find the origins of seizures being suffered by four epileptics.
  • You are bilious, and epileptical, and all the rest of it, and you are to be cured by diet and blue water. A Simpleton
  • Fereol speaks of a case of vertigo, accompanied with epileptic convulsions, which was caused by teniae. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Another is that he collapsed after suffering a fatal epileptic fit. The Sun
  • But in medicine it is used to describe the symptoms which presage the onset of an epileptic fit. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • She is doubly incontinent and epileptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Governments' lists of essential drugs should include antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptics, and tranquillisers, many of which are affordable even in low income countries.
  • It affects ten per cent of the population and there are more than six million migraine sufferers in the UK - more than the number of diabetics, epileptics and asthmatics combined.
  • Shoals of glittering sardine fry were everywhere, in shimmering clouds so dense they should have come with a warning to epileptics.
  • Neurontin, also known by its generic name gabapentin, is approved for use in Canada and the United States to help control epileptic seizures. CBC | Top Stories News
  • This photo shows two kinds of electrodes sitting atop a severely epileptic patient's brain after part of his skull was removed temporarily.
  • This progresses into "advanced stimulation" in which unresponsiveness, hyperreflexia, status epilepticus, irregular respirations (Cheynes-Stokes), malignant arrhythmias, and hypotension occurs. Cocaine Toxicity
  • Our products of therapeutic segment anti infective anti allergic gastrointestinals anti osteoporosis anti epileptic anti infective sedative anti depressant. Today's Video: You Know That This Still Happens Every Day - NASA Watch
  • In reply to a letter about transport services for diagnosed epileptics, he confirmed that a review will extend the scheme to include a wider range of disabled people, including those prevented from driving because of epilepsy.
  • These have not been proved to cause epileptic fits, but they can certainly be a source of irritation to other divers.
  • When the temporal lobe seizes, as it might during an epileptic incident, the onset is frequently marked by phantom smells, a condition called phantosmia (not to be confused with parosmia in which a present smell is distorted). Scientific Blogging
  • Her discharge from hospital was delayed by the fact that her toes were gangrenous (she would eventually lose them) and, because of blood clotting caused by the septicaemia, she had three epileptic seizures.
  • This could be a huge epileptic fit or a car crash. The Sun
  • In severe cases there may be weakness of the muscles, paralysis, speech disturbances, double vision or partial loss of the field of vision, and epileptic fits.
  • The moments of crisis are filmed like epileptic fits.
  • Some of the dog breeds with the ability to signal an epileptic seizure include, the poodle, German shepherd, golden retriever, and the Rottweiler.
  • He collapsed and died suddenly after not suffering an epileptic fit for several years.
  • The rigorous high-fat, low-carb diet used to treat epileptic seizures in children is probably safe in the short term.
  • In that time, he has come up with some rather wonderful inventions, including a sign-language telephone system for deaf people and a device to save epileptics from drowning in the bath.
  • Click here to read about Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy and status epilepticus. Friday!
  • Kirstie has had epilepsy since she was 18 and until recently suffered daily epileptic fits.
  • Epileptic seizures can also be evoked by electrical kindling of the entorhinal cortex or the perforant path (which leads to antidromic excitation of the entorhinal cortex, EC). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He also suffers from epileptic fits and may have Asperger's Syndrome.
  • Certain medicines, such as some antiepileptic drugs and the antibiotic drug trimethoprim, can interfere with folate levels.
  • Mr Sykes, 52, an epileptic, was nearly hit by the missiles and later suffered a minor fit he blames on the attack.
  • But in medicine it is used to describe the symptoms which presage the onset of an epileptic fit. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • METHODS 156 epileptic outpatients received valproic acid as monopharmacy or in combination with either the antiepileptic drug were monitored during their clinical routine care.
  • The ring was cast into the well, whereupon the maid became epileptical as formerly, and endured much misery for a long time. William Lilly's History of His Life and Times From the Year 1602 to 1681
  • Mild antiepileptic drugs, even if they do alter development, will still cause this child to thrive far more than if the kid went untreated. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
  • Epileptics were supposedly possessed by spirits that threw them to the ground and tormented them with convulsions.
  • Seizures can be fatal, especially the rare status epilepticus, a continuous convulsion lasting longer than 10 minutes. In the Grip of the Unknown
  • I was hopping around, stomping my feet, arms flailing about in a cross between ‘Riverdance’ and a vertical epileptic fit.
  • Parenteral paraldehyde may be indicated in the emergency treatment of status epilepticus and of convulsions induced by tetanus or eclampsia, when other agents are not effective.
  • Minor congenital anomalies affect 7 to 15 percent of infants exposed to antiepileptic drugs, which represents a twofold increase over that in the general population.
  • This would further be followed by epileptic fits, swoons, faints, wails and finally a happy reunion.
  • Also patron of epileptics and runaways; she is invoked against diabolic possession and mental disorders.
  • Connected to the terrible lucidity of the condemned man in the tumbril is the unearthly lucidity of the pre-epileptic aura, bliss without time or space, eternity in an instant.
  • Soloing over the burly stomp of a song called "Hurricane Season," the young New Orleans jazzman sounded as if he had captured an epileptic bumblebee in the space between his lips and the mouthpiece of his trumpet. FreeFest: For LDC Soundgarden, a roaring (and swirling) success
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • Here the symptoms were epileptic seizures, spastic movements, dance-like twitching, and formication.
  • They are also usually on medication, being prone to epileptic fits.
  • Three years ago, the film to launch the logo was withdrawn after complaints that it could provoke epileptic fits. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Canadian court heard how an epileptic driver had a seizure while driving and killed a cyclist.
  • For this reason Lombroso calls the occasional criminals "criminaloids," in order to show precisely that they have a distinctly abnormal constitution, though in a less degree than the born criminals, just as we have the metal and the metalloid, the epileptic and the epileptoid. Criminal Sociology
  • If a seizure is longer than 30 minutes and there ` s a high risk of death, it ` s a life - threatening situation, that ` s called status epilepticus. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • One prisoner suffered an epileptic fit, and all the others shouted for help.
  • Epileptic seizures can be fatal and many epileptics are seriously injured when the normal working of the neurones in the brain is interrupted for a few minutes, so some sufferers get specially trained dogs to detect a seizure.
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • Three days after her transfer, the news grew more ominous: An EEG showed that Donna's brain was being ravaged by continuous seizures, a condition known as nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Doctor's diagnosis drew laughs, but it saved woman's life
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • She is doubly incontinent and epileptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's been an epileptic from birth.
  • It is a triazine derivative chemically unrelated to any other antiepileptic drug.
  • The old charge, that he was an epileptic and that his revelations occurred when he was in the grip of epileptic fits, is now universally rejected by all serious scholars.
  • So psychotic epileptic disorder is really your own pet theory?
  • The second is that he was experiencing an epileptic seizure. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘People with sensitive lobes have experiences resembling those of epileptics,’ he says.
  • Based on these data, intranasal phenobarbital administration seems to render a suitable alternate delivery route for this antiepileptic drug, which should be further evaluated.
  • At his parents' Flamborough home, his condition worsened, and he suffered several prolonged epileptic fits.
  • The information gathered indicates that epilepsy and the neurotic predisposition to insanity need to be investigated as well as amentia, [5] and that the epileptics and neurotics, even among rural children, are more numerous than is usually supposed. Rural Problems of Today
  • Mega-doses of folic acid can produce convulsions, interfere with the anticonvulsant medication used by epileptics, and disrupt zinc absorption.
  • You should inform patients of the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAEED) Pregnancy Registry and encourage patients who become pregnant to enroll by calling 1-888-233-2334.
  • Most epileptics are quite emotionally stable and have no more difficulty adapting to life situations than the average person.
  • They have exerted a definite deterrent effect on the previous job discrimination experienced by epileptics and other people with medical handicaps.
  • J.Gastroenterol. genicity of antiepileptic drug combinations with the 18: 1107-1114. special emphasis on epoxidation of carbamazepine. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Prolonged status epilepticus has a mortality rate of 56 percent, and no patient with NMDA encephalitis and seizures as long as hers had ever been reported, Johnson said. Doctor's diagnosis drew laughs, but it saved woman's life
  • A million retina-scorching hand-drawn characters and colours zap epileptically at you as three billion zappy noises explode out of your speakers. SLACKERJACK – Dad ‘n’ Me
  • Soon people were coming to see Him from as far as Canada who were suffering from every kind of disease and disorder: mental illness, epileptics, paralytics, and Joshua healed them all.
  • If we adopt the assumption, then of course what medical materialism insists on must be true in a general way, if not in every detail: Saint Paul certainly had once an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure; George Fox was an hereditary degenerate; The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • One of our most recent modules for junior hospital doctors is on the treatment of patients with status epilepticus.
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • Mr. Bruce was also a man who had somewhat of the spirit of discerning future events, and did prophetically speak of several things that afterward came to pass, yea, and divers persons distracted (says an author [52]) and those who were past recovery with the epileptical disease, or falling sickness, were brought to Mr. Bruce, and were, after prayer by him in their behalf, fully restored from that malady. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • This could be a huge epileptic fit or a car crash. The Sun
  • Most epileptics are quite emotionally stable and have no more difficulty adapting to life situations than the average person.
  • It's also thought that some dogs may have the ability to sense epileptic seizures before they occur in their owners. The Sun
  • Stertorous breathing may occur after epileptic convulsions, but does not typically occur after psychogenic non-epileptic convulsions.
  • Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
  • But in medicine it is used to describe the symptoms which presage the onset of an epileptic fit. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Results: The 12 cases were demonstrated including 6 cases with generalized tonic-clonic seizure, 4 cases with status epilepticus, 1 case with partial motive seizure, 1 case without seizures.
  • Possible side effects include anxiety, panic attacks and first-time epileptic fits. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are able to resume ourselves after sleep, after an alcoholic stupor, after an epileptic fit, after prolonged coma.
  • An inquest found his death was the result of natural causes, after he suffered an epileptic fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you then add to the mix the devastation rendered by HIV / AIDS, the picture for epileptics is beginning to look pretty bleak.
  • Meanwhile, there is a goad opportunity for domestic pharmaceutical companies to develop Chinese antiepileptic drug market when the patent of the vital products expired.
  • I went to a car boot sale in the morning with my dogs and had a small epileptic fit.
  • I could only shrug, until the Cop who showed up, suggested that the drooling, flogged patient on the gurney was an epileptic. Torture by the State is Wrong
  • Doctors at the National Epilepsy centre at the Park hospital in Oxford carry out research into what can trigger epileptic fits.
  • It is important that an epileptic does not experience severe bouts of anger, as this can precipitate an epileptic attack.
  • About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.

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