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epileptic seizure

  1. convulsions accompanied by impaired consciousness

How To Use epileptic seizure In A Sentence

  • The connection between religious beliefs and epilepsy is a curiosity, but for those living with the difficulty of epileptic seizures these concerns may seem a little insensitive.
  • The rigorous high-fat, low-carb diet used to treat epileptic seizures in children is probably safe in the short term.
  • Epileptic seizures can also be evoked by electrical kindling of the entorhinal cortex or the perforant path (which leads to antidromic excitation of the entorhinal cortex, EC). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Here the symptoms were epileptic seizures, spastic movements, dance-like twitching, and formication.
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • Epileptic seizures can be fatal and many epileptics are seriously injured when the normal working of the neurones in the brain is interrupted for a few minutes, so some sufferers get specially trained dogs to detect a seizure.
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • The second is that he was experiencing an epileptic seizure. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we adopt the assumption, then of course what medical materialism insists on must be true in a general way, if not in every detail: Saint Paul certainly had once an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure; George Fox was an hereditary degenerate; The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • It's also thought that some dogs may have the ability to sense epileptic seizures before they occur in their owners. The Sun
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