How To Use Epidemiologic In A Sentence
One consequence of epidemiological research into the contribution of lifestyle factors to cancer risk has been to blame the individual who develops cancer.
Can nonstandardized bitewing radiographs be used to assess the presence of alveolar bone loss in epidemiologic studies?
The clinical research floor features materials for biostatistical analysis, epidemiological research and computer-based studies.
Research at CHOP
Are bitewings of value in epidemiological studies of dental caries?
Military medicine also requires a solid background in tropical medicine and hygiene, parasitology and a full understanding of epidemiological methods and preventive medicine.
Methods: 688 college students were undergone PPD experiment for epidemiological findings and statistical analysis.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 "reflects a sensible choice to leave complex epidemiological judgments about vaccine design to the FDA and the National Vaccine Program rather than juries," Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, referring to the Food and Drug Administration.
Supreme Court rules vaccine makers protected from lawsuits
Meanwhile, the epidemiological investigation continues in Guangdong province.
Commercial applications for the system include tests developed for use in unregulated areas such as epidemiologic surveillance, biological research, environmental testing, and forensic research.
epidemiological studies
The long-term epidemiological risk factors for sudden cardiac death greatly resemble those for coronary artery disease.
Swallowing fluoride creates dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow, brown and / or stained teeth - now afflicting up to 48\% of school children, up to 4\% moderate / severe, according to the The CDC's 2001 fluoride recommendations says, "The laboratory and epidemiologic research that has led to the better understanding of how fluoride prevents dental caries indicates that fluoride's predominant effect is posteruptive and topical ...
Scientific Blogging
Ongoing epidemiological studies suggest a slightly increased threat of breast cancer in women exposed to synthetic diethylstilbestrol.
Important epidemiologic concepts and common biostatistical terms to help clinicians translate medical research into everyday practice. - medical news plus CME for physicians
There is a trend for alcohol limits to become tighter - a trend more related to the increasing sobriety of the wider political climate than to the emergence of epidemiological evidence justifying a more abstemious policy.
He introduced reliable methods of assessment and measurement, and an epidemiological framework, and thereby overturned many of the previous conclusions.
The medical/legal findings in this study, causal or not, are horrendous and therefore it is important that the suggested epidemiological, pharmacokinetic and animal studies be performed.
The Panic Virus
Green tea has shown remarkable anti-inflammatory and cancer chemopreventive effects in many animal tumor bioassays, cell culture systems, and epidemiological studies.
Ongoing epidemiological studies suggest a slightly increased threat of breast cancer in women exposed to synthetic diethylstilbestrol.
Conclusion: OAP is a good diagnosis index for epidemiologic study of population osteoarthritis.
Clearly, there is much to do both epidemiologically and virologically to contain the global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Discussion Epidemiological data based upon population studies have indicated a positive association between dietary cholesterol and colorectal cancer.
The increasing direct epidemiological evidence that relates insulin-like growth factor-I to the risk of cancer is consistent with more circumstantial evidence.
Epidemiological evidence show the incidence of esophageal and oral cancers is rising in recent years.
Method Combine the investigation of Epidemiological with the hydrography data.
You could take this as vindicating Pollan's view that industrial manipulation of food almost always makes it worse — except that this is just the kind of epidemiologic evidence his book disparages.
Finding Meaning in Each Mouthful
In epidemiologic studies, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are often more protective against diseases than fibre supplements.
Objective: To summarize the epidemiologic features of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (ECM) in Bengbu area and to provide clinical basis for the prevention and control of ECM.
There have long been epidemiological suggestions that lack of fibre or excess of red meat in the diet is to blame.
In addition, a review of 11 long-term epidemiologic studies published in the journal Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors, which also covers more than 100 sources of recent medical and scientific literature on this topic.
Signs of the Times
One epidemiologic study found that cotton mill workers with byssinosis had increased nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness compared with coworkers without byssinosis in the same mill.
Both of the studies you linked are observational studies often called epidemiologic studies and as such they don’t prove anything.
Resistant starch | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Object To study the epidemiological and aetiological charactristic of infective endocarditis.
Furthermore, epidemiologic data in presymptomatic individuals with longitudinal follow-up are not well-established.
Hamm's screenplay goes some way towards bringing the story into the 21st century by having the protagonist explain his theory of an epidemiological root cause to a room full of Old White Men--generals, politicians, and other people interested in doing something, even if they don't comprehend the severity of the situation--whereas in the original story the epidemiological theory is dismissed and the UN's solution to the problem of 'femicide' is half-hearted at best.
"The Screwfly Solution" by James Tiptree Jr.
This dramatic shift in the illnesses that cause the majority of death and disability has been divided into 4 stages known as the epidemiologic transition.
JAMA current issue
The consequence, as malariologist Lewis Hackett 1884-1962 wistfully wrote in the 1930s, is that malaria is so moulded and altered by local conditions that it becomes a thousand different diseases and epidemiological puzzles.
Scourge of Humankind
The authors also cited a dozen previous epidemiologic studies associating vitamin C with a protective effect.
Available epidemiological data are consistent with a directly protective effect of vaccine against SSPE mediated by preventing measles.
Some epidemiological studies support the Fathalla hypothesis.
Infectious origins are suspected for many human diseases of unknown etiology, on the basis of epidemiologic and clinical features.
To do so, a company would have to market the product for many years and conduct long-term epidemiologic studies.
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary
Epidemiological data from the US and Canada show a blip up in colon cancer cases after the introduction of folate-fortified foods (mostly breads) in these countries, further supporting the idea that high dose folate supplementation may not be such a good idea.
Folic Acid Supplementation - Too Much of a Good Thing?
The long-term epidemiological risk factors for sudden cardiac death greatly resemble those for coronary artery disease.
The change in classification frees up federal funding for round-the-clock research and steps up authorization for nationwide epidemiological studies.
The increase in the risk of cancer was based on a meta- analysis of the 26 epidemiological studies. -- Top News
Case reports and several epidemiologic studies conducted during interpandemic periods also indicate that pregnancy increases the risk for influenza complications for the mother and might increase the risk for adverse perinatal outcomes or delivery complications.
Interestingly, in evaluating villages in India where turmeric is used in abundance in curried recipes, epidemiological studies have found that Alzheimer's disease is only about 25 percent as common as in the U.S.
David Perlmutter, M.D.: Neurogenesis: How to Change Your Brain
Such families are rare for the common diseases now at the centre of genetic epidemiological research.
H pylori infection has been shown in prospective epidemiological studies to be a risk factor for gastric cancer.
Evidence linking vitamin antioxidants and cancer obtained from epidemiological studies is conflicting.
Last month, an epidemiological study of 51, 704 melanoma cases nationwide showed that melanomas of the scalp and neck are disproportionately fatal.
These reagents, as well as reference procedures for specialized diagnostic and molecular epidemiologic approaches, are usually not produced commercially.
Experts, however, remain divided over epidemiological research that has suggested that water fluoridation might be linked to osteoporosis, dental fluorosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other health problems.
The film should probably be seen by all health professionals dealing with obesity - especially those, who widely promote the general ideology that thinner is healthier (even though epidemiological studies clearly tell us that this IS NOT THE CASE!).
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » When Fashion Meets Obesity Prevention
Epidemiological investigation showed that etiological agent of northeast tiger pasteurella Multocida maybe comes from the food.
It says a long-term epidemiological study should be set up in the area to establish if there are any clusters of diseases which might be attributable to the radar's presence.
First, the epidemiologic studies are associative and do not indicate a definite causal link between smoking and decreased risk of disease.
The increase in the risk of cancer was based on a meta- analysis of the 26 epidemiological studies. -- Top News
Hunt and colleagues analyzed data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions ( NESARC ).
We have just seen with Type A influenza that modern "agrobusiness" is now going to "breed" increasing numbers of epidemics on "factory farms" (the American Epidemiological Association has called for them to be banned for that reason).
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While death certificates are a convenient source of epidemiological data, their validity for the study of the dementing diseases is questionable.
Because of their predominance, it is necessary to discriminate between the various serotypes in the course of epidemiological investigations and a fairly sophisticated technique called phage typing is used for this purpose in many countries.
Chapter 2
epidemiological team is "continuing to oversee diagnosis, surveillant and treatment protocols, as we work with the Haitian government and other partners to stem the outbreak.
Much of sub-Saharan Africa's clinical and epidemiological research capacity, regulatory expertise, and pharmaceutical production capacity is concentrated in South Africa.
We now have an overwhelming consensus amongst well-designed, large, epidemiologic studies suggesting this inverse relationship between folate intake and the risk of developing colon-rectal cancer.
Objective To explore the epidemiological relationship between animals and human penicillium marneffei ( PM ).
This is because few cancer epidemiological studies incorporate the multistage, multimechanism concept of carcinogenesis in the design, execution and interpretation of their studies.
In epidemiological and interventional studies blood pressure predicts morbidity and mortality in elderly people as effectively as in the young.
However, epidemiological evidence suggests that trans fats account for about 100,000 premature deaths from cardiological disease in the United States each year.
It tries to use crude epidemiological models like those used to study disease and applies them to the conscious infliction of violence by human beings.
The epidemiological evidence weighs heavily against such a link.
Experimental and epidemiological studies suggest a high concentration of estriol may be necessary to modulate the impact of the high concentrations of estradiol and estrone seen in pregnancy.
Nurses administered epidemiological questionnaires, made physical measurements, and recorded an electrocardiogram.
The epidemiologic concepts of “incidence” and “prevalence” may be relevant here.
The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Turn Good News into Bad News
Further careful epidemiological research is needed to clarify who benefits most from such treatment.
Started "(covering basic foundational issues such as epidemiologic methods), followed by
Infection Control Today Site Wide Content Feed
Dr. Michael Thun, vice president emeritus of epidemiological research for the American Cancer Society, said it isn't surprising that the study would fail to detect any major trends so soon after attacks.
WTC studies find no big jump in cancer, deaths
Objective For further understanding epidemiologic features and degree of schistosomiasis japonica in the lake region.
To date, epidemiological and animal studies have linked some cases to high exposure to various pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, including paraquat and maneb.
The most epidemiological important are reservoirs, such as some marsupials, edentates and rodents, because of their habits and favorable circumstantial local conditions, as disforesting, weeding and plowing, are capable to approximate to humans and play a significant role in linking the sylvatic and domestic cycles of the parasite.
Epidemiological and virological surveillance of influenza in Sichuan during 1995 - 1999 have been analyzed in this paper.
Again, retrospective epidemiological investigation showed that this patient had infected several contacts.
Available epidemiological data are consistent with a directly protective effect of vaccine against SSPE mediated by preventing measles.
Epidemiological, clinical and pathological data from all patients treated in our institute have been recorded on a computerized database since 1996.
In this multicentre epidemiological survey, similar patterns of results were observed in various areas of the world
In principle this molecular epidemiological approach, in conjunction with ecological data, will allow estimation of the risk that houses will be reinvaded after spraying.
USDA has initiated an epidemiological investigation to determine the animal's herd of origin.
A 1993 epidemiological study found the town's residents suffered higher rates of cancer than the state average.
Methods: Through epidemiologic investigation, classified grains were collected according to different grain drying modes.
Evidence from epidemiological studies seems to show consistently that intake of dietary fat and meat is positively related to risk of colorectal cancer.
Epidemiological studies, for example, can help to identify factors contributing to particular human diseases.
Some researchers argue that non-type specific immunity deserves consideration today because the epidemiological circumstances may differ from those in the past.
Many individual strands of medical research come together to explain the long-established epidemiological finding that churched people live longer, healthier lives than unchurched people.
Access to stockpiled vaccine is restricted to containing epidemiologically and virologically confirmed outbreaks of smallpox.
Epidemiologic evidence shows a strong association between vertigo and migraine.
For understanding disease causation and to describe the impact of risk factors for disease, the traditional epidemiological measures are absolute and relative risk.
Although numerous epidemiological studies have examined the association between risk of cervical cancer and dietary cofactors, most studies appear to have methodological limitations.
Evidence from epidemiological studies is strong that men with high occupational or recreational physical activity seem to have a decreased risk of colon cancer.
Epidemiologic data reveal that approximately one fourth of persons with tinnitus are discomforted by it, whereas the remaining three fourths experience the condition without significant symptoms.
His response to the failure of either virological or epidemiological studies to confirm his initial hypothesis has been to reformulate it to make it ever wider and more diffuse.
In our view, however, the cautious approach is not to ignore the epidemiological evidence of declining semen quality.
Clinical and epidemiological data were collected from domiciliary cases and also from patients attending two medical camps that had been set up for the purpose.
Poor exposure assessment, insofar as it is nondifferential, distorts the epidemiological measures of association toward the null value.
Methods A descriptive epidemiological analysis was made on the data of epidemic situation monitoring for typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever in the whole province.