How To Use Epicurean In A Sentence
Lord A---- has tasted all the _nouveaux plats à la mode_, for at Paris new dishes are as frequently invented as new bonnets or caps; and the proficiency in the culinary art which he has acquired will render him an oracle at his clubs, until the more recent arrival of some other epicurean from the French capital deposes his brief sovereignty.
The Idler in France
As a young man he took well to the Epicurean view of freedom and independence of spirit, though this led him into the alley of atheism.
They are great, splendid establishments, with wide, overhung, awninged terraces, and potted plants and electric lights and gold and tinsel, and mixed drinks and ices and sorbets, and all the epicurean cold things which one may find in the best establishment in Paris.
The Automobilist Abroad
One might conclude, as some did in antiquity, that Arcesilaus therefore had a hidden objective of undermining Stoic or Epicurean empiricism in favor of Platonic doctrine.
He was dealing with ‘certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics’.

The highest conception Caliban can achieve by natural reason is of the Quiet - an indifferent, absentee, Epicurean God.
Then a woman called Jenny McPherson, who had in early life, like "a good Scotch louse," who "aye travels south," found her way from Lochaber to London, where she had got into George's kitchen, and learned something better than to make sour kraut, was the individual who administered to her master's epicureanism, if not gulosity.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
In this outcome, the role of Gassendi, who cham - pioned an empiricism of Epicurean stamp, paralleled and soon merged with that of Locke.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
First, there's the unrepentantly epicurean philosophy.
Times, Sunday Times
The author chiefly represented in the collection is Philodemus, an Epicurean philosopher of the 1st century BC who taught Virgil, the greatest Latin poet, and probably also Horace.
There wasn't much epicurean exuberance or bonhomous hospitality.
Times, Sunday Times
A moment in heaven is infinitely pleasurable, so even if heaven lasts no longer than that, that moment outweighs a lifetime of Epicurean pleasures.
Bird watchers, epicureans and natural food lovers can all take pleasure in this garden.
What happens in the next three hours could well be an epicurean's delight.
cloyless sauce of epicurean cook," but the guerdon of the battle is none the less Mark Antony.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
Diogenes of Oenoanda propagated Epicurean doctrines in Asia Minor, inscribing them on the wall of a Stoa in his home town.
In this age of dietary obsessions and national guilt about fat, the joy of eating and the quirks of the palate are seldom discussed, a dirty little epicurean secret.
If Edward Cowell hadn't been able to interest Edward FitzGerald in the study of the Persian language in 1852 and brought to FitzGerald's notice in 1856 a Persian manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, then FitzGerald would not have translated these ‘Epicurean tetrastichs by a Persian of the eleventh century’.
The Epicureans, not being able to shut their eyes against this glaring difficulty, that strikes at the very foundation of their whole system, have, for a last shift, invented what Lucretius calls clinamen -- by which is meant a motion somewhat declining or bending from the straight line, and which gives atoms the occasion to meet and encounter.
The Existence of God
But why then did not those profound rabbies amongst the Jews, and the Stoicks and Epicureans (those oracles of reason) amongst the philosophers, baffle and refel these babblers, and so dashing their absurd doctrine in its first rise, prevent its spreading, by a mature and thorough confutation?
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
With that shadow of the epicurean which is apt to be found upon all civilised hearts, she felt that it did her good to realise how nice he was, just as a fresh flower or a strong wind would have done her good.
What Necessity Knows
Bored and whimsical, he indulges an idle, faintly epicurean interest in a beautiful boy sporting on the beach; then he is transfigured by epiphanic agony as the older man falls in love with the younger.
It is also possible that the Epicureans, whose aim was also ataraxia, learned something from Pyrrho; there are indications of an association between Pyrrho and Nausiphanes, the teacher of Epicurus.
Does that make me an epicurean cynic or a cynical epicurean?
The only way to be sure was to seek out the epicurean delights of the luxury sandwich.
Times, Sunday Times
Thanks to my dear mum my pantry and freezer is stocked with a litany of epicurean failures.
“She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady.
Christian who in fact is only a kind of Epicurean, and who, with his belief that “faith saves,” carries the principle of Hedonism _as far as possible_ — far beyond all intellectual honesty.
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
It's a curious East/West schism that Japanese horror somehow becomes more delicate, more epicurean, when it is most gruellingly sadistic, whereas Western horror almost always forfeits its sophistication when crossing these lines, too blunt to be effectively cruel.
Archive 2006-04-23
When it gets right down to it, I'm a shameless epicurean.
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Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
Communities of Epicureans sprang up throughout the Hellenistic world; along with Stoicism, it was one of the major philosophical schools competing for people's allegiances.
With traditional shop-keeping, this Elgin institution has been a purveyor of fine wines, cheeses, meats, Mediterranean goodies, unusual breads and other epicurean delights for nearly a century.
In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.
In the first stage, the innate, initial impulse of a living organism, plant, or animal is self-love and not pleasure, as the rival Epicureans contend.
Even to-day, when we call a person an "Epicurean," we think of him as a selfish pleasure seeker.
Early European History
He was a devoted follower of the teachings of Epicurus—“that pleasure is the beginning and end of living happily”—although I hasten to add that he was an Epicurean not in the commonly misunderstood sense, as a seeker after luxury, but in the true meaning, as a pursuer of what the Greeks call ataraxia, or freedom from disturbance.
He married a baroness and went on to write a doctoral dissertation on an unusual topic, ‘Epicureanism’.
Why is Johnson able to discuss the philosophical materialism of the Epicureans here with such dispassion and even-dare one say-good humor?
While following this epicurean lifestyle, the people fail to nurture their inner self and land themselves in trouble.
Reductionism was the outcome of combining the atomism that early modern physicists took over from Epicureanism with the notion of deterministic laws of physics.
Nancey Murphy - Is “Nonreductive Physicalism” an Oxymoron?
However, the real success story has been in the West Country - where towns such as Bath and Bristol have pulled in the tourists as well as local epicureans.
In the face of the demands of the state for outward conformity, freedom can only be found by retreating into oneself, by taking refuge in a philosophy such as Stoicism, Epicureanism, or Scepticism.
But a teensy bit dull, if you're a blasé, overstimulated epicurean from the bijoux stews of bohemia.
Times, Sunday Times
The Cyrenaics make fun of the Epicurean theory by saying that this state of being free of desires and pain is the condition of a corpse.
Gourmands and epicureans aren't always nice, and they're not always entirely sane, but they are always interesting - and the best of them enlightening, in a way that transcends recipes and digestion.
The stated goal of Epicureanism is ataraxia, or tranquility of mind.
I don't consider one order of calamari and two glasses of water between two people in a German restaurant very epicurean.
He was well-read in Greek and Latin literature and found his favorite authors among the great pagans expositors of tolerance and secularism - Plato, Plutarch, Cicero, the Skeptics and Epicureans.
It asserted that epicurean delights come from God, as do the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and joy.
But this is hardly a new idea, as biography was a central tool in philosophical instruction in the ancient world, obviously with the example of Socrates, but also in the various later Hellenistic schools, like the Stoics and Epicureans.
I have to admit to a certain amount of epicurean bigotry here.
Napoleon was a gourmet with several famous dishes attributed to his chef, and his countrymen spend a great deal of time and energy holing up for winter with a larder of epicurean proportions.
Anger, as Aristotle, Epicureans, and Stoics all argue, is not a mere animal reaction; it involves an attitude towards an object that is based upon certain beliefs.
Epicurean philosophy
“She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady.
an epicurean banquet
It was an extraordinary breach of European epicurean etiquette that could not be allowed to go unchallenged.
Only the fantastic touch about 'green ice' ranks it as 'metaphysical', for it is in fact an experiment in the manner of the Horatian ode, not the heroic ode, but the lighter Epicurean, meditative strain of 'Solvitur acris hiems' and 'Vides ut alta stet nive candidum', description yielding abruptly to reflection.
Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C
By these three virtues we ascend to philosophize in that celestial Athens where Stoics and Peripatetics and Epicureans, by the light of eternal truth, join ranks in a single harmonious will.
But then, legitimate or not, this kind of appeal to nature runs through almost all of ancient ethics: it can be traced in the moral theories of Plato, Aristotle, the Epicureans, and the Stoics, among others.
The International Arts Festival has only just finished when lo and behold, the Crab Festival is upon us - a day of feasting on delicious crabs claws, crab sandwiches and crabs cooked in all manner of epicurean delight.
By the 1640s such challenges were being reinforced by a new wave of Epicurean science and philosophy.
Among them, too, I found a great deal of superstition mixed with the Christian truths; but the difference was that the superstitions of the believers of our circle were quite unnecessary to them and were not in conformity with their lives, being merely a kind of epicurean diversion; but the superstitions of the believers among the labouring masses conformed so with their lives that it was impossible to imagine them to oneself without those superstitions, which were a necessary condition of their life. the whole life of believers in our circle was a contradiction of their faith, but the whole life of the working-folk believers was a confirmation of the meaning of life which their faith gave them.
A Confession
But over the past decade the best chefs haven't been content to build a single epicurean temple.
Other schools of thought - the Stoics, the Epicureans, the Sceptics - dominated the philosophical stage, and the sciences developed separately from philosophy and became the domain of specialists.
They lift the curtain on a hitherto unknown community of philosophical debate among Epicureans and with other schools.
He also defended original views in the debate between the Stoics and Epicureans on human freedom, determinism, and the truth-values of statements about the future.
The best illustration of this world view - a view of thought rather than of action - was the Stoic and Epicurean therapies of the Hellenistic Age.
This has been called the Epicurean Hypothesis, because Epicurus, while nominally admitting the existence of God, denied the creation of the world, and ascribed its origin to atoms supposed to have been endued with motion or certain inherent properties and powers, and to have been self-existent and eternal.
Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
At eight o’clock the first of Brine’s employees arrived to man the register while Brine busied himself ordering what he called Epicurean necessities: pastries, im-ported cheeses and beers, pipe tobacco and cigarettes, homemade pasta and sauces, freshly baked bread, gourmet coffees, and Califor-nia wines.
Practical Demonkeeping
First, it must be the general tendency of atoms to move in straight lines given that the atoms here do not feature the clinamen, or swerve (contrary to the Epicurean tradition, though perhaps as Epicurus himself would say).
Pierre Gassendi
He had, when young for English public life, attained to high office; but -- partly from a great distaste to the drudgery of administration; partly from a pride of temperament, which unfitted him for the subordination that a Cabinet owes to its chief; partly, also, from a not uncommon kind of epicurean philosophy, at once joyous and cynical, which sought the pleasures of life and held very cheap its honours -- he had obstinately declined to re-enter office, and only spoke on rare occasions.
Kenelm Chillingly — Volume 04
Thanks to my dear mum (often referred to as Yeah-Smother instead of Yes, Mother) my pantry and freezer is stocked with a litany of epicurean failures.
He wrote to defend the Stoic view of the universe, and in particular to defend mathematics from attacks which had been made on it by Sceptic philosophers and by Epicurean philosophers.
Take a break from gorp and beef jerky and make lunch on a day hike an epicurean feast.
Students of philosophy in the ancient world could (unless they were Epicureans) expect to study both Aristotelian and Stoic logic, which were seen as complementary, although there could be disputes as to which was the more important.
One of the great achievements of the scientific imagination, the Epicurean cosmos is based on three fundamental principles: materialism, mechanism, and atomism.
Unlike the stuffy, overpriced hotel restaurants of yesteryear, the new dining options can stand up to the best epicurean eateries.
The only way to be sure was to seek out the epicurean delights of the luxury sandwich.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a contrarian melange of reasonable gastronomic meritocracy and vaunting epicurean elitism.
Times, Sunday Times
The Pyrrhonists sought the truth, even if most of the time that meant that they sought contrary arguments to dogmatic positions held by other philosophers, such as the Stoics or Epicureans.
On one extreme, we have toilers who feed the beast on a daily basis, always on the edge of burn-out; on the other, there are those who maintain a more epicurean approach to their job.
There is an abundance of powerfully voiced republicanism, anticlerical fervour and epicurean life.
Herbert himself sat throned like an Epicurean god in the pure halo of cultivated pococurantism.
The unmonastic retreat of Amurath was that of an epicurean rather than of a dervis; more like that of Sardanapalus than of Charles the Fifth.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
She advised that I take a stroll into the centre of town where such epicurean delights as sausage suppers lathered in curry sauce were to be had.
The first is epicurean: of the 55 paintings presented, most of them are the best of what their creators made.
One line of thinking, sometimes referred to as the Epicurean line, is utilitarian.
Think Progress » Washington Post on access to prewar intel:
Unlike other Hellenistic schools, such as those of Aristotle and the Stoics, the Epicureans were not greatly interested in formal logic, but they certainly needed a theory of the formation of beliefs.
And in the last decade, Sweden's pioneering and inventive cuisine has placed it among the world's top epicurean destinations.
Chæremon had no reason for saying that the Ancient Egyptians, inventors of the sacred fables, and adorers of the Sun and the other luminaries, saw in the Universe only a machine, without life and without intelligence, either in its whole or in its parts; and that their cosmogony was a pure Epicureanism, which required only matter and movement to organize its world and govern it.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
The day is not far off when chefs from 15-member-hotels of the South Indian Culinary Association will spread out a dream menu for epicureans.
But why should this once lowly dessert have risen to such epicurean realms?
Here the influence of Stoic and Epicurean ethics is evident.
The view that emotions are irrational was eloquently defended by the Epicureans and Stoics.
Aristotle's philosophy had fallen into neglect and disarray in the second generation after his death and remained in the shadow of the Stoics, Epicureans, and Academic skeptics throughout the Hellenistic age.
I had my food and let's face it, it wasn't the stuff of epicureans.
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Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
Malken can get poetically drunk, and usually does, on one cocktail; Aaron Hancock is an expert wine-bibber; and Terrence McFane, knowing little of one drink from another, and caring less, can put ninety-nine men out of a hundred under the table and go right on lucidly expounding epicurean anarchy.
Although Zeno's Epicurean philosophy of the desire for pleasure seems the direct opposite of the Stoic's ethic of duty, the consequences on how they lived their lives were quite similar.
She was, for example, one of the first to import Gassendi's revival of Epicurean atomism from France into England: unlike her counterparts, Cavendish did not feel the need to purge atomism of suspected atheism.
At eight o’clock the first of Brine’s employees arrived to man the register while Brine busied himself ordering what he called Epicurean necessities: pastries, imported cheeses and beers, pipe tobacco and cigarettes, homemade pasta and sauces, freshly baked bread, gourmet coffees, and California wines.
Practical Demonkeeping
It turns out that the world abounds in ideas for one-shot Epicurean breakfasts - the wedge of pate, the smoked duck breast, the tureen of menudo, the brace of marrow bones.
You may tell me, if you like, that I am a _pandour_, and that my taste has been perverted by a life of unbridled Epicureanism; you may tell me that the charms of duplicity, of falsehood, and of this connivance in the guise of a childish deception, are exercising a morbid fascination over my demoralized heart.
French and Oriental Love in a Harem
The view that emotions are irrational was eloquently defended by the Epicureans and Stoics.
Alex McRaeFood: Sticky SpoonsFollowing the makers of olive oil and chocolate, beekeepers are increasingly using local flora to create epicurean varieties of honey that any food snob could love: Volcano Island Honey Co. harvests the flowers of kiawe trees on the Big Island to make its tropical and creamy Rare Hawaiian Organic White Honey ($11; volcanoislandhoney. com).
The Good Life
Certainly that remarkable man was an "epicurean" -- but one, to quote Meredith, "whom Epicurus would have scourged out of his garden"; and the statement made by the critic in question that _The Renaissance_ is the book referred to in _The
Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
For me, one of the most satisfying Epicurean experiences was the Bengali wedding feast - a lavish affair where everything served between the appetiser and the dessert delights the palate and all harmonise into a mouth-watering meal.
Ask any gourmet and he will swear by the bewitching biryani about the place being an epicurean's nirvana.
Many great scholars, scientists, and educators have notoriously lacked the civic virtues by being resident aliens, cosmopolitans, or epicureans.
Mr. Quin, whose distinguishing tooth hath been so justly celebrated, had lately visited Plymouth, and had done those honors to the doree which are so justly due to it from that sect of modern philosophers who, with Sir Epicure Mammon, or Sir Epicure Quin, their head, seem more to delight in a fish-pond than in a garden, as the old Epicureans are said to have done.
The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
Although the term "epicurean" has come to describe a person devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, Epicurus was wise and moderate and condemned man's destructive passion for political climbing.
Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 30/6/09
To forgo the leisured lifestyle, to abstain from epicurean pleasures of over-indulgence, is no mean task.
She advised that I take a stroll into the centre of town where such epicurean delights as sausage suppers lathered in curry sauce were to be had.
The article on Epicurus, however, is quite valuable, since it contains some original letters of that philosopher, which comprise a summary of the Epicurean doctrines.
“She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady.
The Epicureans formed more of a closed community than other schools, and promoted a philosophy of a simple, pleasant life lived with friends.
He led the litany with, ‘Christians, avaunt! ‘and the crowd responded, ‘Epicureans, avaunt!’
One scientist first accepted the Epicurean objection to determinism, and then changed his mind.
St. Evremond was a kind of Epicurean philosopher, and drew his own character in the following terms, in a letter to Count de Grammont.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
Miss or Mrs.) is being remarkably patient with his five-thumbed student, as yet again, I produce something that more resembles a slug dozing on a rice mattress, than the kind of epicurean masterpiece customers -- and celebrities -- pay top dollar for.
Rolling Sushi With Nobu
With a daring, inventive Tuscan menu, it is a favorite of Florentine and foreign epicureans.
Gassendi, for example, embarked on a wholehearted revival and modification of Epicurean atomism, which had a considerable impact on natural philosophy.
Through his vehemence he made many adversaries, particularly among the Academic and Epicurean philosophers.
epicurean pleasures
I've been reading the Epicureans all morning, and I'm probably wondering why nobody's come up with anything more sensible since.
By these three virtues we ascend to philosophize in that celestial Athens where Stoics and Peripatetics and Epicureans, by the light of eternal truth, join ranks in a single harmonious will.
The ancient Greek Stoics seem to me to have done better with these distinctions than the Epicureans, on whom I focus in this paper.
The nimble fingers of epicureans moulded vegetables into new forms and shapes.
The ‘therapeutic’ understanding of emotion which was developed by Stoic and Epicurean philosophers out of Plato and Aristotle is a striking case of this convergence of contemporary feminism with some ancient philosophical concerns.
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Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
Are we justified, for example (we being Epicurean philosophers living in Italy) in inferring that because all the humans we have observed are mortal, so are humans in hitherto undiscovered countries, such as Britain?
According to the Epicureans, death simply meant the end of sensation, as one's atoms came apart.
The contribution by Epicureanism consists in inclusion of corporeal pleasure into a philosophical vision to emphasize the importance of personal liberty.
Consistent with the egalitarian spirit of Epicureanism, Bentham's goal was the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
A blistering attack on Lucretius' republican Epicurean poem underlies the poet's passionate Stoic hymns to the mystical order governing the multiplicity and diversity of creation.
The nimble fingers of epicureans moulded vegetables into new forms and shapes.
To forgo the leisured lifestyle, to abstain from epicurean pleasures of over-indulgence, is no mean task.
He argued against the Epicureans that their commitment to free will does not require the rejection of the principle of bivalence applied to propositions about the future or the postulation of an uncaused swerve among the atoms.
To reach the highest degree of amazing extravagance, the Epicureans have had the assurance to explain and account for what we call the soul of man and his free-will, by the clinamen, which is so unaccountable and inexplicable itself.
The Existence of God
There are some important parallels in the Hellenistic Stoics and Epicureans to certain themes in Zhuangzi.
There is little compassion that these "moneybags" will have to give up such epicurean delights as foie gras and oxtail marmalade for the opium of the masses - dal-chawal. Largest Circulated Indian Magazine In USA
Yes, this is the new face of chain restaurants: individual concepts, adapted to specific locales and audiences, with none of the anonymous mediocrity that made "chain" a dirty word in epicurean circles.
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Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
Is there any space for ideas like honour, responsibility and service in a hedonist or Epicurean philosophy?
My take is that she is 'Epicurean' eye candy and her lack of actual skill is aptly demonstrated by the fact that she knows not how to use a knife but resorts to using a mezzaluna on the most impractical things.
At My Table
To forgo the leisured lifestyle, to abstain from epicurean pleasures of over-indulgence, is no mean task.
The Epicurean with his em - phasis on pleasure and his dislike of “culture” never - theless saw, by using his reason, that most pleasures are the prelude to pain and that the avoidance of pain is the sanest form of hedonism.
The remainder of the book is devoted to a full account of Epicurean cosmology and sociology, with the poet explaining the stages of life on earth and the origin and development of civilization.
The Stoics and Epicureans hold that happiness depends on detachment from vulnerable or difficult to obtain external goods and consists in a psychological state more under one's own direct control.
The existence particularly of Christian Epicurean tracts on happiness may seem odd, even a contradiction in terms.