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How To Use Epic poem In A Sentence

  • The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is.
  • We discover why the epic poem is considered one of the greatest works of the human spirit.
  • His career has followed the arc of an epic poem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seamus Heaney is one of the United Kingdom's most respected poets and Beowulf stands as one of the greatest epic poems in English literature.
  • They composed and sang epic poems of unsurpassed beauty and insight.
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  • His career has followed the arc of an epic poem. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the epic poems he is identified with Śukra, the regent of the planet Venus, and described as the preceptor of the Asuras or Daityas, and possessor of vast knowledge. Ramayana. English
  • Since the Chinese literati discovered Homer at the beginning of the twentieth century, they have keenly felt the lack of a national epic poem, their own traditional fiction of knight-errant wuxia stories being considered too episodic and prosaic. Jamyang Norbu: Language, Identity & Revolution in Tibet
  • Milton formed the intention of writing a great epic poem, as he tells us, as early as 1639.
  • When first working with a client, Sheehan likes to film them reading the first few stanzas of the epic poem Casey at the Bat.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge said in the introduction to his epic poem Kubla Khan that he had ‘heard’ the whole thing in an opium-induced slumber.
  • Inspired by Derek Walcott's epic poem ‘Omeros,’ it explores Creole identity.
  • His career has followed the arc of an epic poem. Times, Sunday Times
  • With fantasy the insularity is even worse: the fantasy reader who has not read the original ancient epic poems of which modern fantasy is merely a variation or imitation runs the risk of being unduly impressed with a watered-down and modernized version of a rich and ancient literary tradition. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • As he says in the introduction, ‘There is an attempt here to create an epic poem.’
  • Shortly before the premiere, Graham suggested the title Appalachian Spring, drawn from Hart Crane's epic poem, The Bridge:O Appalachian Spring! Appalachian Spring: A simple gift upon the passing of milestones
  • In these workshops, interactive in nature and aimed as an intercultural dialogue, he sets out ‘towards an exploration’ of the epic poem.
  • Next year I hope to win an award for an experimental, dental epic poem in which every line rhymes with ‘floss’.
  • Thus, the Iliad is merely a long epic poem to those American students who even know anything about it, while it was effectively a “sacred poem” to the Athenians of Greece in the fourth century B.C. Of Sacred Poets and Sacredness « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • That's because Oxford classicists have finally unwrapped the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, discovering hundreds of lost Greek comedies, tragedies and epic poems.
  • The heroes of most epic poems, in particular, can be seen as symbolic and fictitious figures invented and contrived by poets to convey religious and political ideals.
  • His career has followed the arc of an epic poem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hero El Cid, who became the subject of an epic poem, modeled these qualities.
  • Like Paradise Lost this piece is both a moral and political treatise and an epic poem.
  • By the seventh century, scribes had written down Anglo-Saxon Chronicles and the oral epic poem, Beowulf.
  • The most famous early bardic poets, Taliesin and Aneirin, wrote epic poems about Welsh events and legends around the seventh century.
  • The manners of the epic poem ought to be poetically good, but it is not necessary they be always morally so.
  • To kill one, whether or not with a crossbow, as in Coleridge's epic poem, was considered the ultimate omen of bad luck.
  • Warner Brothers has a multipicture deal with Legendary Pictures, which hopes to bring John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost" to the screen. Daimnation!: Return of the Religious Epic
  • This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem!
  • The instinct of constructiveness, which is one of the chief incentives to artistic creation, can find in scientific systems a satisfaction more massive than any epic poem. Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
  • The editor in him couldn't resist trying to translate the great epic poem into English.
  • ‘The Divine Comedy’ is an epic poem brimming with information and eloquent literary devices.
  • He legitimated the cultivation of lyrical tropes, as the poet used them to enrich what is otherwise a lofty epic poem on the First Crusade.
  • The most famous early bardic poets, Taliesin and Aneirin, wrote epic poems about Welsh events and legends around the seventh century.
  • JRR Tolkien, after all, was a pioneering scholar of Anglo-Saxon poetry and wrote a definitive reinterpretation of the epic poem.
  • She can still recite passages from Sir Walter Scott's epic poem ‘The Lady of the Lake’.
  • Job wrote his epic poem in a state of society which we should probably term uncultivated; and when Lamech gave utterance to the most ancient and the saddest of human lyrics, the world was in its infancy, and it would appear as if the first artificer in "brass and iron" had only helped to make homicide more easy. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • Hamm plays a lawyer who represents Ginsberg during the trial to suppress the genre-busting, sexually-provocative epic poem that gives the film its title. Jon Hamm Compares Beat Poet Allen Ginsberg To Lady Gaga And Kanye West…Yes, Really » MTV Movies Blog
  • The production is based on the epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about a Native American named Hiawatha, a real man who lived some 500 years ago.
  • The ballade, full of dramatic intensity, mainly inspired by Polish epic poems, was a new musical form invented by Chopin. Chopin's 'Soul and Heart'
  • The epic poem ‘Beowulf’ will be performed on the night.
  • Christopher Marlowe's epic poem Hero and Leander, which is based on an ancient Greek myth, says more about the customs of contemporary England than of the ancient Greeks.
  • Many important texts were written in Church Slavonic and the more vernacular Old Russian, including historical chronicles, epic poems, folklore, and liturgical and legal works.
  • English language's oldest surviving epic poem comes to life in this motion-capture animated fantasy. The Sun
  • The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek .
  • While its authorship is often contested, the fact remains that epic poems like The Iliad, written in dactylic hexameters, not only contributed to the evolution of the poetry genre but also to the proliferation of the written word. 100 Greatest Books #25-21 | Fandomania
  • When first announced, the title raised more than a few eyebrows, as the idea of turning a 14th century epic poem about one man's descent through hell into a God Of War-style hack All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • The hippogriff is the steed that Ruggiero rides to save the naked maiden Angelica in Ariosto's epic poem Orlando Furioso. Angelica Lost and Found by Russell Hoban - review
  • Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem.
  • Scouring the Latvian woods and lakeside territories for the capercaillie is reminiscent of Lewis Carroll's epic poem ‘The Hunting of the Snark’.
  • Additionally, the cultural heritage has been immortalized in the famous epic poem Sonjara, sung by minstrels since the thirteenth century.
  • The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, by William Morris Morris's cod-epic poem features a Norse hero called Sigurd who forges a mighty sword in order to attack the dragon Fafnir, who guards a priceless hoard of gold. Ten of the best dragons in literature

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