How To Use Ephesus In A Sentence
Latrocinium of Ephesus in 449, Timothy at the Council of
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
It didn't quite rank with Saint Paul's letters from Ephesus, but Tammy Faye Bakker sent a whopper of an epistle from Florida last week.
Breaking Away
Smyrna -- in Ionia, a little to the north of Ephesus.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Finally, upstage right a cluster of small, close-set houses like a typical Mediterranean village represents Ephesus.
She tripped over a marble fragment and hit another in the Agora of Ephesus, the proverbially wealthy Ionic city on the Cayster River in Western Turkey.

For example, Paul reminded the elders of the church of Ephesus of one saying of Jesus.
Antipholus of Ephesus, finally obtaining the ransom money he sent for, offers to pay it to redeem Egeon, but the Duke reprieves the old man without payment.
And when he died in Ephesus, Diogeiton concealed his death from his daughter, and took the documents which he had left sealed, claiming that he must collect by these papers the money lent out on bottomry.
The Orations of Lysias
He returned briefly to Ephesus in 1883, without, however, achieving any significant results.
The Nestorians took their name from Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople sacked from office by the Council of Ephesus in 431 for maintaining that the human and divine natures of Christ were not united in one person.
The Chinese are Coming
If we are to _be_ in Christ when we are in Ephesus, we need to keep ourselves separate and faithful, and to _keep ourselves_ in
Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
The Ionians invaded the western coast of Asia Minor, which was subsequently called Ionia, taking over the existing cities of Colophon, Miletus, Smyrna, Myus, Priene, Ephesus, Phocaea, and others.
C. The Aeolian and Ionian Migrations and the Greek Renaissance
Dr Kruse accepts the traditional ascription of the Gospel to the apostle John, writing in Ephesus towards the end of the first century.
Nowhere was there such a fusion of Greek, Jewish, and Oriental peculiarities, and an intelligent Jew educated in that city could hardly fail to manifest all these elements in his mental character. eloquent -- turning his Alexandrian culture to high account. and mighty in the scriptures -- his eloquence enabling him to express clearly and enforce skilfully what, as a Jew, he had gathered from a diligent study of the Old Testament Scriptures. came to Ephesus -- on what errand is not known.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
We find mention of Alexander (q.v.), a "coppersmith" of Ephesus
Easton's Bible Dictionary
I tried to imagine what the women of Ephesus wore: Grecian chitons, himations, and peplos, most likely.
Holly Would Dream
Recorded late last month, this moving skyscape features Jupiter above the southeastern horizon and the marbled streets of the ancient port city of Ephesus, located in modern day Turkey.
Town Clerk the title ascribed in our version to the magistrate at Ephesus who appeased the mob in the theatre at the time of the tumult excited by Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
For to oppose him who divided the person of Christ into two, he confounded his natures into one — his delirant folly being confirmed by that goodly assembly, the second at Ephesus.
Following this, a twofold tradition - in Jerusalem and in Ephesus - attests to her 'dormition', as the Eastern Christians call it, her 'falling asleep' in God.
Archive 2008-08-10
It does not appear that, after their stay in Ephesus, Aquila and his wife were closely attached to Paul's person, and certainly they did not take any part as members of what we may call his evangelistic staff.
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)
For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.
If we are to _be_ in Christ when we are in Ephesus, we need to keep ourselves separate and faithful, and to _keep ourselves_ in
Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
Ephesus) were seized with the dream of freedom from every yoke; and so virtually "'blasphemed" (compare 1Ti 1: 20) God's name by "speaking evil of dignities" (1Ti 6: 1; 2Pe 2: 10; Jude 8).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
With the loss of the harbor, traders working the coast of Asia Minor moved elsewhere, which pretty much put Ephesus out of business.
Bob Schulman: Ephesus Survives Swords, Scimitars and Silt
How has pagan idolatry, the very same sort of idolatry that Paul encountered in Ephesus, corrupted much of the Christian-professing world?
From thence sailing alongst the gulfe of Ephesus with Nicaria on the right hand, Samos and Smirna on the left, we came to Patmos, where S. Iohn wrote the Revelation.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Ephesus prospered for several centuries, but when Christianity came to the region, people began to abandon the pagan religion of Artemis.
What, with careless exaggeration, he had said to a friend some months before, on setting forth his _Elegy on the Death of a Young Man_, "The thing has made my name hereabouts more famous than twenty years of practice would have done; but it is a name like that of him who burnt the Temple of Ephesus: God be merciful to me a sinner!" might now with all seriousness be said of the impression his _Robbers_ made on the harmless townsfolk of Stuttgart.
The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
Lequien (II, 621) mentions six bishops of Cyrene, and according to Byzantine legend the first was St. Lucius (Acts, xiii, 1); St. Theodorus suffered martyrdom under Diocletian; about 370 Philo dared to consecrate by himself a bishop for Hydra, and was succeeded by his own nephew, Philo; Rufus sided with Dioscorus at the Robber Synod (Latrocinium) of Ephesus in
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Macedonian is not meant (2Co 9: 4) probably the same as was sent before with Titus (2Co 12: 18); and therefore sent from Ephesus, and probably an Ephesian: all this is true of Trophimus. oftentimes ... in many things -- Join and translate as in the Greek,
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The oldest of these bishops is Maximianus or Maximus, present at the Latrocinium of Ephesus (449) and at the Council of
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
(Nestorius, refusing at the Council of Ephesus the term Theotokos proposed by the council, substituted that of Christokos, which the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Now St. Paul had seen the gift conferred at Ephesus and St. Luke does not distinguish Ephesian glossolaly from that of Jerusalem.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Ancient historians acquaint us with only seven wonders in the world: the Temple of Diana, at Ephesus; the magnificent sepulchre of the king Mausolus, from whence is derived the word mausoleum; the bronze Colossus of the Sun, in Rhodes; the statue of
Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art (Vol. 3 of 3)
Latrocinium", or Robber Council, of Ephesus, a name that has since clung to it.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
The others were Diana's Temple at Ephesus, the Tomb of Mau-so´lus (which was so fine that any handsome tomb is sometimes called a mausoleum), the
The Story of the Greeks
Julianus was present at the Latrocinium of Ephesus, 449.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
If you computer hardware memory with dormie again your hyperopic chalkpit of fuentes is intelligently to lophodytes from rayless and usumbura allochronic ephesus, apps and expenditure for your argasidae.
Rational Review
Timothy (though not having the name) exercised the power at Ephesus then, which bishops in the modern sense more recently exercised. blameless -- "unexceptionable"; giving no just handle for blame. husband of one wife -- confuting the celibacy of Rome's priesthood.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Eugenius is called a Cilician bishop by John of Ephesus, but Bar Habraeus makes him Bishop of Selucia in Isauria (see Tritheists).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
At the third ecumenical council in Ephesus in the year 431, there was a big controversy over whether Mary should get the title Theotokos or Christotokos.
The famous painter Apelles was resident in Ephesus when Alexander arrived and the king could not resist commissioning a portrait of himself astride Bucephalas.
Alexander the Great