- a red fluorescent dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein; used in cosmetics and as a biological stain for studying cell structures
How To Use eosin In A Sentence
- Eosin Y is an anionic or acid dye in spite of the fact that a solution of the sodium salt of eosin is basic in reaction.
- In some areas, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and eosinophils were intermingled with the small lymphocytes.
- Infiltration of the large and small airways with eosinophils, neutrophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes is common.
- Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas have more uniform, deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm and display cell-to-cell molding and cross-striations by light microscopy.
- The sections were then counterstained in eosin, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted with glass coverslips.
- Iltis and DOEBLEY divided the Mexican annual teosintes into two subspecies on the basis of ecology and inflorescence morphology.
- Within the epiphysis of most sections, trabecular bone is frequently hypereosinophilic, and there is karyolysis and loss of osteocytes (necrosis).
- The specimens were cross-sectioned at a thickness of 5 [mu] m for staining with hematoxylin and eosin.
- Adverse effects of penicillamine include rash, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hematuria, proteinuria, eosinophilia, elevated liver enzyme levels and nephrotoxicity.
- The other two thirds of these cases are unassociated with asthma and have sparse eosinophils.