How To Use Envisioning In A Sentence
Knowing our history is a prerequisite for understanding our present and envisioning our future.
Mr. McAllister inadvertently answers the question at book's end by envisioning a male Homo erectus from a million years ago, plucked off the African plain and plunked down at a Nascar event.
Testosterone Put to the Test
We're all no doubt envisioning worthless adolescent punks who deserve to lose some teeth, but what if the perpetrator is female, or a precocious 12-year-old?
And here I was already envisioning another service voucher in my near future.
The envisioning process may be ignited by introspection or interpersonal interaction.

Another great public interview on the WELL's public Inkwell conference starts today: Bruce Sterling is being interviewed about his new book, "Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years," which is a fantastic read that puts previous attempts at this kind of futurism, [cough Toffler cough] to shame:
Boing Boing: December 29, 2002 - January 4, 2003 Archives
He's detail-oriented, and her strength lies in envisioning the big picture.
Consequently he was incompetent, cognitively incapable of envisioning change and probably dangerous.
Here I'm envisioning the magnificent performance of the late Henry Cele in Shaka Zulu multiplied severalfold across all genres.
Is it bad that as soon as I read "putrescence" I started envisioning the Princess Bride....
Purging the Evil Within
The Haitian government's Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment, a document said to have been largely drafted by Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, was put forth in March and advocated an ambitious re-envisioning and decentralizing of Haiti, looking to "decongest," rather than rebuild as before, the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area while advocating a "refounding" of the Haitian state. Main RSS Feed
They were originally envisioning a-- what's known as a declaratory judgment action.
Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion
Consequently he was incompetent, cognitively incapable of envisioning change and probably dangerous.
I kept envisioning the streets, the fields that slanted upwards with the little dividing lines of trees running in order to separate properties.
A hundred years ago, French mathematician Émile Borel suggested this particular Gedankenexperiment as a means of envisioning events of close to infinite improbability. » Meanwhile on the tapioca tundra
This was a generation of revolutionary youth filled with beautiful dreams, envisioning a beautiful future.
I'm envisioning a big mass wedding of gay and lesbian couples, with announcements sent to every Republican officeholder, every anti-gay propagandist, every church that unlawfully electioneered on behalf of Proposition 2.
Michael Schaub: Project Texile: Bringing Gay Marriage Back to Texas
The contents support a remarkably simple way of envisioning how members of the sun's family, including our home planet, make their circumsolar rounds.
And if had an open-ended presence there and were never envisioning that Iraqis could take control of their own country, we would be rightly criticized for long-term imperialist ambitions.
CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2005
Envisioning a new medical speciality to address this ailment, the AACI built a network of private institutions to treat habitual drunkards.
I held my breath until he set the glass down on the counter envisioning what would happen to us if we broke a piece of Mother's crystal.
That's BRILLIANT, he bugled later, snout buried in the spoils, envisioning the post-operative Schmeichel recuperating at a luxury Swiss spa retreat, perusing the papers in his waffle slippers while sipping a restorative Schmackos® smoothie.
World of Lather
She's envisioning something like a galactic explosion outward from a Sanskritic big bang of three or maybe five thousand years ago.
Christopher Lydon: Namita Gokhale: the revolution will be written! (AUDIO)
Post-structuralist: By rejecting neo-Enlightment notions that privilege "light," we can conceptualize the relationship between optically-oriented envisioning and those signifiers that address interpretations of post-colonial modernism as an established text within the framework of which, intertextually, we are lead to reject any causal relationship between the operands and the motivators.
A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
The discoveries may help thousands of wheat and barley growers envisioning a repeat of the original aphid's damage.