How To Use Environmental In A Sentence

  • While the site focuses mainly on their environmental concerns, they're also up in arms about the Bush administration's general abuse and disregard for science - including the idea that abstinence is some kind of cureall. News from the House of Sticks -
  • Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Endocrine disruptors environmental estrogens enhance autoantibody production by B1 cells. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
  • Critics fear the environmental impact and possible contamination of groundwater as well as the risk of earthquakes. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Its plans are likely to be fiercely opposed by residents, conservation groups and some environmentalists concerned at the impact on the landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appropriate specimens to submit for testing include food (in the original container if it is available) or environmental specimens, stool, serum, gastric contents, or vomitus.
  • Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • Drastic changes are needed if environmental catastrophe is to be avoided.
  • Environmental health officers hope the cotes will keep pigeons off the streets and discourage them from feeding on waste food and titbits offered by tourists.
  • Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal.
  • Moreover, for logistics companies there are considerable long-term questions over the economic and environmental sustainability of home delivery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local environmentalists have sounded the alarm that it may well be the beginning of an end for the species.
  • They need the same environmental perception as humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through a set of smart green building strategies the "bioclimatic" buildings are able to significantly reduce their environmental footprint. INHABITAT
  • The balance of the population and land and environmental disruption question that population growth cause facilitate the formulation of appropriate thoughts of people.
  • Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come.
  • High salinity is one of the most important environmental stresses impeding crop growth.
  • It analyses the bone ash disposal ways by entironment theory and takes forward the way that is environmental and fits to our country.
  • Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue.
  • The distribution of sweetveld and sourveld in South Africa's grassland biome in relation to environmental factors Request Article
  • She claimed that nuclear power was the most environmentally safe form of energy.
  • It comes down in favour of a blueprint that for sound political and environmental reasons will prove impossible to realise. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these environmentally conscious times, this is an uncomfortable growth industry.
  • Reducing environmental noise while one is trying to sleep can be particularly challenging - especially in university dormitories.
  • The building supports environmentally minded commuters by providing showers for bicyclers and accommodating employees who wish to take the bus.
  • Ironically, the fire was the indirect result of a new environmental consciousness. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • We keep the steel framework but change it into something that is environmentally friendly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It articulates the Group's commitment to attaining the highest practical standards of health, safety and environmental protection in the workplace.
  • The bus is a far lower environmental burden than passenger cars, calculated on the number of passengers per kilometre.
  • Colin Howes, Keeper of Environmental Records at Doncaster Museum, says there are many problems with the legend, not least of which is the location of the woodland which harboured the wild cat.
  • One hint could have been that his nomination brought immediate praise from both industry groups and Congressional republicans) and the topper of them all Bush sicophant Stephen Johnson (who famously sided with Buah and big industry in hampering states from enforcing higher greenhouse emmision standards and stifling his own Depts requests and reports on environmental problems). Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 8, 2010
  • The proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.
  • In a few short but intense years we began to atone for centuries of environmental degradation.
  • The result is that the question of who is the more environmental got very muddied.
  • Environmental pollution gives great cause for concern, but, on the positive side , people are beginning to try and find solutions.
  • Peace, prosperity, democracy, environmental conservation and the elimination of racism and ethnocentrism are all overtly gender-neutral ideals, but each of them is also a distinctively women's issue.
  • There is little evidence to suggest that occupiers will pay more rent for environmentally friendly offices and factory buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • These patients are therefore particularly susceptible to environmental insults. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The etiology of asthma is unknown, but it has been linked to occupational exposures, genetics, and environmental factors.
  • The government seems confident that environmental problems can be fixed.
  • Stephen Kane is ex-Director of the Institute for Advanced Health Research, which pioneered new bioenergetic techniques for overcoming allergy-related illnesses and their associated chronic infections and environmental stresses.
  • Typically, if enough land is available in an operation to produce feedstuffs for the animals, there is enough land to apply manure nutrients to minimize environmental effects.
  • Building the proposed new road would be environmentally damaging.
  • An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental problems worldwide.
  • The contaminative problem of environmental hormone have threatened the continuous exist and multiply of human.
  • Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.
  • All that is consistent with the government's commitment to environmentally-friendly farming.
  • The solar units are environmentally friendly and can now be installed on your roof to blend with the architecture of your house.
  • As I glean from the Wikipedia article on the subject, atavistic traits are "birth defects" more than reactions to environmental changes. Eureka: What About Bob?
  • The plan to phase down environmental pollution is progressing successfully.
  • Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.
  • What are the environmentally stickiest and least ameliorable sectors? Matthew Yglesias » The Limits to Growth
  • This paucity of experimental data makes it difficult to identify the ecological conditions that favor the evolution of the facultative response and of the particular environmental cues that may trigger it.
  • Now we live in a more crowded, environmentally aware age and trains are back in fashion.
  • Planned developments in Integrated Production Policy will mean that tools such as eco-labelling and environmental management systems will be driving forces for companies in every sector of the economy.
  • Environmental factors can determine the phenotypic presentation of familial Alzheimer's disease.
  • As Vitaly Fedchenko explains in this excellent article environmental samples are first screened by the IAEA using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry to detect radioactive particles-and that ain't much help in looking for magnox alloy. ArmsControlWonk
  • Local observers were encouraged to report on distribution and migration patterns, thus paving the way for an interest in environmental concerns.
  • January 29th, 2010 at 9: 17 pm if the stickiest and least ameliorable environmental problems are jet air transportation, animal-based agriculture, and large detached single-family residences with large yards, then perhaps we should talk about “limits to jet air transportation, animal-based agriculture, and large detached single-family residences with large yards.” Matthew Yglesias » The Limits to Growth
  • Now environmentalists are discouraging the use of disposables.
  • Fresh progress was registered in energy, resources, ecological and environmental conservation.
  • The same applies to the meridian programmes and to the specific environmental stresses, colours and trauma.
  • The copying machine was chosen because it emits the least amount of environmental pollutants. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection.
  • The only answer to the lies of the neo-fascists is to remove the causes of deprivation and environmental neglect by creating educational and job opportunities on the neglected estates and inner-cities.
  • The term cap and trade didn't exist until the mid-1990s, but by that time the idea had already served as the centerpiece of a landmark environmental law. NPR Topics: News
  • Ed Overton -- who is a Ph. D, a professor emeritus at LSU, and who unlike yours truly is a scientist (in analytical environmental chemistry) -- spoke to us the next day and told us that the kind of dispersant used was not only not poisonous, but also that the amount, though it sounded immense, was minuscule, given the volume of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Rachel Ben-Avi: Dinner at Tara
  • - And the Haiti disaster caused lots of death, which is quite important to the evolutionism that is central to the Dawkins-like world-view; and reduction of world population is central in the extreme forms of ecologism/environmentalism. Pious Atheism « Anglican Samizdat
  • As for future parking provisions, a shortage of land and environmental concerns means any new spaces will be in parkades.
  • The overarching goal of my research program is to study and gain a better understanding of the impact of different factors on growth, population and community dynamics of agrestal, ruderal, and environmental weeds.
  • It's scandalous that the Green Fund, which was set up in 2000 to be used for environmental projects, has been mouldering in the Government's coffers for four years without a cent being put to use.
  • Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
  • Environmentalists claim there is no reason to cull seals.
  • The declaration asked governments to consider introducing new environmental taxes.
  • That ecotourism is one of Belize's tickets to development is at least partially a result of the environmental history of Belize.
  • The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.
  • An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.
  • Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.
  • However, the promise of odour-free toes comes with an environmental drawback. Times, Sunday Times
  • In exchange, they must conform to extensive social and environmental criteria.
  • A Royal Commission has been set up to examine environmental pollution.
  • In India, these are used by a number of voluntary organisations and educational institutions to convey social and environmental related messages.
  • During the first twenty minutes or so, I wasn't sure I would make it through the entire movie -- it was, I thought, similar in style to a kind of movie I find unbearable: a style based on long handheld shots, a soundtrack that contains little or no music and lots of environmental sounds characters breathing, eating, walking, and a general attitude that seems to fetishize "artlessness", though offers little to replace the art it so disdains. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days
  • Farmers and crofters can apply for annual payments for up to ten years for adopting environmentally friendly farming practices.
  • The early stages are the most critical in achieving high environmental standards and safe operation.
  • Nevertheless, many environmentalists remain concerned that any talk of restorative grazing is merely an environmental smokescreen that lets ranchers continue to devastate the land.
  • Thus a succession of closely connected environmental and anthropogenic events destroyed the bison.
  • They are all passionately interested in environmental issues.
  • Voters appreciate some interest from candidates on environmental issues, but they are wary of candidates who are perceived as being too narrowly focused on environmentalism.
  • Under the present rules mobile phone masts have been located in areas that have caused local, environmental and safety concerns.
  • Considerable hidden costs in time taken by authority estates and environmental staff over negotiation could be added to this bill.
  • A Royal Commission has been set up to examine environmental pollution.
  • However, this process is not selective, produces solid sludge for disposal, may have environmentally damaging effects of its own, and must be repeated to be effective.
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years.
  • This codex and similar specifications helped in identifying environmentally friendly as well as harmful chemicals.
  • There is a definite reluctance to carry out research into possible environmental causes for miscarriages. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The government presents itself as being sensitive to environmental issues.
  • Environmental audit General property audit - collates information on a building or property portfolio in order to establish a long-term strategic plan.
  • In order to realize the target of the group 'frugalness economic, green Environmental Conservation, modern style system, innovative management' .
  • And that includes hues of oatmeal and taupe, which color consultants say suggest wholesome environmental awareness.
  • Where items need to be transported to and from the repository they should be in appropriate containers designed to limit exposure to environmental factors and handling damage (eg. folders, archive boxes, plan and art folios, phase and solander boxes).
  • How long can we sustain the environmental and social degradation that consumer culture perpetuates?
  • The point of ethics includes anthropocentric , non - anthropocentric and sustainable development environmental ethics study.
  • No symptom is listed unless it began with fungal exposure, was concurrent with positive nasal and environmental fungal cultures, and resolved with fungal removal.
  • Engler took bold steps: In 12 years he cut taxes by $21 billion, pruned environmental regs, and cut welfare.
  • Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem.
  • She could be an art student, aspiring actress or environmental campaigner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate.
  • The river is designated as a European Special Area of Conservation for its water crowfoot communities but, like many of England's rivers and lakes, it is failing to meet the Government's environmental targets.
  • These environmental stewards manage the forests with love for the environment and rational science to provide wood for our nation and a future for their children.
  • There is something of a vogue at the moment for producing regional and global environmental histories.
  • The only remaining issue was the total area to be afforested, which was subject to an environmental impact study," Sappi Forests managing director Barry Melrose said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law.
  • ‘Canada does not have bears to spare,’ has become a rallying cry of environmental groups and ordinary citizens in Canada opposed to the plan.
  • The big important systems such as atmosphere, food, environmental, navigation, and drill were protected with so many back-ups and fail-safes that it was almost impossible for them to freeze.
  • Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.
  • Bottom or near-bottom feeding of the L klingeri animal as a scavenger or as a microphagous predator is envisaged, in a low-energy environmental setting.
  • We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
  • Endurance could provide insight into the environmental history of the area, but there are risks.
  • Mr. Walker: In making decisions about opencast coal applications, one must consider carefully both the short-term and long-term environmental implications.
  • Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
  • Drought is an environmental factor that produces water deficit or water stress in plants.
  • Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Before the decommissioning and construction of a maintenance facility can occur, however, the Navy must complete an environmental assessment report.
  • Firstly I must explain from the start that I manage an organisation called Two Sides, which has been set up by all sectors of the UK print and publishing industries to explore the Myths and set out the Facts about the Print and Paper industries which actually have a great environmental story to tell. Books, Ebooks and the Environment « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Most of the Northern Iberian breeds are in high risk of extinction and are conserved in environmentally protected rural areas of Spain and Portugal.
  • What remains "unseen" is any conclusive evidence that environmental protection causes economic harm, while experience shows that common-sense regulations can stimulate innovation and job creation. EPA Rulemaking to Be Transparent
  • These environmental problems associated with traffic in housing areas affect very large numbers of people.
  • Wilson you know absolutely nothing about the environmental movement, so instead you peddle in simplistic lies, instead of educating yourself and debating them on any sort of intellectual level. Can We Drop The Global Warming Pretense Now? Please? « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • More important, the backlash against genetically modified foods is fading as new studies ease fears about the health and environmental effects of such crops, though serious obstacles still retard their potential abroad.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • Nearly 40 per cent of its agro-environmental aid budget, they found, went to farms on which there were no environmental problems on site or within a seven-mile radius. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Measures under the environmental stewardship scheme made no difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • The child with a tendency toward food intolerances and environmental sensitivities often exhibits certain characteristics around the eyes, such as puffiness, dark circles, or creases below the eyes. Gentle Healing for Baby and Child
  • Thus begins a panel discussion featuring two futurologists, an environmentalist, and a creationist.
  • A new power station is being built much to the consternation of environmental groups .
  • BRANDO: It has raised this plant called salicornia (ph) and Manuel Oranzo (ph) who is very dedicated to environmental issues in Mexico and he is teaching children to be aware of their environment and I have a feeling that I'm rushing to get this information out and it's your show. CNN Transcript Aug 2, 2003
  • The indirect solutions for ecological appropriation have a more familiar land reform ring but are not without positive environmental implications.
  • It is established as intelligential design system of automobile flanging die on base of 2 D environmental.
  • Farmers in both the organic and non-organic sectors are making real progress in tackling the environmental issues we all face.
  • Many of the 240 environmental treaties enacted over the past 80 years remain unratified and unenforced.
  • Of more concern to environmental pressure groups is the increasing number of products which feature a standby mode. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of the alternatives offer significant improvements in terms of their environmental impact, although chemicals used in some molybdate formulations are toxic to aquatic life. Alternatives for significant uses of hexavalent chromium in Massachusetts
  • For its part, the Council will put in place proper recycling facilities with tractability and accountability to ensure best environmental practice and reuse of scarce resources.
  • But hexane is an air pollutant, and its release is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • This was seen as a laudable attempt to be both environmentally and economically prudent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Environmental Science course will examine how drones help catch poachers and monitor crop pests. The Sun
  • For the first time, environmental issues are at the heart of widespread popular activity.
  • The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency say they are taking a fresh look at triclosan, which is so ubiquitous that it is found in the urine of 75 percent of the population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Environmental authorities in Beijing, China's notoriously smoggy capital, have started releasing more detailed pollution data in response to public pressure. Beijing releases pollution data after public pressure
  • These are low in diversity but high in populations for some of the macrofauna, some of which are relicts of earlier periods, others at the extremes of their latitudinal and environmental distribution. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • Part one traces the tracks of environmental determinism and points out its political orientation.
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
  • Any attempts to persuade farmers of the necessity of environmental conservation must take all these factors into account.
  • Another economic factor nobody ever considers is the market that would be created by these environmental initiatives. Is California’s Environmental Policy Worth Fighting For? - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Perhaps in these sodden February days it sounds like an environmental manifesto. Times, Sunday Times
  • And not too surprisingly (since silica is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust), the coating is non-toxic and environmentally harmless. Spray-on liquid glass
  • Environmental campaigners who had dressed as penguins today defied a ban on handing out leaflets without permission in Telford Town Park. Archive 2008-08-01
  • He writes regularly to the council on environmental issues and has now turned lobbyist on the issue that most annoys him - dog mess along Rochdale Canal.
  • Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
  • They are Marc C. Bingham, entrepreneur and Utah businessman; Huey D. Johnson, pioneering conservationist and environmental policy maker; Bonnie D. Parkin, former Relief Society President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Bertrand D. Tanner, eminent micrometeorologist and scientific entrepreneur, who will be honored posthumously. Undefined
  • Lebanese environmental groups said that bluefin tuna - a significant commercial species in the region that has already suffered from overfishing - are also being threatened by the spill.
  • The poorest of the poor tend to be found in remote, environmentally stressed regions, such as the drylands of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, which is evident in Yale and Columbia's Environmental Performance Index. Land, Water And Conflict
  • Thirty people were arrested for blockading the street outside the convention by locking themselves together around organic plants and symbols of an environmentally sustainable future.
  • All plants display this ability to tolerate environmental stress to varying degrees.
  • He was an early exponent of investment practices that were environmentally friendly and often spoke of the energy potential in harnessing tidal movements. Times, Sunday Times
  • It calls for a new national purpose to balance economic and environmental growth with social regeneration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report sidesteps the environmental issues.
  • Environmentalists are prejudiced against the dam.
  • Ecological harmony is the premise and basis of building a harmonious society. It provides environmental foundation and resource supportability for the development of harmonious society.
  • Environmental monitoring of Archips podana (fruit tree tortrix moth) in Bramley apple orchards in Northern Ireland
  • She said the continued revegetation efforts of community groups had prompted Active Community Environmentalist members to launch the nursery.
  • I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.
  • Environmental design’ is just one of the many euphemisms for the ubertrendy catch words Feng Shui.
  • There is real cause for concern," says neurochemist Annette Kirshner at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams
  • It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.
  • A central focus of comparative physiology and endocrinology has been the influence of environmental factors on the development and performance of various systems or whole organisms.
  • Also included in this broad category is the field of ethno-ecology which focuses on the emic understandings of human-environmental relationships.
  • The American government classifies both asbestos and environmental tobacco smoke as class one carcinogens.
  • This is called a phenocopy, where an environmental factor induces an effect similar to a genetic mutation. It's more than genes, it's networks and systems - The Panda's Thumb
  • With electric cars there is a big environmental payoff.
  • Manufacturing a typical "AA" single-use battery takes about 50 times as much energy as it provides, according to the UK's environmental agency.
  • Widely celebrated environmentalist John Todd doesn't promise that his aquatic bioremediation system - a sewage treatment system which involves floating plant islands that purify polluted waters - could live up to its hype in Montreal.
  • The magnitude of concern has reached the point where the state's environmental agency and a state assemblyman want the work halted until all the questions can be answered.
  • The Endangered Species Act has long been a bugaboo for anti-environmental lawmakers, who have unsuccessfully attacked it from every imaginable direction.
  • This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
  • We didn't actually have to go out and build some new defenses, but make a presentation, submitting our proposals to the rest of the group complete with economical and environmental costs/benefits.
  • Environmental groups said a plastic bag levy would change attitudes to waste disposal across Scotland.
  • As environmentalists keep warning us, even the air is a scarce commodity.
  • This building plan makes a mockery of the government's environmental policy.
  • The categories were selected as indicators, risk factors or relevant environmental determinants affecting fitness, obesity and health.
  • No similar red mud catastrophe was seen before: that is why any kind of forecast about the short and the long term environmental impacts are uncertain.
  • The talents that have Enzyme application experience in Alcohol, brew, feed, food weave leather paper making washing Environmental , Pharmaceutical Industry , rock oil etc.
  • Few environmental activists would agree with that judgment.
  • Urban and rural, metropolitan and non-metropolitan, places are economically, environmentally, and socially interdependent.
  • Coro Mining Corp. ( "Coro" or the "Company") (TSX: COP) provides an update on the approval process for its San Jorge project Environmental Impact Study ( "EIS"). Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The dumping of Kyoto and the new energy policy have similarly been clothed in soothing words of environmental concern.

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