
How To Use Entrepreneurial In A Sentence

  • You need a lot of tenacity and entrepreneurial skill and the ability to network with a lot of different people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It came in a week when Scottish businessmen were making waves in a number of areas in which Scotland is supposed to be no good: entrepreneurialism, flotation and building global businesses overseas.
  • We have grasped, perhaps more than any other nation, that there is a long-run cost to dependency on the state, including an aversion to risk that eventually enervates the entrepreneurial spirit necessary for innovation and prosperity. Beware of the Big-Government Tipping Point
  • The term implies sacrifice or taking less than what could be earned in the private sector or in an entrepreneurial position. - Top Stories
  • Like many financial advisers, he has a strong entrepreneurial streak and pursues his ideas with the eye-popping zeal of a convert to a new religion.
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  • The experience brought out his entrepreneurial flair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Friday's demonstration had a joyful and entrepreneurial air, with face-painters emblazoning the Egyptian flag on takers young and old, carts with fresh popcorn, and women offering hard-boiled eggs and koshary, the national dish of lentils, rice and pasta topped with a spicy tomato sauce. A month after revolt, Egyptians march to protect their victory as neighbors demand freedom, too
  • Third, a new wave of imaginative, entrepreneurial and market-driven alternative providers of legal service are vital to the mix. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
  • The entrepreneurial spirit and social innovation fostered by a market economy has benefited many, and should not be overly encumbered by stifling regulations.
  • The more entrepreneurial found economic salvation in self-employment.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurialism at this stage, he says, would only help to further stimulate economic growth in the future.
  • Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
  • The introduction of this and other electric vehicles will require a vast ecosystem of entrepreneurial businesses.
  • More flexible labour laws are also vital in growing the entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Who can articulate a discomfort with the subliminally retro Betty Crocker ideals about femininity (the gyno/Easy-Bake Oven connection!) or ponder the limited entrepreneurial choices for women, even in 2010, when your mouth is full of chocolate ganache? TV Preview: What's new in 'D.C. Cupcakes'? Too little.
  • His sniffy attitude to Motown may be dead wrong but his dissection of the creative and entrepreneurial side of the music industry is unrivalled.
  • Alumni, researchers, graduates, postgraduates and campus companies were all amongst those with entrepreneurial spirit and ambitions to establish their own companies.
  • Today, powerful, targeted marketing is just as essential as any other dimension in assuring entrepreneurial success.
  • He is visibly excited about the entrepreneurial activity he has found in India. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can no longer depend on tax breaks for multinationals or cheap labour; we must innovate and be entrepreneurial.
  • The only exception, Hall argues, is if a new entrepreneurial tradition could be created in the inner city.
  • And to what extent does the tax regime encourage entrepreneurial activity in the first place? Times, Sunday Times
  • The only exception, Hall argues, is if a new entrepreneurial tradition could be created in the inner city.
  • This one really is the business for anyone with an entrepreneurial notion, who wants a resource on all aspects of running a business.
  • Alexander often cites the company, Child Care Inc., in his campaign speeches to emphasize his entrepreneurial skills.
  • Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?
  • He says "America's get-up-and-go entrepreneurial culture outlived the frontier," even though he represents the kinds of big business/government combines that attacked small businessmen and ranchers on our frontier. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Mort Zuckerman Is Not Incompetent
  • Back in the day, the main entrepreneurial activity at festivals was the selling of illegal drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paper's second agenda is to examine why so many women choose to lend out their money and pursue a different entrepreneurial path than that envisioned by village bank planners.
  • The brother's got the boastful swagger of your favorite rapper, the entrepreneurial instincts of a street hustler and a pen as swift as his tongue is sharp.
  • This is due partly to the entrepreneurial nature of managers themselves and partly to a certain mystique about planning itself. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • A new book to be published later this month bears witness to this extraordinary intellectual fecundity and entrepreneurial zeal.
  • This is a real and genuine entrepreneurial opportunity for the winner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cultivating entrepreneurial creativity and innovation should be the greatest challenge of Singaporeans.
  • Some tech CEOs were technologists who fell into entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Happily some entrepreneurial locals awaited exhausted tourists and for $7.50 we galumphed our way by horseback to our car.
  • Independent and entrepreneurial, coworkers are essentially pioneering an entirely new way of working that conventional businesses often interpret as avant-garde.
  • Today, powerful, targeted marketing is just as essential as any other dimension in assuring entrepreneurial success.
  • There is already a sharp increase in entrepreneurial and investor activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The level of energy and entrepreneurialism reminds me of Silicon Valley, 1999,’ he says.
  • The most important caveat is not to mix managerial units and entrepreneurial ones. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • Inner-cities aren't usually thought of as hotbeds of entrepreneurial activity, but they are often harbingers of things to come for the rest of the country.
  • They also showed great reluctance to supply venture capital to entrepreneurial companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • To develop his professional, authorial brand, he was 'at once entrepreneurial, combinatory, proprietary, sociable, and creative'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Teachers will also be taught entrepreneurial skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old plot was that you could be entrepreneurial and brilliant and brainy and win.
  • His entrepreneurial flair combined with a political career that earned him a knighthood and a peerage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old economic models are broken, and a little entrepreneurial populism is exactly what is needed right now: someone with fresh ideas regarding how to spur manufacturing, how to jump-start new industries and companies. Mike Lux: Restoring the Balance
  • He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.
  • He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.
  • If you despoil a whole town, if you wreck the environment for thousands of people, somebody's going to describe you as an entrepreneurial genius.
  • It took a generous helping of entrepreneurial confidence to persevere during this incident.
  • Deshpande said he seeks to reinvent himself and restoke his entrepreneurial passion every five years or so. Undefined
  • Ujjal Dossanjh is certainly the man who epitomizes the entrepreneurial spirit of Indian community in Canada.
  • These findings also imply students see value in supplementing their college training with experiential training before pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams.
  • Joanna Robson, head of entrepreneurial growth markets for Ernst and Young, said she was not surprised go-getters from the Yorkshire region represented more than 40 per cent of the regional finalists.
  • Despite all of this entrepreneurial activity, it was far from clear how much money was being spent online. DOT.CON
  • The only exception, Hall argues, is if a new entrepreneurial tradition could be created in the inner city.
  • It was a symbol that Europe had shed its socialistic, sclerotic traditions, and was now matching the United States and Japan step for step in high tech entrepreneurial achievement.
  • Soon he was practising his entrepreneurial skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entrepreneurial strategies - as distinct from their managerial implementation - centre on investment, marketing and the form of company organisation.
  • And to what extent does the tax regime encourage entrepreneurial activity in the first place? Times, Sunday Times
  • At Bonterra, Fetzer's organic label and entrepreneurial ‘test shop,’ Dolan is testing a special subset of organic farming called biodynamics.
  • She is particularly proud of her involvement with the recent appointments of a new breed of top entrepreneurial staff.
  • She is said to drive a Bentley, and it is reported this week that her entrepreneurial drive is unabated by her recent prang.
  • There is a vast continuum between bureaucratic behavior and entrepreneurial behavior, and government can surely shift its position on that spectrum.
  • We think we suit those with inquisitive minds who want to give independent advice and work in a smaller, entrepreneurial environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • To cope with these massive changes, entrepreneurial governments have begun to transform themselves.
  • This is a real and genuine entrepreneurial opportunity for the winner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
  • And to what extent does the tax regime encourage entrepreneurial activity in the first place? Times, Sunday Times
  • Lack of internal capital and entrepreneurial experience mean that rural people are often not able to take advantage of such opportunities.
  • He was interested in shooting, car restoration, collecting antiques, and assorted entrepreneurial schemes.
  • The challenge is then to retain the entrepreneurial flair and innovative spirit, by giving employees a sense of empowerment.
  • We've had a rough spot and we have a deficit problem, but it is still the harbor of entrepreneurialism and innovation. Gorman Sees 'Lot More to Be Done'
  • In fact, interfering with "entrepreneurialism," even if by objecting to racist products is, according to Lawson, downright un-American. Lisa Wade: What the Obama Sock Monkey Scandal Tells Us About U.S. Race Relations
  • Most entrepreneurial governments promote competition between service providers.
  • Our people are great innovators, highly creative, entrepreneurial. The Sun
  • For distraction I forced myself to contemplate my next entrepreneurial venture.
  • Luck is a concept that is deprecated in our go-getting entrepreneurial society.
  • This past year, though, has seen glimmerings of a revival in commercial, and particularly entrepreneurial, space.
  • Supply-siders argued that certain changes in tax policy--lowering marginal tax rates, reducing taxes on entrepreneurial income--were especially powerful, economically.
  • Small entrepreneurial businesses are the backbone of this country - and he has seen fit to punish us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the 1980s, entrepreneurialism has had a bad name and too many Australians are risk-averse and just happy to keep working for the Man.
  • Etats-Unis: compte-tenu de sa culture entrepreneuriale et de ses coûts fixes bien inférieurs à ceux de l'Europe, les Etats-Unis disposent d'une bonne capacité de rebondissement. Archive 2009-04-10
  • They said that lower taxes would leave more money in the hands of those who made their income with initiative, skills, entrepreneurial ambition and hard work.
  • Any successful entrepreneurial venture starts with making sure that the entrepreneur is in the best possible mental and physical health.
  • Tim Hornsby, the entrepreneurial spirit behind such café bars as Fibbers in York and the Blues Bar in Harrogate, is more cautious.
  • Today, powerful[Sentence dictionary], targeted marketing is just as essential as any other dimension in assuring entrepreneurial success.
  • The insinuation is almost invariably that they owe their riches not to entrepreneurial ability, but to political connections. Demographics of the Oligarchs, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But even more is needed to comply with Taylor and some creative and entrepreneurial business measures needed to throw up the cash.
  • He calls for public policy to be targeted at attaining economic stability rather than focusing on entrepreneurial awareness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideally this will generate a leadership ethic that fosters entrepreneurial decision making.
  • He explained that there may be a time lag between the creation of a favourable entrepreneurial environment and the emergence of an entrepreneurial class.
  • At the same time this comfort zone kills entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.
  • This is a real and genuine entrepreneurial opportunity for the winner. Times, Sunday Times
  • His entrepreneurial flair combined with a political career that earned him a knighthood and a peerage. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mix of technical ingenuity, entrepreneurial enterprise, maritime supremacy and a growing empire turned the country into the first modern superpower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would you shrug your shoulders, and write the whole thing off as a "bad debt, " as an unwise entrepreneurial decision on the part of the warehouseman ?
  • When the high performer is an entrepreneurial self-starter this pattern may be all right.
  • Maybe now's the time to give your old entrepreneurial skills a dusting down? The Sun
  • Your clearly defined mission statement will help you to focus on what you really want out of your entrepreneurial life.
  • And he set about raising the money for what is viewed as one of the most rose-tinted ventures in the entrepreneurial spectrum - a restaurant.
  • We are less interested in entrenched businesses that lack an entrepreneurial culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the entrepreneurial game that balance sheet is going to reflect your batting average. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Also, with the $10 million X Prize now fully funded, at least for the near term, there is an additional financial incentive for entrepreneurial rocketeers.
  • When this newspaper first denounced Mr Berlusconi, many Italian businesspeople replied that only his roguish, entrepreneurial chutzpah offered any chance to modernise the economy.
  • Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
  • All students undertake a consulting project at a real company and an entrepreneurial business project, which could then be launched with the support of the school's incubator. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has required elaborate organization, but this has been the product of continuous evolution from the original entrepreneurial enterprise.
  • They do not have the entrepreneurial culture necessary to make the leap forward that is necessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will act as the catalyst for future careers and will be an unrivalled resource for Scotland's entrepreneurial companies.
  • Supply - side economics was supposed to promote savings, investment, and entrepreneurial creativity.
  • The old economic models are broken, and a little entrepreneurial populism is exactly what is needed. Mike Lux: Restoring the Balance
  • It took a generous helping of entrepreneurial confidence to persevere during this incident.
  • He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.
  • Their peers ranked them top for generating ideas, entrepreneurial endeavour and creative thinking.
  • For nearly as long as there has been an entrepreneurial space industry, there has been griping and grousing about regulatory issues, as well as lobbying for legislation to resolve those flaws.
  • Some are born with entrepreneurial flair and drive. The Sun
  • He needs also to challenge the inbuilt tendency of his colleagues to focus on how to distribute the resources they have rather than focus on entrepreneurialism and wealth creation.
  • The hard-working younger brother shuns the limelight, runs his own firm and has won entrepreneurial awards. The Sun
  • In this myth, entrepreneurial heroes personify freedom and creativity.
  • But most entrepreneurial managers tell us that unions have not been their primary obstacle.
  • Of interest to several attendees was the concept of "intrapreneurship," or bringing an entrepreneurial mindset to their current positions in a larger corporate setting. Current News - Top Stories
  • It is not only radical utopians, however, who feel inheritance is unjust, but also conservatives have argued that inheritance stifles the entrepreneurial capacity of capitalism.
  • He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.
  • If we are to unleash an entrepreneurial wave, we need to reach all sections of society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ultimately it was only by becoming respectable that the movie industry would continue to survive as a free entrepreneurial enterprise.
  • They took the plunge as entrepreneurial spouses in 1999 and now have a 27-employee company with $3 million in sales.
  • I wonder if their passion for Christian ministry is being reframed by the instrumental, entrepreneurial drive of the business world.
  • They cannot stay aloof from politics or business and simultaneously be political and entrepreneurial.
  • But there is a serious challenge to any leader encouraging an entrepreneurial culture in Britain now. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Vietnam, the most visible resurgence comes from the unconquerable spirit of entrepreneurial Saigon.
  • The handbook also offers advice on how councils can be more entrepreneurial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entrepreneurial classes are taking off nationwide in myriad versions, said Heather Van Sickle, the executive director of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship. The Kept-Up Academic Librarian:
  • If we are to unleash an entrepreneurial wave, we need to reach all sections of society. Times, Sunday Times
  • The age of those mighty, entrepreneurial artistic directors has probably come to an end.
  • There are frequent complaints about unwillingness to work, lack of entrepreneurialism and aversion to risk.
  • Here we have a company with entrepreneurial spirit and get-up-and-go.
  • The culture of constantly seeking the path of least resistance and the avoidance of adversity is contrary to all the philosophies of entrepreneurialism, contrary to all the attributes that made our society successful in the first place.
  • With inflation, millions are burdened by cost-of-living increases, real profit contraction, capital decumulation, and an inability to easily make contracts, calculate entrepreneurially, or invest. The Fed Must Strengthen the Dollar
  • An excellent cadre of professional managers and strong entrepreneurial orientation has provided a significant competitive edge to the company.
  • Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.
  • We incent every employee with equity, which retains our entrepreneurial culture.
  • Accountability to the Treasury is the opposite pole of the magnet to entrepreneurial spirit.
  • We are entering a new prudent paradigm, where cautious accounting and sober behaviour will replace the intoxicated entrepreneurialism of the 1990s. All the talk of the digital revolution turned out to be so much twaddle and hype.
  • Anderson, who has a degree in Applied Physics, knows about the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurial life.
  • He has had the same bellyful of talk about private entrepreneurial funding that Ann Druyan has, and he shares her contempt for the thrill-seeking, space-touring fat cats. Across the Universe
  • Since its originated, the practice of "Reeling for Kam, pupate into butterflies" entrepreneurial spirit, persist in reform and innovation, pragmatism carefully.
  • Rural entrepreneurship carries challenges distinct from traditional entrepreneurial settings.
  • Born in Swansea of modest entrepreneurial stock, he had a happy childhood, and he recreates its pleasures well.
  • He would also like to see more of an entrepreneurial spirit and better opportunities for starting small businesses.
  • Some of America's top company builders - spotless reputations on the line - are trying to apply the entrepreneurial Midas touch to the problems that beset this cobwebbed corner of the economy.
  • Cyrus Vance Before a recent business trip to Israel, someone handed me a copy of "Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle," a book by Dan Senor and Saul Singer about Israel's culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism. Twelve Months of Reading
  • I'd hate to be seen as a non-achiever, so I would like to think that I have an entrepreneurial future of some kind.
  • You need a lot of tenacity and entrepreneurial skill and the ability to network with a lot of different people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ultimately, those in favor of entrepreneurialism and its capitalistic payoffs should also be in favor of the requests of the Occupiers--we all want to build something new. Matt Hooper: Occupying Until We Get Occupations: a Millennial Entrepreneur's Take on the Protests
  • It has required elaborate organization, but this has been the product of continuous evolution from the original entrepreneurial enterprise.sentence dictionary
  • In addition to this, his entrepreneurial instincts constantly lead him to dabble in dodgy business concerns which so far include a hot dog stand, a donkey sanctuary and a Scottish theme bar in Spain.
  • Great tracts of the Middle Kingdom will be virtually indistinguishable from the tiny entrepreneurial enclave.
  • Having been pushed so far back as to be deprived of his place in the company's executive suite, he vowed to return to his entrepreneurial roots.
  • Such attitudes are toxic to any kind of entrepreneurialism, and probably the reason why few good brains go into the public sector and too few young people, raised in such a culture, start their own businesses. Top stories from Times Online
  • We have an entrepreneurial culture and English is the language of international business. Times, Sunday Times
  • While he talks a good game about the businesses he's "built or turned around," his entrepreneurial gumption, which is real, has failed to produce an equal degree of entrepreneurial success. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The entrepreneurial success of first-generation Jews enabled subsequent generations to move into the professional ranks of society.
  • It runs a course teaching leadership and entrepreneurial skills, which is often addressed by business leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Be cool, stay in school’ is indoctrinated into students from preschool to postgrad, but the entrepreneurial impulse is not always suited to college.
  • But spend an afternoon in one of these places and you'll find something else that may surprise you--these slums are also hotbeds of entrepreneurialism and innovation. Melinda Gates: The Hardest Workers
  • He opined that deregulation of business would unfetter the natural entrepreneurial heroes of capitalism to create vast wealth and it would trickle down to the public, if we de-unionized too. Stephen Herrington: The State of the Union Is: Appalling
  • Our dead are too easily disentombed by entrepreneurial politicians. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: Hindsight: Burying the Ghost of Ground Zero
  • She is particularly proud of her involvement with the recent appointments of a new breed of top entrepreneurial staff.
  • But it is important to differentiate between real growth in the Internet and, more importantly, in entrepreneurialism, versus the speculative investment manias and the herd mentality.
  • An example of Armstrong's entrepreneurial skills was evident when he played an exhibition game in Ceylon.
  • The top dogs in the new entrepreneurial City are the hedge funds - loosely regulated pools of capital taking more risk to earn higher returns than traditional fund managers.
  • We are less interested in entrenched businesses that lack an entrepreneurial culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • With many university entrepreneurial programmes still in their infancy, Togneri admits that some involve courses that students can opt in or out of, while others are compulsory.
  • Having the independence and flexibility to make time for family, hobbies or other activities is a huge draw to the entrepreneurial life. The pros and cons of starting a small business
  • The experience brought out his entrepreneurial flair. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knew that he needed to assemble a team of renegades, so he personally interviewed every employee, seeking out those who could handle the demands of such an entrepreneurial environment.
  • This country underperforms most noticeably in research and development, entrepreneurial activity and youth unemployment.
  • A good way to assist is to bring entrepreneurial and business skills to them. Africans on Mission
  • Scotland no longer has a middle class, either on the Victorian entrepreneurial model or within the Marxist concept of the bourgeoisie: instead, it has a Soviet-style nomenklatura, a public-sector salariat living well.
  • Labor-Management Cooperation Many public managers believe that unions are the greatest obstacle standing in the way of entrepreneurial government.
  • Cinemas could become much more entrepreneurial ventures, making more money by taking more of the risk of films smashing or bombing.
  • None of these mainstream idiots understand that monopolism has a well-conceived dogma that aspires to destroy entrepreneurialism.
  • The real job growth and opportunities for rapid advancement will be found in three types of small, entrepreneurial companies.
  • The entrepreneurial boom was supercharged by two developments.
  • He has relied instead on professional skill and entrepreneurial flair in his executives.
  • Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
  • The railways stimulated capital investment, entrepreneurial adventure, and the money market.
  • They would far rather go back to those small, unstructured, entrepreneurial lively companies where they didn't have to deal with bureaucracy The error of apprenticeship is over. The Outlook for Advertising and Marketing Firms
  • Independent and entrepreneurial, coworkers are essentially pioneering an entirely new way of working that conventional businesses often interpret as avant-garde.
  • Although the rhetoric of the military is all about discipline, the daily practice of the troops is a cut throat entrepreneurialism.
  • Spurred by the urge for excellence, Indian women are foraying into the rarified entrepreneurial space.
  • Market historians tend to view early American farmers as acquisitive, money-making, land-hungry, entrepreneurial go-getters.
  • We now have the resources to make the investment in education and entrepreneurialism to develop the advanced manufacturing and service exporters which will carry Australia through the next commodities slump.
  • This will act as the catalyst for future careers and will be an unrivalled resource for Scotland's entrepreneurial companies.
  • In addition, the speakers discussed barriers to integrating systems, such as overemphasis on acute care, entrepreneurial interests, lack of incentives, and lack of methodology criteria.
  • Were he still in power, he would note the profound difference between Chairman Mao's retromingent Great Leap Forward and what Beijing's new entrepreneurial technocrats have in mind. Lawyers, engineers and scientists: comparing Chinese and American politician bakcground

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