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How To Use Entreaty In A Sentence

  • In early October Polk returned to Nashville and spent a week seeking to solidify his standing among state Democrats through cajolery, entreaty, and old-fashioned political horse-trading. A Country of Vast Designs
  • But O Mesdemoiselles, 'she continued, clasping her hands in entreaty,' you do not know how I should like to come down into your garden and play with you, or at least, 'as she suddenly recollected that such tall young ladies were rather past the age for mere' playing, '' walk about and talk with you. The Tapestry Room: A Child's Romance
  • Cooley appeared in person in May to appeal that decision, but his entreaty was rebuffed.
  • Then Ito turned upon me and poured out an impassioned entreaty that he might be "honourably" permitted to take charge of and fire the torpedoes himself. Under the Ensign of the Rising Sun A Story of the Russo-Japanese War
  • However, Merv ignores the entreaty, which is held in front of his face, and heads downstairs. 'S Wonderful, 'S Mervelous!
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  • The irony of "The Beggarwoman of Locarno" may be that language is never certain to answer its own entreaty, which is to say that the word Fall can never be as good as its name and become one case of falling, one Fall des Falls, among others. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • Please--" She extended a hand to Wheeler in a tentative gesture of entreaty. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Noble Martuccio, there is a servant of thine in my house, which came from Liparis, and requireth to have a little private conference with thee: but because I durst not trust any other with the message, my selfe (at her entreaty) am come to acquaint thee therewith. The Decameron
  • Messieurs," the King went on, "madame has joined her entreaty to that of the Queen for the life of Mademoiselle de Paradis, and very willingly and from my heart have I signed this pardon. Orrain A Romance
  • His entreaty is hard to swallow, given the biographical kernels in all of his plays, but easy to take, given the unguarded, imploring nature of his gaze.
  • At first she thought the hoarse plea had tumbled from her own lips, giving substance to her fears, but as Gerard's powerful hands used all the gentleness at their disposal to coax her knees apart, she realized the entreaty was his own, offered without a trace of apology. Thief Of Hearts
  • Lilly missee," crooned the Chinaman, smiling up into the other's face with a sort of childish entreaty. Bat Wing
  • Please, please don't, dear cuckoo, she exclaimed, dancing about with her hands clasped in entreaty, but her eyes still firmly closed. The Cuckoo Clock
  • Very well, sir," and without opposition or entreaty, he turned to resaddle the mare. Under Two Flags
  • He revived but in part, and knowing that his moments were fast passing, he called the incensed captain, and before he had time to speak or strike, poured upon him such a flood of sublime and holy rebuke, rising to the grandeur of prophetic denunciation, and mingled with such melting pathos of entreaty, that the crime-steeped man was overwhelmed and fled from the scene. The Martyrs, and the Fugitive; or a Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings, and Death of an African Family, and the Slavery and Escape of Their Son
  • What is important is that we hold a conscious intention for the wellbeing of another, whether it's an entreaty to God or a loving feeling.
  • As in time it did not die away, but began to get a little more heated (one voice appearing to be raised in entreaty and the other, Elizabeth's, in protest), I thought I had better saunter out and interrupt the causerie. Our Elizabeth A Humour Novel
  • It was no time for farther assurances or entreaty, though to part with her at a moment when her modesty alone seemed, to his sanguine and preassured mind, to stand in the way of the happiness he sought, was a cruel necessity. Mansfield Park
  • Obeying this impulse, and also a look of entreaty from the Curé, she affixed her own signature as witness to the document, and this despite the fact that both the Marquise and her son threw her a look of hate which might have made a weaker spirit tremble with foreboding. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard
  • Education, of all kinds, is a personal entreaty.
  • Yielding to the entreaty of his most faithful subjects-the bishops and the University of Louvain -- he recalled Alva and appointed as his successor Don Luis of Requesens. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • She leaned toward him, entreaty in her eyes, and as he looked at her delicate face and into her pure, limpid eyes, as of old he was struck with his own unworthiness. Chapter 26
  • It was a woman's voice: quiet, controlled, underlaid with an odd note of entreaty.
  • She wasn't in tears; she was if anything brusque, her tone between command and entreaty. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • The lips of the Prior were moving in a kind of agonised entreaty, and his eyes rolled round. The King's Achievement
  • And beneath the vituperation was the telltale entreaty to Tanenhaus that he should exercise more judgment in his selection process if anyone wanted to take the Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits
  • The voice of the stranger was raised as though in anger or altercation, while that of the Governor was pitched lower, in tones that seemed to convey the idea of expostulation, entreaty, and apology. A Chinese Command A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas
  • Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?
  • Early last year I made an entreaty for the digitization of several great LPs, mostly from the 80s, that still hadn't made it to CD for whatever reason.
  • an entreaty to stop the fighting
  • What had begun as a command, even a threat, ended up quite differently, came as close as John could get to entreaty. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • I clasped my hands in entreaty, and Uncle Geoff had such a funny look in his eyes that I quite stared at him. The Boys and I: A Child's Story for Children
  • Only after their entreaty failed did they arrest him.
  • Tim Linkinwater condescended, after much entreaty and brow – beating, to accept a share in the house; but he could never be prevailed upon to suffer the publication of his name as a partner, and always persisted in the punctual and regular discharge of his clerkly duties. Nicholas Nickleby
  • He was a proud man, and there was no entreaty in his voice. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • There was a note in his voice which couldn't be called entreaty, but was far from a direct orderand I was accustomed only to orders. Hot Money
  • The entreaty was the entreaty of a child, a frightened, bewildered child. The Iron Woman
  • “Hout no! hout no!” said Mrs. Butler, in a tone of entreaty; “ye maunna affront the Captain.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Oh, no, Master Mott, don't do that, I beg and pray of you," said nurse, all but wringing her hands in entreaty. "Carrots": Just a Little Boy
  • So when the ice began to pop under my spreadeagled body still twenty feet from her and then the opaque white beneath me changed to a soft, rotten gray and now I was fifteen feet away and then, at ten, the ice sagged perceptibly, I stared at my good dog with the same entreaty I saw in her eyes. Spring Ice
  • There was a helpless entreaty in his voice, as though he were afraid that she might see him and retrace her steps.

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