How To Use Enthrone In A Sentence
Nothing irradiated it; to the eye of the magician in character, if not to the ordinary observer, the expression enthroned there was absolute submission to and belief in a little assortment of forms and habitudes.
The Woodlanders
In 1860, at the age of five he took the novice vows of monkhood from the Gaden Throne Holder Lobsang Khenrab and he was enthroned in the Potala Palace.
The Dalai Lamas
The toddler was chosen out of nine other candidates and eventually "enthroned".
Dvorak Uncensored
After having been force-fed a steady diet of terrorist teriyaki in 2004, fearful Americans re-enthroned a delusional White House chef de cuisine who believes that he has a divine mandate to jam his recipe for theocracy down the nation's throat.
Food and Drink
Isaac sits enthroned, a look of regal wisdom on his face.
He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.
Back catalogs are illuminated, obscurities arbitrarily enthroned.
School of Rock
Naturally, there were several elements to the dual ceremony, but everything led up to the actual enthronement, where Grand Duke Henri sat on the historic throne in the Chamber of Deputies and made and accepted speeches.
The tactic paid off, for 37 years later David Hope was at the same cathedral being enthroned as Bishop of Wakefield.
A kings majesty or state, then, and the right of his kingdom to be called a state, depends on the movelessness of both: without tremor, without quiver of balance; established and enthroned upon a foundation of eternal law which nothing can alter, nor overthrow.
Sesame and Lilies. Lecture II.-Lilies: Of Queens Gardens
The two strangers are not serious; there are jests at the mysteries which precede the enthronement, and he is being initiated into the mysteries of the sophistical ritual.
Of course the 35-year-old is way too grounded to ever imagine herself enthroned in the Hollywood firmament.
Balliol therefore had to perform homage and fealty to Edward before his enthronement.
An archiepiscopal enthronement is a joyful thing.
Times, Sunday Times
The present Bishop of Chichester holds the Archdeaconry of the Diocese, and is a Residentiary in the Cathedral Church, where he was enthroned March 8, 1798.
But if done well such a ritual can provide that sense of the embodiment of land and history and people that has characterized the ‘magic’ of royal enthronements back into the mists of time.
The Missus sat enthroned on the couch surrounded by soft pillows, her books and magazines in reach.
In 1822, he was recognized and enthroned in the Potala Palace and in the same year, he took his novice vows of monkhood from the Panchen Lama, Tenpai Nyima who gave him the name Tsultrim Gyatso.
The Dalai Lamas
He was enthroned as Bishop of Monmouth in 1992 and elected Archbishop of Wales in 2000.
In the enthroned Christ every question about sin is answered, and every claim of a violated law is absolutely met; and though there is no abatement in the demands of the decalogue, yet because "Christ has become the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth," now "_grace reigns through righteousness_ unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Ministry of the Spirit
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country .... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
In 1842, he was enthroned in the Potala Palace and at the age of eleven, he took the novice vows of monkhood from the Panchen Lama.
The Dalai Lamas
A former Southampton vicar has been enthroned as the new Bishop of Bradford.
The emperor is enthroned under an elaborate canopy crowned by a two-headed eagle, and at the base of the throne are strewn the trophies of battles - banners and weapons, kettledrums, and standards.
French government a new form, to disenthrone the five directors, and to place himself in their position.
Empress Josephine An historical sketch of the days of Napoleon
From twelfth-century Auvergne comes a powerful Enthroned Virgin and Child, carved in walnut and with traces of what may well be original polychromy, on show courtesy of Paris dealer Bresset.
But if done well such a ritual can provide that sense of the embodiment of land and history and people that has characterized the ‘magic’ of royal enthronements back into the mists of time.
Thus the presence of God manifested by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night was "incarnated" in the portable ark which was enthroned in its own tent shrine when the pilgrim people came to rest and pitched camp.
Why do we need beautiful churches?
The center of her attention was always Sainte Foy, who was martyred in the fourth century at the age of twelve and became the glory of this village after her remains were transferred and enthroned there five centuries after her death.
The main sources are provided by extant accounts of papal ceremonial, particularly those relating to enthronement and funeral, and Paravicini-Bagliani unpicks their intriguing ritual detail to great effect.
A king's majesty or "state," then, and the right of his kingdom to be called a state, depends on the movelessness of both: -- without tremor, without quiver of balance; established and enthroned upon a foundation of eternal law which nothing can alter, nor overthrow.
Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
The reigning empresses were enthroned to prevent a break in succession in cases of emergency, such as when a crown prince was too young to reign or was forced to postpone enthronement for political reasons.
The battle of Gemappe was gained when the Brissotin faction had enthroned itself on the ruins of a constitution, which the armies were said to adore with enthusiasm: by what sudden inspiration were their affections transferred to another form of government? or will any one pretend that they really understood the democratic Machiavelism which they were to propagate in Brabant?
A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.
The centerpiece depicts the empress enthroned under a baldachin and surrounded by figures of Hercules, Minerva, Mars, and other gods celebrating her military achievements.
The Rashtrakuta dynasty of Canarese kings, already enthroned in North Berar (631) and in Gujarat (c. 700), was elevated to empire by Dantidurga, who soon overthrew the Chalukyas.
The towering central panel is set within a classical arch and shows the Virgin and Child enthroned, with the infant Saint John the Baptist to one side.
She looked far more fetching in person than she'd appeared in the transmissions enthroned on her mustardy leather sofa.
-And Lurking Behind Quasar 3C295 . . .
The crack of a lance snapping in two rebounds off the wooden walls raised between the tilting field and the canopied grandstand where I sit enthroned, surrounded by my ladies and the more favored of my nobles.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
Then Lord Elgin, his family and descendants of the noblemen who acknowledged the king's legitimate enthronement at the time, will dip their family flags in homage to the Bruce.
While I was shepherding the flocks at Abelmaul, the spirit of the understanding of the Lord came to me, and I saw how all men were going astray, and how injustice had built walls for itself and lawlessness was enthroned in towers.
In the Valley of the Shadow
I long to go there, to see his name enthroned in dedication among the men and women who also lost their lives in this war which made little sense.
Loveletters from Vol 4
She sat on the porch enthroned in a rocking chair with her feet propped up, and had two long, slow cups of coffee.
It is the intellect, the will, as an Emperor of Ectoplasm, enthroned in the kingdom of the skull.
Archive 2009-08-01
Tony Blair's epideictic performance at the Labour Party conference last year won admiration even from his foes, but by and large the digital age is cool to rhetoric and, as the enthronement of the blogger suggests, prizes incoherent impulse over the Ciceronian arts of the exordium and the peroration.
First Post Says Blair to Resign on May 9th
Data on the social origins of the hierarchy appointed between Peter's death and Catherine the Great's enthronement in 1762 are meager.
Begun with the Scientific Revolution, propounded in the Enlightenment, and finally enthroned on the humanist ideals of liberal religion and the rights-based polity, modernity exalted the god of human competence.
Father, a large work, shows Dad enthroned on a chair, two children at his side.
He describes how, at the age of six, he found himself enthroned in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa.
Still, don't go calling her a fool just yet, even if you feel safely enthroned in your conviction that marriage has only one definition - namely yours.
The King was Tian's viceroy on earth and was enthroned or dethroned at his will.
After a short walk from the train station, the mayor greeted his entourage in the ballroom of the Mayflower Hotel, ‘where he sat enthroned in a bower of flowers and banners.’
In 1093 Anselm was enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury.
At our worst, we unreservedly supported - or enthroned - medieval despots who suppressed popular liberalization efforts.
Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
She sat in the dining room, enthroned on an old high-backed chair.
But far older than even these are the colossal grim circles of saints and apostles who cling to the roof of the choir, and yield in size only to the awful figures of the Saviour, the Virgin, and Saint Paul, enthroned in the _apsides_ of the nave and aisles.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
He said it was the rights of the kingmakers to enthrone whosoever as per their tradition, and only present him formally to the administration as a collaborator in that society.
A stunningly colourful inauguration service marked the enthronement of the 97th Archbishop of York at the city's Minster yesterday in a ceremony which broke from traditions dating back more than 1,200 years.
Men in frenzies often wound and destroy themselves; what is a man, when reason is dethroned and Satan enthroned?
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
The centerpiece depicts the empress enthroned under a baldachin and surrounded by figures of Hercules, Minerva, Mars, and other gods celebrating her military achievements.
The principle of divine kingship was maintained even when the king was replaced by rulers drawn from outside the family of the enthroned king.
The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.
The patriarchate was restored, with the enthronement of Sergei eight days later.
In the full august assembly, Nero discovered enthroned, not unmajestic in deportment, yet effeminately chapleted, and holding a lyre: suppose him just returned from Elis, a pancratist, the world's acknowledged champion.
An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
Most supported the British and Mughals merely to keep themselves enthroned.
Misjudging the survival of Romano-British life, Gregory had planned archbishoprics based on London and York, but political realities were acknowledged in 601 when Augustine was enthroned as first archbishop of Canterbury.
The champion was disenthroned in the second round of the match.
Edward's is the first English royal seal to survive; the image of the king in majesty, enthroned with orb and sceptre, was borrowed from German models.
In the centre, Christ is seen, enthroned under a kind of palmetto canopy; above him, on
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
Norway was the most recent remaining European monarchy to replace a coronation ceremony with an enthronement.
How do I know he wants to be enthroned and "idolized" in my heart?
The question asked by a thirteen-year-old in a catechism class I taught many years ago was prompted by a depiction of Father and Son enthroned, with the Spirit as a dove hovering in the background.
He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader of the Church of England.
The roundels in the center show a doge kneeling before an enthroned Saint Mark and a seated, robed figure with the right hand raised, presumably in blessing.
He was not officially enthroned because he said he was not comfortable with the regal connotations - the first bishop to say so.
He had but to disenthrone her who for fifteen years, with true and tender love, had shared his existence.
Empress Josephine An historical sketch of the days of Napoleon
The empyrean is the central castle where the emperor (God) sits enthroned.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Kevin, ninthly enthroned, in the concentric centre of the trans-lated water, whereamid, when violet vesper vailed, Saint Kevin,
Finnegans Wake
Our God is not a remote being who sits enthroned on some ethereal height, absorbed in the contemplation of his own perfection, oblivious to this grubby realm in which we live.
The roundels in the center show a doge kneeling before an enthroned Saint Mark and a seated, robed figure with the right hand raised, presumably in blessing.
And, indeed, it was death we had come to disenthrone.
Heralds of Empire Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade
He was then received at court balls, in company with his wife, and Mme. Dionis was "enthroned" in the village because of her "ways of the throne.
Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 1
Nor can they be made to comprehend that the workingman is the uncrowned king of the industrial realm, and educated labor enthroned vitality; or that only freemen -- free to do or forbear -- work with genuine fidelity, and give to toil their highest endeavor.
The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
Dr Sentamu was enthroned as Archbishop of York in a ceremony at York Minister on November 30.
The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.
These political leaders were trying to press the King, enthroned after the gruesome massacre, to rectify his errors.
The answer is that the superaltars which are made by the bishops when a church is consecrated, suffice oratories in lieu of consecration or enthronement when they are sent to them, on the occasion of their dedication or opening.
Twenty-five years ago he was enthroned as the guru of the avant-garde; today he is isolated, some would say megalomaniac.
The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago
For instance, several alabasters depict the Trinity, with the crowned and bearded Father majestically robed and enthroned, supporting the crucified Son between his legs, the cross surmounted by the dove representing the Holy Spirit.
Giving Physical Form to Faith
Poor Richard had to do the embarrassing thing of withdrawing the invitation he had extended to me and inviting me instead to preach at his enthronement in the evening rather than at his consecration in the morning.
Christ, the Grand Inquisitor, seated as judge; his familiars standing by ready with their implements of torture to fulfil his bidding; his fellow monks enthroned around him; his sign, the crucifix, towering from hell to heaven in sight of the universe; the whole heretical world, dressed in the sanbenito, helpless before him, awaiting their doom?
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life