
How To Use Entablature In A Sentence

  • Dacian captives on the attic (_attic_ = a species of subordinate story added above the main cornice) of this arch were a fortunate addition, furnishing a _raison-d’être_ for the columns and broken entablatures on which they rest. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The cement entablature comprises four bas-relief friezes of two rows of Africans converging upon the beach, the Atlantic in front of them.
  • Above the Ionic entablature, the vertical thrust from below is carried skyward by pedestals supporting kraters aligned with the engaged columns.
  • You find the abacus between the triglyphs in the frieze section of the entablature of classical Greek Doric temples.
  • The entablature and pediment of the portico are supported by two pairs of massive Ionic columns.
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  • The entablature and pediment of the portico are supported by two pairs of massive Ionic columns.
  • Each of the four straight arches is flanked on either side by an engaged Doric column and surmounted by an entablature.
  • The Temple of Zeus itself was funded from a military campaign, and its entablature was adorned with Spartan military trophies.
  • It had a red brick (not brownstone) facade, which reflected longstanding Greek revival traditions, and the front doorway was flanked by Doric pilasters supporting a triglyph-adorned entablature.
  • Here Mr. Stroik has successfully orchestrated a hierarchy of scales in form and space that includes the majestic crossing and apse; the great piers supporting the dome; the pilasters carrying a massive, uninterrupted entablature; the gorgeous baldachin looming over the main altar — and so on down the line. A Return to Grace
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are painted plaster.schafphoto. com Like the shrine, the focus is again on a baldachin - here, with swirling bronze Solomonic columns and an exuberant superstructure inspired by Bernini's baldachin at St. Peter's. Holy Architecture
  • Essentially, the orders determine the shape, proportion and decoration of the basic architectural elements: the vertical, supporting column (with its base, shaft and capital) and the horizontal, supported entablature (divided into three registers, from bottom to top: the architrave, frieze and cornice). Renaissance architecture: how to identify the Roman orders
  • The result, now standing in the St. Mary's Chapel Field, is a tall chapel of handmade red brick, with a cream-colored Baroque "Tuscan" facade decorated with classical features, including pilasters, entablature and a round central window. Theorized Reconstruction of a 17th Century Jesuit Church in America
  • The capitals of the columns, entablature, cornice, and pediment are decorated with acanthus leaves and bouquets and geometrical mouldings in high Corinthian style.
  • The body of it is adorned with twenty columns engaged in the wall, and the peristyle, which is open, with ten detached pillars that support the entablature. Travels through France and Italy
  • On the entablature is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, who inaugurated Sir Richard Gresham's structure -- the centre figure of a number of others emblematic of the all-embracing commerce of this country, and surmounted by the words: 'The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.' Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 420 Volume 17, New Series, January 17, 1852
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • The Doric entablature the herms carry on their hairy heads provided Sansovino with metopes that he could fill with figural sculpture.
  • The entablature of the fourth aedicule finally sitting on top of the completely new capital and fitting to the curved niche on the left. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Anastylosis Projects Report 5
  • The windows of the top storey were concealed within the frieze of the main entablature whilst the heads of those on the first floor were dropped to suit the new storey heights.
  • The entablature is supported by four beturbaned telamones; in the centre is the draped sarcophagus.
  • Building elements of this portico show that it presented the same smooth entablature with a pulvinated (cushion-shaped), but otherwise smooth frieze, and an undecorated cornice, as on the western portico and the Trajanic nymphaeum along the agora's north side. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Lower Agora Report 4
  • I've never seen so many colonnades, entablatures, pediments, porticos, coffered ceilings and statues adorning so many structures.
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • In the decoration of the entablature of the colonnade, the skull of the ox repeated between the garlands recalls the vicissitudes of the pioneers in their long march across the continent. The Jewel City
  • The entablature and pediment of the portico are supported by two pairs of massive Ionic columns.
  • Hawksmoor's intercolumniation is 18 feet, a formidable span for a stone entablature.
  • A careful examination of the masonry of the portal reveals that the herms and their entablature are a later addition to the rusticated, round-arched doorway.
  • A massive pediment with entablature is supported by four Roman Doric columns on granite bases.
  • The completion of the fourth aedicule from the left, which proved to be a nerve breaking task, as first of all its entablature had to fit to both the corresponding parts of the most complex part of the building, i.e. the curved central niche, and to a completely newly carved Corinthian capital. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Anastylosis Projects Report 5
  • Pentelicus; at Patras, the cellae of the temple of Jupiter and Hercules, which are brick, although on the outside the entablature and columns of the temple are of stone; in Italy, at Arezzo, an ancient wall excellently built; at Tralles, the house built for the kings of the dynasty of Attalus, which is now always granted to the man who holds the state priesthood. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • The medallion of Pierre Corneille is sculptured on the entablature which is supported by these columns, and on each side of the medallion, we perceive Melpomene with a dagger, and Thalia with a mask. Rouen, It's History and Monuments A Guide to Strangers
  • Eight Corinthian pillars sentineled it, resting on a marble base which seemed to spring up out of the flag-stones themselves, and towering to the projecting entablature above. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • When Pelli started 40 years ago, the Blue Building was to be a standalone -- a huge entablature unto itself. J. Michael Welton: Cesar Pelli's California Cathedrals
  • The south facade is a curiously flat and blocky affair, only partly leavened by the awkward, two-bay, single-column upper arcade, the unsatisfactorily cinched lower entablature, the four eccentric little ground-floor windows, and the raised platform supporting it all. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Its columns are tall and slender, its capitals have bountiful acanthus leaves with big scrolls and its entablature sports an ostentatiously sculpted frieze and cornice. Renaissance architecture: how to identify the Roman orders
  • On top of the Ionic capitals of the peristasis (external colonnade), an entablature consisting of an architrave, a pulvinated frieze, and a cornice, all undecorated except for false lion spouts on the cornice, supported a steep undecorated gable. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Apollo Klarios Sanctuary Report 1
  • A coin of Augustus shows what is presumably a square superstructure, with arches on the two faces in view, pilasters or columns, and an entablature but no roof.
  • It is built of Portland stone, and is adorned with a beautiful portico in the centre, consisting of four Doric columns supporting an enriched entablature, decorated with a group of figures in alto-relievo, representing Hibernia and Britannia presenting emblems of peace and liberty. Three Years in Europe Places I Have Seen and People I Have Met
  • We also prepared all of the vertical connections ( "dowels") that would be needed to join the courses of the tendril frieze of the naiskos to the architrave and fluted frieze blocks of the entablature. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Anastylosis Projects - Northwest Heroon Report 4
  • The entablature's architrave and frieze break out over each individual engaged column, emphasizing verticality, while the cornice breaks out over each pair to unify the pier-column unit.
  • On all three walls the shafts in this storey stand on a kind of kerb or parapet, which is interrupted in the middle of each bay, and the stilt of the round arch is treated almost like a classical entablature, and has a moulding or cornice above it, while the uppermost part of the wall is thickened, thereby necessitating over each bay a comprising arch, which on the north wall is round, but on the other walls follows the shape of the three sub-arches, and forms a kind of upper order to them. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • While the Greeks had used the Corinthian capital with an Ionic entablature, the Romans invented a distinct cornice for the Corinthian order, characterized by large projecting modillions embellished with acanthus leaves.
  • He could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • The throne is seen from directly in front, but the entablature and column capitals are seen from the left.
  • Its columns are tall and slender, its capitals have bountiful acanthus leaves with big scrolls and its entablature sports an ostentatiously sculpted frieze and cornice. Renaissance architecture: how to identify the Roman orders
  • Pl. LXVI -- the lower drawing on the right hand side -- the sarcophagus is shown between the columns, and above the entablature is a plinth on which the horse stands. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Volume 2
  • The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • The sight lines leading to the colonnade and entablature of the Parliament are left unobstructed.
  • The large frieze panels connecting the archivolts form the entablature of the columns.
  • Morgan here says you find the abacus between the triglyphs in the frieze section of the entablature of classical Greek Doric temples.
  • A coin of Augustus shows what is presumably a square superstructure, with arches on the two faces in view, pilasters or columns, and an entablature but no roof.
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are painted plaster.schafphoto. com Like the shrine, the focus is again on a baldachin - here, with swirling bronze Solomonic columns and an exuberant superstructure inspired by Bernini's baldachin at St. Peter's. Holy Architecture
  • From previous studies, it is clear that the nymphaeum had two stories of an aediculated façade, and we have found elaborately carved parts of its entablature and of decorated corner acroteria. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Lower Agora Report 12
  • I've never seen so many colonnades, entablatures, pediments, porticos, coffered ceilings and statues adorning so many structures.
  • On each side, there are niches in the intercolumniation of the walls, together with pedestals and shafts of pillars, cornices, and an entablature, which indicate the former magnificence of the building. Travels through France and Italy
  • Chedanne, however, whose results are not yet published, thought that the entablature of the pronaos had originally belonged to a decastyle temple, which he supposed to have been peripteral.
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are, like the pseudomarble pilasters in the shrine, painted plaster. A Return to Grace
  • The piers and pilasters carry a deep entablature which was enriched with triglyphs and mutules.
  • The six Roman heroes stand high up in the side arches, above the entablature that crowns the actual windows in the wall.
  • The entablature's architrave and frieze break out over each individual engaged column, emphasizing verticality, while the cornice breaks out over each pair to unify the pier-column unit.
  • A cornice is the uppermost division of the entablature, the representative of the roof, of an order, consisting of projecting mouldings and blocks, usually divisible into bed-moulding, corona, and gutter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • In the foreground there were screens of columns standing on a projecting podium and supporting an entablature.
  • Each column supported an appropriate entablature, on the frieze of which was inscribed Pro Patria, ‘reminding the legislator of the end and object of his delegation.’
  • The windows of the top storey were concealed within the frieze of the main entablature whilst the heads of those on the first floor were dropped to suit the new storey heights.
  • Entablatures and colonnades are common structural features of basalt.
  • Each column supported an appropriate entablature, on the frieze of which was inscribed ‘Pro Patria,’ reminding the legislator of the end and object of his delegation.

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