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How To Use Ensuing In A Sentence

  • The ensuing grassroots campaign failed to save "embrangle" (to confuse or entangle) and "caliginosity" (dimness, darkness). Jezebel
  • In the ensuing confusion another 8 persons were hurt.
  • Moreover, one can probably expect that ensuing fights will redound similarly, as the public appears to be internalizing the meme that the Democrats are fighting for the middle class while the Republicans are fighting for the rich. Jared Bernstein: A Holiday Message
  • In this case the ensuing negotiations serve to signal at least short-term lenience and the relaxing - but at least the non-tightening - of sanctions. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • In the ensuing litigation, this was portrayed as blackmail - a serious offence that has a maximum prison term of 14 years.
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  • The ensuing scandal threatened, in the words of Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein, to "unravel" the remaining 60 "War" cases. Peter Lance: Feds Move Terrorist Close to Key Murder Witness
  • The difficulties of the site - its geometry, its western orientation, an adjacent future road easement and its flood prone nature - were significant determinants in the ensuing design.
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
  • If this does come about, the ensuing paralysis will surely be an apposite commentary on the unhappy state of affairs we have reached where no party seems to deserve to govern us.
  • The ensuing altercations and hilarious testimonies provided an exciting two hours!
  • Someone shouted 'Fire!' and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.
  • In the ensuing counteroffensive, four soldiers were killed and four mutineers were beaten to death after being captured.
  • Chinese police pursued the car, and in the ensuing chase the suspects' automobile collided with a traffic island, killing one occupant and seriously injuring the other.
  • Over the ensuing 2-year period, the tumor recurred in the neck and metastasized to the lungs, skin, and bone.
  • And he can light the blue touchpaper on a Roman Candle, but it may be impossible to tell whether the ensuing two second fizzing is the intended special effect or a product malfunction.
  • In the ensuing decade, there were 20 of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made a motion concerning libellers on 19 Feb 1585, and was put in charge of the ensuing committee.
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • In the ensuing chaos, not only defenders but a great many townspeople were killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This work establishes the concept of freedom as the principal motif of his ensuing works and evokes questions regarding differences between writing and orality as racial and cultural markers.
  • The ensuing fire-fight left the gun-boat beyond use and it left the 20 landing craft carrying the commandos unprotected.
  • The ensuing Adagio with its long notes and plucked bass line made for welcome progress after a long first movement.
  • After the first two weeks of prednisolone, the daily dosage was steadily reduced to zero over the ensuing weeks.
  • But why to dream of lettuce should presage some ensuing disease, why to eat figs should signify foolish talk, why to eat eggs great trouble, and to dream of blindness should be so highly commended, according to the oneirocritical verses of Astrampsychus and Nicephorus, I shall leave unto your divination. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • In the ensuing decade, there were 20 of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing uproar - fueled by people who were not comparably scandalized when George W. Bush was sulfurously vilified - her opponent raised nearly $2 million and her lead shrank from 13 points to her winning margin of 3. - Local News
  • Over the ensuing months, the Petrov royal commission became a political cesspit.
  • A bad guy is no longer simply the opposite of ‘good guy;’ the ensuing but signals the vitiation of the villainous sting of depravity.
  • The ensuing trembling in the morning made the plastic hours in the airport departure lounge more bearable, with only a few shandies to stop the shaking.
  • The ensuing and recurrent financial crises led to constant infighting within the ruling clique.
  • Her chapter concerning the library of the London vowess Margery de Nerford also discusses the events surrounding de Nerford's wardship, forced marriage, ensuing divorce, and legal battles.
  • The ensuing difficulty in tracing such ownership is now at the heart of the courts 'objections and the compelling argument for a government-enforced national moratorium on home foreclosures to provide sufficient time to sort this mess out. Robert Scheer: Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers
  • The ensuing row led to a complaint to the local standards panel, which concluded there was insufficient evidence to justify a full investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The French gained a slight advantage in the ensuing melees, forcing a couple more squadrons of cuirassier and hussars off the field. Archive 2009-05-01
  • In the ensuing chaos, she herself could have become another grim statistic in the terrible death toll of Sabra and Shatila, had her father not rescued her and her family.
  • Carbon dioxide is released in the ensuing chemical reaction.
  • The ensuing ruckus in the media merely reminds us that we live in a society that is censored.
  • The ensuing argument had been bitter.
  • The smoky melody to the ensuing Ruins makes Jack Wyllie's sax more like a stringed instrument crossed with a trumpet, its quivering vibrato spooky but turning more guttural and free-jazzy as the backbeat pushes on. Portico Quartet: Portico Quartet – review
  • They shared the ensuing silence amicably, until the heavy tread of boot-clad feet rumbled on the narrow wooden porch of the inn's street frontage.
  • In the ensuing days Miller was celebrated in the tony newspapers and magazines as a latter-day Shakespeare.
  • Her ensuing characters are deftly created without props or costumes.
  • Here the initial reflex excitation is closely followed by an ensuing reflex inhibition commingled with and partially counter-acting the concurrent excitation. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Residents said they dismissed the crowing as bluster, but noticed a dramatic change in his life in ensuing weeks.
  • In the ensuing decade, Performance has regularly figured in lists of the best British films.
  • In the ensuing sea chase, the trawler collided with another French fishing boat, tried to ram HMS Alderney, and eventually hit the warship while cutting across her bows.
  • He succeeded in mating a cow with the menagerie's bison, but the ensuing pregnancy came to a disastrous end.
  • The conversation ebbed and flowed over the ensuing few hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there are more radical readings of the contextualist setting by which antigens are sensed, and debate concerning what constitutes the milieu of meaning of antigenicity and ensuing reaction have spawned certain provocative, and potentially important models of immune regulation (reviewed in Podolsky and Tauber 1997; Tauber 2000). The Impulse of Breathing
  • For the mental toiler, also, it is equally important that the period devoted to the restoration of brain material and the imbibition of a fresh supply of nerve power for the ensuing day's requirements should be passed under circumstances the most favourable for bestowing them. The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
  • By 2005 the ensuing renewed prosperity could be apparent, with more cash coming into the exchequer to spend.
  • In the ensuing media fracas, McAvoy's bust has rivalled Jordan's for the number of column inches generated.
  • The outcome of the ensuing battle at the bridge was predictable. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • During the ensuing months, Chen and Elfiki had become friends, with Chen learning that in addition to possessing a razor-sharp wit and a penchant for practical jokes, Elfiki harbored a competitive edge almost as deep-seated as her own. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • You can judge for yourself whether this shows the essential ‘rightness’ of the Stephenson ideas, or if it shows a lamentable lack of initiative over the ensuing years.
  • If you're not prepared to rigorously keep up that pristine appearance, then the ensuing scuff marks, chips and cracks are sadly all too obvious.
  • The ensuing applause seemed to last as long as the song. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing struggle she bit the security guard, breaking the skin and causing reddening and abrasions, the court heard.
  • The country has undergone a structural readjustment, and the ensuing social implosion is most evident in the capital, one of the world's most violent cities.
  • The ensuing huge explosion blew the Hood apart and she sank in a matter of minutes.
  • The ensuing events leads him into contact with the others of his kind, homunculi built around elements of the human spirit: 1 - the High Priest and Authority, 2 - the Engineer, 3 & 4 - the twin keepers of Lore, 5 - the Tinkerer and Gentle Spirit, 6 - the Mystic, 7 - the Warrior, and 8 - Brute Force. “9″ is a runaway 10. A wonderful movie– see on the big screen « Third Point of Singularity
  • He took part in the ensuing operation at Santa Cruz in April, in which the entire plate fleet was destroyed.
  • He was scragged by two players, disappeared under a heap of bodies, but emerged from the bottom of the ensuing ruck none the worse for wear.
  • Chuck a few flyers around select shops, harass the eardrums of certain people ‘in the know’ who will spread the word to the right people, then sit back and let the ensuing hype escalate.
  • The warmth of the caldarium nearly put her asleep; the ensuing cold-plunge shocked her awake.
  • There are instances of debauched and shameless old age which, deficient in vital resources, strives to supply their place by fictitious excitement; a kind of brutish lasciviousness, that is ever the more cruelly punished by nature, from the fact that the immediately-ensuing debility is in direct proportion to the forced stimulation which has preceded it. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • The ensuing decades brought her worldwide acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
  • The ensuing fugue is more dramatic - some quite powerful playing here, using both a concert pianist's finger technique and the orchestral sounds available to the romantic organ, complete with pedal solos and tuba stop.
  • Whether I passed out, or more likely went to sleep from exhaustion, I was barely aware of ensuing events. SOMEBODY
  • The ensuing violence results in an intervention by the National Guard and the dispatching by the NAACP of Golden Frinks (Afemo Omilami), a self-described "stoker" who organizes a peaceful march to the governor's office 50 miles away in which thousands eventually join. BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news
  • Their ensuing adventure is a rip-roaring treat capable of appealing to both adults and children alike, featuring a superb script and some terrific visual gags as well as some genuinely moving moments.
  • When he won a posthumous Pulitzer Prize, so many thousands of copies sold that, according to rumor, LSU decided the press no longer needed financial support, causing budget confusion in ensuing years without a blockbuster. UP
  • Over the ensuing months, marriages came under intense strain as couples struggled to cope with the difficulty of building life anew. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing minutes, Chelsea almost concede two: Ambrosio saves brilliantly from a Dado Prso header, before Chelsea are forced to clear off the line from a Morientes scissors kick.
  • The ensuing litany of botched deals, double-crosses and macho showdownery is complicated and, ultimately, exhausting.
  • Other parents may find the blissful closeness of the nursing year painfully disrupted by the ensuing battle of wills. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • He writes, ‘These men are nothing buy warlords who are annihilating their own countrymen in return for a position in leadership and the ensuing dimes that will come as foreign aid.’
  • In the ensuing confrontation, the kids smash the rear window of Palmer's car and run away.
  • With the work of Richardson and the ensuing wave of sentimentalism that swept through Europe, the emotionalism attributed to women was placed in a new interpretative framework.
  • Thanks again for this very informative series of articles and the ensuing debate.
  • The implosion of the Soviet regimes and the ensuing collapse of state capitalism caused great suffering to women.
  • The ensuing altercations and hilarious testimonies provided an exciting two hours!
  • Of course, it was an American who later went on to win that Tour, as Greg LeMond battled with his own La Vie Claire teammate, Bernard Hinault, for much of the ensuing three weeks. Still rollin’: A conversation with Raul Alcala
  • In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
  • He was particularly interested in disillusioned outsiders in conflict with society and the law (albeit motivated more by emotion than logic), and their ensuing violence and pain, both of which were conveyed in a deeply sensuous way through the powerful performances Penn consistently drew from his actors. Arthur Penn obituary
  • In the ensuing gun battle one militant was shot dead while his accomplice managed to slip into the other side.
  • To settle the ensuing argument, they make a bet on who commands the bravest troops.
  • In the ensuing struggle his larynx was crushed and he lost his voice for 18 months.
  • The coalition between Communists and royalists continued, however, and the ensuing political stabilization was helped by the surrender of the last Khmer Rouge units in 1999.
  • In the ensuing gun battle one foreign militant was killed.
  • Orator & his attendants, that no effectuall restitution was made: but he fatigated with daily attendance and charges, the 14. day of February next ensuing, distrusting any reall and effectual rendring of the saide goods and marchandizes and other the premisses, vpon leaue obtained of the saide Queene, departed towards England, hauing attending vpon him the said two English The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Once I closed and locked the door, the ensuing debrief lasted for 2 hours - which is pretty amazing, considering we only flew one full-up engagement.
  • Prat was well up in the ensuing forward breakaway, and it was he who scored his side's second try.
  • The best man said nothing to assuage the ensuing lack of confidence, nor did Sandra, the bride's friend from our table, who got up and mumbled a few incoherencies about nightclubs and alcohol.
  • They intercalated, therefore, after the twelfth month of each year and before the first day of the ensuing year, five epagomenal days, which they termed the "five days over and above the year." [ History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • Richard Washington fumbled the ensuing kickoff, and Berlin capitalized on the next play, finding Roscoe Parrish for a
  • Used by high ecclesiastics, these simple, boxlike chairs evolved from earlier folding chairs and changed very little in design over the ensuing two centuries.
  • Off the ensuing faceoff, Sundin powered a shot from the right faceoff dot past National Hockey League - Avalanche vs. Maple Leafs
  • Substantial financial resources must be marshalled and drawn down during planning and construction, and the ensuing debt serviced over long pay-back periods.
  • The ensuing public outrage has been heartening, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divorce and separation or bereavement and the ensuing loneliness. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Munley, a diminutive cop nicknamed Mighty Mouse who was serving on the base's Special Reaction Team, moved quickly to take him down and was shot in the leg and arm in the ensuing exchange of gunfire.
  • The events that immediately precede a strike are more accurately defined as the factors which serve to precipitate the ensuing conflict.
  • The ensuing disintermediation subsequently proved an important impediment to the economy's recovery.
  • The ensuing battle was short and decisive; although both Wolfe and Montcalm were fatally wounded, the French retreated and Quebec fell.
  • The ensuing civil procedural history became a matter of prolonged legal debate on due process, but the religious coercion and its conundrums remained.
  • Starting more than 30 years ago, the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth began following nearly 2,000 mathematically gifted adolescents, boys and girls, tracking their education and careers in ensuing decades. The freedom to say ‘no’ « Isegoria
  • In the ensuing decades have votes for women led to better policies for women? Times, Sunday Times
  • Breathing" gets divorced from the company of piping and panting, and gets wed to the ensuing somatics of human passion, "burning" and "parching," while the possibility of "far above" as a location in imaginative surmise subsides to a sighing recognition of high aesthetic privilege, from which mortal humanity is excluded. The Know of Not to Know It: My Returns to Reading and Teaching Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' -
  • In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.
  • The ensuing investigation is described as a twisting, suspenseful character-study, tautly written to conceal a surprise ending.
  • Consequently Morgan and Mrs. Spaulding were constantly together during the ensuing ten days, and so skilfully did I behave that the innocent pair regarded the flirtation which I was carrying on as a superb joke -- a case of a banterer caught in the toils, and Mrs. Spinney's manners suggested that she was agreeably flattered. The Law-Breakers and Other Stories
  • Although feedback has been positive, Haynes said NFL owners must evaluate whether to continue it in ensuing years. Hall notes: DeBartolo back in the NFL limelight
  • The controlled heating of deeper tissue and the ensuing skin tightening is known as volumetric tissue heating.
  • The first episode comes across reasonably well but I think the ensuing episodes will be better once the initial awkwardnesses are out of the way.
  • The ensuing race to the deadline is a pacy affair that alternates between the hapless Tamara's frequent recourse to her thesaurus S*nday, she reckons, is just the place to scatter words such as "chthonic" and "hermeneutic" and Tait's grim determination to keep her would-be profiler at bay, particularly from her rather murky private life. The Spoiler by Annalena McAfee – review
  • The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
  • The ensuing drop in oxygen and combustible gas levels should be noted.
  • The ensuing discussion about the possibility of a creator is a separate issue to be dealt with outside the realm of science. Mjh's blog — 2005 — August
  • Cronkite was supposed to have a continuing relationship with the network, but it didn't work out that way, and in ensuing years he smarted at the way CBS rarely invited him back on its air. Iconic journalist Walter Cronkite dies at 92
  • An ensuing court challenge which alleged violations of campaign finance laws could have unseated President Tong.
  • As players dived for cover, Asprilla - who was apparently genuinely surprised at the ensuing pandemonium - legged it.
  • And for fault of iustice to be executed, by the said gouernours and keepers, our soueraign lord the king aboue named, after he shall conueniently be requested by the parties damnified, is bound within three moneths next ensuing (all lawfull impediments being excepted) to make correspondent, iust, and reasonable satisfaction, vnto the saide partes endamaged. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Generally speaking, ensuing loss as a result of a breakdown is covered, but the mechanical failure itself isn't.
  • Responses ensuing from the spontaneous release of single quanta are termed miniature excitatory junctional currents (mEJCs).
  • His notes and letters from this period attest to his growing concern about the objectification of art and the ensuing deterioration of artistic experience.
  • The ensuing national uproar led to punitive taxes on repatriated assets that took the fun out of that maneuver.
  • Darwin discovered evolution through natural selection, but, a quiet man with a religious wife, he did not engage in the ensuing public debates.
  • He took a major role in the ensuing negotiations concerning German foreign indebtedness.
  • The scope of that venture overtaxed Soviet operational skill, and in the ensuing mêlée, the German commands gradually recovered their equilibrium.
  • What happened, though, was that the debate ran eight minutes long, so all of the ensuing commentary was truncated.
  • The ensuing renegotiation can in turn lead to a reorganization of a given collective negotiation of such judgments, and lead to a new singularized collectivity or make one reconfigure a classical collectivity nonclassically Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • J, Send call sign "Prairie Fire" to the FAC and provide co-ordinates for the ensuing airstrike. Bears Kill Colorado Woman Who Fed Them
  • And in the whole ensuing discourse I shall as little as is possible immix myself in any curious scholastical disputes. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • The ensuing arrangement between 1985 and 1988 saw the Prunas and other family members lodge large sums with the bank and get loans in return.
  • The conversation ebbed and flowed over the ensuing few hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • If that weren't boring enough, there aren't any fun plot twists of interesting double-crosses in any of the ensuing scenes.
  • In the ensuing campaign, Thorne, Jones and their supporters exploited populist rhetoric on the war.
  • Vancouver took the lead on the ensuing power play as Sedin batted in a rebound. - Hockey - Vancouver vs. Los Angeles
  • Needless to say (but I'll say it all the same), the ensuing trial was a media circus.
  • The ensuing Allegro is a joyous rush that seems rather molto vivace - and ends in a rather strange muddle of instruments for several bars.
  • The famed lawyer and congressman Daniel Webster was the prosecutor at the ensuing trial.
  • They lost track of each other in the ensuing years.
  • In the ensuing recession both the stock market and land values plunged to alarmingly low levels, unseen in many years.
  • The ensuing Meiji policy of modernization allowed Western ideas, institutions, and culture to infiltrate Japan.
  • He lost his job and in the ensuing months became more and more depressed.
  • Perion's trial, condemnation, and so on, had consumed the better part of an hour, on account of the drunkenness of one of the Inquisitors, who had vexatiously impeded these formalities by singing love-songs; but in the end it had been salutarily arranged that the Comte de la Forêt be torn apart by four horses upon the St. Richard's day ensuing. Domnei A Comedy of Woman-Worship
  • During the ensuing months, a fierce battle was raged.
  • The constitutional experts consulted by the Yes on 1098 campaign say that the key precedents that led to the 1930s ruling have been overturned in ensuing decades. Is the High-Earners Income Tax Proposal Constitutional? Yes, but… « PubliCola
  • The company folded in 1892 and the ensuing financial collapse reverberated through the French Empire for more than a decade.
  • In the ensuing minutes, Chelsea almost concede two: Ambrosio saves brilliantly from a Dado Prso header, before Chelsea are forced to clear off the line from a Morientes scissors kick.
  • In the past, European nations were mostly concerned with the ensuing repercussions for their traditional understandings of national identity and the effects on their national cultures.
  • The ensuing battle for survival contains some of the most original special effects seen on screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the past couple of decades of industrial struggle in the 1980s and the ensuing deindustrialisation and depoliticisation, this structure has collapsed.
  • The Buy American clause and the ensuing "backdown" by Congress meant nothing. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Someone cracked a joke and the ensuing laughter jerked him out of his thoughts and brought him back to reality.
  • I heard the ensuing howl of pain over the hum and rattle of the printer.
  • ensuing events confirmed the prediction
  • In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.
  • During the ensuing two decades, lumbermen went on to clear-cut the majority of the timber in the Smokies.
  • This particular proposal was not carried further, but the ensuing legislation did strengthen the powers for making agreements.
  • I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.
  • In the ensuing days, several security force members were waylaid and injured or killed by civilian oppositionists.
  • In the ensuing panic, it appears other hostages had inadvertently set off booby traps laid in the theatre by the rebels.
  • In the ensuing clashes with police, demonstrators claimed more than 70 civilians had been killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ensuing tidal wave had snapped mooring lines, and even boats that had held their moorings were wrecked.
  • I am worried though that his rebuttal after the fact contains some massaging, for fear of the ensuing explosion.
  • In the ensuing attempt, Dunbar survives and rallies the Union troops to win the battle.
  • The latest debacle -- the fight to extend unemployment insurance and the payroll tax cut -- appears to have demonstrably hurt the Republicans and helped the Democrats especially the president, and one might expect that ensuing fights will redound similarly, i.e., the public appears to be internalizing the meme that the Democrats are fighting for the middle class while the Republicans are fighting for the rich. Jared Bernstein: A Holiday Message
  • I was interested to read about the driver who was cautioned for playing his music too loudly in his car and the ensuing outcry from both the media and from the driver himself.
  • The remainder of the first period saw the two clubs whistled for a pair of penalties each, but neither side could capitalize on the ensuing power plays.
  • On Oct. 6, 2000, CBS debuted a new procedural crime drama which would go on to inspire multiple spinoffs over the ensuing years.
  • Accordingly I hid myself in some thick underwood, determining to devote the ensuing hours to reflection on my situation. Chapter 16
  • In the ensuing chaos, not only defenders but a great many townspeople were killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing election Peel won decisively.
  • The ensuing argument had been bitter.
  • Back then, the hot ash, lava and ensuing mud flows killed more than a thousand people.
  • For my brother, I think he holds you well, and in dearness of heart hath holp to effect your ensuing marriage; — surely suit ill spent and labour ill bestowed. Much Ado About Nothing
  • Rank-and-file psychiatrists did eventually figure out that a big change was afoot, and much of the ensuing consternation focused on another word slated for elimination—neurosis, which, the new Committee on Nomenclature argued, should not appear in DSM-III because it “assumed…an underlying process of intrapsychic conflict resulting in symptom formation.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.
  • But these, and the ensuing convictions and fines, have done little but highlight the scale of the trade.
  • The result is the snuggest possible fit, with ensuing noiseisolation benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much was the debate between the ladies and the young men; but ultimately they all took the king's counsel for useful and seemly and determined to do as he proposed; whereupon, calling the seneschal, he bespoke him of the manner which he should hold on the ensuing morning and after, having dismissed the company until supper-time, he rose to his feet. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • The fact that the identity of the vessel was known at the time the Japanese forces were dispatched to hunt down the sub was revealed over the ensuing days.
  • A bomb exploded and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
  • In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
  • In the ensuing days, a number of people were netted after stringent customs regulations and tightened security were put into effect.
  • Unlike his predecessor, Bienvenu managed to survive his own spy scandal and its ensuing shake-up.
  • The luscious lovelies were to play a pivotal role in the ensuing drama.
  • Midway through the half, the Blues opted to kick for the corner from a penalty and from the ensuing lineout the forwards drove halfback Steve Devine over for the second.
  • Though he biffed the ensuing putt, Mr. Mickelson's brazen, between-the-trees whack Sunday on the 13th will be replayed for eons as an example of playing to win versus playing not to lose. Phil Lifts Masters Out of the Woods
  • In the ensuing litigation, this was portrayed as blackmail - a serious offence that has a maximum prison term of 14 years, and which is defined as making an unwarranted demand with a view to gain, with menaces.
  • M.reover, the "violent effervescence" which he describes as ensuing on the latter being dropped into an acid, does not of necessity take place: in M. Guimet's finest variety, the brilliant ultramarine, acid produces little or no effervescence. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • We went to war with the wrong country and they just happened to benefit tremendously from the ensuing chaos. Think Progress » Top Republican Investigator Rep. Issa Indicates Openness To Probing Saudi Ownership Of Fox News (Updated)
  • His ensuing shot deflected off the Real Madrid striker's heel past goalkeeper Paul Jones.
  • Easter next ensuing, be released: we answere (vnder correction of your maiesties more deliberate counsell) that it is farre more expedient for both parts to haue the sayd prohibition continued then released, vntil such time as satisfaction be performed on both sides vnto the parties endamaged, not in words only, but actually and really in deeds, or by some course of law or friendly composition. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The ensuing reaction -- most commonly seen in people such as bartenders who work outdoors with limes -- owes to a substance called psoralen, Flugman told Reuters Health. Reuters: Top News
  • In the ensuing confusion another eight persons were hurt.
  • While dismissing the notion of trying to nobble his rival in the ensuing training sessions, he admitted it had been an unusual mix of emotions.

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