How To Use Enrichment In A Sentence
This process, called supergene enrichment, can concentrate silver into exceedingly rich deposits at depth.
And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.
The new enclosure is brilliant for us as it allows us to give the gorillas the enrichment they need.
The Sun
The curriculum has very good breadth and balance and there are very good opportunities for enrichment through extra-curricular activities.
ISIS argues that among the biggest threats posed by Pyongyang's perceived advancement in uranium-enrichment is the North's historical willingness to export its nuclear technologies.
U.S. Expects to Restart Bilateral Talks With Pyongyang by January

Adopting the language of restitution leads to the return of unjust enrichment, while estoppel enables the son to receive his expectations.
Conducting lab experiments including the extraction, chemical derivatization, separation, and/or enrichment of biological samples and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of metabolic data.
Naturejobs - All Jobs
That is not to deny the importance of the concept of unjust enrichment in the law of this country.
The biotech companies and their tame scientists are using other people's poverty to engineer their own enrichment.
Adams took over responsibility for "a shining constellation of museums ... with the responsibility to use these resources for the cultural enrichment and education of the nation".
Iranian officials say the tour would include a visit to the country's uranium enrichment site at Natanz as well as its heavy water facility at Arak.
Iran Confirms Invitations to Tour Nuclear Sites
The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward ...
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Add in personal self enrichment from expense fiddles, petty corruption and barefaced lying to that toxicosis.
Archive 2008-11-01
Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.
One taken at Kumon preschool enrichment programs is of a child, just out of diapers, sitting at a table writing the numbers 42, 43, 12, and 13; of a three-year old learning to read; and of a six year old able to recite the past, present and future tense of the word "practice.
Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
The primary by-product of enrichment is depleted uranium (DU), principally the U-238 isotope, which is stored either as UF6 or U3O8.
Nuclear waste management
He said the party would rally against the stripping of national assets for the enrichment of a handful of private individuals.
It was an enrichment plant.
Times, Sunday Times
Opposition figures have suggested that the money was either part of a government slush fund or evidence of illegal enrichment on her part.
This book could be used as the center of a course on the church, or as a text for a catechetical or adult enrichment course.
According to the zoo's website, the core business of the Johannesburg Zoo ‘is the accommodation, enrichment, husbandry and medical care of wild animals’.
UNITED NATIONS - A U.N. sanctions committee expressed "grave concern" Thursday about what it called apparent Iranian violations of a U.N. ban on uranium enrichment plant as world powers united against - Articles related to EU, US back new Iran nuclear sanctions
In some cases, students may work in a library or resource centre without active teacher involvement; in others, students may work apart from the rest of the class using multimedia for enrichment or remediation.
It set a pattern: enrichment was called research but plans went ahead to feed uranium hexafluoride into centrifuges.
Times, Sunday Times
Rouhani did not, however, reject out of hand ceasing uranium enrichment if Iran could be guaranteed a fuel supply for its reactors, asking how such a guarantee would work.
Surrender is not an Option
An example of a precondition is the Bush Admin's requirement that Iran verifiably suspend their uranium enrichment program.
Obama Clarifies Position On Meeting With Foreign Leaders
Community composition and relative abundances of certain taxa provided discriminatory power between impairments associated with organic enrichment and those associated with toxic discharges.
The impact of aberrations such as careerism, personal enrichment and corruption on the revolutionary morality of the ANC has also been observed and debated.
It would be very strange for any country of South Africa's uranium capacity -- and we've done enrichment before -- not to beneficiate its uranium deposits," South African Minister of Public Enterprises Alec Erwin said in an interview, though he stressed the country would strictly comply with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the world's nuclear watchdog.
Africa Has Nuclear Hopes
Enrichment can produce different grades of uranium that can be used for fuel or nuclear warheads.
On the back of rising productivity, more routes and better service they would be delivering it - driving the share price onward and upward to their own enrichment.
Fuel is uranium aluminium silicide with enrichment levels of up to 20%, giving up to 4-year refuelling intervals.
Small nuclear power reactors
The exam board should return to this challenge and not deprive future generations of a source of great intellectual and personal enrichment.
Times, Sunday Times
Uranium enriched to low grades is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, but further enrichment makes it suitable for atomic bombs.
What, then, is the function of mistake in the field of restitution on the ground of unjust enrichment?
The heterogeneous enrichment among individual worms agrees with reports that this nominal deposit feeder can facultatively filter-feed using a mucus net in its burrow, and that the ability to do so varies among populations.
Workers were set to resume the final steps of conversion, a process that precedes enrichment.
Official instructions are being sent to farmers informing them of their obligation to give pigs "environmental enrichment".
The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
Enrichment is a process of purifying uranium for use as nuclear fuel or in weapons.
The apparent uranium enrichment facility is being built within a larger research complex.
Times, Sunday Times
Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
The enrichment programme could be used to arm nuclear warheads.
It resumed the production, and testing of uranium enrichment centrifuges that can make fissile material for nuclear reactors or weapons.
It was finally hit by a series of scandals that involved both fraudulent personal enrichment and illegal party financing.
And both of them use drama as a process for children's enrichment - but here the similarity ceases.
These deposits represent enrichments of ore minerals caused by surface waters that percolate downwards through an existing sulphide-rich orebody.
Today, we're going to learn about the "Selection of a DNA aptamer for homocysteine using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment.
DNA dance: Amazing science lesson of the day
The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold.
At this diminished rate of novel sequence discovery, one can expect to observe a significant gain from enrichment procedures.
Of the three examples, only the brass tippings and setscrew of the plow plane suggest any enrichment, and of course these were not intended for decoration; in later years, however, boxwood, fruitwood, and even ivory tips were added to the more expensive factory models.
Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
He delights in personal enrichment and seems to be lacking in political rhetoric.
They agreed not to possess facilities for nuclear reprocessing or uranium enrichment.
They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
The most important is that of population growth carries with it a qualitative enrichment of community life.
The Bush administration spurned direct contacts with Iran a prior commitment by Tehran to halt enrichment.
Depleted uranium is a by-product of the enrichment of uranium for the production of nuclear weapons and reactor fuel.
Then the court must decide whether the unjust enrichment should be compensated through a monetary award or through the granting of a proprietary interest.
A secondary school has offered pupils an 'enrichment' week off to address the problem of parents taking termtime holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, he informed the Agency that the commercial scale enrichment facility, which is planned to contain over 50,000 centrifuges, was not scheduled to receive nuclear material in the near future.
This is a presidency that has been wholly unwilling to restrain the drive toward short-term enrichment for themselves and their cronies in behalf of earth's stressed and imperiled biosphere.
Bush's Surge: An Interpretation that Connects it with the Regime's Deep Darkness
Only in this way will you receive the full enrichment a book is waiting to bestow.
23 Steps to Successful Achievement
We have those, who, although they did not enrich the science of Chemistry with any new discoveries, were, nevertheless, regarded as masters of the Hermetic Art; and, finally, we have alchemists of the Edward Kelley and "Cagliostro" type, whose main object was their own enrichment at their neighbours 'expense.
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
Subduction volcanoes generally show enrichments of boron in their eruptive products when compared with volcanoes in other tectonic environments.
Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
Experts say the scope of the testing and enrichment is minuscule, that to produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, the regime would need to operate hundreds, maybe thousand more so-called centrifuge machines.
CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2006
Iran's semi-official student news agency (ISNA) says nuclear engineers have begun operating a second network of centrifuges at a uranium enrichment facility.
In this province, it appears as if corruption and the single-minded pursuit of illegal enrichment at the expense of others are liberally spread across all sectors within government.
Sampson sums up this process of enrichment and the creation of a new stratum of financial oligarchs and their impact on society very succinctly.
Current threats include losses of native pinewood and wood pasture habitats, changing forest practices including clear felling and underplanting and nutrient enrichment of soils.
In uranium enrichment, centrifuges spin a gasified form of uranium at supersonic speeds to create the enriched fuel used in commercial nuclear power plants, as well as in nuclear weapons.
Iran's advances in nuclear technology spark new concerns about weapons
Iran nuclear chief Abbasi says the Fardo enrichment site will produce uranium enriched to about 20 percent, to be used in creating medical isotopes.
Analysts Dispute Iran's Uranium-Enrichment Claims
The officer's initial search turned up more than 100 names, including diplomats who had defended the country's nuclear enrichment programme.
The apparent uranium enrichment facility is being built within a larger research complex.
Times, Sunday Times
With aid and arms flowing in, the ruling group was interested not in fostering economic development but in self-enrichment.
We've been conditioned to expect music for free, to our great cultural enrichment.
This supernatant was used for measurement of isotopic enrichment of free leucine.
The outward, connecting impulse is just one source of enrichment on offer here.
The Times Literary Supplement
His contributions towards enrichment of literature and society's progress have been widely acclaimed.
Iron uptake and physiological response of phytoplankton during a mesoscale Southern Ocean iron enrichment
By maieutic effect or aim, Bleger (1973) refers to an enrichment or more widespread development that affects either a part or the whole of the personality, distinguishing this from the curative goals.
And does it give Iran sufficient incentives to continue to limit its nuclear enrichment and research activities?
Times, Sunday Times
If the address is concealed, this form of enrichment would remain concealed for ever and a day.
The Chumocracy Strikes Back
Privatisations were conducted corruptly for the enrichment of a greedy few.
Long terms in the office have not done Africa any good, except ensuring personal aggrandisement and enrichment,’ he said.
Another small enrichment facility had been dismantled some time ago.
The response of the heterotrophic bacterial community to iron addition was determined during the mesoscale iron-enrichment experiment conducted in the eastern equatorial Pacific during May - June 1995.
The large tidal prism saves the estuarine complex, and particularly the embayment, from destructive domestic enrichment and allows the re-distribution of land derived sediments during river and stream floods.
Area one, as allegations that all have dishonesty as basis; namely misappropriation, self-enrichment and fraud.
We performed a set of nutrient-enrichment bioassay experiments using metal-clean protocols, testing for macronutrient and micronutrient limitation of algae and bacteria in western Lake Superior.
With this history in mind, a better approach regarding SILEX would be to permit the International Atomic Energy Agency to have a permanent co-management and/or monitoring personnel presence as part of a new rigorous oversight standard that would apply to all laser enrichment wherever built worldwide.
Bennett Ramberg, Ph.D.: New Peaceful Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation -- the Laser Enrichment Challenge
Not that it's an unwanted or unrewarding burden, but so many are looking at it the wrong way, as a means of enrichment for themselves rather than something to be undertaken with sobriety.
In all the countries, the tremendous amount of work accomplished by the French Army and civilian administration on the one hand, and by the French settlers on the other hand -- most of them agricultural settlers, "colons" as they were called -- resulted in an extraordinary enrichment of the country and of its peoples.
The Algerian Issue
The granularity, morphology and existent states of gold can imply the migration and enrichment degree and the reprecipitation mechanism of gold.
All these contributed much to a sense of fellowship and corporate social identity as well as providing opportunities for personal development and individual enrichment.
The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" -- the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment -- was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy.
Man of Refinement
The central economic case for land-value taxation was the enrichment of all members of a community who were willing to work.
Scandals involved relatively small sums of money, usually destined for party funds rather than personal enrichment.
They say that the move is not about personal enrichment, but to force improvements in the conditions that led to the mine collapse.
Times, Sunday Times
The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior.
Marsh plant has very important function in constructed wetlands system. It has not only adsorption and application nutrient in sewage, adsorption and enrichment heavy metal of sewage.
SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) is a method to generate DNA … which are then eluted from the target molecule and amplified by PCR. … (both of which are used in Macugen, an FDA-approved aptamer), … The development of aptamer probes for molecular signatures on the cancer cell …
"War of the Weasels" article in new Skeptical Inquirer - The Panda's Thumb
The respondent shall thus pay the applicant the aforementioned sum in full satisfaction of her claim for unjust enrichment within sixty days of this judgment.
Many people will applaud the transformation for the diversity and enrichment that it has brought.
Times, Sunday Times
But what is not so harmless is the belief that job enrichment is the answer.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
The Common Law is hostile to comprehensive institution of negotiorum gestio,[Sentencedict] but it had changed its standpoint to some extent through law of restitution(unjustified enrichment) and law of torts.
The word "enrichment" has positive connotations that quite frankly are not supported by science.
Andrew Gunther: Rotten Eggs: HSUS and United Egg Producers Enter Agreement That Bird Cages Are Here to Stay
Quality academic advising has often been identified as an important facet in the retention and enrichment of college students.
But while this security will become complete under the régime of socialism, which will assure to every man who works the material means of life, this will not exclude the intellectual forms of the struggle for existence which M. Tchisch recently said should be interpreted not only in the sense of a _struggle for life_, but also in the sense of a _struggle for the enrichment of life_. [
Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
I knew Michael Kelly, who was the first journalist to die in Iraq, and I can tell you he was NOT a "leech" -- and I can assure he was not doing it for his personal enrichment.
Digg vs. The New York Times - Publishing 2.0
While saying that he wanted to remain open to innovation, Mr. Jones added, "We need to ensure that innovative transactions are not a strategy to drain value away from policyholders only to provide short-term enrichment to shareholders and investment bankers.
NYT > Home Page
The enrichment proposal is part of a plan suggested by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The cost of uranium enrichment is subsidized by the U.S. government.
Answering Nuclear Industry Talking Points
OPC enrichment factor, allantoin, a mild skin agent LRI , purslane extract - Skinwell and other natural plant extracts.
The word enrichment has to be clear and to the point without referring to any abstract phrases as peaceful nuclear energy.
Obama's Dilemma on Nuclear Iran
That was followed by their more brazen announcement this week of building plans for another ten enrichment plants.
Times, Sunday Times
Under weathering conditions pyrite oxidizes, the sulphur forming sulphuric acid, -- an important agent in the secondary enrichment of copper and other sulphides, -- and the iron forming the minerals hematite and limonite in the shape of a "gossan" or "iron-cap.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
That's what they are referring to, this renewal, this -- what they call achievement of enrichment at Netame (ph).
CNN Transcript Apr 13, 2006
Many people will applaud the transformation for the diversity and enrichment that it has brought.
Times, Sunday Times
The Security Council has been united on the need for Iran to suspend its enrichment activities, Wolff said.
The objective is to minimise poaching, overgrazing and soil erosion as this can lead to siltation and nutrient enrichment of surface waters.
It would take democratic control of the major corporations and reorganise production to meet the needs of society, rather than the enrichment of a handful of company chiefs and major stockholders.
The semiofficial Mehr News Agency, quoting what it called informed sources, said it was "more than likely that the president will announce that the Fordo enrichment facility has become fully operational.
NYT > Home Page
In addition to providing objects and hiding food, some of the enrichment activities also help the keepers care for the animals.
Mechanisms that concentrate chemical elements operate most effectively on and near the earth's surface: weathering, erosion, sorting during transport, groundwater leaching, and supergene enrichment are effective only in the upper few hundred meters of the continents.
Limits to Exploitation of Nonrenewable Resources (historical)
Arterial blood (arterialized venous blood in healthy subjects) was collected for the measurement of amino acid enrichment and concentrations.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition current issue
In doing so, they speak for a layer of money grubbers from the upper middle class, whose principal aim in life is their own self-enrichment, and who are acutely sensitive and envious of any one appearing to do better than themselves.
Low enrichment is used to fuel reactors.
Times, Sunday Times
Ethylene enrichment was provided by cylinders containing a mixed calibrated gas.
The new site of uranium enrichment is nothing but a diversion from the real site, simultaneously all this new Iran-US approach is another diversion from the fragile Political situation of the current Government, and the US is helping them by collaborating on such talks.
Interactive: U.S., Iran hold ‘face to face’ nuke talks
On June 8, the head of Iran's atomic energy agency, Fereidoun Abbasi, said uranium enrichment would be done at two facilities - though apparently for different uses.
Analysts Dispute Iran's Uranium-Enrichment Claims
As well as using music for continued artistic enrichment, she has favourite records that fire off associations with particular events.
Even using enrichment techniques, Bunnell et al. [46] rarely found chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria.
Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
Several weeks ago, Iran announced it had invited a number of nations to tour the uranium enrichment facility near Natanz, and the heavy water facility near Arak.
The apparent uranium enrichment facility is being built within a larger research complex.
Times, Sunday Times
Many people will applaud the transformation for the diversity and enrichment that it has brought.
Times, Sunday Times
The essential fact appears to be that as enrichment progresses and chalcocite increases the process of enrichment becomes slower in action, and erosion may, in some circumstances, overtake it.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
I confess, however, that I had not anticipated the sheer scale of how MPs and, let us not forget, some Peers have been lotting the public purse for, in most cases, plain and simple personal enrichment, getting the taxpayer to pay their way in life rather than do it themsleves.
Expenses: The Commons Exocets Itself
A modern exemplar is Peter Birks, who was the leading unjust enrichment (restitution) scholar in the English speaking world (as well as being a leading scholar on civil law and roman law).
Many people will applaud the transformation for the diversity and enrichment that it has brought.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a non-profit after-school program to provide educational enrichment for kids in the area.
See also quality control; job enrichment.
Business Studies Basic Facts
The unusual move reflects tension in the region over Iran†™ s dispute with the United States and its allies over its nuclear enrichment activities and the position of Arabian Peninsula states caught between ties to Washington and fear of Tehran. “The airlines of the southern Persian Gulf countries flying to Iran are warned to use the term Persian Gulf on their electronic display boards, †road and transport minister Hamid Behbahani said in comments in the daily Iran newspaper. “Otherwise they will be banned from Iranian airspace for a month the first time and upon repetition their aircraft will be grounded in Iran and flight permits to Iran will be revoked, †he added.
The Times of India
Honest people cannot understand how it is possible that national committees and the enterprises of housing economy run by them tolerate long-term nonpayment of rent, that thousands of apartments are unoccupied for long periods, and that the troubles connected with acquiring an apartment are being misused for speculative aims, for the illicit enrichment of some people at the expense of others.
Making the History of 1989
The group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, provided the first public evidence that the Iranians were building a huge underground enrichment plant near Natanz, in the central part of the country, and planning for a heavy-water reactor near Arak, in northern Iran.
Only in this way will you receive the full enrichment a book is waiting to bestow.
23 Steps to Successful Achievement
The exam board should return to this challenge and not deprive future generations of a source of great intellectual and personal enrichment.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, the United States and some of its Western partners -- in particular, Britain and France, which have their own narrow interests in not having the strategic cachet of their small strategic arsenals "cheapened" by the emergence of more states (especially in the "developing" world) that have mastered the nuclear fuel cycle -- focus on Iran's work on uranium enrichment as apocalyptically dangerous.
Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett: Just Like Bushehr, Iran's Uranium Enrichment is No Threat
Their conclusions with regard to the origin of the vanadium enrichment and to the geology of the Springfield coal bed conflict with the established geology of the coal.
SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) is a method to generate DNA … which are then eluted from the target molecule and amplified by PCR. … (both of which are used in Macugen, an FDA-approved aptamer), … The development of aptamer probes for molecular signatures on the cancer cell …
"War of the Weasels" article in new Skeptical Inquirer - The Panda's Thumb
Tehran announced it will open a third uranium enrichment plant soon in a secret location.
The Sun
The major powers generally want to limit proliferation of nuclear power precisely because of its links to weaponry, which is made possible by the enrichment of uranium.
North Korea has told a visiting American politician that it would allow international inspectors to visit a newly unveiled uranium-enrichment facility and announced Monday that it would not "retaliate" against South Korea for conducting military exercises - gestures that seemed intended to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula, at least for the time being.
North Korea makes some gestures toward calm
And does it give Iran sufficient incentives to continue to limit its nuclear enrichment and research activities?
Times, Sunday Times
Only in this way will you receive the full enrichment a book is waiting to bestow.
23 Steps to Successful Achievement
The freshwater golden shiner was expected to have a high tracer enrichment, because it is reported to feed on zooplankton.
After-school and summer programs support academic enrichment and life-skills development.
Ribosomal anticodon-amino acid enrichment further reveals that specific codons were reassigned during code evolution, and that the code evolved through a two-stage transition from ancient amino acids without anticodon interaction to newer additions with anticodon interaction.
Two analyses of Meyer's "Signature in the Cell" - The Panda's Thumb
There they go, beetling back and forth without a thought for their spiritual enrichment.
It was inevitable, then, that a process of consolidation and enrichment should take place.
Times, Sunday Times
Much of the difficulty is caused by attempting to categorise as an unjust enrichment of the defendant, for which an action in restitution is available, what is really a loss unfairly sustained by the plaintiff.
The critiques of Jaworowski on the shift were addressed by Hans Oeschger 1995, who pointed out that the ice core record shift was done in accordance with theoretical estimates of the rate of diffusion in gases in firn, and that these theoretical estimates were confirmed by isotopic enrichment in line with theory.
Archive 2010-03-01
Outside of this, the lotto is the only other acceptable form of quick, overnight enrichment that does not necessarily smack of corruption.
IOL: News
He concluded that the pearceite was probably hypogene and did not result from secondary, supergene enrichment.
Low enrichment is used to fuel reactors.
Times, Sunday Times
This process, called supergene enrichment, can concentrate silver into exceedingly rich deposits at depth.
The Bush administration spurned direct contacts with Iran without a prior by Tehran to halt enrichment.
Zookeepers run enrichment programmes to mimic the natural behaviour of the animals in the wild and to stimulate them in captivity.
The strigillation, or curvilinear fluting, of the frieze immediately below the Pantheon-domed roof is a type of enrichment associated with classical sarcophagi.
On the other hand, would entheogens constitute religious enrichment for the transcendentally deprived?
Brouwerian intuitionism takes a more liberal view of the matter, resulting in a considerable enrichment of the arithmetical continuum over the version offered by strict constructivism.
Uranium enriched to low grades is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, but further enrichment makes it suitable for atomic bombs.
Several deputies from another opposition party filed a complaint accusing the couple of illicit enrichment, but a judge ruled that they had committed no crime.
Many people will applaud the transformation for the diversity and enrichment that it has brought.
Times, Sunday Times
People who pray tend to beseech their deity for some kind of enrichment or advancement.
But withdrawal would be a contradiction of all its solemn denials that its uranium enrichment programme has any military purposes.
Times, Sunday Times
Education needs hearts and minds dedicated to altruistic development rather than short term and personal gain and material enrichment.
Iran has been given two weeks to answer to a demand by world powers that it suspend its uranium enrichment activities following a meeting in Geneva last weekend.
Personal enrichment of any person within the non-profit organization must remain strictly prohibited.
Job enrichment has so far been tried primarily in clerical operations.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
Success in the Persian wars and the establishment of control over the Thracian mines brought further enrichment to the treasuries.
Therefore, to speak of Maoism as the enrichment of Marxism-Leninism, or, of a "new stage
Archive 2006-08-01
See also job enrichment; quality circle.
Business Studies Basic Facts
TKS uses a redesigned carburetor with an automatic fuel enrichment system instead of a traditional choke.
He has accused her of racketeering, as well as fraud and unjust enrichment.
Times, Sunday Times
For Israel, the "redline" is not so much when Iran has enough enrichment capacity for weapons-grade material.
Nathan Gardels: Dennis Ross: 18 Months to Avoid War with Iran
He said: 'We are talking about the proceeds of major corruption and the proceeds of unjust enrichment by problem regimes.
The Sun
They both devoted themselves to the further enrichment of an oligarchy at the expense of the people.
When great musicians, they leave behind a wealth of evidence of their enrichment of music and each other.
The attitudes of the job enrichment group were clearly more positive.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
Too many leaders are in it for personal enrichment or aggrandizement, a show-me-the-money style of leadership that has led directly to today's landscape of wrecked corporations and indicted CEOs.
And does it give Iran sufficient incentives to continue to limit its nuclear enrichment and research activities?
Times, Sunday Times
The enrichment of the database opens up new perspectives in the field of computational lexicography since the semantic networks contained in the collocational database can be used to enhance corpus-based collocation extraction.
This would mean preventing Iranian enrichment of uranium or reprocessing of spent fuel to produce plutonium.
One of the results would have been his considerable further personal enrichment.
Times, Sunday Times
They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
And so, inevitably, comes the realization that they are being exploited not for the commonweal, nor for their own self-restoration, but for the enrichment of the elite few.
If the recent sabre-rattling over the Straits of Hormuz had not been enough, Iran said it intended at Fordo to enrich uranium to the highly sensitive 20% enrichment level, regarded in the industry as the technical threshold for bomb-grade material.
Iran: time for cool heads | Editorial
President Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivory Coast delayed again a much-delayed national election. killed 34 near the headquarters of Pakistan's army, near Islamabad. rescue is ongoing in Australia to save dozens from a sinking ship. requested biparty talks with the United States on the issue of nuclear disarmament. asked the International Atomic Energy Agency to review the UN's plan for sending much of Iran's uranium abroad for enrichment. meets with foreign ministers of the Arab League today, who plan to tell her the United States hasn't put enough pressure on Israel over settlement-building.
FP Passport