How To Use Enrich In A Sentence

  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
  • This process, called supergene enrichment, can concentrate silver into exceedingly rich deposits at depth.
  • And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.
  • Looking back over the many extracurricular activities that our children have dabbled in at different stages, nothing has enriched their lives more than music.
  • So the public-health community wants folic acid added to cereals used in enriched grain products, such as bread and pasta.
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  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • I have found criticism to be a deeply enriching, but not always comfortable exploration of the text of Scripture.
  • Remember, if you will (I certainly do), that one of the selling points of the post-VII "reforms" was that they enriched Catholic life and worship by making them relevant and immediate rather than old-fashioned (for which read "dignified") and outdatedly stiff (for which read "reverent"). You report: Promotional Posters for the Traditional Latin Mass
  • The Port Talbot sample, which is predictably highly metalliferous, is especially enriched in Fe as a result of an abundance of spherulitic iron oxide condensates commonly
  • Even advanced meditators agree that their experience is enriched when they meditate with others.
  • In all such eases, odd as it may sound, our judgment may actually be said to retroact and to enrich the past. Meaning of Truth
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • But try proving that you were denied the certainty of a glorious, enriching career because of something terrible that happened when you were 13 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear power plants used enriched uranium as fuel to make steam to turn turbines which generate electricity.
  • I have to judge whether what I'm buying enriches my life more than doing so impoverishes it. A Complex Shadow
  • The new enclosure is brilliant for us as it allows us to give the gorillas the enrichment they need. The Sun
  • People are worried, rightly of course, about economics but in the end those who do not share end up not actually enriched. Times, Sunday Times
  • The curriculum has very good breadth and balance and there are very good opportunities for enrichment through extra-curricular activities.
  • ISIS argues that among the biggest threats posed by Pyongyang's perceived advancement in uranium-enrichment is the North's historical willingness to export its nuclear technologies. U.S. Expects to Restart Bilateral Talks With Pyongyang by January
  • Adopting the language of restitution leads to the return of unjust enrichment, while estoppel enables the son to receive his expectations.
  • Conducting lab experiments including the extraction, chemical derivatization, separation, and/or enrichment of biological samples and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of metabolic data. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • That is not to deny the importance of the concept of unjust enrichment in the law of this country.
  • I am in no doubt that the 10,000 foreign students we have at Nottingham make university a more enriching experience for our domestic students. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biotech companies and their tame scientists are using other people's poverty to engineer their own enrichment.
  • The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.
  • Stem-cell-enriched CD49f hi cells amplify at dioestrus, or with exogenous progesterone, demonstrating a key role for progesterone in propelling this expansion. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • With the increasing atomisation of society into isolation through modern technology, to work in a room full of others, sitting with their stories too, can be far more spiritually enriching. Lily Bevan: Get Thee to a Library! Unsung Hero of 41st St: Library Way
  • Adams took over responsibility for "a shining constellation of museums ... with the responsibility to use these resources for the cultural enrichment and education of the nation".
  • Iranian officials say the tour would include a visit to the country's uranium enrichment site at Natanz as well as its heavy water facility at Arak. Iran Confirms Invitations to Tour Nuclear Sites
  • The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward ... Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Add in personal self enrichment from expense fiddles, petty corruption and barefaced lying to that toxicosis. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.
  • In such a situation no individual is any longer penalized and none is unjustly enriched.
  • It steals from the U.S. treasury as rapaciously to enrich the corporate elite. Printing: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
  • The charcoal could be put down old mine shafts for storage or mixed into soil to enrich it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breakfast each day consists of high fibre cereals with skimmed milk and a Vitamin C enriched orange drink.
  • One taken at Kumon preschool enrichment programs is of a child, just out of diapers, sitting at a table writing the numbers 42, 43, 12, and 13; of a three-year old learning to read; and of a six year old able to recite the past, present and future tense of the word "practice. Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
  • I guess I'd better get this book so I can enrich my life while livening up my daily commute!
  • The bacteria that grew in severely P-depleted and As-enriched conditions were identified as members of a halophile salt-loving family already known to accumulate intracellular As. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Arsenic and Odd Lace
  • The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • Richard Douthwaite is the author of The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth Enriched the Few, Impoverished the Many and Endangered the Planet.
  • For its contributions to the study of the acquisition order the Teachability Hypothesis enriches the SLA theory and is of pedagogical significance as well.
  • The primary by-product of enrichment is depleted uranium (DU), principally the U-238 isotope, which is stored either as UF6 or U3O8. Nuclear waste management
  • He said the party would rally against the stripping of national assets for the enrichment of a handful of private individuals.
  • Fertilizer enriches the soil.
  • Is it a spiritually enriching pursuit or load of old codswallop?
  • The first, from an inconsiderable village, is become one of the most flourishing places of the kingdom, enriched by the linen, cambrick, flowered lawn, and silk manufactures. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • In the meantime, Waitrose is selling a selenium enriched bread grown by a farmer in East Anglia who fertilises his soil with selenium.
  • The study of science has enriched all our lives.
  • Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
  • It was an enrichment plant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried to cheer him by reminding him we might yet find chances to enrich ourselves before returning home, but I could see he was troubled by the thought that the voyage he had accomplished with so much skill and daring might prove resultless in the accumulation of wealth. Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
  • This can be a very enriching experience. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • Stream flow is nival, and carries DOC-enriched spring runoff from peaty catchments to Toolik Lake. Effects of climate change on hydro-ecology of contributing basins in the Arctic
  • However, many processed foods can be enriched in dietary fibre through the addition of the bran portion of whole grain.
  • He had no wife, no children, to enrich and complicate the simplicity of his daily life.
  • It attempts to provide a positive cultural sheen to this crisis, re-presenting the lack of common identity as a new cultural pluralism, and the fragmentation of communities as an enriching kind of diversity.
  • Venus Erycina -- to enrich, that is, the worship of that goddess, who had a favorite temple under Mount Eryx. Life of Cicero Volume One
  • Already enriched with a wide range of dairy products like ghee, butter, ice cream, dairy whitener, peda, curd and sambharam, Milma is all set to add two more names to its product range.
  • The appeal of Resnick's account is enhanced by the lure of Bohemia, which he and Passlof enrich with anecdote and intertwine with aesthetics and social history.
  • Enriched or chemically altered waters in harbors are also key areas for consideration.
  • I am not in the business of trying to enrich people who would like to sit in the middle as bureaucrats, as sort of quasi-political business people.
  • Opposition figures have suggested that the money was either part of a government slush fund or evidence of illegal enrichment on her part.
  • He buys at a low price in proportion to the abundance of the articles in demand; _abundance_, then, enriches him. What Is Free Trade? An Adaptation of Frederic Bastiat's "Sophismes Éconimiques" Designed for the American Reader
  • S. aspiration to strengthen and expand the pursuit of people's deep, enriching people's spiritual world.
  • Bootlegging helped enrich a fellow named Joseph Kennedy, creating one of America's great political dynasties.
  • Today the spot price for unenriched uranium is $42 a pound, enough for most projects to go ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enclosures have to be enriched with trees, dens, small caves and crevices for animals to hide when they choose to.
  • Retiring public servants now routinely move into jobs where their previous contacts and responsibilities can enrich themselves and their employers.
  • This book could be used as the center of a course on the church, or as a text for a catechetical or adult enrichment course.
  • The two of you make a lovely couple; the happiness you radiate enriches everyone who knows you.
  • Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
  • Enhancing seeds with micronutrient metals will act as an incentive to farmers cultivating micronutrient-poor soils to adopt the micronutrient-enriched seeds for use on their farms.
  • According to the zoo's website, the core business of the Johannesburg Zoo ‘is the accommodation, enrichment, husbandry and medical care of wild animals’.
  • This will produce more of a sauce and can be enriched further to produce altogether different results. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nutrient-enriched water causes an explosive growth of tiny plants and animals that coat the leaves of the seagrasses.
  • This shadow transmutes into wisdom by letting go of your self-importance and experiencing the enriching depth, expansiveness, and abundance of all life with equanimity. C. Clinton Sidle: The Five Wisdoms Of The Mandala
  • This is an undeclared tax on all users of the currency, which is being used to punish the prudent and enrich the spendthrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • The AFC story is an enriching one of fan commitment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mazards! how the diction of our orator is enriched from the vocabulary of Shakspeare! the word head, instead of being changed for a more general term, is here brought distinctly to the eye by the term mazard, or face, which is more appropriate to his majesty's profile than the word skull or head. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • Sewage and water treatment plants, biogas units and vermiculture pits ensure that even waste is used to enrich the environment rather than destroy it.
  • You can potentially enrich an environment by bringing back something from the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undoubtedly, new genetics are set to enrich our knowledge of human behavior in sickness and in health.
  • Thus, if the soil be too wet, it may be drained; if too loose and sandy, it may be rendered more consistent and retentive of water by the addition of clay or loam; it may be enriched by chalk, or any kind of calcareous earth. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • UNITED NATIONS - A U.N. sanctions committee expressed "grave concern" Thursday about what it called apparent Iranian violations of a U.N. ban on uranium enrichment plant as world powers united against - Articles related to EU, US back new Iran nuclear sanctions
  • Since then it has assembled and used the centrifuges needed to enrich uranium. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the menstrual cycle, an ovum is released from one of the ovaries (the release is called ovulation), and the uterus develops an inner lining enriched with blood to prepare it for the possible implantation of a zygote. Menstrual cycle
  • Her voice has grown a bit deeper, but mostly it's been enriched with a soulful breathiness and grit.
  • Reporters Alistari MacDonald and John McKinnion note that attempts to stop Iran's plans to enrich uranium, a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons, have so far led to three sanctions resolutions in the U.ited Nations, but they have been relatively limited in scope and many European countries have until now resisted U. S.-led attempts to toughen the measures. Sanctions as Souvenirs
  • In some cases, students may work in a library or resource centre without active teacher involvement; in others, students may work apart from the rest of the class using multimedia for enrichment or remediation.
  • The streets of Yuma and Somerton are crowded with the automobiles of farmers, enriched by thousands of acres of splendid long-staple cotton, alfalfa, corn, and feterita. Community Civics and Rural Life
  • Basic forms like blousons or trench-coats, shirts or T-shirts, skirts or pants, are always enriched by new unexpected, ironic elements.
  • A platform of kinetic cut-and-paste electronica is enriched by waves of horns and choral voices, relentless bass patterns, darting guitars, crisp percussion, jolting changes in meter and Thom Yorke's wheedling vocals sung often without chordal support. Lucinda Williams Snarls, Mary J. Blige Thrills
  • It set a pattern: enrichment was called research but plans went ahead to feed uranium hexafluoride into centrifuges. Times, Sunday Times
  • This chapel is profusely enriched with ball-flower moulding, both inside and on the side next the ambulatory. Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire
  • They are the students who enjoy undertaking these responsibilities, and kudos to them for doing so; they enrich campus life for the students who get involved in any of those activities.
  • Both leben and much food collocation do not alternate very much, especially, breakfast is matching for bread , dessert , there is trunk having sparse, good mouth feeling nutrition enriches.
  • Your life gets better by changing yourself - to improve yourself, to enrich your strengths and to discard your weaknesses. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Arginine enriched TPN has protective effect on gut barrier of rats with acute pancreatitis.
  • Rouhani did not, however, reject out of hand ceasing uranium enrichment if Iran could be guaranteed a fuel supply for its reactors, asking how such a guarantee would work. Surrender is not an Option
  • Mock orange, or philadelphus, prefers an organically enriched, moist, well-draining soil and filtered sun.
  • Science clubs and societies offer the very enriching chance to meet like-minded individuals who share an enthusiasm and interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is ruled by a corrupt kleptocracy of aristocrats who use their control of state monopolies and even the tax system to enrich themselves at the public's expense.
  • Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.
  • Gradually, if somewhat factitiously, his life is transformed through the experience, and in turn he enriches the lives of the collection of kindly, slightly bruised French types that constitute his circle. My Afternoons With Marguerite – review
  • An example of a precondition is the Bush Admin's requirement that Iran verifiably suspend their uranium enrichment program. Obama Clarifies Position On Meeting With Foreign Leaders
  • By facilitating finding information frompreviously unknown sources, employees gain enriched access to diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and reducing the likelihood of people unwittingly working on redundant efforts. 2007 December « TalentedApps
  • The book is enriched by a deeply informative, yet studiedly non-polemical, introduction by the editor.
  • Breakfast each day consists of high fibre cereals with skimmed milk and a Vitamin C enriched orange drink.
  • Community composition and relative abundances of certain taxa provided discriminatory power between impairments associated with organic enrichment and those associated with toxic discharges.
  • She made the man blest who had taken away her children, and enriched her bereaver with a present: and took away nothing to make up the slaughter of her sons save the reproach of ignorance and the loss of goods. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • It is actually enriching their output. The Sun
  • We dropped in slices of onion and cabbage and enoki and chrysanthemum leaves for long simmering to enrich the broth. Sukiyaki at Kappo
  • Erdinger market their beer, amusingly, as an isotonic, low-calorie, vitamin enriched sports drink. Alcohol-Free Beer News « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The novelist's subtle mastery enriches the work...A matter-of-fact, plainspoken narrative that has a profound impact. " –Kirkus, starred review.
  • These activities enrich the course programme by informing undergraduate courses with the latest principles and practices emerging from international boardrooms and marketplaces.
  • The impact of aberrations such as careerism, personal enrichment and corruption on the revolutionary morality of the ANC has also been observed and debated. REVOLUTIONARY MORALITY: THE ANC AND BUSINESS
  • To graft, pay their way and enrich the country culturally and economically. The Sun
  • It will have to sell 98 per cent of its existing stockpile of enriched uranium. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except the dry leaves, they leave all vegetation to grow and perish in the field itself to enrich the soil.
  • It would be very strange for any country of South Africa's uranium capacity -- and we've done enrichment before -- not to beneficiate its uranium deposits," South African Minister of Public Enterprises Alec Erwin said in an interview, though he stressed the country would strictly comply with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the world's nuclear watchdog. Africa Has Nuclear Hopes
  • Since then it has assembled and used the centrifuges needed to enrich uranium. Times, Sunday Times
  • The uranium, less than 5 percent enriched, will be used for fuel for civilian reactors.
  • Enrichment can produce different grades of uranium that can be used for fuel or nuclear warheads.
  • We have been enriched by his ministry.
  • The first priority was the addition of supplemental and enriching instructional resources for the individual special learner.
  • The measurements not only highlight the gel-phase miscibility of the two lipid components but also provide information about the relative stability of phosphatidylinositol monophosphate-enriched domains.
  • Music can certainly enrich your whole life.
  • His obituary pointed out that he used his post to enrich himself through a web of smuggling and warped business deals.
  • Uranium for the first atomic bomb and for nuclear reactors was enriched in the 235 isotope, as compared to the more abundant 238 isotope, by gaseous diffusion.
  • We therefore encourage elaborate, ambitious syntax, diversionary subordinate clauses, and other enriching linguistic techniques. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • They concluded on Wednesday that the country is getting ready to produce enough enriched uranium for four nuclear weapons.
  • After the meal, some of the men carted away the _vraic_ to the farms over the cliffs, where it would be used to enrich the land. Where Deep Seas Moan
  • Finally, in the Erechtheum the upper part or necking of the shaft is enriched with an exquisitely wrought band of floral ornament, the so-called honeysuckle pattern. A History of Greek Art
  • The US then installed and consistently backed the Shah, who proceeded to abuse systematically human rights, to suppress all political activity and to enrich his cronies while his people festered in sprawling urban slums.
  • Given enough plutonium or enriched uranium, he thought they might have been able to produce a bomb in two to three years.
  • Second, that discourse about music can provide new language for theology and thus enrich current patterns of theological language. Christianity Today
  • Paradoxically, the exhibition as a whole is enriched by its internal contradictions.
  • NGU.EN: And an ultimatum from Iran: They are demanding that the West renegotiate a U. N.-backed deal aimed at keeping enriched uranium out of Iran, or the Islamic republic will go ahead and enrich nuclear fuel on its own. CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2010
  • On the back of rising productivity, more routes and better service they would be delivering it - driving the share price onward and upward to their own enrichment.
  • Kiyokawa N, Katagiri YU, Taguchi T, Suzuki T, et al. (2000) Globotriaosyl ceramide (CD77/Gb3) in the glycolipid-enriched membrane domain participates in B-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis by regulating lyn kinase activity in human PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
  • Bret Harte is a prominent American Western short story writer, renowned for his refreshing frontier humor infused in enriching Californian literature.
  • I sit here jawing while Pavel enriches the world through his generous work.
  • We had a highly enriched uranium, up to 90 % enriched uranium 235.
  • Fuel is uranium aluminium silicide with enrichment levels of up to 20%, giving up to 4-year refuelling intervals. Small nuclear power reactors
  • Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
  • The exam board should return to this challenge and not deprive future generations of a source of great intellectual and personal enrichment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enriched UF6 is converted to UO2 and made into fuel pellets — ultimately a sintered ceramic — that are encased in metal tubes to form fuel rods, typically up to four meters long. Uranium enrichment
  • Unions that back them are selfishly using the political process to enrich themselves at others' expense.
  • Finally, I discovered I can cycle easily to a biggish supermarket nearby, which is a great relief in terms of buying food that is not too overpriced and unnecessarily organic and biodynamic and enzymatically enriched and whatever else the local whole earth store peddles. A working woman
  • But it's fun to hear developers talking about gaming the market as an enriching experience.
  • Uranium enriched to low grades is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, but further enrichment makes it suitable for atomic bombs.
  • There was plenty of jaunty energy in the folkish Intermezzo, enriched by bare fourths and fifths.
  • He urged the international community to adopt measures to control sensitive parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, which he listed as enriched uranium and the reprocessing of plutonium.
  • Crispian Jago, an IT consultant, is hoping the experience will enrich his two children. 2009 June - Telic Thoughts
  • If you can breathe through a snorkel, then you are well on the way towards one of the most enriching wildlife experiences of your life.
  • To late 2004, 38 research reactors (11 in USA) either have been or are being converted to low-enriched uranium silicide fuel, and another 36 are convertible using present fuels. 31 more, mostly Russian designs, need higher-density fuels not yet available. Research reactors
  • I see now what Harvey meant: that literary criticism can truly be an enriching experience. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • Three spring months, at Florence, had been spent in making a scientific collection of local imprecations -- abusive, vituperative or profane expletives; swear-words, in short -- enriched with elaborate commentary. Alone
  • What, then, is the function of mistake in the field of restitution on the ground of unjust enrichment?
  • Tradition wants the walker, en passant in front of a cairn, to add a stone, his stone, to enrich the landmark.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • In addition, the assizes gave fast and clear verdicts, enriched the treasury and extended the King's control.
  • The farmers ploughed the vegetable leaves back to enrich the soil.
  • The heterogeneous enrichment among individual worms agrees with reports that this nominal deposit feeder can facultatively filter-feed using a mucus net in its burrow, and that the ability to do so varies among populations.
  • Workers were set to resume the final steps of conversion, a process that precedes enrichment.
  • At the very end of the piece, in a very contemporary strategy, the perfect fourth yields to a tritone, C-#, thereby obscuring an unambiguous closure in an enriched tonality of D major.
  • Here corrupt officials - and the plutocrats they enriched through questionable business practices - are making little effort to hide their ill-gotten gains, but actually flaunt them.
  • Official instructions are being sent to farmers informing them of their obligation to give pigs "environmental enrichment".
  • The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • Enrichment is a process of purifying uranium for use as nuclear fuel or in weapons.
  • Despite their claims to objectivity, analysts have repeatedly crossed the line to become rainmakers for their investment-banking colleagues, grandly enriching themselves along the way.
  • In addition, new products with added value such as flavored milk drinks and powdered milk enriched with calcium, vitamins or iron, achieved increasingly wide distribution.
  • There is great diversity of perspectives, and the debate between them enriches academic inquiry and improves the general knowledge base.
  • As long as Waffle confines his performances to the privacy of his den, he will surprise himself with an experience that is as enriching for him as it is incommunicable to others (though his immediate family might get a kick out of it).
  • The apparent uranium enrichment facility is being built within a larger research complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minerals are finely milled and have the appearance of powder, yet give the coverage of foundation, and are enriched with minerals and vitamins but no nasties. The Sun
  • Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
  • The enrichment programme could be used to arm nuclear warheads.
  • This light and silky lotion is enriched with apricot, mango seed and gold-of-pleasure oils. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moral is that the more we can enlarge our scope for wonder, the more we enrich our lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of the other roles is more productive: The traveller is a stranger whose curiosity can enrich the sense of community.
  • Singers, composers and bandleaders have been drawing inspiration from all the borders of the sea to enliven and enrich their recipes.
  • He legitimated the cultivation of lyrical tropes, as the poet used them to enrich what is otherwise a lofty epic poem on the First Crusade.
  • He will drain, rather than enrich, the country.
  • At the same time, the dispersal of the collections of Roman families such as the Altemps, Barberini, and Borghese greatly enriched the market.
  • It resumed the production, and testing of uranium enrichment centrifuges that can make fissile material for nuclear reactors or weapons.
  • Their lives remain enriched by the memory of Ben's mother and the inspiration of Ben's play. - Roethlisberger uses TD passes to honor late mother
  • They were also tipped off about the shipment of centrifuges used to enrich uranium. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he has to develop fissile materials himself, like enriched uranium, they estimate it takes five to seven years to do that through the gas centrifuge process.
  • As she came to understand what didn't "add up," it was that the process of trading the state to outside owners in exchange for their (it now seems) entirely temporary agreement to enrich us, in other words the pauperization of California, had in fact begun at the time Americans first entered the state, took what they could, and, abetted by the native weakness for boosterism, set about selling the rest. False Promises
  • But here he was, seated next to the Queen of England, amid Corinthian columns and gold-enriched pilasters, before a red velvet throne used for the coronation of King Edward VII.
  • We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined.
  • Effective compound bacteria were enriched by using confected sewage and grocery wastewater as culture medium.
  • The puchero originally introduced to the colonies by the Spaniards was long ago brought back to Spain enriched by the addition of New World ingredients such as potatoes and squash. The World's Most Versatile Stew: Puchero
  • Plant this feathery-leaf palm in a well-draining, organically enriched sandy soil with a southern exposure or in a courtyard.

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