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How To Use Enologist In A Sentence

  • When we mention tasting, we immediately think of enologists with their tastevins and of monks in their monasteries busily perfecting their beer or cheese-making techniques between prayers.
  • Then again, when it came to something Amis actually cared about, he could be as punctilious as the archest of oenologists. The Hangover Artist
  • In this respect a phrenologist is a pure quack in comparison with a lady in a trance. Recollections of Europe
  • His hair was cropped close, and the unevennesses of his cranium, thus laid bare, would have struck a phrenologist by reason of the strange intertexture of contradictory propensities. A Hero of Our Time
  • As a practical lichenologist, when one species is rare or lacking in the neighbourhood, he is able to fall back on others, varying greatly in shape, colour and texture. Bramble-Bees and Others
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  • Our visiting state expert lichenologist was not here to check our lichen. Grouse Diary Entry
  • And so much for the grandest histrion of modern times, as near as I can deliberately judge (and the phrenologists put my “caution” at 7) —grander, I believe, than Kean in the expression of electric passion, the prime eligibility of the tragic artist. The Old Bowery. November Boughs
  • You might think getting a globe is as relevant as going to see a phrenologist. Globe-Trot In Style
  • Not that I am what is called a phrenologist, but I am curious as to the physical developments of these fellow-mortals of mine, and a little in want of a sensation. The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
  • Phrenologists became equally puzzled by villains with prominent bumps of honesty and integrity.
  • Jean-Luc Colombo, an oenologist from Marseilles, moved here with his wife, Anne, in the 1980s, first establishing a negotiant/consulting business and later buying vineyards. Rustic but Rewarding, Cornas Gains the Spotlight
  • When she was in high school, my daughter now a biology graduate and probably someday a lichenologist taped a lichen to our fireplace. Clearly You People Thought I Was Kidding « Whatever
  • Professor Hubert, the eminent phrenologist and psychologist, delivered to a very large audience in the Central Hall of the Exhibition Buildings, a lecture entitled ‘How to read men and women at a glance.’
  • Similarly, the 1871 book New Physiognomy, written by the American phrenologist Samuel Roberts Wells, described the Irish woman as being governed “by the lower or animal passions,” “seeking her chief pleasure from things physical and animal,” and unable to see “beauty in that which can not be eaten or used for the gratification of the bodily appetites or passions.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • You might think getting a globe is as relevant as going to see a phrenologist. Globe-Trot In Style
  • No one these days would argue such a thesis at length any more than they would pontificate on the brain-measuring taxonomies of 19th-century phrenologists who took the white man's superiority for granted.
  • Morton picked up his craniology from George Combe, a phrenologist who believed the brain housed all the organs of character. American Connections
  • Even though the self-righteous Bachmann is a native of Waterloo, Iowa, voters in the Hawkeye State just cannot see trusting her with the codes to the U.S. nuclear arsenal trusting a Creationist like Bachmann on any public policy is akin to trusting a phrenologist with curing your cancer. James Marshall Crotty: Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America
  • I told another little boy (I believe it was Leighton, who afterwards became a well-known lichenologist and botanist), that I could produce variously coloured polyanthuses and primroses by watering them with certain coloured fluids, which was of course a monstrous fable, and had never been tried by me. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
  • Eventually it became fashionable to have a reading done by the famous phrenologists, and many celebrities of the day had their heads examined, including Julia Ward Howe, Clara Barton, Hiriam Powers, Theodore Weldand, and Edwin Forrest.
  • By taking away what the phrenologists call combativeness, we could doubtless stop prize-fight, but we might have a springless society. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • A fellow from our outfit happened to come along, bearing the state's lichen expert (a true lichenologist, and godfather to the children of this continent's number one lichenologist) in tow. Grouse Diary Entry
  • Phrenologists became equally puzzled by villains with prominent bumps of honesty and integrity.
  • Penologists and medical experts agree that the process of carrying out a verdict of death is often so degrading and brutalizing to the human spirit as to constitute psychological torture.
  • Channel 9 news responded that: ‘I believe it was noted philanthropist, philosopher and phrenologist Shaquille O’Neal who said ‘Tell me how my ass tastes.’ Media Coverage October 2009
  • Instead of countering these puny charges, let me just say that these allegations of inferior innards recall those of the phrenologists and racial purists in one of the darkest eras of modern history.
  • The phrenologists do well to locate, not only form, color, and weight, in the region of the eye, but also a faculty which they call individuality -- that which separates, discriminates, and sees in every object its essential character. Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
  • His death mask, which showed him to have had a sharply receding forehead, created problems for nineteenth century phrenologists since it ‘left no room for the organ of causality’.
  • I'm no phrenologist, but there's something about that guy... Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • A close link between phenomenology and hermeneutics has resulted in the interchangeable use of the terms; however, philosophical beliefs differ among phenomenologists and hermeneutic philosophers.
  • It's important to know what our baseline flora and fauna are before we lose it, and lichen are a good baseline," said Martin Hutten, a Yosemite lichenologist who entered the field after discovering that air pollution had destroyed all but the most hearty lichen in his native Netherlands. Latest Articles
  • He had thick reddish-yellow eyebrows at the base of a slightly receding forehead – wanting in benevolence, phrenologists would have said, and with the bump of self-esteem considerably developed. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • Unlike the phrenologists of the 19th century, DeYoung's team doesn't presume to know whether differences in the size of a brain region give rise to unique personality characteristics, or whether our personality differences cause our brains to develop in unique ways - say, that when we practice random acts of kindness, our "agreeableness" center grows larger, or that a lifetime of social isolation might cause a region associated with The Columbian stories: Columns
  • In her character, what phrenologists call "destructiveness," in the comprehensive sense of the word, was superlatively developed. Lucretia — Volume 02
  • Damp earth squished be-neath the xenologists 'field sandals and they had to duck repeatedly to avoid bumping into the intricate, decorative trelliswork. The Howling Stones
  • It's important to know what our baseline flora and fauna are before we lose it, and lichen are a good baseline," said Martin Hutten, a Yosemite lichenologist who entered the field after discovering that air pollution had destroyed all but the most hardy lichen in his native Netherlands. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • The inference from this characteristic, that he possessed what phrenologists used to call "combativeness," is not unavoidable, though such was the fact. Western Characters or Types of Border Life in the Western States
  • The legendary lichenologist Francis Rose, whose pioneering work in the New Forest led to the discovery of some 344 different lichens living there, developed such acute ecological sensitivity through his years of fieldwork that he was able to predict, from close study of a map, or just from a car window, where relic populations of certain rare lichens associated with ancient woodland would be found. Wildwood
  • His form was what phrenologists call amative; and of these facts we have some very curious proofs. Fanaticism; Its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone, with the Descriptive Portraits of
  • Charles Ward is the LNN's Director of Public Relations and resident phrenologist. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The heart, the head, the life and the fate were all crucial concepts to her, just they didn't give up their runic braille quite as easily as the digital phrenologists claimed. Death Masking Love
  • Queen Victoria had her own personal phrenologist.

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