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How To Use Ennobling In A Sentence

  • Schally, may I express to you our gratitude for the honor you are doing all of us in ennobling this ceremony by your royal presence. Roger Guillemin - Banquet Speech
  • Nor liefly thee would I advance to man-ennobling battle or so painful as -- Matthew Arnold
  • Hungary stood out by ennobling bankers, traders, and railway magnates in significant numbers, and in 1890 the first Jew was promoted, without conversion to Christianity, to the baronage.
  • On the contrary, Bacon's view of the hopelessness of the human condition precluded the aspiration to anything as uncomplicatedly elevated or ennobling as grandeur.
  • This, then, is what is known as the ennobling and civilizing influence of war through the ages! Élie Ducommun - Nobel Lecture
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  • Without the ennobling power, he princes and dukes would stumble.
  • If George Smiley -- the unflappable mole-hunter from "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and other le Carré books -- were around, he'd deliver a wry rebuff to the author about how ennobling it must be to live in a world of such certainty, where Western intelligence is reliably lupine and the Muslim world a verdant pasture of 95% innocent lambs. Suspicious Minds
  • ennobling thoughts
  • the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings
  • You need to scroll down until you reach the Viceroy of Redonda's announcement of this year's annual prize, a list of the noblesse of that Kingdom, and the patent for the ennobling of Claudio Magris as the Duke of Seconda Mano.
  • Honest labor, continued through reasonable hours, paid at a rate which assures a wholesome support, is ennobling; but overwork, that is hopeless of comfortable reward, is degrading in the extreme. White Slaves; or, the Oppression of the Worthy Poor
  • This public housing gives its residents privacy and a quiet, ennobling form of living space that accommodates its urban setting without succumbing to its mass, dehumanizing mundaneness.
  • The term ennobling and impeccable in Tibetan is “jetsun” (rje-btsun), which has the connotation of someone who has turned his or her back on all things of samsara and is faced totally toward liberation. A Short Commentary on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
  • Also, speaking from personal experience, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ has had an ennobling effect on my character.
  • Knowledge of their very existence is systematically denied and repressed under propaganda valorising war as heroic and ennobling.
  • Robes , it is a mark of being civilized to put ennobling customs ahead of creature comfort.
  • As a complete man, constant, generous, full of honest courage, as a hardy follower of Thought wherever she might lead him, above all, as a confessor of that Truth which is forever revealing itself to the seeker, and is the more loved because never wholly revealable, he is an ennobling possession of mankind. Among My Books First Series
  • Contemporary storytellers have developed an attraction to anti-heroes - protagonists who accomplish important things without the ennobling qualities of traditional heroes.
  • the popularity of unscripted programming has had the unexpected effect of ennobling its scripted counterpart.
  • Indeed, it may be laid down as a general principle, that the more extended the ancestry, the greater the amount of violence and vagabondism; for in ancient days those two amusements, combining a wholesome excitement with a promising means of repairing shattered fortunes, were at once the ennobling pursuit and the healthful recreation of the Quality of this land. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Ulin's analysis works only if he first evokes the literary as "ennobling" and then contrasts it with particular (in some cases repellent) books that no one would categorize as "literary" in the first place. Saying Something
  • Yet for most mortals, the sight of loved ones suffering or dying prematurely is not ennobling.
  • Wretchedness is a contemptible state whose very ignobility motivates ennobling improvement. A Week To Go
  • For 40 years, American officials have been saying that they have to continue training and arming Indonesia's military because the contact with the American military will have some kind of ennobling effect. Bill Blum's Anti - Empire Report
  • Is it, therefore, too far-fetched to think that Elizabeth Hardwick’s strength of mind, her fierce intellect, was put to the service of her love for Lowell in ennobling both of them? And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Nor liefly thee would I advance to man-ennobling battle or so painful as ” Matthew Arnold
  • Other, less prestigious ennobling offices required two generations to serve in office before conferring transmissible nobility.
  • But it is not the figure of any earthly personality, however noble and ennobling, which is the object of the Psalmist's contemplation. Brooks by the Traveller's Way
  • Contemporary storytellers have developed an attraction to anti-heroes - protagonists who accomplish important things without the ennobling qualities of traditional heroes.
  • And at that moment, with the explosion, all of a sudden the ennobling, that is, that routine moment now is captured for all time. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Crisis in the Middle East - October 16, 2000
  • This whole section appears to me to be a wonderful revelation of his prison thoughts, an example of what we may call the ennobling power of a passionate enthusiasm for Christ. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.

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