How To Use Enlist In A Sentence

  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • He enlisted in the Army in 1980 and was first assigned as a young private as a supply clerk in Germany.
  • Though he is a boor, that is to be expected, as his father is an enlisted man. I Met John Scalvi! « Whatever
  • I'm not too hot with electronics, so I managed to enlist my brother to sort the circuits out for me.
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  • But he does pop in now and again and has also enlisted his celeb chef pals to help out at various times during the year. The Sun
  • In 1985, Crock was loaned to the Army and enlisted with the rank of craftsman.
  • An enlisted aircrewman directed them to seats in the middle of the aircraft, then trotted back down the ramp to check for any more late arrivals. Joint Operations
  • Has the president ever discussed with his children the idea of enlisting and making the "sacrifice" that he asks others to make? Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • But it is hard to say, because although under age, he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman on the outbreak of World War II, later going to the Fleet Air Arm as a telegraphist air gunner, earned a commission, and served overseas - at eighteen years of age probably the youngest sublieutenant in the RCNVR. Looking for Trouble
  • Thousands came forward to enlist in the army. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • The couple began hosting Burgundy symposia for passionate amateurs in 1997, welcoming a dozen guests to Bouilland for an intensive week of tasting and touring, enlisting such experts as Clive Coates and Alan Meadows to assist. In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
  • He will enlist the help of three minders to clear his path and stop the crowd breaking his concentration.
  • Later that day, other enlisted radiomen/gunners helped even the score, protecting their dive-bomber pilots as they wiped out the enemy carrier force, sinking all four Japanese flattops.
  • Beyond the group of shirted enlisted men, I could see the wooden legs of a map tripod through the tent door.
  • The Lodge Act enlistees were slowly gathering, and in November, when our number reached 50, we embarked for the U.S. by ship.
  • Enlist the help of a life coach, friend, or family member to cheer you on in support.
  • At the same time, enlisted personnel slots should be manned by conscripts - that is to say, draftees, not contract servicemen.
  • Enlisting Crumb's help, he writes a series that chronicles his mundane, day-to-day existence.
  • In April, Schary again enlisted Gutstadt's support for the project; Gutstadt instructed David Coleman, former director of the ADL's Los Angeles office, to attend the screening and report back to him. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Social media can be enlisted to name and shame litter louts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had hoped to enlist the support of British politicians in persuading the US to outlaw forced labour. The Sun
  • The freshman of Anqing occupation Tec enlists in 2009 time?
  • The Protestant Reformation enlisted widespread lay support by its politically motivated aversion to the monastic ideal, which lay anticlericals opposed as absorbing too much wealth in support of its institutions.
  • Given the difficulty of engaging the production economies of the mainstream popular culture, not to mention the lowish aspirations for humankind often conveyed in the wares offered by the aggressively Accessible mass culture, anyone's decision to enlist in the smaller and more specialized realm of art is understandable. Bettina Korek: David Robbins Talks High Entertainment
  • They were too young so they dropped out of school, lied about their ages and enlisted in the Navy.
  • She enlists her portly dog, Bruno, a stolen pedal boat and a trio of aged divas - the former showbiz-queen ‘triplets’ of the title.
  • Cabarets, bean-counting contests, lotteries and callithumpian methods generally marked a period in Canada's recruiting history not pleasant to review, and which brought discredit upon the entire voluntary enlistment system as a permanent method of filling up armies. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • We enlisted the aid of John and his family.
  • The CCF is the successor of the Officers Training Corps, in which the young Terence Troy served as a schoolboy in the late 1930s, before escaping from Jersey in 1940, just before the Occupation, to enlist in the British Army. Archive 2008-09-01
  • They both enlisted a year before the war broke out.
  • We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups.
  • a varied class of thoughts, active, although repressed as out of harmony with the selected life of consciousness; layer after layer, new sets of motives underlying motives were laid bare, and each patient's interest was strongly enlisted in the task of learning to know himself in order more truly and wisely to "sublimate" himself. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • When the war ended he re-enlisted and commanded an artillery battery in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
  • As for enlisting the resourceful Wilma production for being "more evocative of the real-life Housman's seething emotions than the text itself," Mr. Mendelsohn unluckily picks an evocation which is prescribed in the stage directions. 'The Invention of Love': An Exchange
  • In his fifteenth year he enlisted in a fencible regiment, which was afterwards stationed at Inverness. The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • I will certainly be contacting them and I hope to enlist the help of other disabled groups and organisations to protest against the ban.
  • Harold's presumptuous guilt in rejection, the fiery fanaticism of all enlisted under the gonfanon of the Church. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 12
  • A more innocent reason for the chat was that Cragnotti, a fruit magnate, was trying to enlist Erikkson as the European face of Del Monte.
  • Committed the unpardonable social error of enlisting as a private soldier in a regiment in which his grander cousin was an officer. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Winkler enlisted in the Austrian army.
  • Mexico, and Hanchett, at that time a resident of Vicksburg, and laboring in a profession -- the saltatorial, to wit -- a shade less illustrious than that to which he was so soon to attain, was the first man in the city to enlist. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • I was the high school yearbook editor and many friends enlisted my editing skills prior to submitting their term papers. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • Recognizing his priest as one of their former acquaintances, or perhaps by his provincial dialect, they eagerly enlisted his services in ascertaining the result of their present expedition. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I told him about Nana's enlistment in Gandhi's movement.
  • All entered programs for enlisted personnel or non-commissioned officers; it was not known how many would go into combat units.
  • Anyway I secured the bid and enlisted Alex's help cleaning up the school as well.
  • Painkillers didn't seem to help, so her resourceful housekeeper, who comes from Hong Kong, enlisted a neighborhood acupuncturist to visit her apartment and stick needles in her. Needled to Health
  • He was an ordinary kind of guy who was drafted into the Army as an enlisted man and ended the war as a major.
  • The military tried several times to enlist him, and he was indeed arrested or threatened with arrest several times by the military police.
  • He enlisted in the army, fought at Gallipoli and in France, was wounded three times, and won the Military Cross.
  • The mother of these tiger cubs couldn't produce enough milk, so zookeepers in Hefei, China, enlisted this dog.
  • A meeting was held on Wednesday to discuss plans to enlist the support of publicans and night club bosses to make late-night Bedford a safer place.
  • Schiller, in the second chapter, is his prime example - along with Wordsworth - of the Romantic who resists enlistment into the metaromantic cause.
  • He was no longer the slender boy who had enlisted nine years earlier but a thickset man, with shaggy hair and an untamed beard. For Wounded Vet, Love Pierces the Fog of War
  • It was only in 1964 that the services of craftsman Alex Fairlie were enlisted to start the building of the company's distillery.
  • Trigger Schafer, who had begun his career as an enlisted metalsmith working on CH-46s, bunked during the workweek in a 40-foot boat he docked at Solomons Island, a waterfront village at the confluence of the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay. The Dream Machine
  • They would rather sit behind bars than enlist in the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patrice enlisted one kid, a 17-year-old boy, to paint her a postcard and then, once he'd rendered a wistful-looking coconut tree on a desolate beach, she said, ‘I don't think I'm going to send it - uh-uh.
  • I've been waiting and _waiting_, and I just wondered if you had enlisted and gone off to war without even calling up to say good-by. The Thunder Bird
  • Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.
  • Unable to find jobs, many will instead enlist to fight new wars overseas for the world's shrinking oil supply, while savvier nations reap the benefits of alternative energy. Will Bunch: Palin, Beck, the Tea Party and the Big Lie About Saving "Children and Grandchildren"
  • Leslie Hoffman, the Executive Director of Earth Pledge pulled off quite a coup in enlisting twenty-eight internationally recognized designers for the creation of a one-of-kind collection that incorporates a feast of organic fibers and textiles. FUTUREFASHION: Earth Pledge Remakes Fashion Week | Inhabitat
  • I was almost positive that enlisted men were not supposed to speak to their betters in such a familiar manner.
  • Democacy enables multitudinous citizen enlist, which benefit for conquering the limitation of a few experts.
  • There they met headmaster Frank Boyden, who enlisted them in his efforts to beautify the town surrounding the private school.
  • With a family dinner scheduled in mid-September, Vicky decided to enlist Jeffrey's help in getting Sara to agree to a checkup. LASTING TREASURES
  • Next he enlisted the help of his wife and two friends to remind him to say no more often and pace himself.
  • So much so that hospitals would probably be better off enlisting those volunteers to provide blood to needy civilians because the army generally has a fairly good stock of blood.
  • We lost all contact, but as it happened we both enlisted in the armed services the moment we turned eighteen.
  • During 1915 many Dunedin cricket clubs had to withdraw teams as so many players were enlisting.
  • After a car crash in 2008 sidelined bassist Chi Cheng with a brain injury, his Sacramento bandmates shelved finished album Eros and enlisted fill-in Sergio Vega to embark on an uplifting, polychromatic homage to their fallen brother. Listen Up: Bone Thugs-N-Harmony reunite in 'Uni-5'
  • Tonight, the Army National Guard announced an increase in enlistment bonuses designed to attract more recruits.
  • A moratorium should be declared on at least three ways of enlisting people. Christianity Today
  • Discovered by the press, he speedily re-enlisted, this time as Pte Shaw of the Tank Corps.
  • Nearly destitute of food, clothing, and ammunition, with enlistments expiring and men abandoning what looked like a lost cause, the Continental army was about to fade away.
  • Although the War Department believed hunting could help increase knowledge of geography and improve woodcraft and marksmanship, its principal benefits to the enlisted men were more prosaic.
  • But enlisting Ms. Yingluck as what he describes as his "clone" seems to be a masterstroke, analysts say. Fugitive's Sister Leads Thai Polls
  • That ballet continues to enlist and attract thousands of young girls cannot be entirely due to false consciousness or masochism.
  • Rather than refer to Military Times polls as if they mean something, the point should be made over and over again that the polls they conduct are nonscientific, nonrandom polls of senior enlisted folks and officers. Think Progress » Opposition to gays serving openly in the military has ‘declined sharply’ amongst servicemembers.
  • Clips of the menson flute ensemble of the Akan of Ghana, or of Kasena flute ensemble, both of which play in hocket, could have been enlisted to strengthen the West African musical examples in this section.
  • He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.
  • A devotee of the Ouija board and seances, King enlisted the aid of his dead grandfather while he was composing the inscriptions.
  • But this is only guesswork and it is hoped that an expert from one of the universities might be enlisted to help solve the problem.
  • Cricket Crawl NYC, an amateur-science event held Saturday night to enlist area residents a la crowd-sourcing to collectively document the distribution of seven orthopteran species throughout the metropolitan area. Scientific American
  • The law could also enlist the help of technology companies to limit access to information or monitor online activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They hoped to enlist the help of the public in solving the crime.
  • He enlisted for active service in the war.
  • At face value, the story is deceptively simple - a young girl, Charlotte, goes missing in the woods, and her mother, Dessa, enlists the help of a pilot, Maxine, to aid in the search.
  • He had a literary bent like a few of us in this family and was getting his start as a reporter, freelancing for small newspapers, when the war came along and he enlisted.
  • It says something about the smear campaign against our candidate that it has stooped to enlist a hatemonger.
  • The law could also enlist the help of technology companies to limit access to information or monitor online activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police forces are enlisting new recruits. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the war in Korea started two weeks later, I re-enlisted for Infantry OCS and was commissioned.
  • Accounting enlists technology in the form of calculators and computers to assist in the processing of information.
  • Schmeling enlisted in the German army as a paratrooper and was wounded in action in Crete in 1941.
  • We enlisted them to serve as ushers at the meeting.
  • In Massachusetts, for instance, a minuteman might enlist for the rest of 1775 in what became the Continental army, reenlist in 1776, again in 1777 for three years, again in 1780 for a year, and again in 1781 for the war.
  • They have to enlist support for aspects of the job they don't do well. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a family dinner scheduled in mid-September, Vicky decided to enlist Jeffrey's help in getting Sara to agree to a checkup. LASTING TREASURES
  • I continue to be appalled at the notion of enlisting the community to administer public shame as a criminal punishment. Hullabaloo
  • They also enlisted some showbiz pals to help out. The Sun
  • Angus: For any military personnel who resign or choose not to re-enlist because they refuse to serve alongside gay people, I say good riddance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • On one ship I shared a stateroom with three other women and slept in an upper bunk-still far less crowded conditions than enlisted berthing.
  • I'm a former enlisted sailor serving with the U.S. Army.
  • The Arts Council enlists support from other local groups to assist with the hands-on staging of the event.
  • Democracy enables multitudinous citizen enlisted, which benefit for conquering the limitation of a few experts.
  • The various attempts made by the generals to enlist broader support and a more acceptable constitutional image all failed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • This correspondence reveals that after an unsuccessful effort to enlist Harriet Beecher Stowe as her amanuensis, she wrote her life herself.
  • At the end of my term of enlistment I decided to return to civilian life.
  • Prominent doctors are enlisted to publicly affirm the malady's ubiquity.
  • Rather than sit around and hope his number didn't come up, Don enlisted in the US Air Force, where he was trained as an instrument technician, and then scored overseas postings in Japan and Korea.
  • He enlisted the help of a private detective in his search for the truth.
  • In 1924, Lindbergh enlisted in the U.S. army so that he could train as an army reserve pilot.
  • there was too much socialization with the enlisted men
  • He enlisted as a volunteer in the army.
  • Fighting for balance, he picked up his spack and made his way to the nine enlisted Planeteers. Rip Foster in Ride the Gray Planet
  • These include members of the National Guard and career soldiers eligible to retire after 20 years of service as well as enlistees who've completed their eight-year commitment.
  • I am planning to install a new kitchen and have enlisted the help of an architect I know.
  • His father was a village school teacher but during the war he enlisted and was taken prisoner by the Soviets.
  • A choir of enlisted men and aviation cadets sang Christmas carols.
  • Don't carry your fears all by yourself; enlist help and talk it through to make the burden more bearable. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • Serebin has no army to enlist in, no state to swear allegiance to, no cause to fight for.
  • According to the SOE files, Major Court was a civil engineer before World War One, and enlisted into the Divisional Engineers as a sapper.
  • Similar facilities are provided for the supercargo crew of two officers, twelve NCOs and 36 enlisted crew members.
  • RSS you stated no one, I mearly pointed out you are full of Rovian bull with a small amount of facts, and what about thne 8 year reserve obligations, that would mean somebiody who signed one in 2000 would have oh say two years left, thus no enlistment or re-up before deployment and the stop loss are real, just because you sit home hiding behind a computor when others are invokluntarily extended, lieing is not going to change the facts others face. Think Progress » FACT CHECK: The State of the National Guard
  • So, the soldiers sprang into action and enlisted stateside help from doctors, politicians and churches.
  • Silverfin Promotion, enlisting chefs to create recipes for what they called the tasty white meat of the bighead carp and silver carp, the two dominant invaders. NYT > Home Page
  • The long term result is incompetent captains, whose poor leadership creates disgruntled soldiers and NCOs who resign or do not re-enlist.
  • For federal income tax purposes, the term "armed forces" tends to include commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel in regular and reserve units under control of the Secretaries of the Defense, which are generally the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. News
  • We've probably all heard of stories where soldiers of all ranks have discharged, only to re-enlist within 12 months because things just didn't work out.
  • Toward the end of May, Washington left for Philadelphia to confer with Congress about ways in which to strengthen the army, and it was unanimously agreed to extend the term of enlistment for each recruit to three years. Angel in the Whirlwind
  • She enlists in the army in the hope of finding a new direction, but comes into conflict with her tough commanding officer. The Sun
  • He had decided that, for various reasons, the best thing would be for him to enlist in the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of women enlisting has also helped to pre-empt talk of a return to the draft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all the graduating cadets, he was assigned to a unit as a platoon lieutenant, commanding the ranks of the enlisted men.
  • Mac enlisted in the Royal Air Force, rising to the rank of squadron leader.
  • Nonetheless, it is thought they will continue to campaign against it if they can enlist support from any other shareholders. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police.
  • The Fort Meade monthly report does not record the names of the mission's enlisted men, but it is unlikely a wagoner and cook would have been left behind on a long march.
  • We enlisted 3,600 bloggers within cinct captains of the online world. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • As Springsteen became a megastar in the mid '80s he was able to enlist big name directors to helm many of his videos.
  • What, Michael wondered, would the voters of Kerry make of it if he was to enlist the services of the delightful duo to help with the canvass during the 2004 local elections?
  • They both enlisted a year before the war broke out.
  • ‘They come from parts of the country where jobs are hard to find,’ an acquaintance condescendingly excuses the enlistees.
  • Fiddler Seán Keane joined the band in 1968, harpist/keyboardist Derek Bell became a full-fledged Chieftain in 1974, bodhrán specialist and singer Kevin Conneff was enlisted in 1976 and flute player Matt Molloy came on board in 1979.
  • These are common tricks that are routinely conjured up by the conscience-hunters whose divine vocation it is to enlist mercenaries for their unholy schemes.
  • But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy … She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own … she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. What Would Wilson Do?
  • Enlistment ceremonies also take place at military entrance processing stations across the country.
  • As far as I know, the Sidearms were usually issued too officers, but enlisted men were able to scrounge them up easily enough.
  • Several companies asserted that to conscript them after the expiration of their term of enlistment was a breach of faith. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • Due to national security and many other restrictions, non-citizen members of the military have only a small, select number of Military Occupational Specialties to choose from when enlisting or re-enlisting.
  • Perhaps if we enlist enough troops, we can have several platoons simultaneously exploding into dance around Manhattan, so there will be absolutely no way to tell where we might strike next.
  • One council, Lancashire, has been trying to enlist the Ministry of Agriculture's help in controlling their hogweed.
  • On July 8th, basic training for enlistees in the Army Ranger program began at Fort Benning, Georgia, with Tillman and a younger brother among those hoping to qualify for the elite light infantry unit.
  • They have to enlist support for aspects of the job they don't do well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 1917 draft law prohibited enlistment bounties and personal substitution, but did authorize deferments on the grounds of dependency or essential work in industry or agriculture.
  • From that time, she worked with all her might to "smother" her rival, enlisting the services of influential friends to persuade the managers not to give Christine an opportunity for a fresh triumph. The Phantom of the Opera
  • He joined the ill-fated 1917 anarcho-syndicalist uprising in Barcelona and then, at the age of 29, finally saw his ancestral homeland, arriving in St. Petersburg in 1919 to enlist with the Reds in Russia's civil war. The Revolutionary Novelist
  • Although François Achille Bazaine had middle-class origins, when he failed to gain admittance to military academy he enlisted into the infantry.
  • Social media can be enlisted to name and shame litter louts. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one case, CDS enlisted four MBA volunteers to develop tourism in rural Nigeria. Worth Your Time « Planning the Day
  • We will not enter into the plans of the artful insinuator made to enlist the sympathies of the unsuspecting Englishman, but we must ever feel sure that the cloven foot was well concealed until the last, for Four Months in a Sneak-Box
  • He later enlisted as a private in the Royal Tank Corps, before being transferred back to the RAF.
  • Military personnel were likely to experience repeated exposure to combat in a single enlistment.
  • Weinstein is expected to enlist the usual battalions of experts on forensic science, jury selection and criminal psychology.
  • Word of Nagano got to Frank Zappa, who in 1983 enlisted him to conduct his fiendishly tricky classical works with the London Symphony Orchestra.
  • His job included enlisting Justin Kaplan to write the introduction and working with Victor Doyno on the textual foreword and addendum.
  • In doing so, military recruiters made a number of promises to new enlistees - such as the promise of free lifetime medical care.
  • What has keepit me from being an officer, that had served my country in twa battles when oor quartermaster hadna enlisted? Lob Lie-by-the-Fire: or The Luck of Lingborough
  • The number of women enlisting has also helped to pre-empt talk of a return to the draft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best way to nail your perfect look is to go to any department store cosmetician and describe what youre looking for and enlist her help. Rinnavation
  • Their brother flees from their dysfunctional family to the Army as soon as he is old enough to enlist.
  • They also enlisted some showbiz pals to help out. The Sun
  • One of the first men Seekaboo enlisted was Josiah Francis, the son of an English trader and a Creek mother.
  • Recently Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook) stated that this year Facebook would have one billion participants -- most of whom spend endless daily hours enlisting the membership of what I label "faux friends"(FFs). Jill Lynne: Life Is Not a Popularity Contest!
  • In May 1940, he too was interned and told to enlist either in the Foreign Legion or in an auxiliary corps of the French army.
  • The club also consistently tweets in-game coverage, enlisting the help of then injured player Micah Richards, who took over the @MCFC account to live-tweet from a game.
  • Mr. Wender asked Ms. Wasserman to let him know if she ever spotted an investment opportunity, and not long afterward she enlisted him to help rescue the foundering negotiant firm of Camille Giroud, with whom she'd worked for years. In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
  • Lefties perfected long ago the enlistment of Jesus in their secular messianic causes.
  • He had decided that, for various reasons, the best thing would be for him to enlist in the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's trying to enlist my sympathy by pretending he's in the grip of some third thing.
  • The Kyoto Protocol was derided by some in the United States as a fantasy, impractical to implement and unfair in that it did not enlist developing countries in this ‘global’ effort.
  • To raise self-esteem in the ranks, each enlistee would now have the right to wear a black beret as of this June.
  • The result was a breadfruit initiative that has enlisted chefs and restaurants to pitch the fruit and has sent advocates to local schools to get young people interested in eating breadfruit.
  • The number of soldiers enlisting has fallen dramatically.
  • After World War II begins, Zinn decides to enlist in the Air Force as a bombardier even though his navy yard job would have provided an exemption.
  • On his release jail in 1915 he enlisted in the Royal Engineers as a private soldier.
  • He enlisted the help of a druidess, and disguised himself as a woman.
  • But Colin didn't give up and even enlisted his sister's support.
  • While a student, Mr. Pearson enlisted with the University of Toronto Hospital Unit with which he served in Salonika in 1915 and 1916. Canada and the Commonwealth
  • All entered programs for enlisted personnel or non-commissioned officers; it was not known how many would go into combat units.
  • Some organisms have enlisted symbionts to provide traits or functions found in other kingdoms.
  • Angle's ad doesn't mention that it would also allow certain undocumented immigrant youth who were brought to the U.S. by their parents at a young age to eventually obtain legal permanent status by enlisting in the military or attending a university. Sharron Angle Ad Uses Threat Of Creeping Brown People To Drive Racial Wedge (VIDEO)
  • That system is also creaking to a halt, with plunging enlistments and retentions.
  • Buckhaven's skills have also been enlisted by another pharmaceutical giant for an anti-asthma drug.
  • Bromley is currently enlisting artists to submit 8ft x 12 ft artworks on a 170 ft length on the building-site style hoardings.
  • Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.
  • The heart of Baquba was bustling, shops were busy, there was a market and at an Iraqi police station, scores of young men waiting to enlist.
  • Pantano also boasts a storybook life: After serving in the Marines as an enlisted man and graduating from New York University, he embarked on careers on Wall Street and then as a TV producer.

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