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How To Use Enlightening In A Sentence

  • And a most enlightening experience it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • He curls his lip to add that he found Psystar's cases "unenlightening". Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Seeing as we all knew who won it months ago, it was spectacularly unexciting, unenlightening and unentertaining. Times, Sunday Times
  • And speaking of science, the story uses a fair amount of real, present-day science which is delineated from the fictional in an enlightening afterward. REVIEW: Twistor by John Cramer
  • Intertextuality, collage, declared and covert citations are instrumental and often enlightening in her 'decreations'. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • To lump all these countries together is unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's -- that's what I call nationalism, enlightening ... Completing the Revolution: A Vision for Victory in 2000
  • All three DVDs contain director's filmographies and biographies, a hazy, mostly unenlightening historical sketch of the pink film, and unremovable, headache-inducing ‘white-on-white’ subtitles.
  • However, when it comes to attempting to understand the deep structure of classical proof systems (and in particular, when two derivations that differ in some superficial syntactic way are really different ways to represent the one underlying ˜proof™) it is enlightening to think of classical logic as formed by a basic substructural logic, in which extra structural rules are imposed as additions. Substructural Logics
  • It was a truly enlightening experience. The Sun
  • There was no flash of light; no sudden enlightening; but I began to feel a peace I had never had.
  • Not so much 'dark tourism' as an enlightening account of a wretched tsarist penal system. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One in the last five Premiership games and a string of similar enlightening statistics gleaned from scanning this season's ‘goals for’ column show why Wanderers are slugging it out with the rest of the relegation pack.
  • In its heroic period the Freudian school, in agreement on this point with the other, enlightening Kant, demanded the ruthless critique of the superego as something alien to the ego, something truly heteronomous.
  • If the "Children's Houses" were to succeed in enlightening the people on such truths, they would be accomplishing a very lofty hygienic work for the new generations. The Montessori Method
  • His lectures on the early medieval period were always both entertaining and enlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Italy has proved an enlightening experience in just a short time. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first sight, the Atlas of World Art edited by John Onians (Laurence King £75) is a truly original and endlessly enlightening book, the answer to numberless prayers born of ignorance.
  • His enlightening management philosophy has led to the writing of his books Any manager aspiring to superior leadership would be wise to study Gerrys advice, and should not let the Lead with Love title confuse them: this is a book about peak performance and it essentially "demands" that the leader establish clear and stretch expectations, and to then hold the team members accountable for achievement. - Articles related to Traditional plastics shelved in bio-product industry
  • Robinsons portrayal of these womens influence as civilizing and enlightening is very different from Wollstonecrafts portrayal of the French court in her An Historical and Moral View of the French Revolution (1794), where she described Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
  • Featuring some vicious assessments and enlightening insights, not to mention a new defintion for the acronym STD, take a look at what Roadrunner Records Latest News
  • The goal is that the link takes people to something that's enlightening or entertaining, and they thank you by retweeting it.
  • Wisdom is worth more than gold in enlightening and improving the human race. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I'm giving a talk to the local section of the American Chemical Society, so I'll be off scarfing up a free meal and enlightening whoever shows up.
  • The result is a balanced, touching and enlightening portrait of a great writer and a curiously lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was unedifying, unenlightening and uninteresting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bodhisattvas, or brave ones, the spiritual offspring of the Buddhas, are those beings who have the enlightening attitude (bodhichitta) to work toward the attainment of Buddhahood, that is enlightenment, for the sake of all beings. The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
  • It is a juddery and rather unenlightening trip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks to his enlightening work, I now realize that I need to first get a large group of ethnically, racially and religiously homogenous people together to go to TNR offices to obtain permission from the editors that we call ourselves “a nation” before we can have any human rights. saifedean Says: Matthew Yglesias » Bye, Bye Nationhood
  • Repression and mystery, he considered wholesome for girls; and he considered the enlightening of them -- to some extent -- a prudential measure for their defence; and premature instruction is a fire-water to their wild-in-woods understanding; and histrionic innocence is no doubt the bloom on corruption; also the facts of current human life, in the crude of the reports or the cooked of the sermon in the newspapers, are a noxious diet for our daughters; whom nevertheless we cannot hope to be feeding always on milk: and there is a time when their adorable pretty ignorance, if credibly it exists out of noodledom, is harmful: -- but how beautiful the shining simplicity of our dear young One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2
  • The event is enhanced by film forums, panel discussions and soirées - this is an extremely well put together event, one that has gained a reputation for quality and enlightening entertainment since its inception a few years ago.
  • In all, this was a pretty dull and unenlightening debate: I doubt it's going to change anybody's fortunes at all. GOP presidential economics debate in New Hampshire - as it happened
  • In the end, it is neither enlightening nor edifying.
  • It is jam-packed with enlightening facts, practical diagrams and clear explanations about weather phenomena and why they form. Times, Sunday Times
  • Okay, well, thank you very much indeed for that additional enlightening point.
  • The opposition between his religious heritages is mentioned frequently but only in a schematic and unenlightening manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gourmands and epicureans aren't always nice, and they're not always entirely sane, but they are always interesting - and the best of them enlightening, in a way that transcends recipes and digestion.
  • Is the entertainment value of a kid sobering up after anesthesia or a baby burbling at random pieces of paper worth the costs of objectifying them for public consumption, however diverting, enlightening or cathartic? 'The Kids Grow Up' turns the lens on home videos and the right to privacy
  • I had a long chat today with folks from Yahoo about the ongoing "size matters" tempest, and it was once again enlightening. Boing Boing
  • His analysis proves to be both entertaining and enlightening for film buffs and academics.
  • The result of this subversion is a surprisingly mature and complex look at gender politics — revealing the power of comics and science fiction to address feminist issues and to reach a younger, predominantly male audience with a enlightening message. It’s a Woman’s World |
  • Also most enlightening, is to see how local champions of "Green" living and public transportation, who advocate and even legislate with every fiber of their being to get vehicles such as large white GMC pickups off the road, live and work in the same manner as they demand of their constituents. Smell test? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • This character, together with the secular modernity, enlightening modernity, reflectional modernity and aesthetic modernity, constitute the multiple aspects of modernity.
  • The instruction manual that came with my new computer wasn't very enlightening about how to operate it.
  • The book is a generous one, enlightening, entertaining and different. Times, Sunday Times
  • The essay is both factually enlightening and philosophically thought-provoking.
  • His distinctive language of image and tremendous momentum of using pen and ink, bear aggressive visual power, penetrate into people's heart and soul and are very enlightening.
  • And after the situation had cooled into oblivion, I was left with an enlightening feeling of how being purposely outcasted feels like.
  • But it's a more balanced account than you generally get from such television specials, and anyone who has been on a cruise is likely to find it entertaining and at times enlightening. Critic's Corner Tuesday
  • I don't know how enlightening you've found it, but I hope I have given something of the heathen perspective.
  • He gave me a lot of background on the original King Arthur myths, and it was enlightening because so much of my knowledge of King Arthur was based on children's storybooks and movies.
  • If I'm enlightening anyone or educating anyone, it's by way of the story itself.
  • This movie could so easily have descended into schmaltz and saccharine yet instead it is by turns dark, comedic, violent, enlightening, frighteningly real and ceaselessly inspiring and surprising.
  • It's only fitting to link to the Washington Post obituary, co-credited to Woodward himself, although the New York Times obit is actually more enlightening. December 2008
  • I've been less interested in influencing events and the ministers who make them than in enlightening readers who may want to understand what is going on.
  • It is highly readable, often persuasive and enlightening on the plays, but it is speculation.
  • This write up may appear to be rather simple and elementary, but I must emphasise that enlightening general public as well as most users is considered essential.
  • Spirit uses in enlightening the eyes; it brings us to a sight and sense of our sin and misery, and directs us in the way of duty. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The defense of Descartes 'real distinction proof is enlightening because it renders transparent the assumption of abstractive knowledge that might have aided contemporary readers' understanding of the proof. Motherly Advice
  • Intermittent snippets of conversation suggesting rehearsal out-takes rang with a self-consciously clever sitcom snap, ultimately not terribly enlightening or deep.
  • The approach is cerebral but always enlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actually, the Commission decision is somewhat more enlightening, because it gives more facts and more directly discusses the sexual harassment theory.
  • Watching the way comedians dealt with difficult audiences was particularly enlightening.
  • an unenlightening comment
  • Since this enlightening experience, I have been able to be more punctual with office visits. Living with Angina
  • A number of studies describe a variety of methods which focus on educating and enlightening primarily non-gay men and women, but essentially any person with homophobia or heterosexist bias.
  • An example of academic analysis that I find truly enlightening is Zilia Papp’s article on the various versions of the story “The Great Yokai War”. Mechademia 4: War/Time » Manga Worth Reading
  • And in the twilight of their youth, this bleakest enlightening is, for a pair lovelorn and wretched, their single and final solace.
  • While the central themes embody the main thrust of what the text actually said, a study of the marginal and omitted ideas may be more fruitful and enlightening.
  • Raymon took pleasure in enlightening that virgin mind which seemed destined to open to receive his principles; but, despite the power he exerted over her untrained, artless mind, his sophisms sometimes encountered resistance from her. Indiana
  • The movie was entertaining and enlightening. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • I needed something light but enlightening. Christianity Today
  • Arduous and enlightening, it was a journey into Africa which will forever remain with those of us lucky enough to sample life in one of the few truly untouched corners of the world.
  • Standing face-to-face with an expert karateka like Ushiro Sensei was an enlightening and humbling experience.
  • Considering, however, that Judge Alsup called all of Pystar's arguments "unenlightening," it isn't likely that the company will be able to present a compelling case to the court within the next 20 days. The Mac Observer
  • The advice is often both ludicrous and enlightening at once, and is delivered dead-pan by Chevy Chase.
  • The two hours sat listening to an orchestra of mobile phones, into which people barked: ‘I'm stuck on the train’ were enlightening.
  • Depressingly, this is still the standard format - and similarly unenlightening for the intellectually curious viewer. Times, Sunday Times
  • It deeplydisplayed culture critical consciousness in either right or wrong definitely. meanwhile, Its cultural implication is some enlightening functions for toda...
  • The instruction manual that came with my new computer wasn't very enlightening about how to operate it.
  • The instruction manual that came with my new computer wasn't very enlightening about how to operate it.
  • It plays a unique role in enlightening people and cultivating desirable personality.
  • But this dribble of incomplete facts is fundamentally unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • And a most enlightening experience it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since this enlightening experience, I have been able to be more punctual with office visits. Living with Angina
  • I will remember this film as entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking.
  • His speeches at maneuver conferences were always logical and enlightening, and one could not help respecting his extraordinary ability.
  • The book is a generous one, enlightening, entertaining and different. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr you emdashor grain and this example, I quite enlightening.
  • Frankel, a business writer and former brand "namer" himself, offers an enlightening, engaging and entertaining glimpse behind the scenes of the brand-naming business. QUICK READ
  • Would you prefer a forum where what you refer to as "experience sharing" were in lock step among respondents and therefore unenlightening for the questioner? Drinking the water in Mexico
  • Thinking is more powerful than talking. Reading is more enlightening than seeing. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The stories of their Levitical adventure are also far more entertaining and enlightening than most readers will expect. Cathleen Falsani: Living Leviticus: Who Could Do It? Who Would Want To?
  • The role of stories changes several times over the course of the narrative, but their presence is always understood to be a calming, enlightening one that puts human beings in their best selves. Mister Pip « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Yet regardless of such formalist elisions, this essay remains enlightening precisely for its heuristic clarity.
  • Written by a photographer, designer and miscellanist, this book is addictive, enlightening, and endlessly entertaining.
  • The movie was entertaining and enlightening. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • No wonder the American edition of this enlightening book is titled Every Man A Speculator.
  • The forum is enlightening because it represents a collaborative effort to define "platonic" -- and define it against nearly everything else on Craigslist. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • The Elu of Fifteen ought therefore to take the lead of his fellow-citizen, not in frivolous amusements, not in the degrading pursuits of the ambitious vulgar; but in the truly noble task of enlightening the mass of his countrymen, and of leaving his own name encircled, not with barbaric splendor, or attached to courtly gewgaws, but illustrated by the honors most worthy of our rational nature; coupled with the diffusion of knowledge, and gratefully pronounced by a few, at least, whom his wise beneficence has rescued from ignorance and vice. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • Working with him in many fields was enlightening, joyful and always full of fun. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • But whether you do it once or adopt self-examination as a regular practice, it can be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • It is an intelligent, enlightening account of disputes, narrating the advance and progress of medicine.
  • Unfortunately, the book proves to be distinctly unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • A thorough and enlightening biography of Earl Warren, a man responsible for no shortage of polarizing Supreme Court decisions: Brown v. Board of Education, Griswold v. Connecticut, and Miranda v. Arizona, as well as the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating John F. Kennedy. Cover to Cover
  • We also hold these lights in our hands to honor Christ, and to acknowledge him as the _true light_, [5] whom they represent under this character, and who is called by holy Simeon in this mystery, _a light for the enlightening of the The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • The book's treatment of the Synoptic Gospels is much too brief to be enlightening.
  • The men whose lives are celebrated in this enlightening book had their moment and rose to its challenge superbly.
  • This is what I often call "enlightening the choosing faculty" -- bringing the light of consciousness, conscience and higher purpose to bear on the unique and extraordinary capacity within that can define your destiny. Andrew Z. Cohen: What Is Conscious Evolution?
  • Take a special tip from the publisher and check out the ‘common confusables’ section - it is bound to be entertaining, if not enlightening.
  • I braced myself for a smackdown but nearly everyone left considerate, measured, and often enlightening commentary - even the people who totally disagreed with me.
  • In other words, by having progressed through eighth -, ninth -, tenth -, and (this) eleventh-level bhumi minds, the natural purity of primordial simultaneously arising (mirror-like deep awareness and the sphere of reality) that you have enlighteningly rendered manifest is a Dharmakaya, a Corpus Encompassing Everything. Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Unawareness ��� Part Four: Enhancing Your Practice
  • Joyce may be difficult, but the diligent reader is rewarded with an astonishingly bold and enlightening glimpse into the inner workings of the human psyche.
  • Working with him in many fields was enlightening, joyful and always full of fun. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • What’s even more mind-numbing is the writer continues to reference similarly enlightening articles from Men’s Health, including one laugh riot titled “The 50 Things She Wishes You Knew About Her.” Menfolk and their evil ways « Lab Kat
  • But whether you do it once or adopt self-examination as a regular practice, it can be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • The directorial revelations are almost always enlightening from a writer’s POV.) Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Secrets of the Silver Screen: Authenticity
  • The view of abstract individual is a generalization of action mode in market and a cultural premise as well in the ideas of enlightening intellectuals.
  • Italy has proved an enlightening experience in just a short time. Times, Sunday Times
  • I needed something light but enlightening. Christianity Today
  • He could be enlightening, terribly funny, extremely kind and utterly maddening - depending on his frame of mind.
  • The result is a balanced, touching and enlightening portrait of a great writer and a curiously lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • an enlightening glimpse of government in action
  • Instead, union managers will be able to file decades-old, less enlightening disclosure forms while the department considers whether to "revise" (i.e., gut) the current disclosure requirements. Obama Tries to Stop Union Disclosure
  • If you were more interested in enlightening your readers than getting a head start on the next 5th District campaign you would tell the entire story. Waldo Jaquith - M’ville: Goode’s got nothin’ to do with it…kind of.
  • But whether you do it once or adopt self-examination as a regular practice, it can be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • The last in an enlightening series. The Sun
  • It was individually desperate and sad, while being generally unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in the dreary weather, a small ray of light cascaded down, enlightening the sparkle of the gold, which Elsa wore.
  • It is a juddery and rather unenlightening trip. Times, Sunday Times
  • What makes them so annoying is their assumption that they're doing us a favor by sharing their gloom and we ought to be grateful for having our day ruined, because, you know, they're enlightening us. Lance Mannion:
  • The hatred and vitriol that you liberals spew is enlightening as to how you think. Palin drills down in policy in high-profile speech
  • His lectures on the early medieval period were always both entertaining and enlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he is led through some mazes that remain mazy and if the full import of what he discovers is not altogether assimilated, this is only par for the course in Pynchon's fiction, and having gone through the process of seeking the truth has been more enlightening than not, bothfor Doc and for the reader. February 2010
  • And in the twilight of their youth, this bleakest enlightening is, for a pair lovelorn and wretched, their single and final solace.
  • Rose's exemplary essay on the history and meaning of the monochrome in the superbly designed catalogue is both factually enlightening and philosophically thought-provoking.
  • Working with him in many fields was enlightening, joyful and always full of fun. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • The movie was entertaining and enlightening. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Thanks for educating and enlightening me.
  • It was a truly enlightening experience. The Sun
  • This was typical of the coverage - and typically unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lectures on the early medieval period were always both entertaining and enlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • I too was a little disappointed in BA's fake-out spiritual enlightening, which I felt could really have been done with some more equilibrium. Intertribal: the a-team
  • How refreshing, how different, how unenlightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said cherrypicking isolated, meaningless sentences out of 15 hours of World Series broadcasts is not only "unenlightening but unfair. Len Berman: Top 5 Sports Stories
  • None of the ghastly "chumminess" that seems to pervade the internet and sundry other journals for want of a better word but well constructed enlightening text that is a joy to read irrespective of whether you agree with the author or not. The Best of Friends
  • It was nicely enlightening to see a reaction from a true neophyte, which is going to be noticeably different than the folks who have read all the books and have that as a jumping-off point. Harry Potter Through Fresh Eyes: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | /Film
  • However, after centuries of building, law's design is difficult to discern; its attempt to impose order on chaos has become its own labyrinth, confusing as much as enlightening those who try to enter.
  • The last in an enlightening series. The Sun
  • At the weekly seminars the graduates enjoyed the enlightening exchanges between these distinguished scholars.

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