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[ UK /ɛnlˈa‍ɪtən/ ]
[ US /ˌɛnˈɫaɪtən/ ]
  1. make understand
    Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal
  2. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear
    Clear up the question of who is at fault
    Could you clarify these remarks?
  3. give spiritual insight to; in religion

How To Use enlighten In A Sentence

  • Outrages like the Thomas case make it a good deal more difficult for enlightened penal reformers like the Professor to get a fair hearing when they advocate bringing back the lash.
  • Baffler editors have called commodification of dissent stretches back to Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment and is alive and well in what he calls the "alienation market" in which films like Fahrenheit 9 / 11 either already have or are destined to make bundles (relatively speaking, of course). GreenCine Daily
  • When in the following October the nobody met Katsu Kaishu, the enlightened commissioners of the shogun's navy, it might have been with intent to assassinate him.
  • People who have a broad interest in the subject but who lack the historical and ideological framework for a fuller, informed reading, will be gently and entertainingly enlightened here.
  • Infused then with the enlightenment only a brutal smackdown from a celestial being can provide, Jacob sets out to make peace with his brother, no matter the cost.
  • My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust. Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
  • He was neither a wit nor a brilliant raconteur, neither well-read nor well-educated, and he made no great contribution to enlightened social converse.
  • And like past challenges to civilization, such barbarism thrives on Western appeasement and considers enlightened deference as weakness, if not decadence.
  • This bespeaks a progressive, enlightened court, hardly stifling and revolt-inducing.
  • Holiness answers audience questions addressing the situation of Tibet, goal of bodhicitta, nature of enlightened mind, future of the Dalai Lama institution, compatibility of Buddhist practices with theistic faith, universal purpose of human life, practice of patience towards harm-doers, subtle energy and mind, and the Heart Sutra mantra. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
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