
How To Use Enlarged In A Sentence

  • Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis, or an enlarged prostate. The Doctor is In
  • Enlarged heart, medically called cardiomegaly, is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition.
  • When he discovered, in 1954, that dimethylnitrosamine was hepatotoxic he noticed that the poisoned livers contained enlarged cells similar to those seen in veno-occlusive disease.
  • An autopsy today found the cause of Hammerdorfer's death was cardiomegaly and biventricular hypertrophy, which refers to an enlarged heart and enlarged ventricles. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Soldiers resemble worker termites, except that they have enlarged brownish heads and strong, well-developed jaws.
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  • This place was afterwards enlarged, and converted into stables for horses; but the old name remained, and now most stables in London are called mews, although the word is derived from falconry, and the hawks have long since flown away. Old English Sports
  • His eyes and forehead were enlarged; the bearded chin, and his mouth, which she'd thought so fine, almost vestigial. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • I know they can enhance reading, especially for the elderly because the font size can be enlarged. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enlarged group now makes equipment including electrical systems for data centres and printing presses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now it is spinning out its enlarged gold business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although, thinking about it, I'm sure my vocabulary has been enlarged in previously unexplored directions by the energetic neologists of spam.
  • The enlarged group now makes equipment including electrical systems for data centres and printing presses. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a few years she enlarged her establishment into a small hotel in the 16th arrondissement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, using a light table, students traced their enlarged drawings onto good student quality watercolor paper.
  • So the enlarged south transept took in the slype, and it occupied the end bay with the broad gallery and the sanctuary chamber filling the space above.
  • There is more than 600 thousand ha Salina. It mostly in the west region and the soil basification is continuing enlarged.
  • − 92-95% of heifer calves born to twin to a bull − Female organs develop, but are male-like − Commonly seen with enlarged vulva, and long vulva hairs; but some born with no external clues − Virtually always sterile Genetic Upsets − Most common is "hermaphroditism" − Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Management multiplied the camera angles, narrowed the strike zone, sodded the diamonds and the gridirons with AstroTurf, enlarged the jumbotrons, shortened the distance to the outfield fences, strengthened the golf clubs, adjusted the rules and the clocks to allow more time for the beer and truck commercials, bulked up the salaries paid to players bulked up to resemble the designated hitters in World of Warcraft. Lewis Lapham: Field of Dreams: The CIA and Me and Other Adventures in American Sports
  • Over Monk Bridge, which was widened in the 1900s, we pass the site of the enlarged gasworks, long since demolished.
  • It therefore becomes enlarged in some infective, parasitic, and blood diseases.
  • A friend of his, who had held it, had enlarged upon the delightful hypocrisy of the sleepy little capital, where everything was engineered and "wangled" for the comfort of the A Mummer's Tale
  • The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
  • Children with enlarged spleens should avoid contact sports (even wrestling with friends or siblings at home).
  • A drug used to fight baldness and enlarged prostates also protects against prostate cancer, offering the first way men can cut their risk for a major cancer killer, researchers reported yesterday.
  • Tumors and solid organs enlarged by noninflammatory processes are often not tender at all, or only slightly so.
  • On the fringes of this retinue, lions and crocodiles pounce on their victims while an elephant runs amok, and at the centre is the Navab, enlarged as befits his status, bending from his richly caparisoned mount to slash at a lion.
  • Male enlarged breasts are on the increase, so much so that they're now referred to as moobs, a combination of men and boobs. London Free Press
  • No harvest can be enlarged by frantic hurrying about. Christianity Today
  • Enlarged by many newly readmitted members who had held aloof from the act of regicide, it settled into a more prolonged and conservative regime than the army had ever envisaged.
  • In contrast, a region deep in the brain associated with reward processing, attention and motor movements - the chordate nucleus - was enlarged in subjects who were addicted to the drug. Cocaine addiction linked to brain abnormalities
  • enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children
  • This revised and enlarged edition was the form in which the book reached wider circulation and received much critical attention.
  • Before the onset of an enlarged backroom staff, it was a strictly hierarchical system. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • These images enlarged to a scale of 1:100 000 provide information complementary to that from conventional aerial photographs.
  • People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • After the desire of food, the most powerful and general of our desires is the passion between the sexes, taken in an enlarged sense. Selection from _The Principle of Population_
  • The combustion of a vastly increased bulk of pulverized coal and a greatly enlarged combustion zone, extending about forty feet longitudinally into the kiln -- thus providing an area within which the material might be maintained in a clinkering temperature for a sufficiently long period to insure its being thoroughly clinkered from periphery to centre. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • Unlike the large cats that have two enlarged canines, marsupial lions had enlarged incisors that were used to stab prey.
  • It said that she would not join the board of the enlarged company when the sale is completed next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may need an ultrasound of your groin to see if you have enlarged lymph nodes. The Sun
  • Enlarged avicularia on zooids at row bifurcations, on branch margins, and adjacent to ovicells are generally similar to those in M. auriculatum.
  • There is more than 600 thousand ha Salina. It mostly in the west region and the soil basification is continuing enlarged.
  • Because of sampling errors and difficulties in obtaining an accurate diagnosis, excisional biopsy (rather than needle biopsy) of enlarged lymph nodes should be performed.
  • And products containing lavender oil or tea tree oil -- both of which have estrogenic effects -- have been shown to cause enlarged breasts in young boys (gynecomastia). Joan Liebmann-Smith, PhD and Jacqueline Egan: Baby Health Quiz: 6 Questions to Test Your Knowledge
  • Their scales, instead of being imbricated like those of land-snakes, form hexagons; and those on the belly, instead of being scutate and enlarged, are nearly of the same size and form as on other parts of the body. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • The ascending aorta was enlarged and distended.
  • David Allvey, chairman of Costain, said: "The board of Costain continues to believe that there is a compelling strategic rationale for combining Costain and Mouchel and creating an enlarged group with enhanced critical mass to meet the customer trend towards larger and longer-term bundled solutions. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • When melancholy gets out at the superficies of the skin, or settles breaking out in scabs, leprosy, morphew, or is purged by stools, or by the urine, or that the spleen is enlarged, and those varices appear, the disease is dissolved. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The well-crafted, monumentally enlarged sequences through which he expressed his populist theme determined that the show would be of, but necessarily not by, the people.
  • They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
  • The = stem = is clay color to ochre yellow, enlarged below, spongy, stuffed, fistulose, soft, fibrous, more or less ascending at the base. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The boxed region is enlarged to show a dendritic branch and spine-like structure.
  • A brief, limited barium swallow examination can confirm if the pouch is small or enlarged.
  • Vertical bars in (L and M) indicate enlarged region shown in (P and Q). pd, protoderm; pc, procambium; col, columella initials; QC, quiescent center; v, vascular tissue; ep, epidermis; c, cortex; en, endodermis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • For 2 years, this tumefaction slowly enlarged.
  • X-rays showed her lungs were filling with fluid and her heart was enlarged. The Sun
  • To manipulate the level of production also meant that the role of government must be enlarged.
  • This skepticism emerged after Arthur Schopenhauer enunciated his theory on truth and meaning, a concept that was immediately approved and enlarged upon by Nietzsche.
  • Any dust on the APHS film during exposure of the enlarged negative will show in the final print as a black spot.
  • The canopy of the aircraft was greatly enlarged with both seats being mounted higher than normal for greater visibility.
  • For when an emphysematous lung shall fully occupy the right thoracic side from B to L, then G, the liver, will protrude considerably into the abdomen beneath the right asternal ribs, and yet will not be therefore proof positive that the liver is diseased and abnormally enlarged. Surgical Anatomy
  • And to add further fuel to the fire, the fairway bunkers have been enlarged by 10% and they have added more trees down the left.
  • We worship our newly enlarged, all powerful, democratically elected mayoral overlord.
  • He not only gave this hazy concept a viable definition, but also enlarged the scope.
  • Enlarged red cells derived from megaloblasts are a consequence of a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.
  • Some also have lung symptoms and may have an enlarged liver or spleen. The Sun
  • While the red panda is considered a procyonid, the mainstream view now is that the giant panda is indeed a bear, although it diverged from the main ursid line long enough ago to exhibit some striking differences in addition to the enlarged radial sesamoid, such as chromosome number, skull anatomy, and other traits. The Panda's Thumb has Evolved ... Twice! - The Panda's Thumb
  • An enlarged hamulus may articulate with the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone.
  • A number of directors have purchased tranches of the shares to maintain their proportionate interests in the enlarged share capital.
  • Higher in the Sheinwoodian Slite Group and in the superjacent Homerian Mulde Formation, morphotype C appears which has a distinctly enlarged first denticle succeeding the fang.
  • It should not be concluded from this that Norman and Plantagenet kings were reluctant to see the orbit of their influence enlarged.
  • Relative to the foundress, soldiers have an enlarged prothorax and fore femora, reduced wings and antennae, and a pale exoskeleton.
  • This encroachment on brain tissue by enlarged ventricles impinges on the caliber of arterioles and capillaries, often resulting in ischemia.
  • The resulting digital image has been enlarged and printed onto arches paper.
  • They said his spleen was enlarged, which was causing his belly to swell. The Sun
  • Brussels warned that without the forced sales, the enlarged company would be able to drive up the price of cans and other packaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Close up examination of the brain revealed improper differentiation, such as an enlarged forebrain, indistinct isthmic constriction at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb), and a malformed hindbrain ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Fig. 3, Plate 62, represents the prostate with its three lobes enlarged, and the prostatic canal and vesical orifice narrowed. Surgical Anatomy
  • The appendix was enlarged and formed an irregular, nodular mass with adherent omentum, measuring 6 x 4 x 4 cm.
  • She enlarged the flower beds
  • By the passage of the water, some part of the fissures was often enlarged into a round hole of considerable size, ending in a craterlet at the surface. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.
  • The Learjet has a maximum range of just over 2,000 nautical miles with a full complement of passengers which means it can reach all corners of the newly enlarged EU from 2004.
  • Shaggy's enjoyed our fair share of kind offers to have our anatomy enlarged, become an ordained minister online or join a deceased dictator's family in spiriting millions of dollars out of Africa.
  • Tee boxes have been enlarged, new bunkers built, and spinneys cleaned and made more user friendly!
  • It will probably take up a few white boards and photoshopped photos, fake documents, enlarged fine prints of this and that document with some cabalistic code, conspiring doctors that would have to include the AMA and the American Cancer Society, etc. to shed light on that vast conspiracy! Think Progress » Beck guest host Doc Thompson: Tanning salon tax makes health care reform a ‘racist law.’
  • The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged.
  • It had now a united people, and unexhausted treasury, enlarged military resources and a confidence more insolent than eyer. The Rival Administrations: Richmond and Washington in December, 1863.
  • Any dust on the APHS film during exposure of the enlarged negative will show in the final print as a black spot.
  • In another half-year, the site of its National Congress will be redecorated and enlarged.
  • The range of food will also be expanded with a new salad bar, chicken rotisserie and an enlarged deli, bakery and fish and meat counter.
  • During the four following months it goes in and out, and strolls about between meals, like other young ones of its class, and is then an animal at nurse affording thus a twofold example of the tendency of the great Creator to repeat Himself in His conceptions, here using for the infancy of the mammal the system invented for adult insects -- elsewhere repeating the butterfly in the humming-bird, who may fairly be called a vertebrated butterfly, and reproducing the gnat in the vampire-bat, which I look upon as an enlarged and perfected revise of the original pattern, whence comes the scourge of our sweet summer nights. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • After the preliminaries of love-play, the stimulated penis, erect, enlarged and stiffened, is pressed into the woman's vagina. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • It was a small animal with relatively simple quadrate teeth, a modestly enlarged third metacarpal, and digitigrade stance.
  • The owners have had the property enlarged and carried out extensive modernisation.
  • Histologically, sebaceous hyperplasia consists of enlarged lobules of mature sebaceous glands with a central dilated duct.
  • One option is for the banks to swap their debt for equity in the enlarged company. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the enlarged versions, one notices his eye for composition and design, as well as his uncanny ability to monumentalize his sitters.
  • He was diagnosed as having an enlarged prostate, which was preventing him relieving himself properly so he could only force a dribble out each time he went.
  • He also has about 30 cubic meters of shale blocks, carefully moved from harm's way when the road cutting was enlarged in 1999, under shelter in his back garden.
  • In the oldest known recension of the so-called martyrology of St. Jerome the name of St. Blasius does not appear; it is only in the later, enlarged catalogues that he is mentioned. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Photographs can be enlarged, so that even the impressions of the writings on stones could be clearly seen.
  • That is technically called gynecomastia, that men develop the breasts get enlarged. CNN Transcript Feb 5, 2005
  • They are swollen, fluid-filled sacs which often become enlarged and painful.
  • The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece.
  • The enlarged business will have a combined programming budget of 4.6 billion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heymans not only discovered the role, hitherto quite unknown, of certain organs (glomus caroticum and glomus aorticum), he also greatly enlarged our field of knowledge concerning the regulation of respiration. Physiology or Medicine 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • An overlay screen consisting of dots reveals enlarged images of the printed halftone dot shapes by means of the moiré phenomenon.
  • In particular, it has dramatically enlarged anterodorsal and posterodorsal processes, but it bears the reticulations, which, in combination with the spines and valve shape, are diagnostic of Tuzoia.
  • In this process I first make a contact interpositive and then an enlarged negative from the contact positive.
  • The footage was then replayed to the court in slow motion, and for a third time with an enlarged image of the murder scene. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intellectuals play a correspondingly enlarged role in Gramsci's Marxism, which perhaps accounts for its popularity amongst academic Marxists.
  • An enlarged hymenal opening of 1 cm or more is non-specific.
  • The result is that you gain economies of scale by managing that enlarged pile of funds with largely the same team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Examination of the brain revealed only enlarged lateral and third ventricles.
  • In 1994, the borderline of the City of Warsaw was enlarged to the surrounded province.
  • The final alcove was jam-packed with works that add travel snapshots and promotional photographs, either enlarged or regular size, to the dizzying mix.
  • This paper makes the prediction on the input gap for the library cause, analyzes the reasons why the gap exists and is enlarged, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.
  • This figure shows the cerebrum still more enlarged, and with a triradiate cavity (l, 1, 2. 3 The Common Frog
  • Incisivosaurus – closely related to, and possibly congeneric with, Protarchaeopteryx – has a reduced compliment of teeth, all of which are restricted to the anterior parts of the jaws, and two enlarged, bunny-like incisiform teeth project from each premaxilla (image at top: widely available on the web). Archive 2006-07-01
  • Many of the old houses have been enlarged or improved, but historically are very interesting.
  • I have a case right now where the CT scan of 8/23 showed a normal appendix with enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. An Inexact Science
  • Schematic and enlarged cross-section through the body of a human embryo in the region of the mesogastrium. Illustrations. Fig. 1103
  • Enlarged adenoids can also be caused by repeated chest infections or allergies, but in other cases the cause is unknown.
  • If the spleen is enlarged, your child may be prohibited from playing contact sports because of the risk of rupture and hemorrhage.
  • It seems that the genuine offspring might gain some protection by becoming part of an enlarged brood.
  • Would one authority cover the enlarged area, or would there be a tug of war between the existing parks over who would absorb the added area?
  • The pantograph is a simple apparatus for copying drawings, maps, designs, etc., on a reduced or enlarged scale, or to the same size as the original. Things To Make
  • Varnish layer thicknesses are enlarged and adhesiveness between prime and final coats are improved by priming paints or interlayer varnishes. 3. Coating Processes
  • the enlarged photograph revealed many details
  • Lord hast taken of me; in that unshaken firmness which is given me in my sufferings, in a perfect tranquillity in the midst of a furious tempest, which assaults me on every side; in an unspeakable joy, enlargedness and liberty which I enjoy in a most straight and rigorous captivity. The Autobiography of Madame Guyon
  • Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.
  • A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
  • The receiver is trued and the window enlarged for that massive cylinder.
  • The proposed north front shows a massively enlarged 19-bayed façade, centred around a grand colonnaded tetrastyle (that is, with four frontal columns) portico and curved perron, with flanking tetrastyle end pavilions.
  • Among the clutter of computer screens, racks of original prints and an underwater camera casing are enlarged copies of the rare archive photographs taken of the sinking boats.
  • It will be interesting to see how many of those investors stick with the company in its newly enlarged form. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is the belief that the actual footmark lies on a blue sapphire beneath the huge boulder upon the summit, and what we see is only an enlarged symbolic presentation.
  • Vertical bars in (L and M) indicate enlarged region shown in (P and Q). pd, protoderm; pc, procambium; col, columella initials; QC, quiescent center; v, vascular tissue; ep, epidermis; c, cortex; en, endodermis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Make-up, prosthetics, and a lot of hair was used to get the effect of their heads being enlarged. Times, Sunday Times
  • A 36-year-old father of two noticed enlarged lymph glands under his arm. Times, Sunday Times
  • • In late fetal period primary oogonia enlarged to form primary oocytes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Potentially at least, the concept of man was here greatly enlarged.
  • In the massively enlarged spleen, extramedullary hemopoiesis was prominent, with clusters of atypical megakaryocytes with vacuoles and erythrophagocytosis.
  • Lindsey (1214-1222) erected a lavatory in the south cloister: this would be contemporary with the Early English work remaining in this wall, and with the archway to the slype; but it must have been removed when the cloisters were enlarged, and another lavatory, of which we see the remains under three arches, built in its stead. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • In some cases, the arch is reinforced or completed by a large median artery, arising frequently from the common interosseous, or from an enlarged metacarpal artery.
  • The view focused on the star in the north and enlarged it to show the city, which was a relatively large metropolis.
  • In ecclesiastical buildings, the triforium, a windowless gallery above the main arcade, was of great importance, largely for structural reasons, in contrast to the enlarged clerestory of Gothic architecture.
  • Each winning photograph has also been enlarged and framed as a memento of the event.
  • He was able to confirm the presence of a badger at North Wood by the discovery of its hairs at the entrance to an enlarged fox hole.
  • Tullibardine, the son and successor of Sir David, enlarged the College of Tullibardine, and built that part where his arms and his lady's are impaled -- the three stars within the tressure for Murray, and a cross ingrailed for Colquhoun, finely cut in stone on the outside of the wall. Chronicles of Strathearn
  • Thomas Spray, MD: Sometimes if the artery to the lungs is quite small, it's enlarged by opening it and putting a small patch over it to make it bigger so blood can easily get to the lungs. Tetralogy of Fallot — TOF Surgery
  • The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.
  • Next to these developing scars, enlarged alveolar sacculi with loss of septae and bronchiolization were observed.
  • As the author says in his introduction, this second edition has been completely revised, and enlarged by the addition of the three chapters on beauty.
  • That has lead to calls for some of the frequencies to be sold off so that the enlarged business does not have a dominant position. Times, Sunday Times
  • These organs may become enlarged because they are trying to produce extra blood cells, a process called extramedullary hematopoiesis.
  • Incisivosaurus – closely related to, and possibly congeneric with, Protarchaeopteryx – has a reduced compliment of teeth, all of which are restricted to the anterior parts of the jaws, and two enlarged, bunny-like incisiform teeth project from each premaxilla (image at top: widely available on the web). The war on parasites: an oviraptorosaur’s eye view
  • A single enlarged anterior mediastinal lymph node was also identified.
  • Sometimes there are enlarged lymph glands in the neck. The Sun
  • PCOS is a hormone problem that can cause the ovaries to become enlarged and develop fluid-filled sacs.
  • That could see the enlarged group make fatter profits from its digital rivals by selling them more TV shows. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have no gills, but obtain their oxygen by absorbing it through the skin of their body and greatly enlarged tails.
  • Near the attachment of the eyelashes are the openings of a number of glands, the ciliary glands, arranged in several rows close to the free margin of the lid; they are regarded as enlarged and modified sudoriferous glands. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • The photographs were then enlarged and the diameters were determined by scale measurements from the size marker.
  • He added that the assurance that the enlarged portfolio of products and services and access to a broader target market base will offer growth opportunities to all investors.
  • Originally, an alcove on the east side enlarged the living space of H2, but later access to this area was walled up with stones and sod, thus reducing the living space to a single room.
  • And the C-based virtual object command language has been enlarged to over 500 commands, making the system more accessible to non-programmers.
  • At the same time, and by the very same token, the enlarged forebrain permits increased neuronal processing of olfactory information, so the tight chemical coupling between olfaction and endocrine release is no longer so necessary.
  • The acquisition of Templar estates and of alien priories likewise enlarged the openings for royal clerks.
  • Enlarged breasts in men, known as gynecomastia, generally indicates an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone, which can occur from puberty or aging -- or it could be a sign of kidney disease, or a pituitary tumor. What Your Body Is Telling You
  • An enlarged thyroid gland is referred to as a goiter ( "throat" L). The Human Brain
  • There is no clear theme, but enlarged historical photos of the area line the upper walls.
  • You know that trick where you put wrap your tongue over your upper lip, which forces the lower one to go all puffy and huge, and you pretend that comically enlarged kisser is your real mouth?
  • Their feet are broad and the toes are tipped with enlarged claws; the claws on the forefeet are especially well developed.
  • The notion that the root cortex of flowering plants that grow in aquatic or wetland environments under hypoxic conditions is comprised primarily of enlarged air spaces, or lacunae, has been considered for at least 150 years.
  • He's smaller and some of his facial features are enlarged. The Sun
  • The mountains seemed enlarged by the moonlight that bathed them. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The seashore, sea seen from shore, shore seen from sea; the taste of two metals in contact; and our enlarged powers at the approach and at the departure of a friend; the experience of poetic creativeness, which is not found in staying at home, nor yet in traveling, but in transitions from one to the other, which must therefore be adroitly managed to present as much transitional surface as possible; this command of two elements must explain the power and charm of Plato. Representative Men
  • The parotids were firm, nontender, and enlarged, especially the left side obscuring the mandibular angle.
  • An enlarged heart muscle or narrowed valve would make you short of breath when exercising. The Sun
  • The thyroid gland in the neck may also become enlarged, a condition known as goiter. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The text begins midsentence and continues with an enlarged marginal letter kappa on line 3.
  • Will Doctor Franklin be so good as to peruse it, " he wrote in his cover note, "and suggest such alterations as his more enlarged view of the subject will dictate?
  • In Edinburgh, when the New Town was enlarged, the new streets were curved, not gridded, with the objective of attaining ‘a happy union of foliage and building’.
  • Looking at those puffy eyes and enlarged nostrils I decided not to fight back.
  • He walked slowly toward the door, peeped through an enlarged crack in the hinge side, and stepped back, startled.
  • As my arms flew about in space, my hands sported enlarged puffy boxing mitts which had been sewn from muslin.
  • An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.
  • The child was also mouth-breathing, a sign that her adenoids were so enlarged that she was unable to breathe through her nose.
  • I still have an enlarged heart, but the difference this has made to my life is amazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He admitted that the practice of pro - active fiscal policy has enlarged China's financial deficit and debts.
  • _achromatic_, and admits into the judging mind a pure white light, and records an undisturbed, uncolored image, undiminished and unenlarged in its passage; and he has the moral power, courage, and conscience, to use and devote such an inestimable instrument aright. Spare Hours
  • The skulls of chinchilla rats have long and narrow rostra, a rounded braincase, enlarged bullae, and delicate zygomatic arches.
  • From my previous trip I recalled intact bows and stern, but the already completely broken midship area seemed to have enlarged in the intervening years.
  • It is the enlarged neopallium, then, which makes mammals in general more intelligent than any other group of vertebrates and, indeed, more intelligent than any group of invertebrates. The Human Brain
  • They all appear enlarged and have a tortuous course, especially the capillary veins.
  • It is as if we had heard one phrase of a symphony, and then hear the phrase within the whole composition, to have it enlarged and enflowered in its full relationship . . . Philocrites: Artists as mystics.
  • -- C. Mayer, Sullivan, Ill. -- This invention relates to improvements in tables, and consists in arranging the side rails of the top of the frame, which are enlarged at the center and hinged to the posts for folding against the cross rails, when the top, which is detachably connected, is removed, for economy of space and convenience, in packing for transportation or storage; also in arranging the legs for folding up against the under edge of the cross rails; also in an improved arrangement of the side rails for extension. Scientific American, Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.

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