
How To Use Enki In A Sentence

  • Simon Jenkins, a columnist with the UK's Guardian recently called Zuma a rapist and a racketeer in perhaps one of the most acerbic pieces yet the Guardian has published on Zuma.
  • I beg for each and all of you confirmations and assistance from the threshold of oneness, so that those gatherings may become ignited like unto candles, in the republics of America, enkindling the light of the love of God in the hearts; thus the rays of the heavenly teachings may begem and brighten the states of America like the infinitude of immensity with the stars of the Most Great Guidance. Tablets of the Divine Plan
  • Category: elena kagan, supreme court nomination, war of jenkins 'ear News media starting to get ornery over Kagan thing. | RedState
  • Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer. Burial for a King
  • However, Jenkins said demands for reburial were now coming from minority groups in Britain, including pagans and druids, while Manchester consulted the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, which campaigns for reburial of pre-Christian British remains, before removing the Worsley Man head. Museums avoid displaying human remains 'out of respect'
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  • A plate of ripe cheeses is always available, and a dessert or two; Jenkins bakes the chocolate-almond cake and biscotti in-house.
  • The ancients told those stories around the camp fires and those stories grew by the flame enkindled in the hearer's hearts; transforming them into story tellers too. Happy Valentines Day, -XOX, The New Body of Christ:
  • The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart. Chapter 16
  • For the past five years, Jenkins, a mechanical engineer and amateur glider pilot, has built three crafts - on wheels, skates, and hydrofoils - equipped with rigid carbon-fiber sails.
  • Water, of course, is more important than oil on the arid sands of Bahrain, and 5000 years ago the inhabitants worshiped Enki, the god of sweet waters under the earth. Richard Bangs: Bahrain: Once Was Paradise, Part 3
  • Technorati Tags: children's picture books, editors 'picks, eric carle, holiday picks, Leo Lionni, little blue and little yellow, steve jenkins Best of 2009
  • The best actor is joining Laura Linney in the dramedy for Fox Searchlight Pictures, which is being written and directed by Tamara Jenkins.
  • A few metres before the end of the race, Jenkins surged into the lead.
  • And then her uncle Enki started to worry about her. Inanna and Ereshkigal
  • Recently, Jenkins used two pairs of paintings in a home at a slant where dormer windows met a wall in order to create height in a small space.
  • So Jenkins is trying an unusual program to fix her memory flameouts.
  • Jenkins said when the Black Creek project is completed, Sutton Bridge Road will be closed at the current bridge, which he called structurally deficient. Local News from Gadsden Times
  • Not wanting to get his valenki (boots essential for winter) wet, Ivan Denisovich takes them off, then sloshes the water onto the floor.
  • In his term as Home Secretary between 1965 and 1967 and, to a lesser extent, from 1974 to 1976, Jenkins set about the destruction of the entire legislative underpinning of the fundamental decencies of British society.
  • RYAN JENKINS, "MEGAN WANTS A MILLIONAIRE": I ` m with Megan alone. CNN Transcript Aug 20, 2009
  • Just as Mrs Jenkins was making a kind of curtsey by the bedside Gladys said that she saw Mr Prothero riding up to the house. Gladys, the Reaper
  • Fr. Jenkins 'comment would make sense if abortion were not such a fundamental violation of human rights, such a fundamental contravention of the purpose of government, such a grave and widespread attack on the most vulnerable of human beings, and Barrack Obama were not so prominent a supporter of the proabortion rights position. Fr. Reese's flawed arguments for Pres. Obama at Notre Dame
  • But there again, by his own admission Jenkins is having the best both worlds.
  • Blenkinsop had joined the group in the shadow of the pinetum. The Perfect Lover
  • From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader. Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
  • Studies into the superweed are being carried out at Eden by Camborne School of Mines scientist Dr Loveday Jenkin.
  • May 14, 2008 at 8:20 am wunce, i took a boi to teh Steenkin Rose is terrible name foar a restarant, but everyting tehy serve comes smothred in garlick… an he ordereded teh rabbit! it came to our table… it still looked like a rabbit! that boy got dumpded a little wyle later. Basement cat - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Not many people can boast of having their own waxwork in a museum, but New Addington resident Nan Jenkins is just one person immortalised in the Lifetimes exhibition.
  • Mr Jenkins' arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe's two most powerful politicians.
  • David Thomas is writing an account of the activities of the Gulbenkian Foundation's social welfare programme between 1964 and 1990.
  • The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists.
  • There are some scholars who say the fish head hat of the priests of Enki (a Sumerarian god of the earth and world order) later became the miter of the bishops.
  • Escaping relatively unwarped from Rick Jenkins' mesmeric power, he's had a nice career, written some truly inspired stand-up best "Ladies, tell me if this is true" line ever and also been way ahead of the curve with his web presence. Eugene Mirman
  • Republican State Chairman Tina Benkiser will orate, flanked by representatives of organizations such as the Southern Baptists and the Texas Conference of Churches.
  • And Jenkins's achievements - and failure to grasp the supreme power prize - pervade his historical writing and suffuse it with insight.
  • Graham Jenkins turned a gun on himself after officers pursued his car southbound on the M1 and eventually managed to stop it near Nottingham.
  • Large areas on the alluvial saline plains are characterized by halophytic plant communities including Artemisia pauciflora, A. schrenkiana, A. nitrosa and perennial saltwort (Atriplex cana, Anabasis salsa, and Camphorosma monspeliaca). Kazakh semi-desert
  • Jenkins 2002 maintains that starting holistically from voice quality and then moving to work on segmentals imply that the learner is pushed to adapt and use the target language articulatory settings with their articulators still geared towards the pronunciation of the sounds of his/her mother tongue. Teaching Efl Pronunciation: Why, What and How? « Articles « Literacy News
  • In his letter, Jenkins suggests that Wills' animus toward him is related to his deeper animus toward the Catholic Church.
  • Robert Jenkins continues to play left tackle, as Harlow recovers from a nerve problem that affects his hip and back.
  • There is also a possibility that the Jenkin's Lane area will be re-developed as a shopping precinct.
  • The debacle in Poznam featured that old chestnut, the diabolical deflection, known and despised since that tragic afternoon in Gelsenkirchen.
  • Mr Bursell's experiences were shared by fellow Yorkshireman Andrew Jenkins.
  • This is all right in conversation, hut a little of it goes a long way on the printed page. if he had had a tighter editor, Lord Jenkins might also have been prodded to be less orotund in a few places.
  • And then there was the time we went round the school with a note from Jenkins saying we were doing a study into the effects of cigarette smoke, and could we have some of your fags please sir/miss?
  • Much of this, expressed in less polemic language, is accepted by many of the historians that Jenkins seeks to criticize.
  • I really don't understand where the twins are going to go now, would seem very weird if their characters were done for the season. zebrat alrighty dagnabbit, i think i'm going to have to start watching this show. mostly cuz i just became aware that bob odenkirk is on it. Breaking Bad Recap: Episode 2 “Caballo Sin Nombre” is Set to the Sounds of America | /Film
  • Leeroy Jenkins is the World of Warcraft character of Ben Schultz who screws up the plans of his comrades and ends up dooming them all. Five Hilarious Web Sites | myFiveBest
  • Chino Airport Manager James Jenkins stated that the aircraft in these hangars are not contaminated, but the area is.
  • Mr Jenkinson took pen and ink, and wrote down my submission nearly as I have exprest it, to which I signed my name. The Vicar of Wakefield
  • The Church is one of those living forces: she is alive with the love enkindled by the Spirit of Christ. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The Indian issue, Jenkins writes, led him into ‘a miasma of impotent isolation.’
  • Team GB's most successful ever Games came at Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 1936, when it won gold in ice hockey, silver in figure skating and bronze in the bobsleigh.
  • KASTE: But now Jenkins is driving around Juneau with big Murkowski signs on his truck. Murkowski Write-In Effort Gains Steam
  • Companies with Chinese assets that currently list in Singapore, Frankfurt or New York may also look to relist in Hong Kong to address liquidity and low valuation concerns," says Mr. Penkin. Hong Kong Seeking IPO 3-Peat in 2011
  • RYAN JENKINS, "MEGAN WANTS A MILLIONAIRE": Time with Megan alone was enough to let her get in touch with my deeper side and redeem myself for, you know, some of the silly things I said at dinner. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2009
  • In a statement issued last week announcing his intention to voluntarily report to the U.S. military, Jenkins said he had intended to surrender since the day he arrived in Japan.
  • Lady Catherine, Sir William, and Mr. and Mrs. Collins sat down to quadrille; and as Miss De Bourgh chose to play at cassino, the two girls had the honour of assisting Mrs. Jenkinson to make up her party. Chapter XXIX
  • I was meditating," said Mr. Brimberly, busied with the bottles and glasses, "I was cogitating calling hup Mr. Jenkins, the Stanways 'butler across the way. The Definite Object A Romance of New York
  • After their expulfion from Tecrit, the two brothers retired to the atabek Amado'ddin Zenki's court, and engaged in his fervice. The modern part of an universal history from the earliest accounts to the present time;
  • Note 6: Ian Jenkins and Kim Sloan, Vases and Volcanoes: Sir William Hamilton and his Collection (London, 1996); Arnaud Vincent de Montpetit, Essais sur les moyens de conserver les portraits peints a l'huile, plusieurs siècles dans toute leur fraicheur, 29 April 1775, AdS pochette. back The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Other unique trees and shrubs include "Vardar Valley" and columnar "Dee Runk" boxwood, redvein enkianthus, 'Nikko' deutzia, Koreanspice viburnum, long-stalk holly; and 'George - News
  • On this same day after he awakens from this dream, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is so consumed with grief he will not bury him until his body starts to decay.
  • But on the other hand, we then got to thinking about the great American journalist H L Menkin who once said that, a good horse laugh is worth 1000 syllogisms, and we're pretty big on the syllogisms.
  • On a cold blustery March day in 1839, when she was nineteen, Susan moved with her family two miles down the Battenkill to the little settlement of Hardscrabble, later called Center Falls, where her father owned a satinet factory and grist mill, built in more prosperous times. Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
  • Tullow started the second half much better and scored a try created and executed by the forwards, with Tom Jenkinson being accredited with the touchdown.
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • The main town along the Alpine Road is Garmisch-Partenkichen, which first became famous as a host of the Winter Olympics back in 1936.
  • Our age is too enlightened to contend upon topics which concern only the interests of eternity; the men who hold in proper contempt all controversies about trifles, except such as inflame their own passions, have made it a commonplace censure against your ancestors, that their zeal was enkindled by subjects of trivial importance; and that however aggrieved by the intolerance of others, they were alike intolerant themselves. The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10)
  • For sheer ecstasy of flunkeydom "Jenkins" was unsurpassed and unsurpassable, but at least he was capable of recognizing native talent, as may be gleaned from his notice of Semiramide in English in the winter of 1842: -- Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • Roy Jenkins, an extremely sensible man who is less vulnerable to criticism than most, regarded the matter with mild amusement.
  • Heather Jenkins displayed a dizzyingly high soprano in the fairy lullaby; mezzo Kristin Vienneau brought sparkle to other fairy solo moments. A Remarkably Inventive A Cappella Premiere
  • The close association of Enkidu and Gilgamesh which becomes one of the striking features in the combination of the tales of these two heroes naturally recalls the "Heavenly Twins" _motif_, which has been so fully and so suggestively treated by Professor J. Rendell Harris in his _Cult of the Heavenly Twins_, (London, 1906). An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
  • A The Path egy olyan bizarr mese, mely teljesen új megvilágításba helyezi gyerekkorunk egyik meghatározó, mindenki által jól ismert, "happy enddel" végződő történetét. Tale of Tales
  • Also, there is little doubt in my mind that you will handle the presentation of the gift with a sensitivity that will insure dignity to, and enkindle joy in, the person receiving your token of appreciation.
  • No man can associate the idea of dawdling with Jenkins and his Guides, yet the Guides reaching Jellalabad on October 12th were not at Gundamuk until the 23d, and Gundamuk is but thirty miles beyond The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80
  • Mrs Jenkins knew nothing about the scam until her bank called one evening when she returned from work.
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • • Match report: Manchester City 0-1 Tottenham• Read Paul Doyle's minute-by-minute report• Richard Williams: Spurs 'England contingent shine• Daniel Taylor: City will be all the poorer for failure• In pictures: Tom Jenkins's best images from the game "It's great for the club. Harry Redknapp says securing fourth place 'better than winning FA Cup'
  • De Forest, once more himself, got their baggage checked to Jenkintown, and calling a hackman, as he had left his own team in the stable, they were driven to Mitchell's. The Expressman and the Detective
  • Robert Jenkins continues to play left tackle, as Harlow recovers from a nerve problem that affects his hip and back.
  • Simply everyone was there, my dears, from Roy Jenkins to Rab Butler, to Robert Morley to Richard Gordon, to Gordon Richards to the onliest distaff stand-up of the time, wonderful Joyce Grenfell, who told how a distant ancestor, Harrovian WH Grenfell, had been in Oxford's No3 seat in that 1877 dead-heat. Boat Race still takes British sport's venerable cream cracker | Frank Keating
  • It is dictated, legislated on all levels, with the activities of the human, the natural and the divine all comprehensively proscribed and prescribed by this latter-day god of wisdom, emulating his prototype in "Enki and the World Order". Archive 2006-02-01
  • Reverend Jenkins was tall, rubicund, big-boned yet fragile-looking, with a full shock of longish white hair topping the bill. Shortcut Man
  • She worked for pharmaceutical company Ward Blenkinsop while studying in Glasgow and Edinburgh to requalify, which she achieved in 1955.
  • Tad was the roommate and cousin of Lafayette Jenkins, one of the co-defendants, and the accused orchestrater of the entire murder. State Journal Featured Content
  • Jenkins, too, seems to spend so much time in the nave of the church that he is often oblivious to what is happening in the apse.
  • PS: Enki is marvelous (just as marvelous as Taiki - just more spunky). Sea of Wind - Fuyumi Ono
  • From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader. Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
  • Despite the weight of the office, vivacious men such as Churchill, Clarke and Jenkins remained unstilted: in April 1929, the Spectator praised Churchill’s final budget speech both for its content and for its “mesmeric and witty delivery”. Brown is either fleet-footed or indecisive – he cannot be both
  • Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
  • Jenkins broke up the no-hit bid with one out in the seventh when he blooped a double that barely stayed fair down the left-field line.
  • After yet another run-in with Danny Jenkins at school, she had turned to her older brother for advice. KISS OF THE BEES
  • Retra (Name may change): A Genki Girl whose powers relate to psychometry and retrocognition – essentially, she can see the past of objects. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Wings’ Second Review Forum
  • Jenkins wants to trim the evenings down to a manageable size.
  • • Match report: Manchester City 0-1 Tottenham• Read Paul Doyle's minute-by-minute report• Richard Williams: Spurs 'England contingent shine• In pictures: Tom Jenkins's best images from the gameUltimately, though, they came up conspicuously short and, as the game reached its final stages, Mancini could be seen screaming into the night air, kicking out those polished shoes and releasing all that pent-up frustration in the knowledge that a place in the Champions League qualifiers was about to pass them by. Even with all their riches, City will be far poorer for this failure
  • Pollen, in monads or tetrads, is presented in the anthers, adhering to the anther by means of pollenkitt or elastoviscin until collected.
  • Would I be correct in thinking that you are Jenkins?
  • But Mr Lenkiewicz refused to disclose where the body was kept, saying it was the tramp's wish that his body should be embalmed and preserved.
  • Jenkins brought traditional music to a wide audience through her broadcasts and extensive field recordings in East and West Africa.
  • On Wednesday afternoon the Environment Service decided to stop excavating the sports ground embankment where the suspect soil is located until Dr Jenkins had an opportunity to inspect the site.
  • Jenkins complained about alleged voter fraud in predominantly black New Orleans precincts, which made the difference in his narrow loss.
  • Talking about stacking the deck-1) the guy runs Escape Pod,2) the guy wries a hell of a good story, and 3) If 2″ isn’t good enough he gets Paul Jenkins with his wonderful enunciation to read said story. EP050: The Malcontent
  • One of North Korea's cruelest policies was to intersect bittersweetly with Mr. Jenkins's life. To Hell and Back
  • Peggy Marker (poultry), Roxanne Jenkins (rabbits), and Kellie Wilson (cavie). News/local from
  • Joining Aled and Pam to count down the nation's favourite carols are chart-topping singer Katherine Jenkins and world-famous classical soloist Andrea Bocelli.
  • That you would enkindle joy and hope in our hearts. and turn us into candles burning brightly in the winds of life.
  • This time, Jenkins nearly made a diving grab of Robinson Cano's liner to right-center, but the ball squirted free for a double that left runners at second and third with one out.
  • 'nisus' will, I think, be more profitably employed in enkindling meditation on holiness, and thirstings after the mind of Christ. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Dr Jenkins says he has had no answer as to why that could not have been done, as the regional council already successfully dealt with air quality in a similar way. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • We started with Quirk, a concertante written by Karl Jenkins and receiving its premier tonight.
  • In oracular mode Peter Jenkins predicts that, inside of ten years, recreational tree climbing will eclipse both rock climbing and caving in mass participation.
  • The Vice-President also told De Forest to remain in Jenkintown for the present. The Expressman and the Detective
  • The most common reason I heard for the erasure was a reactionary urge that was easy to resent: "They're essentially moving it because they don't want to look at girls dressed like sluts," said Calisha Jenkins, one of the organizers of the December 19 ride. Nathan Schneider: What Hipsters Can Learn From Hasids About the Bedford Bike Lane
  • LONDON— Barclays PLC retail and business banking head Antony Jenkins on Tuesday said the bank is well-placed to take advantage of European banking consolidation, amid mounting speculation it will buy one of Spain's regional savings banks to gain market share in the country. Barclays Sees Deal Opportunities
  • It is bound to evoke the sympathy and enkindle the imagination of every modern reader.
  • Not before you've had some breakfast," said her father, and so she hurriedly ate -- it might be said "gobbled," if it were not so unladylike -- the breakfast that Mrs. Jenkins placed before her. Billie Bradley at Three Towers Hall or, Leading a Needed Rebellion
  • Of the whole crowd, including Gay, the speaker in his blue shirt, with his head thrown back against a pitch-black bough of the cedar, and his face enkindled from the fire of his enthusiasm, seemed the one masculine and dominating intelligence. The Miller of Old Church
  • Since Huckabee's campaign ended, Jerry Jenkins has been seen discussing whether Barack Obama is the Antichrist or merely a pre-cursor to the Antichrist; Star Parker has been heard declaring that public schools are "cesspools" designed to indoctrinate students with Blueollie
  • Quiet returns, but the poor wretch turns over and over in her heart the fantasies born of her idle listening; her reflections only fan more fiercely the flame enkindled by her chatter. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Jenkins' eyes, already wild and dilated, began to bulge as he fought for breath.
  • Berry chose to interpolate music from other leading choral composers including Richard Allain, whose Night wraps Shelley's poem in velvet chords as thick as darkness, adding a sonorous cello melody beautifully played by Katherine Jenkinson that floats through the stars to ravishing effect. Così fan tutte; Dream Hunter; Commotio; Stephen Hough, LPO/Alsop – review
  • The Elvenking is impressed with this and he blesses the hobbit.
  • Lady Catherine, Sir William, and Mr. and Mrs. Collins sat down to quadrille; and as Miss de Bourgh chose to play at cassino, the two girls had the honour of assisting Mrs. Jenkinson to make up her party. Pride and Prejudice
  • Jenkins is still suffering from the effects of an ankle ligament injury.
  • Fox News ambusher Griff Jenkins hypocritically cowers from interview: ‘Call the media relations people.’ Think Progress » Fox News ambusher Griff Jenkins hypocritically cowers from interview: ‘Call the media relations people.’
  • Our study, using apitherapy from worker bee venom, showed far better results than traditional acupuncture and electroacupuncture treatments employed by Hwang and Jenkins.
  • “Colepepper — umph — I know somewhat of that smaik,” said Richie; “ken ye by ony chance where he may be heard of, Master Jenkin? — ye wad do me a sincere service to tell me.” The Fortunes of Nigel
  • The original determination of the microfarad, brought out under the auspices of the British Association Committee on Electrical Standards, is due to experimental work by Jenkin, described in a paper, 'Experiments on Capacity,' constituting No.IV. of the appendix to the Report presented by the Committee to the Dundee Meeting of 1867. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
  • It says ‘In the case of John Jenkins deceased, the coffin’ when it means ‘John Jenkins’s coffin’: and its yea is not yea, neither is its nay nay: but its answer is in the affirmative or in the negative, as the foolish and superfluous ‘case’ may be. V. Interlude: On Jargon
  • I agree with Mr. Jenkins, I think you can work yourself into a state of real paranoia here if you're not careful.
  • Further afield, a few kilometres east of the A95 which connects Munich to the ski resort of Garmisch Partenkirchen, lies the spa town of Bad Tolz.
  • He lives in Jenkins's favourite imaginary town in the west of Scotland, Lunderston, where he is the star player in the local golf club.
  • As namely, first that of M. Randolph, 1568. then the emploiment of M. Ienkinson 1571. thirdly, Sir Ierome Bowes his honorable commission and ambassage 1582. and last of all the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • As for Win Jenkins, she has undergone a perfect metamurphysis, and is become a new creeter from the ammunition of Humphry Clinker, our new footman, a pious young man, who has laboured exceedingly, that she may bring forth fruits of repentance. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Jenkins, an Episcopalian, has no such inhibitions and here offers a spirited account of how deep, pervasive, and multifaceted is the elite culture's animus toward the Catholic Church.
  • Jenkins' heart attack was caused by five blocked arteries, which required her to have quintuple bypass surgery.
  • There are many special people that deserve to be recognised for their efforts and achievements in the community," said Greg whose voice - known as a countertenor - is similar in range to that of a female mezzo-soprano such as the award-winning singer Katherine Jenkins. WalesOnline - Home
  • We can rephrase Jenkin's argument in a more neutral analogy.
  • Would I be correct in thinking that you are Jenkins?
  • In ascot and blazer, with his warm, chiseled features, George Clarke Jenkins has always been a handsome fellow.
  • * The buttermilk can be substituted with 1 1/4 cups of milk at room temperature, mixed with two tablespoons white vinegar, left to clabber for 10 minutes. rich buttermilk waffles was originally published on all content and photos © 2006 - 2009 smitten kitchen Smitten kitchen | rich buttermilk waffles | print template
  • Costello's novel, says Jenkins, ‘slips between genres’ and is larded with lists, anecdotes, memos, and ‘theoretical musings’.
  • In consequence of these destructive acts, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is left to wander half-crazed, searching in vain to resurrect his beloved friend.
  • There's my Lady Simpson was asking me to stay with her, when my Howels and I was having money enough to buy her presents, and her son and doater did go to Abertewey when they did like -- and now, not wan of all the fine folks do come and say, "How was you, Mrs Jenkins?"' Gladys, the Reaper
  • At the age of 76, Jenkins finally yielded to public demand and performed at Carnegie Hall on October 25, 1944.
  • Local contractor, Jenkins and Davies, undertook the £750,000 project, which involved the fixing of additional strengthening steelwork inside the boxes.
  • These visits enkindled in his beautiful soul such flames of Divine love that their ardour imparted itself even to his body and took from the snow on which he walked its wonted cold; for it is related that the servant who accompanied him in these nightly excursions, having to walk through the snow, suffered much from the cold. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Simak made you care for Jenkins at a time when Asimov was creating scores of robots that only Susan Calvin cared about. MIND MELD: What Are The Coolest Robots in Science Fiction?
  • Jenkinson, the only son of what they call a soda king, and orders Press Cuttings
  • Modern Ewenki are hunters, farmers, or nomadic pastoralists - those who raise domesticated animals and wander with their herds in search of pasture and water.
  • All twelve volumes of Powell's famous roman-fleuve about the shattering transformations of first interwar and then post-WWII England, told through the partly autobiographical figure of novelist Nicholas Jenkins. This Week's Acquisitions
  • During his court-martial, Jenkins described an austere existence in the isolated Stalinist state.
  • When they returned Jenkins again led the way out into the side alley behind the bar.
  • The business recalls the obeisance to certain Italian gentlemen once required of American presidential candidates, Jenkins wrote, adding: NYT > Home Page
  • Old Dr. Jenkins stood behind the showcase in his drug-store dealing out quinine pills and earache drops to the poor country folk and negroes, who, with sallow faces or heads bound up, declared themselves "chillin '" or "painful" while they waited. In Simpkinsville : character tales,
  • Robert Jenkins continues to play left tackle, as Harlow recovers from a nerve problem that affects his hip and back.
  • They said Mr Jenkins should make balanced programmes about the Black community or move over and let someone else who can.
  • And Marvin Jenkins is a driver for Peaches & Greens. Detroit Truck Responds To City's Food Desert Crisis
  • The present war was an outgrowth of a colonial dispute between Britain and Spain in the Caribbean, which started when a Spanish ship stopped a British merchantman skippered by Robert Jenkins, who lost an ear in a fight with the boarding party. George Washington’s First War
  • And now the 14th and most recent issue is an ode to womenkind.
  • Jenkins has recently completed his general dentistry residency, and Davis and Hunt are completing their medical residencies.
  • The possible presence of pollenkitt was determined by examining fresh pollen with an optical microscope.
  • The call put out by the Prime Minister enkindled our blood.
  • Mrs Blenkinsop attributed the success to the hard work of teachers and education department staff and the support of parents.
  • From these considerations it is plainly seen what is the quality of the fire of jealousy into which polygamical conjugial love enkindles itself, -- that it is into anger and revenge; into anger with the meek, and into revenge with the fierce. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • I did not sleep much, for I was strung too high with expectation, and I envied Blenkiron his now eupeptic slumbers. Greenmantle
  • The ominous and subtle variations are unnerving as they enkindle vague senses of dread.
  • No, Mr. Blenkinsop," he replied to the submissive curate, standing on his hearth-rug at full height and regarding the cornice as his habit was when he began to monologize -- "no, I find it impossible to entertain such an accusation. Denzil Quarrier
  • Thus equipped as an itinerant clock repairer, and having a few watches to "dicker" with, he started on foot for Jenkintown, a small place twelve miles from The Expressman and the Detective
  • Lenkinski is currently researching clinical applications of in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy and developing in vivo multinuclear MR imaging methods. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • A terribly nice and passionate man called Richard Jenkins from the Environment Agency is, as we sit hunkered comfily like a couple of slack-jawed yokels sucking long grass fronds on the banks of the River Wear, telling me some astonishingly interesting things. From toxic sewer to natural haven, the river Wear's return from the dead
  • The Covenant are led by Metatron--formerly known as Enki, the Sumerian inventor of writing--who has calcified reality by trapping it within the pages of The Book of All Hours, a description of everything that has and will happen in every fold of the Vellum, and who is now--at the beginning of Vellum, in the near future--rounding up the last of the unaffiliated unkin in preparation for the final battle between good and evil. The Book of All Hours by Hal Duncan
  • The Japanese title of this manga uses the English loanword "maid" and the Japanese word Senki, meaning the record of a military campaign. Undefined
  • Like a Genki Dama. (laughs) - In the footage that has been released, Juri shows off an impressive "pinwheel" move, what was the idea behind that? IGN PS3
  • TOM BOWMAN: Specialist Jenkins was a sapper, a combat engineer. Soldiers From The 101st Remember One Of Their Own
  • Both are wisecracking know-it-alls who spend of their time as furry mascots riding around on the shoulders of their partner characters, but whilst they each have a human form, only Mokkun can change back into his. busou renkin doujin: * sigh* more doujin searches. pokemon first episode parody: sorry to disappoint, but I don't even watch Pokemon, let alone parody. Comments for Azure Flame
  • Alexandra Beier/Bongarts/Getty Images Freddy Nock of Switzerland balanced on a cable car ropeway in the Alps on top of Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sunday. Sports Snapshots
  • Clearly, nothing distresses the sensitive Mr Jenkins more than vulgarity.
  • Alexandra Beier/Bongarts/Getty Images Freddy Nock of Switzerland balanced on a cable car ropeway in the Alps on top of Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sunday. Sports Snapshots
  • I addressed three envelopes: one to Jenkinson and one to Norman, and the third and bulkiest to the editor of the Morning Herald, a paper in which I had a holding at that time. Movie Night
  • The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists.
  • When workmen eventually appeared at 11 am, Mr Jenkins says they were ill-equipped to clean the garden.
  • It is located in the Ruhr area and surrounded by the cities of Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Herne, Castrop-Rauxel, Dortmund, Witten and Hattingen. - Articles related to Germany plans memorial for music festival victims
  • The right-handed hitting Werth has platooned most of the season with Geoff Jenkins in right field.
  • John McCain assaulted Jeannette Jenkins, cousin of an American missing in South Vietnam since May of 1965, by backhanding her against the wall. Is McCain About to ‘Refine’ His Withdrawal Plan, Too? « Blog
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMA.E: A.filiate CTV reports an A. Jenkins has a car similar to the one reportedly seen at the motel when Jenkins checked in. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
  • Jenkinson recommends the use of a work in process account that includes prime costs only, oncost was only added in the sales journal at the time of sale.
  • “This love,” he said, “is but a bairnly matter for a brisk young fellow like yourself, Master Jenkin. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • May God, through the merits and intercession of Saint Monica, increase our faith, strengthen our hope, and enkindle the fire of charity in our hearts.
  • But I think it is a necessary confrontation, a final break with the wild and uncivilized world from which Enkidu derives.
  • Secondly, "[Jenkins] disapproves of this, but says that restraining it may threaten quite different sex acts with post-pubescents, which he calls ephebophilia (boy-love). Priests and Boys: An Exchange
  • Jenkins ability to wield these performers into ensemble and groupings at moments touched the sublime.
  • Jenkinson in Glasgow, Northwood in Stourbridge and Lutz in America created serpent stemmed goblets and latticino vases and bowls with a precision worthy of the originals.
  • Before she left, she told her uncle Enki, god of craft, water, intelligence and creation where she was going, in case she got into trouble. Inanna and Ereshkigal
  • As to the latter, the Jenkins and Diamond Reports took diametrically opposed positions.
  • It was launched without mast and rigging from Eskside Wharf after a friend of the Jenkinsons, Susan Crookes, smashed a bottle of champagne across the bow at her fifth attempt.
  • Apart from Jenkins, three other defectors are believed to be alive.
  • When their husbands died in the battles and enemies invaded their forts, they would enkindle wood fire and jump into it to join their husbands in the next world.
  • MsWenezenki-Yolland seems to be suffering from the same professional purblindness that afflicted Dr Beeching. 08 « November « 2009 « Stephen Rees's blog

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