How To Use Engrossing In A Sentence
It is a fascinating, engrossing book, and, simply as a summing-up, it is an important book.
Now, it's an engrossing memorial to her extraordinary career, complete with microskirt made of bananas.
Times, Sunday Times
Fortunately, the author has introduced a far more engrossing sub-plot.
Times, Sunday Times
The next two days will bring more of the same - an utterly engrossing rewind to a time that sport forgot.
Times, Sunday Times
It's certainly authentic and completely engrossing.
The Sun

[T] he engrossing second entry in bestseller Twelve Hawks's Fourth Realm trilogy ...
The Dark River by John Twelve Hawks: Book summary
But if the premise is unpromising, the result is utterly engrossing.
Mostly, his book succeeds — engrossingly.
Times, Sunday Times
An epic, engrossing study of compromise.
Times, Sunday Times
It is also an engrossing, informative and hilarious read.
Times, Sunday Times
For the most part, the drama is kinetic and utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
This is technically accomplished stuff, but more importantly, it is utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
Aquariums, like adultery, draw us into a shadowy underworld of unspoken sensual pleasures, an engrossing, exotic environment harboring dangers of mythic proportion.
There are few hard facts to be learned, but a deft conclusion pulls together the elusive, engrossingly atmospheric strands.
BookBrowse Previews April Books
Using declassified files and diaries, this engrossing docudrama brings the story to life.
Times, Sunday Times
I found it to be an intelligent and engrossing science fiction film that didn't rely solely on elaborate special effects.
But that is a sign of the complexity his engrossing book encompasses.
Times, Sunday Times
You may recall that on his recent tour, Eric Idle kept a witty, engrossing day-to-day online diary.
So the same theme as in "The Age of Ra" but this books is quite different, less deep and campier, but a lot of fun and a fast and engrossing read which is Mil-SF's take on Urban Fantasy.
"The Age of Zeus" by James Lovegrove (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
(hint: take up crafts ... basketry is easy and engrossing!) +1 Good Comment?
He Said Wal-Mart, She Said Target
This was, engrossingly, no ordinary 50-overs match.
Times, Sunday Times
This two-disc set is loaded with a ton of informative, entertaining, and engrossing bonus features.
The technique for making this marbled slipware is described in a source of 1677 in the ever engrossing notes.
Surprisingly, they make only fleeting appearances in this engrossing, very candid book.
The Sun
All good comparisons - but this pulp superhit is as engrossing, as it is unexpected and darkly intense.
Rare Pulp Science Fiction, Issue 3
For the most part, the drama is kinetic and utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet this subculture is engrossing enough to make this scholarly book a pretty good read.
Utterly engrossing and exceptionally moving.
The Sun
I needed to get really involved in something more engrossing than revenge.
I second the nomination for Song of Ice and Fire series and add The Wheel of Time series, which, while not yet completed, is one of the most engrossing fantasy series ever published.
Five Best Fantasy Series of Books | myFiveBest
The era of integration and impending desegregation is the backdrop for an engrossing character driven story of the people of a small town in Mississippi.
Advance reader reviews of The Air Between Us by Deborah Johnson.
It began with the summer-long LeBron James free-agency drama, which was goofy and maddening but transformed into an engrossing spectacle as the Heat rolled into the NBA Finals.
The Casual NBA Fan Is Half Out the Door
The details of this are utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
An engrossing, intricate story of an extraordinary journey undertaken by richly imaginative characters' -- Carousel '... wholly engaging and rushes along as a breathless and nail-biting pace ... a gripping read that should enthral both young and old fans' -- Buzz
Giveaway! "Incarceron" by Catherine Fisher
A totally engrossing and fun read.
The Sun
Needless to say, there is usually some thematic crossover; however in many cases the theme is tacked on so weakly that the historical theme alone is all that stands between the engrossing and the bland.
The game then settled down into an engrossing encounter with some excellent passages of open play.
“Hard-charging action sequences, steamy sex scenes, and a surprising government conspiracy make this debut, the first in a series, engrossingly fun.”
Etched in Bone
This was a very engrossing and entertaining mystery, with a good plot and excellent (if a bit drippily female) characters.
It's not for the faint-hearted, however, and personally, I found the plot neither hugely engrossing nor entirely convincing.
But this is pretty lame stuff - dated, superficial, unfocused and only intermittently engrossing.
The result is beautifully written, highly imaginative and engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
A totally engrossing and fun read.
The Sun
He is one part charming, electric, shrewd, an engrossing teller of stories, a gossip - and one part beast.
For a first time spectator, it's the only phrase that seems suitable because the sight of bigger than average, fully grown men slugging it out, eyeball to eyeball, is as engrossing as sport could possibly be.
While the film is engrossing, its bleak message doesn't resonate for long because we've heard it before: society gets the homicidal sociopaths it deserves and there's plenty of blame to spread around.
Walters delivers an intense, engrossingly structured tour de force about survival and "the secret of freedom, courage.
The Devil's Feather by Minette Walters: Book summary
Fail me patience and stay for engrossing care * And sorrows my suffering soul regrate.
Arabian nights. English
An epic, engrossing study of compromise.
Times, Sunday Times
At once powerfully direct and engrossingly intricate, this is a masterpiece of rewarding complexity.
Times, Sunday Times
His films are utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
But that is a sign of the complexity his engrossing book encompasses.
Times, Sunday Times
The system of Egba 'clanship' is a favourite, sometimes an engrossing, topic for invective with the local press, who characterise this worst species of 'trades-union,' founded upon intimidation and something worse, as the 'Aku tyranny' and the 'Aku
To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
Fifty years later, it provides a remarkably smooth and engrossing ride to its tragic destination.
Japan's twenty-five years in Manchuria is an engrossing story of business achievement.
The Manchurian Crisis
The symmetry is pleasing, at the end of a narrative that is bracing, adventurous, touched by surprises, perfectly balanced and completely engrossing.
Utterly engrossing and exceptionally moving.
The Sun
Abduction: The Megumi Yokota Story is an engrossing nonfiction detective tale about the 13-year-old girl of the title, who vanished on the way home from school in Niigata, Japan, in 1977," writes Matt Zoller Seitz in the New York Times.
GreenCine Daily: Abduction: The Megumi Yokota Story.
It really is a good movie, engrossing, touching and funny all in one in the pleasantly dreamy, melancholic way only the French can manage.
His second novel is sharp about people and engrossingly readable.
Times, Sunday Times
My course was engrossing, and it was taught by lawyers and academics of stature and reputation.
It's certainly authentic and completely engrossing.
The Sun
Intercutting long, engrossing musical sequences with images of revolutionary protest, the resulting film is a flawed but audacious counterculture landmark.
Times, Sunday Times
Too bad this engrossing drama wasn't given the usual flawless dramaturgy of the series.
In fact, he sets up and presents the pivotal mid-1950s so engrossingly that the book's d é nouement, after the 707 wins key orders, comes off as a bit rushed.
Shrinking the World
It is the sheer ordinariness, the lack of histrionics that makes it so engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
It's not the longest of games but what it packs in is completely engrossing.
The Sun
It was a nomadic yet static, spontaneous yet premeditated, engrossing yet mind-numbing existence with no end in sight No prize to be won.
How affecting he is now, outlining aspects of the divisive mess that's ensued since the deaths of Doctors Bond and Barnes, in this engrossingly sad indictment of power gone awry, directed by Don Argott serving as his own cinematographer.
Michael Henry Adams: The Art of the Steal: Betraying Dr. Albert Barnes and Future Generations
There was no room for it while the other thought, so engrossing, was there; and to say that she _ought_ to have thought of both the results which might follow her action, is only to say that she ought to be older.
Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Met
Hard-boiled Dreams of the World, winner of the cerebral, intellectually appealing, mentally engrossing and reasonably highbrowed Thinking Blogger Award!
Thinking Blogger Awards
This is technically accomplished stuff, but more importantly, it is utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
I watched over my hasty temper, subdued my burning impatience of character, schooled my self-engrossing thoughts, educating myself to the best perfection I might attain, that the fruit of my exertions might be his happiness.
The Last Man
The details of this are utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
He told us an engrossing story.
It is also an engrossing, informative and hilarious read.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a simple but engrossing thriller set around an under-resourced hospital in a poverty-stricken township.
Fortunately, Hartinger has written a compelling, engrossing novel in which serious subjects are addressed, but not at the cost of humor and good writing.
The engrossing series is a searing reminder of man's capacity for unimaginable acts of inhumanity against fellow man.
When his music is performed with conviction, vocal beauty, and idiomatic French style Faust can still provide an engrossing evening of musical theater.
But that is a sign of the complexity his engrossing book encompasses.
Times, Sunday Times
HE HAS the reputation of being an expert teller of engrossing tales on the large screen, and that was perhaps the reason why several people in the audience waited patiently to hear him speak.
It was thought wrong for anyone to purchase goods outside of the regular market ( "forestalling") or to purchase them in larger quantities than necessary ( "engrossing").
Early European History
His films are utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
Their curiosity is endless and finding something to do which is engrossing enough to hold their attention for a while is difficult.
Come on, this whodunit tale is quite engrossing with its frequent tosses, turns and twists.
He was a discoverer, a pioneer, creating a new map of engrossing territory.
The next two days will bring more of the same - an utterly engrossing rewind to a time that sport forgot.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the moat brilliant of modern French writers [1] has recently remarked that, in spite of the number of years which have elapsed since the grave closed over the sorrows of Marie Antoinette, and of the almost unbroken series of exciting events which have marked the annals of France in the interval, the interest excited by her story is as fresh and engrossing as ever; that such as Hecuba and Andromache were to the ancients, objects never named to inattentive ears, never contemplated without lively sympathy, such still is their hapless queen to all honest and intelligent Frenchmen.
The Life of Marie Antoinette
Surprisingly, they make only fleeting appearances in this engrossing, very candid book.
The Sun
Exceptional powers of empathy engrossingly populate them.
Times, Sunday Times
But that is a sign of the complexity his engrossing book encompasses.
Times, Sunday Times
It's not the longest of games but what it packs in is completely engrossing.
The Sun
It was a nomadic yet static, spontaneous yet premeditated, engrossing yet mind-numbing existence with no end in sight No prize to be won.
If Replica occasionally drifts – literally – too close to the whiffy bongs and flotation tanks of 90s chillout, it's never predictable, and is best experienced in a continuous sitting, when Up's raindrop-like falling pianos and Submersible's game of spot-the-sample form a mostly engrossing journey into sound.
Oneohtrix Point Never: Replica – review
The elegant craftsmanship in her pictures is engrossing.
The beautiful graphics, immersive music, engaging sewing minigames, engrossing plot and sweet, sweet homoerotic angst revolutionised the genre and the tie-in doujinshi market.
28th June '06