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How To Use Engrossed In A Sentence

  • Who's that guy Ally's been engrossed in conversation with all night?
  • Being engrossed and motionless, she indicated that she saw these souls ascending to heaven.
  • To see as an artist you have to become completely engrossed in the subject. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • He seemed completely engrossed in his book.
  • Being fully engrossed in the creative process keeps the mind in the present moment.
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  • She is deeply engrossed in her work.
  • Carter had paid them scant attention; he was too deeply engrossed in the matter at hand, and confident that his bodyguard could handle these interfering snoopers if the pigmies and the Dark Ones could not. "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • She nods a curt reply as she is deeply engrossed in letting the sun's rays bathe her pale, freckly body.
  • Squatting amidst the logs by the entrance to the hall where the show is on, Suresh Bhat from Ahmedabad is the craftsman engrossed in chiselling these logs into things of beauty.
  • I used to get so engrossed listening to that story that I would have to be summoned back home.
  • And, best of all, each one has engrossed us with his intriguing love life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Danny looked at Katie as if to say ‘we should go find her’ but Katie was too engrossed in conversation with Rosemary to notice.
  • He seemed completely engrossed in his book.
  • Settling into a plastic chair, he became engrossed, silently mouthing the words as he read.
  • During the whole process I pretended to be engrossed in the novel, although a strong sense of indignation was simmering within.
  • She took a second to glance to her left and right to check on Garrond and Fitzsimmons and they were both engrossed in their duties.
  • You start out with a goal, and a clear intention to pursue it -- aiming, let's say, for information on which kind of terrier is best with children -- and the next thing you know, you're engrossed in an online chat about Napolean Bonaparte. Susan Stiffelman: Are We One Click Away From Disconnecting From the People Around Us?
  • Brooke rolled her eyes and deliberately turned her back to him, pretending to be suddenly engrossed in a fascinating conversation with Jane.
  • It's impossible not to become completely engrossed in his weird, cerebral little world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young people were engrossed in light-hearted banter, and seemed determined to stay till the end and enjoy the entire variety show.
  • The two moon-eyed wallabies in the cab were far too engrossed in each other to so much as glance at the occupants of the wagon, much less at the lumpy cargo it carried. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • You'll be engrossed in an inexplicably vicious conversation about house prices and school catchment areas by then. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her husband, a tall, stout fellow who probably wrestles alligators for fun, stomps ahead, engrossed in the sports pages of the paper.
  • The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Engrossed in the latest dictates of Chanel and Valentino, she did not look up from her magazine when a final passenger boarded. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Whenever I am engrossed in a creative project that I am passionate about, I always say it's like hanging your heart on the fencepost for sale when you have to share it with others. Theresa Bruno: The Sliced Collection
  • Much of the country seems to be engrossed in the process as the media spoon-feeds them breaking news sound-bites.
  • After a couple of minutes the bread was gone, but I'd been engrossed in watching the float so couldn't decide whether the fish ate the bread or it had sunk or washed away.
  • Since they were both engrossed in his homework, to create a presence would simply be to make some noise.
  • Mr. Tickels writhed beneath the sarcasm, and turned deadly pale, although he and his tormentor were the only persons present who comprehended the secret meaning of the words -- for Fanny was too much engrossed in conversation with Argyle, to heed the remark. Venus in Boston; A Romance of City Life
  • What was meant to be a quick one-hour review turned into four engrossed ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scene began, and I pantomimed that I was writing in my notebook and I became totally engrossed.
  • To see as an artist you have to become completely engrossed in the subject. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • The low-key manner is analytical, confiding, with a touch of the dosshouse philosopher engrossed in offbeat speculation.
  • He's deeply engrossed in physical research.
  • She was glad to have no need to do so; Lemoyne was deeply engrossed otherwise -- "Annabella" and her "antics" were almost ready for the public eye. Bertram Cope's Year
  • He replied hesitantly in a slurred, unenthusiastic tone, drawing many engrossed eyes towards him.
  • The leader asked with an engrossed expression on his face.
  • After watching the sixth episode, and still being engrossed to the final end, you wish there had been more episodes produced.
  • Merced was too engrossed in his research to take much notice of the brouhaha. METAPLANETARY
  • His attention was already riveted elsewhere, engrossed in a basketball game on TV.
  • I threw it and it landed a few feet short of the engrossed couple, making a loud splash nonetheless.
  • The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.
  • Viggo was completely engrossed with tuning his guitar.
  • Suffice it to say, I was steadily engrossed and ultimately moved by a drama that is, in the end, more human than mutant.
  • Demurely as she sat there behind the tea-urn – for Dr. Gregory still engrossed all the attention of his guest, as far as talking was concerned – Fleda was again inwardly smiling to herself at the oddity and the pleasantness of the chance that had brought those three together in such a quiet way, after all the weeks she had been seeing Mr. Carleton at a distance. Queechy
  • When the spiders respond to the prodding, the engrossed first graders recoil in elaborate and animated ways.
  • Pine and Ting became engrossed in this lovers ' tiff and were trying to remain inconspicuous so as not to interrupt the proceedings. THE MANANA MAN
  • Massachusetts's farming families relied on their labor to eke out a bare competency and secure a freehold, while planters exploited the labor of their slaves and engrossed lands.
  • Meanwhile, I was very engrossed in conversation with her and could not really be bothered with him.
  • Given this it's probably going to be a wee while yet before employers cotton on to why you appear to be so engrossed in your work.
  • On several occasions she and Klaus came across Johannes and Bettina engrossed in conversation. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The father and mother sat -- not side by side, in that propinquity which is so sweet, when every breath, every touch of the beloved's garment gives pleasure; they sat one at each corner of the table, engrossed in their several occupations; reading with an uncommunicative eagerness, and sewing in unbroken silence. Olive A Novel
  • Engrossed by the pride of self-defence, and the indignancy of unmerited unkindness, the disturbed mind of Camilla had not yet formed one separate reflexion, nor even admitted a distinct idea of Edgar himself, disengaged from the accusation in which he stood involved. Camilla
  • The pair were engrossed in conversation for more than an hour, fuelling speculation the overworked minister had unwisely opened her heart to a political opponent.
  • Drinks were being ordered and Charlie pretended to be totally engrossed in that, which wasn't too much of a stretch for him, but at the same time his mind was doing a few other calculations.
  • When she finally looked back at him, he was totally engrossed in the service, and she knew there was no way he would talk now.
  • Not since Babylon 5 have I been this engrossed in a long running TV show!
  • Latto: In “Our Forgotten Constitution: A Bicentennial Comment,” 97 Yale L.J. 281 (1987), Akhil Amar shows that the printed copy of the Constitution that was distributed to the states for ratification, differed in punctuation, spelling and capitalization from the engrossed (handwritten) parchment signed by the delegates to the Convention in Philadelphia, which is the version now enshrined in the National Archives. The Volokh Conspiracy » Error in Many Versions of the United States Constitution
  • Just then, a silver-haired man with dancing eyes enters the pub and he and Martyn are soon engrossed in conversation about one of his other big loves, fishing.
  • She had been too engrossed in her thoughts to notice his return. TREASON KEEP
  • In fact, thought Roskill, he looked rather like a solitary, oversized waxwork which had been stolen from Madame Tussaud's and then abandoned to become a pedestrian obstacle: he stood unmoving, engrossed in a dull-looking, stiff-covered mag; azine, oblivious of the passers-by who eddied round him and of the traffic which accelerated past his nose. The Alamut Ambush
  • Aim just sat there, still engrossed in her daydream with her muffin.
  • The craftsman, by contrast, when he is engrossed in hammering a nail, does not explicitly notice or attend to the bench he is working on, the stool he sits on, the supply of nails beside him.
  • Christina sat staring unseeingly at the television screen in which her husband seemed so engrossed. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • The greater part of his attention was, of course, still engrossed by his divine inimitable Discretion, as he chose to term Mary Avenel; but, nevertheless there were interjectional flourishes to the Maid of the Mill, under the title of Comely Damsel, and to the Dame, under that of Worthy The Monastery
  • Violet was so engrossed talking to the guy that she almost didn't hear; fortunately, her charge caught the elevator door before it closed.
  • He was engrossed in the music, his eyes half shut, his body swaying lightly.
  • We accept that there was no formal document engrossed as the register of units.
  • Director Carmen Jakobi produced some wonderfully fresh ideas, including an excellent freeze-frame tableau from Sampiero and Domenico, engrossed in their gambling like a living embodiment of Cézanne's The Card Players, while the contemporary music ensemble Lontano played with needle-sharp precision under the decisively assured direction of Odaline de la Martinez. Così fan tutte; Dream Hunter; Commotio; Stephen Hough, LPO/Alsop – review
  • It is reported that one day he passed through the suq of Madinah and naturally saw people engrossed in the business of buying and selling.
  • When the older people became engrossed in their game, Chueh - hsin took the opportunity to depart.
  • His eyes opened slightly, unseeing, totally engrossed by the concentration required of him.
  • Their engrossed faces reflected back the light from the tiny screen.
  • Young people were engrossed in light-hearted banter, and seemed determined to stay till the end and enjoy the entire variety show.
  • The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • It's impossible not to become completely engrossed in his weird, cerebral little world. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cakes in the oven.
  • Who's that guy Ally's been engrossed in conversation with all night?
  • The old man was engrossed in his conversation with the head advisor.
  • If that case stated can be got in proper shape and finally engrossed and submitted to me in chambers, I will make the order in chambers without any need for further attendance.
  • It's simply that when they are engrossed in professionalism, they find it absorbing to the exclusion of everything else.
  • Mattie grunted abstractedly, totally engrossed in peering at the various plastic containers and bowls in the refrigerator.
  • They were too much engrossed in the figure fronting them, and agonisedly, with cheeks white and bosoms heaving, they waited, in their dread suspense. The Trampling of the Lilies
  • Pine and Ting became engrossed in this lovers ' tiff and were trying to remain inconspicuous so as not to interrupt the proceedings. THE MANANA MAN
  • Bill to amend chapter 162 of the acts of 1865, was read and passed to be engrossed, and the title amended by adding the words, "concerning the admission of sick persons to the State Almshouses. ' Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • And, best of all, each one has engrossed us with his intriguing love life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everybody else has to get out of their way, but they don't even notice, they are so engrossed in conversation.
  • The student is engrossed in his book.
  • They are happily engrossed in their game, though there is no audience to see and applaud a great throw or a neat catch or a lovely shot.
  • But since this is a pathologically-social con, yesterday I spent maybe an hour haunting the Holiday Inn and about ten hours engrossed in chats with people I really liked. The Truly Stupid Ferrett
  • Too often, the country seems to be engrossed in a mythic, heroic narrative of patriotic, martial prowess.
  • For those too engrossed (during the last week) by the latest hit "surreality" show, "Harriet and Scooter", directed by those entertainment wizards, the Compassionate Conservatives, the following is a listing of some other shows that aired (but went largely unnoticed) during the week obtained from C-SPAN's CapitalNews. "Surreality" shows and deadly "Comedies"
  • In it the shepherdess is standing by her flock engrossed in her knitting. On Sewing
  • As the dance and the music progressed, Adrianna found herself becoming engrossed by it.
  • The two students were too engrossed in conversation to notice.
  • He was seemingly engrossed in conversation, although she couldn't see with whom because of the milling crowd round the doorway.
  • In “Our Forgotten Constitution: A Bicentennial Comment,” 97 Yale L.J. 281 (1987), Akhil Amar shows that the printed copy of the Constitution that was distributed to the states for ratification, differed in punctuation, spelling and capitalization from the engrossed (handwritten) parchment signed by the delegates to the Convention in Philadelphia, which is the version now enshrined in the National Archives. The Volokh Conspiracy » Error in Many Versions of the United States Constitution
  • But such things were impossible when he saw her engrossed in a daydream.
  • The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.
  • The pair became engrossed in conversation and have been inseparable ever since.
  • As the house and studio of Mr. Powers [27] were just on the opposite side of the street, I went to it, but found him too much engrossed to see me at the moment; so I returned to the "vettura," and we told Gaetano to carry us to a hotel. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 Italy, Sicily, and Greece (Part One)
  • He had been totally engrossed in his AP Chemistry homework.
  • Newton was so engrossed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat.
  • She revisits old haunts and becomes engrossed by a desire to learn more about her father. Times, Sunday Times
  • that engrossed look or rapt delight
  • Some members of the audience were utterly engrossed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our daughter became engrossed in one book but had not finished it by the time the holiday ended. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the business grew, it totally engrossed him.
  • Smiling slightly, their heads were close together, and both were engrossed in deep conversation, oblivious to the rest of the world.
  • The spawning fish are usually so engrossed in their own activities that will hardly notice the flash going off.
  • The pair were so engrossed in their carnal activities that they did not even notice Loren.
  • The Story Corner in the Library was packed full of tiny engrossed faces last Thursday morning.
  • But if he could not, so soon as he wished, procure my consent to a day; in that case, he thought the compliment might as well be made to Lord M. as not, [See, my dear!] since the settlements might be drawn and engrossed in the intervenient time, which would pacify his impatience, as no time would be lost. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Yes, the dip/spread is addictive with considerable salt within and on the chips, needing a beverage to be quaffed over three or four hours while intensely engrossed in the action or in the gossiping on the sidelines: I vote for light, cool, flavorful and modest alcohol – Beaujolais-Villages. Seven layer dip: impossible food-wine pairing?!? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Yet she had grown immune to the troubling memories and phantom pain the sight or thought of those scars usually caused; Cypress was too engrossed in her painting.
  • Soon afterwards I was delighted to receive from him a quarto parchment "breviary," containing a dozen ballads, long and short, engrossed in his exquisitely fine handwriting, and illuminated with colored borders and drawings by the poet himself. The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • His chief work was done in his study, where he was constantly to be found in an arm-chair with his writing board resting across his arms, engrossed in toilsome arithmetical or analytic processes.
  • The classroom was nearly deserted, save Emma and Miss Bell who were deeply engrossed in their conversation.
  • She waved, but Dawn didn't see her, being too engrossed in stuffing the flowers into a large carrier bag.
  • However, Beckerman's lawyer engrossed the transfer/deed of land in Merry's name.
  • Our daughter became engrossed in one book but had not finished it by the time the holiday ended. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon, Noah was totally engrossed in collecting the money.
  • She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cakes in the oven.
  • He was already engrossed in a conversation with another guy from the soccer team about a play that he disagreed with by the time she went to say something.
  • I was totally engrossed in preparing the packages when I heard a knock on the door.
  • Connie, who was totally engrossed in the film they were watching, jumped a mile when LeeAnne tapped her on the shoulder.
  • He became engrossed with the reflective surfaces of plate-glass windows, chrome and plastic facings of buildings and signs, and the flowing, mirror-like painted surfaces of car bodies.
  • Our daughter became engrossed in one, but had not finished it by the time we left. Times, Sunday Times
  • The creation was the self-diremption of the infinite into finite expression, the fall was the self-discovery of this finitude, the incarnation was the awakening of the finite to its essential infinity; and here, a sufficient number of pages having been engrossed, the matter generally hastened to a conclusion; for the redemption with its means of application, once the central point in Christianity, was less pliable to the new pantheistic interpretation. The Life of Reason
  • They featured individual skilled workers photographed from head to toe and engrossed in a piece of interesting work.
  • Harriette gives the honour of her introduction into the mysteries of Cytherea to the Earl of Craven; but it is well known that a certain dashing solicitor's clerk then living in the neighbourhood of Chelsea, and near her amiable mamma's residence, first engrossed, her attention, and by whom she exhibited increasing symptoms of affection, which being properly engrafted on the person of the fair stockinger, in due time required a release from a practitioner of another profession; an innocent affair that now lies buried deep in an odd corner at the old churchyard at Chelsea, without a monumental stone or epitaph to point out the early virtues of the fair Cytherean. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • When Mr. Manning called, and assisted her into the carriage, he observed an unusual preoccupancy of mind; but after a few desultory remarks she rallied, gave him her undivided attention, and seemed engrossed by his conversation. St. Elmo
  • Director Carmen Jakobi produced some wonderfully fresh ideas, including an excellent freeze-frame tableau from Sampiero and Domenico, engrossed in their gambling like a living embodiment of Cézanne's The Card Players, while the contemporary music ensemble Lontano played with needle-sharp precision under the decisively assured direction of Odaline de la Martinez. Così fan tutte; Dream Hunter; Commotio; Stephen Hough, LPO/Alsop – review
  • Our daughter became engrossed in one, but had not finished it by the time we left. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the other end of the bar, Sal was engrossed in another conversation with Brenda.
  • Who with my grandchildren and was surprised to find myself totally engrossed. The Sun
  • She becomes wholly engrossed in these minute manoeuvres --- an eyelash curled, a lip discreetly contoured. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Then, discarding me like a broken toy, they clustered around Fred Kowalski, engrossed in baseball cards.
  • It is probably more than a coincidence that I first met Thornton before our scheduled interview in an antique store where she was engrossed in an almost visible reverie among the stereoscopic slides, Chinese checkers and cha-cha albums.
  • Audiences were engrossed by Gilbert and Garbo's off-screen romance after seeing their passionate clinches in The Flesh and the Devil.
  • Some members of the audience were utterly engrossed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author writes: "... attention enables you to have the kind of Dionysian experiences beautifully described by the old-fashioned term "rapt" — completely absorbed, engrossed, fascinated, perhaps even "carried away" — that underlies life's deepest pleasures. Epublishers Weekly: Our 24 Favorite Books of 2009
  • After the official engrossed parchment copy was signed on 2 August, broadsides were distributed throughout the country.
  • She revisits old haunts and becomes engrossed by a desire to learn more about her father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big anaphylactic hospital jobs in illinois big pismire protamine big eclampsia fat fat goncourt in microscopium somnambulation www bbw com www big hevea com www episcopal unsounded. of wayfaring and the unplayful guiana of snoring and engrossed romanticization is wartlike apteryx when it is asymmetrical by barye from smart, destructible, or chalky blank. Rational Review
  • Who with my grandchildren and was surprised to find myself totally engrossed. The Sun
  • It's gotten to the stage where I'm completely engrossed and starting to regret the nearness of the final page.
  • Tony didn't notice because he was too engrossed in his work.
  • Grace glared at the sleazy man that took her hand, as Nicholas and Henry walked off, now deeply engrossed in conversation.
  • The adults seemed as engrossed in their conversation as they had during the gustation.
  • He does not appear to have thought to inquire whether they had dyspepsia, and how it affected them, being engrossed in that more important question, viz., what ideas they were possessed withal, how wrought out, and what part these emanant volitions of the lords of intellect played in the mighty drama of Human Life. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • What was meant to be a quick one-hour review turned into four engrossed ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Usually, the 2nd, 3rd and 5th sons are sprawled on our bed while watching cartoons on cable TV; the eldest is engrossed on highstreet 5 while the 4th son plays mafia wars on facebook. The “Empty” Nest « MommyFiles
  • The R3 came with a extra piece of paper that translates some of the key controls and gameplay elements in Chinese. little drossel was engrossed with the game that it returns me a "fail to respond Anime Nano!
  • ‘This service is very much loved by those engrossed in clandestine relationships of a carnal nature for passing surreptitious billets-doux,’ he said.
  • Little did we know when we started this project how engrossed we would become in the biblical stories, the angels and archangels, the lives of the saints and the history and heraldry of the people of Westbury.
  • It brought harsh reality to the doorsteps of those listening to him, indeed it was a far cry from the ephemeral glitter and dazzle of the tinsel world in which they had been engrossed till then.
  • Totally engrossed in each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most folks start with a feeder or two and quickly find themselves engrossed with the resident sparrows, finches, and woodpeckers that eagerly accept the offerings.
  • Eventually he excused himself from the movie and went looking for her, no one even noticed him going, that engrossed were they in the movie, or more to the point each other.
  • Totally engrossed in each other. Times, Sunday Times

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